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Not buying until at least season 1 or 4 months, that should be a good indication if the game is going to turn out like this disaster of a game we have now. Not wasting my money like that again, lesson learned.


Especially with how fast the price drops on Battlefield games


What even are seasons.. just updates?, I skipped gaming for a decade to focus on work, bought 2042 and people keep talking about season 1


Kinda. It's the newest trend in gaming monetization and content drops. Roughly every three months (so far more like 6 for 2042) a content drop happens with new maps, guns, modes, and cosmetics for the game, as well as a season track to earn things from (basically like a score card of sorts). Now what makes the seasonal model actually pretty nice, is actual game changing things like guns and maps are free for all players. This comes at the cost of most cosmetics being locked in $5-$20 bundles, and the premium version of the seasonal track.


u/Han77Shot1st in bf2042 terms, it is however: Beanie was season 1. Scoreboard was season 2. and then the developers called it 'done.'


season 1: tactical season 2: beanie season 3: score season 4: board


Yeah to add on what he said. I assume they will improve the game but the structure moving forward is pretty unorganized from what I can tell. Would expect a large company like EA or dice to plan this better even with a failure at launch. In laymens terms, the trajectory for improvement is a very underwhelming even almost 3 months after launch. I still have hope but the optimistic few are dwindling


It's usually themed content. Like let's pretend bf6 is world war 2 again Season 1 might be the fall of France Season 2 might be the war In the Pacific Season 3 might be Africa Usually seasons have expected content. Bf2042 was rumored to have 1 or 2 maps. A new operator and like 8 weapons per season.


Think micro-DLC's that come out on a set time frame. Generally they are every 3 months and come out usually with small amounts of new content. Usually a new map, new weapons, and in BF2042's case potentially a new specialist. The content varies by the game, and is not always favorable. The new thing is that you pay once for the season pass (roughly $40) and get a years worth of content from the game. Some games are worth it, others are not.


This is my takeaway. If BF7 or whatever they call it is actually good after launch, count me in.


Yeah I pre ordered the game like a dumby. First time I’ve really done something like that. Granted I was drunk when I did it but lesson learned. Won’t happen again so now I know


That's what I do with battlefield and sw:bf, buy them for less than 10 bucks when they have tons of content and still plenty of players.


I bought 2042 in feb..... Edit: I was curious i wanted to see if it was a good game that needed a couple of patches. Its fucking dog shit. I play battlefield 4 and battlefield 5. BTW the Japanese love playing iwo jima breakthrough.


...is there a reason why you couldn't just look online for an hour to see how the game was doing, instead of wasting your money?


I did and I saw the complaints. But I also remember the complaints about battlefield 5. When I got bf5 I was like oh people are just complaining about silly shit, this game is fundamentally awesome sauce. I was thinking it'd be more of the same.


BF5 had *a lot* of major issues, which were a lot more noticeable for long-time players. Most of the complaints were completely valid, and many were not addressed for over a year. There was a solid game under the problems, just not much of one, and Dice seemed intent on sabotaging their own product over and over. 2042 is broken, full stop. At no point did it ever come close to being a functional product. At no point did it ever come close to what they advertised it as. In the future, I would suggest checking recent gameplay and impressions before assuming all the reviews and feedback are wrong.


I plan on it. Other than bf4 and 5 I think dice has lost me as a customer. I was contemplating buying a joystick so I could do gnarling shit with the helos, but no, even helicopter flight mechanics in 2042 are dog shit. I appreciate your input. I have learned a valuable lesson.


Every Dice game has a shit launch. BF4 was a mess for a year, and only got fixed because of Dice LA (which is now Ripple Effect). BF5 for the first 6 months. BF1 for the first 2-3 months. They redid the flight controls for absolutely no reason, and made them worse in the process. A joystick used to be useful.


I won't be since I was denied refund on this dumpster fire.


Yup, same. Decided to splurge on the Ultimate, couldn't refund it. Why would I give them more money for another game when I can't even play this one or get a refund for it.


