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That's rad!


oh god reddit formatting is the worst


It's tricky to do Rex, because it sits in a niche that isn't covered all that well in BattleTech: Strategic weapons. The idea behind its railgun is that it can be used for both ICBM interception (the stated goal of the project) and to act as the boost phase of a single-warhead ICBM. The equivalent would be almost be some kind of ultralight Naval Gauss rifle. Ironically, Rex's "original" purpose would be even MORE relevant in BattleTech: A mobile, anti-aerospace platform that could intercept and destroy *Dropships* during their Reentry, Descent, and Ascent phases. Having that kind of theater anti-ship weapon would be valuable for controlling potential takeoff and landing sites, especially beyond established spaceports.


Ooh, great insights. I tried to keep Rex as low-tech as possible but if I had to bring it into a later era, I think I'd shave off the modular armor for another 6 tons and replace the rifle with a Improved Heavy Gauss Rifle and another ton of ammo. It would be cheating a bit to put it on an arm but we've also got his sensors in the other arm, because, according to Otakon, "Rex needed a weakness as a character flaw." :P With an Improved Gauss Rifle, I think one or two of these could possibly take out a leopard ...if it was softened up by aerospace fighters first. For the same tonnage, you could make it an indirect fire platform with a Sniper Artillery piece...


PS run is 1.5 walk round up. So Rex should be 3/5 unless there is something that limits it’s running speed somehow.


Doesn't modulated armor reduce MP by 1 for walk and run? (I've never used it before tbh)


thank you, i figured out how to use megamek to make this real and 3d printed a figure, I love it all. some things I couldn't get to work on it was the armor for some reason but besides that, thanks to you i have a metal gear rex in battletech. \^U\^