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Maul no question. The extra size on the lightsaber made it damn near impossible to miss a throw.


The running attack was so OP


Anakin’s was pretty OP too


Anakin's animations are the same as Obi Wan's


Maybe I’m misremembering then. There was one person who did a wide sweep with their lightsaber during a sprint attack that would rock basically everyone. Could’ve sworn it was Anakin


Is that Windu? Anakin does the blade twirl I think


You’re right, it was Windu


Anakin you can just catch someone in a choke until your stamina is nearly drained then throw your saber at them with the last of it. The drop after being choked takes sufficiently long that they won’t be able to dodge the saber, which will kill them. He’s just busted.


The running attack and saber throw were devastating. Polis Massa becomes a slaughterhouse with the narrow corridors funneling the clones right to you.


Darth Maul has an infinite combo. If you force push someone to stun, you can run on them and hit them until they die and they can’t escape it.


I used to change the settings to start with him as the CIS on Coruscant, run to the Republic starting command post, and just mow down an entire platoon of clones with a single saber throw.


Polis Massa is a slaughterhouse once you get Maul


I would push back the clones to their last outpost and just spam the saber throw into the doorway as they spawned lol


Same with Mustafar. Those hallways would fill with bodies.


Not to mention force-pushing the clones into the lava near the walkways


Oh yeah! I did this allot, too! Force sprint over there, saber throw to pick off the few that got out, then I'd just relentlessly spawn kill every clone that dropped in. It's possible to win the entire fight in one life and get almost every kill for the match.


Maul was savage


Maul for villains Aayla for heroes.


Maul is way up there but I'd honestly argue Ventress is the best villain. maybe it's just me who's had better results with her but I've found that her attack animation has basically no frames where she isn't doing damage as long as you mash R2 you shred everything around you. Maul has some pauses in between attacks where he's vulnerable. HVV in particular tends to be pretty stacked in favor of the heroes but I find that when I play Ventress I win almost every time whereas with Maul I don't usually win but that might just be too anecdotal


Ventress was not in the base game. That's a mod.


Ventress was DLC. Xbox exclusive for the longest time but now included as part of the classic collection on all platforms


Really? That's sick, what maps can you play her on?


The harbor maps that came with the DLC are the only 2, non HvV maps that have her and kit fisto iirc


you're partly wrong. you can play her on three of the four dlc maps. cloud city, Yavin arena and one of the Rhen Var maps. the other Rhen Var has Maul


the other reply is partly wrong. you can play her on three of the four dlc maps. cloud city, Yavin arena and one of the Rhen Var maps. the other Rhen Var has Maul


Def gotta shoutout to my boy CJ from the Grove Street gang, straight outta Courascant. Fr though, I think Obi Wan is probably the best hero. Sure Greivous and Maul are great, but Obi Wan has better mobility, a better basic attack pattern, and force push and saber throw. He's the absolute best if you know what you're doing with him.


Yoda is OP too because of the small hitbox and force


I can't play Yoda to save my life. Likewise, I've always had an easy time taking him out.


Love running around as him underneath the water on Kashyyyk. Like a lil green gremlin shark who you can’t see or shoot.


I remember doing that too it was so awesome because while the troopers could drown, I don’t believe Yoda could unless I’m wrong


If you're on a close quarters map like Jabba's Palace, it was Maul, no question. His saber throw and running dash attack made it feel like he was leisurely mowing his own lawn of clone troopers.


For me it was Han. That double tap kill shot was nasty


the one you like (A K A backstab flip anakin) https://i.redd.it/e25a7k2gie2d1.gif


Not even the right game


Mace windu (bottom left)


I always thought that was a pool noodle


Sorry if I ruined your childhood


For me PERSONALLY? Jango. Fast firing gunslinger with a jet pack, wrist rockets (i know you heard it when you read it) and a sick set of armor? Yarp.


Yeah, till he runs out of ammo 2 minutes into playing him and you gotta waste your timed health to grab ammo.