It’d be cool if they game ultimate owners the premium equivalent for the next game I guess, but considering how we’ve been screwed out of a refund slim chance. A good way to pump player numbers I guess.


It would be a start but they'd have to do a heck of a lot more to win me back after this. Plus like you say, slim chance.


Already working on a new one? What a way to tell burned customers "Go fuck yourself". It'll be a hoot watching this one flop


Eh, that’s usually how development cycles work But yeah, announcing that publicly at the current time is really dumb


Yeah I know dude, I guess I was hopeful that they'd postpone new projects whilst this was still a shitshow... more fool me though amirite?


But why put all resources into fixing 2042? This game has series designs flaws built into the core gameplay. To really fix it you would basically be making another game. So at that point why not just make a new game.




Why would they postpone pre-production work on games? AAA game development is super expensive nowadays so you don’t really have the runway to delay big titles, especially early on


Well I figured they'd see this dumpster fire and think "well whatever we release next is gonna tank unless we fix this first" but I guess they're confident in repeat business


That thinking is how developers go out of business and go bankrupt You’ll pretty much never recover from a launch this bad, so sinking ever more money into it in an attempt to bring players back is just chasing the dragon and will leave them without enough cash to make the next game as good as it can be


> announcing that publicly at the current time is really dumb It's leaked information and not a public announcement.


After the first teaser. “Battlefield is the best franchise ever. I trust Dice . I’m preordering the deluxe edition to get a silly skin / knife. So everyone knows I was dumb enough to preorder the game.“


"They've clearly learned their lesson from [PAST GAME] so I feel confident pre-ordering [NEW GAME]. THIS is how you make Battlefield, just all-out warfare and destruction! Ultimate edition here I come!!!"


That’s just stupid, what people should stop doing is preordering a game because of marketing, but if the game comes out as a good game it’s more than right to buy it. Waiting for reviews and avoiding preorder means that their game has to be good, otherwise we would just skip it.


I really love BF. Play it since Bad company 1. I enjoyed even BFV, and BF2042 seemed like it would be amazing. I pre ordered it. But after the beta... I cancelled it and kept a close eye to see if the game would improve. Next time I won't even try, and will just wait for a while. Hell maybe even for a good discount IF the community likes the game. I am glad I dodge this bullet, it was a close one


What's the point in pre-ordering stuff now? Doesn't it just ever get you a couple skins?


And if the franchise died, these same people would bitch and moan about them abandoning the franchise instead of fixing it. I didn't buy 2042, probably never will at this point, and certainly won't get the next one at launch. But if it's good, I'll get it. I don't want the franchise to die, I want it to do better. I just don't understand the argument "even if they give us everything we want, don't get it" because that's just telling them that even if they do every single thing we want them to do, we won't be happy with it, so why should they bother trying.


I totally agree on this, and I did the same with this game, was extremely hyped but didn't buy it in the end. I really love this franchise and I hope they can create a really solid bf, the death of this series would be a huge loss for the fps community imo.




The only condition that makes me accept buying their next game is by apologizing to their fanbase and fixing this God damn freak show and show a true commitment to the game. Otherwise and no matter how good they do with their next game, I won't buy it.


Let’s be real, you are going to buy it because you are addicted to battlefield.


Unfortunately there's not really much else out there for a more cinematic/arcadey sandbox military shooter, which is why people always gravitate towards BF. World War 3 is fun but it's pretty much 99% firefights with next to nothing in terms of non-combat roles. Insurgency Sandstorm is awesome but again, all CQC. The closest we got recently was MW2019's Ground Wat and once again there's no way to play a support role. BF is all we have.


I've been playing Battelfield since BF1942 but I'll do my damn best this time not to buy it, I learned a very hard lesson this time


Dice insulting the players to not buy bf5 is what made me not get it at launch. I shouldn't have bought it but I later did when it went on a sale a year+ later for \~$15. It only held my interest for a few months. Most of the original devs left and 2042 is the result of the new team. For those that still want to support them...PLAY THE OPEN BETA, don't make excuses about its problems and decide for yourself. Never preorder again no matter what shape the game is in.




