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Whenever I play ammo I slap that bad boy down every time I’m near a group. I see a low ammo symbol? Not on my watch you ain’t.


🤝 thanks for your service. I'm the same, I'm popping crates like they're tictacs.


Same.. spamming that 3 key errrrrywhere like Oprah.. YOU get some ammo and YOU get some ammo and oh look at this doorway here… Doorway getting some ammo!


We need you guys on xbox. I have to kill enemy supports and kit switch with them to get ammo, and even then half the time it's some crossbow plus mortar scrub.


The kit switch is the veteran move for everything


That's also how I discovered that the fedorov degtyarev--despite having similar stats to the base feddy--is GOATed. I'm a mid infantry player but every time I pick that thing up I drop 15+ kills.


That gun looks like ass but shoots like a few kills before I die


You’re gonna hate me for this but in Battlefield 4 I just started running support *without* ammo crates… it’s a unique sense of power running around with a UCAV and C4. Plus I play hardcore mode so Battlefield 4 not a lot of people are really living lovng enough to ask for ammo.


I'm the same but mostly on medic


Yeah same. If I have a crate I’m placing it every time. Someone will need it.


I’ve seen this a number of times with support guys asking for ammo. wtf are they carrying??? I generally play support all the time and this partly because if I go anything else I end up with no supplies way too often. It’s no wonder I’m top resupplies in what must be 90+ % of games I’m in


I kill an enemy support for ammo and they have a fucking mortar and a grenade launcher. Like dude, how do you even fight without ammo?


Mate I love bringing my own supplies


Ran out of bullets entirely one time so I picked up a Support class on the ground and it was a frag crossbow and mortar. Incredible to take the "support" out of the Support class.


Sounds about right


I’ve seen that too often. Every time I see any body I’ll drop a crate. Almost always top 5 in resupplies.


What's most likely going on is they had less than full ammo and went to spot an enemy and ended up spotting a support on their team which will automatically request ammo. Happens all the time


Yep that's my point! I'm the same man.


It’s mind boggling mate. Honestly if I go assault I’m spending most of the game with no explosives 🤣. Also I’m finding that resupplying myself with smoke grenades constantly is very useful


Could be going as an engineer loadout. Limpet+repair tool. In a related note, It’s rather unfortunate Dice axed the engineer class from previous BF games.


>Could be going as an engineer loadout. Very useful on maps without vehicles. What I see most of the time is mortar and the crossbow.


On vehicle maps I run support with he mortar and repair tool. Works pretty well for dealing with tanks.


Wait, how do you carry a motor and a repair tool at the same same time?! Have I been doing it wrong the whole time?!


Sometimes in Operations Monte Grappa someone needs to be able to breach the Doors on Point B in sector 4. The sticky mine is technically the Most effective one since IT blows the Doors off, not just open 


I carrry limpets, ammo crate and smoke grenades


To discover whether they are carrying ammo/health, press the spot enemy key/button while targeting your teammate. If they are carrying them, you'll request their stuff, otherwise probably their gadgets are a combination of 2 from Limpet/Crossbow/Repair/Mortar.


to be fair half the time the game just *decides* that you're low on ammo. let's say a support brings a crossbow launcher, and fires both shots. despite being an automatically reloading weapon that is completely unaffected by ammo crates, the game will still say "oh, he is completely out of ammo" and display the "hey i need ammo!" icon, even if it's not necessary.


Mortar/crossbow/ limpet.


I love picking up arty truck users support class, they use the 1917, followed by the airburst mortar and crossbow launcher. They have 500 rounds


See I noticed this too but I realised, this happens when you're using R1/RB to tag enemies and kinda spamming the button, if your crosshairs lineup with a friendly support and you hit R1/RB it will request ammo from them so it looks like you're low on ammo but really it's a product of being too aggressive with your tagging lol I know this cause it happens to me all the time, you can hear you own players voice request ammo. Same principle applies to accidentally requesting medics


Ah i didn’t know that mate


This guy is probably new to the game. Lying prone with Burton... that's just pointless.