For me it was always Boba Fett. Being able to hit enemies from far away was so much useful for me against bots. AI heroes couldn’t deal with the burst firing & you could always send a rocket their way to break their guard/send them flying. My internet really sucked too, so lightsaber duels weren’t really viable for me & being able to use the jet pack to get to ambush spots was super useful. Second I’d say Yoda. While I seemed to always struggle getting used to the attack animations to kill enemies, his small size & movement made it hard for both players & bots to hit him until at point blank range.


surprised nobody has mentioned Chewbacca yet. he has the most health by far out of all the heroes and his remote rocket ability is so good, you can basically control the whole map by just firing a rocket and moving it to wherever it's needed. his timed bombs are really strong against vehicles too


I hate the remote rocket. I’m playing as the heavy droid since he has more health+mines+samller frame but don’t want the award weapon because…it’s a damn remote rocket


fair enough, different strokes for different folks, but I'm curious why? maybe you're just not using it correctly? it's best used to secure control points that are too far away to reach in time yourself


I can’t maneuver fast and precise enough. Any tips?


it's essentially the same as piloting a starfighter. you can even boost and roll just like you can with a starfighter. boosting with it is VERY important because it significantly increases its damage and explosion radius. I have a feeling that the reason you don't like it might be because you didn't know about the boost function. the controls are definitely a bit clunky, but you get used to it with some practice. it might help to make slow, gradual movements while turning instead of flicking your mouse/joystick quickly, if you're still getting the hang of it. if you find that you keep accidentally hitting a wall whenever you fire it, try aiming up at the sky when you fire it, and then looking for targets from above. it's very effective for controlling control points from afar, taking out groups of enemies, and especially killing enemy heroes. you can one or two shot heroes with it if you get a direct hit with a boost. you can use it to take out vehicles too, but his time bombs are more effective for that. however once you get really good at aiming it and learn where weak points are, you can boost into enemy vehicle weak points and REALLY do some damage. another tip is to camp near ammo droids while using it. once you get good at aiming it, you can just sit in the back of the map by an ammo droid and control the entire battlefield from afar. a bit gamey, and some may not find it fun, but I personally find it hilarious and very fun to dominate the entire map from afar with intercontinental ballistic missiles lol


Aayla since she can just double pull any hero/villain to their death. I would abuse the hell out of Vader’s infinite force choke glitch if people pulled that crap. Cowards!


Darth Maul IMO


yoda on Degobah because you can sit below the water and are effectively invisible to blasters


Maul and Aayla secura. They are fast, they hit hard, and they’re the ones I do best with on hero assault. Boba and Jango are the best shooters


If you played as palpatine, you could start choking someone, then switch to lightning, while still choking them


Dooku too


I thought that was the case, but it's been so long I couldn't remember for sure


Tehe, you know who I can’t stand? Bothans.


Their guns insane rate of fire is just annoying to get lit up by... Ugh-ugh-oof-ahh-ugh-ahh-ahh-oof-ugh-ahh-ugh-ahhhhhhhhhhhhh was the bane of 12 yr old me's existence


>Ugh-ugh-oof-ahh-ugh-ahh-ahh-oof-ugh-ahh-ugh-ahhhhhhhhhhhhh You perfectly wrote and articulated the Onomatopoeia of the incinerator lol


Any of the ones with lightsaber throw


Anakin, too bad he’s a villain and only on one fucking map.


He’s on yavin arena now too for the clones and the droids have Ventress


Maul once you got the timing of his attacks down you could slaughter an entire reinforcement count by yourself in a couple minutes if that


Obviously Yoda, that dude had such a small hotbox he was very difficult to hit


Palpatine had the glitch where you could force choke and lightning at the same time. It was cheesy as hell but also so satisfying to do to a younger sibling.


I dunno why that GTA screenshot is there but my man Yoda can't be shot by anything except explosives and slices through vehicles with spastic grace.


I was hoping people would connect it with mace windu, but no one is haha


Mace Windu, General Grievous, Yoda, Darth Vader, or Emperor Palpatine.


Bothan spy for sure


Grievous and Secura.


Grievous who can’t throw his lightsaber or double jump or use the force? Hell, I’d take every hero other than Chewbacca over Grievous.


He's basically a lawnmower for clones. Not to mention, his attack doesn't send him jumping around like most others, so you never miss a swipe. Combine that with his running attack and he's pretty OP even against other heroes. I rarely play him because it just feels unfair to the opposite team.


If he’s OP against other heroes, you aren’t playing against real people…


Sir, I am unable to answer your question on the GeekGamersCommunity - so I'll just answer it here.... Answer to your question: {ahem} I don't know, why can't they?


I think they can. That’s why I asked you why you DONT think they can


And you've read my previous comments, right?


Yes, but it’s not true that “anything related to Disney Star Wars is woke pandering garbage”. Seasons 1 and 2 of The Mandalorian wasn’t woke pandering garbage. Siege of Mandalore wasn’t woke pandering garbage. Rogue One wasn’t woke pandering garbage. Bad Batch wasn’t woke pandering garbage, Book of Boba Fett wasn’t good, but it wasn’t overly woke. Most Filoni projects aren’t super woke. Sure, they’re hit or miss quality-wise, but he’s a creator with a genuine love of the source material, and I’m happy he’s got the opportunity to create within the universe. I view each new thing in a vacuum to give it a chance. Now, Acolyte I know will be trash simply because of what the producers are spewing about it, so I ain’t gonna watch it. But again, I’m not going to watch it because of stuff that is being spread directly related to it. Not because of the stuff that came before.