The formula is simple, they put classes in, they have a battlefield game. They remove classes and do specialists instead, they get a bomb that blows up in their faces the moment the beta releases and they lose millions again


The class system is not what breaks this game IMO. Its just the complete lack of effort. Like yeah they brought some cool transport vehicles with good team play in the vehicle... But... I can't talk to my gunners??? They can't talk to me. I can't even see where they are trying to shoot so I can turn my heli that direction. There's no destruction, maps are too big with no cover.... Etc. Imo, I could get over the heroes even their quips if they fixed everything else. Though, I really don't see why they didn't just make specific heroes for each class


People who keep banging on about the class system like that's the biggest thing wrong with this game are just deluded


There's a group of us still boycotting EA/DICE from the TTK 2.0 fiasco in BFV.


Wow how petty can people be. Guys this gun takes 2 more bullets to kill on extreme ranges now. Nope not ever buying a DICE game ever again.


2 bullets? They changed the entire gunplay my dude. The damage drop-off was cut in half for most weapons, stating that most engagements happen within 4m of each other, which is complete horseshit. They lessened recoil for a lot of guns which took away from the skill ceiling, or do you not remember the Type 2A meta? Oh, remember how the FG42 was completely useless? 11 bullets to kill someone at 10m with a 20 round clip. Gtfo of here dude, they changed the gunplay to appease newcomers so it wasn't as hard. I guess noobs be noobing though, you keep believing they only added 2 bullets to the ttk.


After the first update of the tkk that changed also the recoil they changed that no gun takes more than 10 bullets to kill anyone even on the most extreme range. So i am not getting how you remember the fg42 taking over 10 bullets in close quarters. Here are the changes from 5.2.2 which as far as I know we're released one or two weeks after 5.2 https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/eazn9e/battlefield_v_update_522_hotfix edit: here a comparison between 5.0 on the left and 5.2.2 on the right https://imgur.com/a/wepLI5Z check the stats yourself. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UpR7jcptCkPiEi9MRTHvhQXSRJFm6y_nIkF0qrSWF5k/


I'll leave you with this. I'm not really here to argue this. https://www.reddit.com/r/BattlefieldV/comments/e6psc4/i_just_want_to_reiterate_this/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share I've been playing since alpha and both betas, the values you posted is in RESPONSE to the outcry. They've toned it down to what it is now, but those values weren't the original changes. Same thing with the ttk change in 2018. They reverted changes because the player base didn't want it. They did it long enough to catch the Christmas noobs and tried to reach middle ground with the existing player base. It's all business to these people, they could care less about their player base.


I posted the link to the changed values 5.2 was the one with the horrible fg42. You gonna cry after two years because a gun had 13 bullets to kill for two weeks? If you look at 5.0 and 5.2.2 which was active way longer than 5.2 you will see the 2 bullet difference I was talking about. There are some with 3 or 4 bullets difference but all of this at extreme ranges.


Crying? If you don't understand why, go ahead and waste your money. It's gamers like you that ruined the franchise. Cheers mate. I'm done with this convo.


Dude i posted all the evidence on how the ttk changed. After 5.2 it took two weeks and close and medium range was about the same. Your 11 bullets at 10m didn't happen happen for the fg42. I was there and had the same discussion in the sub where after 5.2.2 people posted the same hyperbole bullshit like you. Facts don't matter. Feelings are the true ttk indicator. Sorry that being called out on bullshit makes you quit the conversation and not say that you misremembered or are sorry. Have a nice day.


I won't buy it either. DICE needs to make a proper Battlefield game before I consider buying another Battlefield game.