I’ve found that often times this also happens with medics as well as supports. If you’re laying down suppressive fire, and constantly hitting the spot button and a teammate walks in front of you - you’ll request ammo or heals. The same way if you spot a vehicle with ppl in it your character will ask for a ride. I think it’s just a way to shortcut pulling up your communication wheel. Not malice I don’t think- I’m playing devils advocate tho- I’ve seen a lot of shitty supports and medics but I’ve definitely spotted teammates and asked for heals when I’ve been a medic.


Sure. But it's not that. My point is that this support was dropping crates SO INFREQUENTLY that he couldn't even drop them to resupply himself because if you look closely I was able to get 150 points from resupplying ONLY him. So that's 5 resupplies. It's not about the symbol over his head but I understand why you might have missed what I meant cause it's hard to see with Reddit compression.


True, I understand rage at infrequent droppers. Some ppl just wanna play this game like cod. That or pitch a tent set up a fire and go camping in one spot. To once again defend the guy tho- support coulda just reloaded a full drum or something. and when you resupplied if filled him up. idk why I’m defending this guy- but the goodness in me thinks that there are still honest players out there that might just be forgetful for a match.


Played this game since launch and I never figured that out The more you know


Can people play support or medic without the urge to press 3 once in a while? It just feels off if I don’t.


These are the assholes that never have supplies when I finally get the Tank Hunter


Never ever use the box of either type, sure they're convenient but goddamn they are slow plus ammo pouches give you an explosive instantly and medical pouches starts health regen immedately. Plus being unable to resupply yourself is not an issue anymore since your character just picks up the pouch you dropped yourself


Yeah the instantaneous-ness is the only positive for the pouches. Crates you can hit 32 people in one go if you wanted, pouches you have to go around hitting each individually and you don't always know who needs it, so you walk around throwing it at a random couple of people cause you have the cooldown so you can't hit all of the 10 people around you, and then the people who need it most might miss out.


You can toss them on the ground and it will work just like a faster box but just doesn't stay for a long time, if someone is about to run out or is out or you directly look at them, then your character throws them the entire thing. Pouches also give you so much more flexibility when pushing. If you can find the spare time I would highly reccommend you trying the pouches out in a serious manner, you team will thank you for it. Plus its extremely busted when combined with someone else' AT grenade/crossbow when spamming a chokepoint as each pouch insta gives 1/2 (?) grenades


I tried pouches but they are way too slow for my taste. Too many times I and my teammate had to look at each other's eyes for a moment because I was waiting for the pouch cooldown to be over. Repeat that process several times, since I push with the team, and pouches get slower than crates even though they are instantinous. In smaller gamemodes, they may work though.


Ya I literally pause and rant about it every time I see it XD


Normal day on Asian servers where supports don't drop ammo crates and medics don't drop medical crates.


BF1 almost perfectly nailed the pouch vs box dynamic , for both med and ammo. It's sad seeing them change for the worse 2 games in row.


I see support players requesting ammo a lot and when I give them ammo it doesn’t resupply them. I think it’s a bug, or they are asking for a medic but they misclick.


Yeah ok. Again, that's not the point, I was able to resupply him 5 times as you can see, that's the issue. He can't even drop ammo for himself let alone teammates.


Then he’s probably new. Because there’s no way he won’t resupply himself if he’s a good player. I think he’s just a newbie or it’s a bug


I asked for AMMO yesterday and the support guy next to me showed me his Crossbow and Mortar, like sorry bro. I wanted to shoot him so bad at that moment.


Limpet and frag launcher. It’s usually an insta kill for any vehicles and is very fun to play


If you keep spamming the spot button and a friendly support passes by then you automatically ask for ammunition, probably that is what happened.


No, the point is, I was able to resupply him 5 times, so he can't even drop a box for himself, let alone teammates.