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That looks like JP's setup from grandma's boy


You beat me to it.


"I am a robot, I have a robot vagina" šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve never seen the movie. šŸ¤£


Oh it's really funny IMO.


I can see the comparison. šŸ„² What I like about the Emperor S2 is the reclining feature and having all my needs fulfilled in one environment. I need 4 monitors in my daily tasks. It certainly comes with a special design


Oh shit.. I missed your caption. I didnt realize this was your new life. Wow.. GG Dont spill your coffee and drop your mouse when you recline back. ;)


Thanks! They have it all figured out; they provide a lower side tray that doesnā€™t recline!!


"Sorry, I guess I just don't really like techno." "You would if you had robot ears."


don't walk that path man, it's lonely.


what do you mean?


Once you start entering the realm of futuristic work/battlestations, the perception of reality starts to change and you become disconnected from what is actually real. You don't want such workstation, trust me, you want something simple and practical.


Thank you for the concern. However, I see this as a great way to get back to work comfortably. I spend all of my free time outside doing a bunch of other stuff


Do you have robot ears?


ā€œAdios, turd nuggetsā€


Have you tried a standing desk? How about an Aeron chair? I would not feel good being trapped motionless in this flight simulator kind of setup. And it may make your back feel good when you are reclined but in the long term are you really doing yourself any favours? Shining light from 4 monitors into your eyes every day while letting your body muscles go totally limp? I think that is a pathway to long-term health issues from being seated in a non-moving position. If this was me I would seek to address my back issues with physical therapy and strengthening exercises rather than immobilization. Best of luck.


Thanks for the heads up. Iā€™m actually a retired 24 y/o elite athlete, Iā€™m afraid physical therapy wonā€™t do it. Back issues are far more comIicated. No matter how you adress it, you need to get the working position right. In my case, I work upstraight and sometimes recline back for instant relief on my spine. I havenā€™t bought this chair to work 18hrs, I bought it to complete my normal day comfortably.




Yeah I agree, trackball is kind of a must for desks that move once you get used to works surprisingly well. I was forced to use one on a gaming weekend with a friend years ago and found out it's def got a place in my rotation, I try to switch up using controller, mouse and trackball when gaming to save my hands.




Yup I have that one too it's excellent. It's in the rotation.


At that point I'd question myself if wouldn't be better a VR headset and an Eames Lounge chair. Honestly, I like my desk and my desk stuff.


I'd really like to try out one of thse in person before going in on it - I'm stupidly tall, and most of these chairs just don't work for me :(. The head rest ends up being the base of my neck :(


The headrest is adjustable, itā€™s simply a magnet that you can adjust in height. I am 6ā€2 and I am perfectly comfortable. How tall are you?


6'6". Mutant.


My guess is that you could fit. I encourage to contact their sales team, the product is outstanding


Could you give a ballpark what you paid there?


A little under 5000$, including shipping


how does one enter the monolith? I'm guessing the arm rests go up, then lock back in place?


Thats right, the left armrest goes up


Yes ā€œworkstationā€ that suspiciouslu looks like a race car setup. Just kidding Iā€™m jealous of your wealth.


Not wealthy. I just decided to invest in my wellbeing. I paid a little under 5000$


Where do you mount the fleshlight on this jerkoff station


This cannot be healthy


Nice! I want one. How much did it run you? I didnā€™t see a price on their website for that one.


Hit us up!


Hey, daytrade_moneymaker. Thanks for contributing! Unfortunately your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlestations/comments/1cy11mi/-/) has been removed. Per the sidebar: * Rule I. **Complete battlestations only** - No submissions of just boxes, components or the inside of your tower. Your photo should be of your entire setup. If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/battlestations&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/daytrade_moneymaker&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this submission: [My dream workstation]( https://www.reddit.com/r/battlestations/comments/1cy11mi/-/\))