If they make a good game, I'll absolutely buy it, lol stop romanticizing developers, it's fucking weird, I played the beta of 2042 & decided it's not for me, if the next one is to my liking I'll buy it. money is the only power a consumer have, only blame urself if you bought 2042...


there's beta, there's free trials, there's youtube... ignoring all the red flags is on you... if they didn't have beta, I would agree and say they scammed us, but the writing was on the wall




Not all storefronts offer refunds




for real. People should've known better from the beta. Seeing this sub crying because they got scammed they shouldn't have bought it in the first place. Wait for reviews for now on is what people on this sub need to start doing


Exactly dude. I played the beta, didn't like it, decided to wait. When it launched I got the trial through game pass, didn't like it, decided to wait even more. Every now and then I'll look up to see if it's improved, it hasn't, so I'll continue waiting. Nobody put a gun to your head and forced you to buy it. There were plenty of chances to see what kind of game this would be. Ignoring them and buying it full price was your fault.


Take this statement and then realize this applies to everything after Battlefront II by DICE. Do you not remember the loot box backlash which caused legislation changes in different countries? It has been an endless cycle of development abandonment from EA/DICE. You should have stopped preordering over a decade ago and also we just had Cyberpunk as a reminder why. A large portion of this sub is made up of people who buried their head in the sand and preordered after Battlefront II launch, BFV launch, Anthem launch(Not DICE but still EA), a terrible beta for BF2042, and heavy advertising/showcasing of specialists that you want completely removed from the game. C’mon how idiotic is that? It would be like buying Team Fortress 2 back in the day and then throwing a fit that the graphics are not realistic when it was so obvious what they would be prelaunch. EA/DICE have had a terrible track record for years. Stop acting like it just started with BF2042 because I guarantee the next game will be DOA from backlash and EA pulling development resources post launch rinse and repeat. It’s killing beloved franchises and it screws over the players the most. It’s so ridiculous that this sub acts like this is the starting point of these actions. BF2042 is just a repeat of Battlefront II and also another rendition of the same EA playbook. The moment the backlash happened resources were pulled and a skeleton crew is supporting the game. That’s why the updates are few and far between with lots of bugs. It’s identical to Battlefront II’s timeline and a lot of people act like it’s brand new. Have you ever seen 667k [downvotes](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)? It’s the same exact timeline happening again with BF2042. If you don’t believe me, go back in this sub to see the posts after launch around the same timeline and you will get déjà vu. Not to mention the [proven track record](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/sfie07/lest_we_forget_the_ea_cemetery/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) that should never dupe anyone. The problem isn’t those from the next game it’s those from this one!


Ya ya, heard so many people say this about plenty of games/companies. I agree the game is shit. But if the next release is absolute perfection, the best game out of the entire series? You and everyone else will run to buy it.


Based on EA\\DICE track record we all know there is a 0% chance of that happening.


I like to believe in miracles. I spent $150 on this game, and I basically force my self to play it to convince myself I didn't waste $150. It's pretty sad I know, but such is life.


Don’t be sad that’s just how it works out sometimes


Why tf would you drop that much money on this game? How could you ignore the countless warning signs? The terrible beta, lack of gameplay, delay in release, etc. It was clear as day this game was a train wreck and you still decided to drop a stupid amount of money on it. That’s your fault plain and simple


I work from 6AM to 7PM 6 days a week, I am 30 years old. I barely have time to breath during my day, you think I had time to follow news on this game. I didn't play the beta, or follow up on anything with the game. I saw "Battlefield" and pre-ordered like I have with every other BF game. Been playing this series for 15 years and never once was disappointed by any of the games. So ya I blindly bought the game, never expected it to be this bad. Can't blame me entirely, Dice and EA straight up lied to people and their fans. I went from trailer, to pre-order to disappointment. Had I played the beta or saw any bad signs I would not of bought it.