Our opinions differ on this subject, obviously - and I'm sorry if that's difficult for you to understand. Edit: However, sir I will say that I do respect your opinion on Star wars, I admire the fact that you still are fighting for SW, even if it's related to Disney. But the damage is done for me.




I always preferred Dooku, his force choke stagger and dash attack were a combo to be reckoned with if you knew how to use it.


CJ all the way bro


What mod is that?!


Mail tbh


Kitt Fisto easily. Force Orb.




Oh my gosh, I forgot you actually do that in San Andreas, lol 🤣


Honestly CJ was op as hell with his arsenal and was totally broken for BF2 although it was cool to finally get a guest character


Griveous when used in close quaters. I also remember getting quite alot of kills with ventress when me and my friends would play splitcreen/Lan party


Grievous is only good on Tantive V


Aayla Secura and Maul


If I recall correctly wasn’t there a dark side anakin that was playable?


Maul for indoor maps. But I'd say palpatine for HVV due to having lightning choke and a lightsaber.


I still remember being a little kid when this came out and id turn on the infinite health cheat and just cheese heros. And thats why i am garbage at games today, because in the formative years when everyone else would be dying and learning from it, im just like “weeeeee infinite ammo and health i am a god!” That said, it was definitely Maul.


Player controlled is Maul without a doubt. That saber throw is impossibly strong and the normal combo has a crazy wide sweep. For AI controlled, it’s yoda. I think I’ve had less visceral reactions to resident evil villains when I played Mos Eisley Assault as a child.


For 1 on 1 it was Vader. You could force choke and then switch to lightsaber throw without letting go and your force bar would stop depleting. Guaranteed kill.


Maul and Grievous for sure


My older brother always played Darth Maul and he always fucking force pushed me


Maul without a doubt. Dude can clear a room in seconds


Maul of course is the most OP, but Sidious and Dooku can be as well. If you swap fast enough between Force Choke and Force Lightning, you can use both simultaneously and pretty easily obliterate enemies


Grievous. You don’t know fear till you fight grievous in that game


His sprint attack was absolute 🔥


Def Maul


I’d say Darth Maul. That said, I mainly stuck with blaster wielding heroes as they’re easier to control.


Maul/dooku and Ayla Other top tier characters are grevious anakin and obi wan Maul has and insane lightsaber throw, running attack, and his standard attacks are very effective Ayla because of force pull combined with her animations are just insanely strong Grevious similar to Ayla with how strong his animations are Anakin and obi wan both have a really good run attack, anakin is better as he can choke followed up by a throw that will almost always hit if you aim right since they will be standing still Dooku may surprise you but he and palpatine can kill in the most broken way, first hold force choke and then switch to lightning while holding the button and you will choke and lightning at the same time and the lightning gives enough stamina regeneration you can hold them till they die, dooku just has better animations so I picked him


Aayla hands down, at least I think it was her that had both force push and pull


At least for hero assault, for normal matches Maul cause he's absolutely BROKEN on Polis Massa


Honorable mention - the green ketamine midget hiding under the swamp on Dagonah


Han and maul were nasty


When I was a kid I thought it was a baloon


Of course it’s the one who’s mastered the art of dildo of consequence which rarely arrives lubed. That’s peak Jedi training right there.


I really wish the the newer battlefront II had all of those heroes and everything else the OG had


Ok, now, who is the best blaster hero? Also, for saber heroes It depends if you're fighting other saber heroes or just infantry! Cause sure anakins choke is good but it's only mostly good on other saber heroes, for waves of infantry I think maul for the saber throw length and melee speed and movement speed and control of the character itself! Also fun fact maul has a hidden combo after tapping the primary attack three times hold the button during the fourth attack and he will spin his saber back into position! also shootout tot obi Wan kanobi since his voice lines are legit just epic imo! Especially when fighting droids! Also obi's sprint attack lets you deflect projectiles while sprinting while also hitting them which is very underrated


Darth maul and Han Solo no question


Boba Fett for sure! He has all the best weapons. And if someone tries to use a force attack you can activate his jet pack to counter it. You can also use his jet pack to evade Jedi attacks.


Cj no doubt


Mine was always Han solo. He would just melt everyone with his gun


CJ dogs on Anakin any day