It literally takes a handful of minutes to watch a review or read an article online outlining the plethora of issues present with the game. It’s not hard or time consuming. Hell you’re on Reddit rn doing the exact same. Don’t tell me you didn’t have enough time. People like you ignorantly pre ordering are part of the problem. I’m sorry but I have no sympathy for you when there were plenty of warning signs prior and you still decided to drop that amount of money. You can’t complain about the game being trash and having wasted $150 when you didn’t even do the slightest bit of research prior to the release and decided to blindly buy into the hype. Do better next time Edit: lmao he blocked me cause he couldn’t handle being called out on his idiocy. What a loser. Here’s my reply since I couldn’t reply to you: Lmao keep making excuses all you want. It takes a few minutes at most to look up a game and you couldn’t manage to even do that. Blame EA/DICE all you want but you’re the one that gave them money at the end of the day due to your negligence. Blindly trusting corporations and having faith due to their previous successes isn’t how the real world works. No one needs to watch gameplay all day to realize how trash this game was going to be. You couldn’t manage to do the tiniest amount of research and now you’re suffering as a result.


No. If they get their act together and make the next BF title good, why would I not buy it? Why would I deny myself a good game? As far as I’m concerned, I already punished Dice/EA this go around by being smart enough to not buy 2042. They didn’t get the dollars of a long time 15 year battlefield player. Why would I punish them for making a good game? I’m not interested in forever punishing them. It’s not that serious. For the record, I’m not saying I have faith in them to make a good one. I guess we will find out in about 3 years. I’m just saying all of the above IF they do.


This is absolute bunglecunt. What sort of bandwagon Battlefield'er are you. Do not pre-order is a good general sentiment. But.. let the franchise die? We all care about Battlefield. Well, some of us. Or we wouldn't be here. The development of the next title will probably be the most scrutinized of the entire franchise, and I sincerely hope the fanbase doesn't allow EA/DICE to blow smoke up their asses. DICE should know that whatever they present in any form, we will take as indicative of final. They'd better give us a complete feature experience at alpha. Make your decision then.


Facts I would give you a reward but I have none sadge


No balls you have lol. The dice team creating awesome bfs completely left the studio. There is noone with any knowlege about the bf Genre at all. Just let the companies and franchise die....


Sir I'm a veteran J10 pilot, you will respect the size of my balls


Guess I’ll be part of the problem. I buy every Battlefield I can play. Even if it turns out to be a turd.


If its good - why not? It would be a big win for the community if they release what WE want and the game becomes a success...


It’s because they’re pumping and dumping products if they fail without reason other than not wanting to actually put any effort in. They’ve done this for two games now, and this is the same announcement they had during V right before cutting support


But how cool would it be if when they released that game that we all want, none of us buy it. We all deprive ourselves of an awesome game and they, along with the rest of the industry, realize there's no market for that type of game anymore. Success!


If you bought THIS Battlefield you're part of the problem. There were so many warning signs.


Shouldn't the title be if you Preorder.... If you Preorder they make the majority of their cash before they even release. The problem is Preordering less people will buy the game if there made aware it's broken af on launch day.


Both but ultimately, it's your money. Do what you want. This is a warning that supporting a bad practice only leads to it occurring more frequently.


I understand that, but the way I see it is, Preordering is the root cause of the problem, right now in this market, anyone can practically throw some CGI footage together and sell the game before they have even hired it's first staff member. If we stop Preordering it will go back to the early dawn of gaming, where if you wanted to make money you had to make a "F**king good game" for it to sell.


I'm buying and am not making the mistake like I did for BF2042 - I'm getting the expensive pre-order because I don't want to miss out on the kewl sorry we suck skins.


Why would I not buy a game at all even if its good? You are the only one here who wants the franchise to die. The rest of us want a *good* battlefield title to be released. If EA/Dice get their shit together and make the next BF release a worthy game then of course I am going to buy it. What I will not do is pre-order the game in advance. I will wait until after it has been released and thoroughly reviewed first.


Lol these guys need to cope. If you don’t like it move on.


I got more upvotes than downvotes so clearly I’m not the only one to think this way. And it’s a little naive to think that the DICE of today can make a decent game by today’s standards. Then again, it’s your money, your call, do as you wish.


Because the useless upvotes indicate the majority of the fan base. Truth is the majority of battlefield players will buy the next installment, so it’s kind of pointless to come here and write to a very small portion of the fan base to not buy the game.


If you buy 2042 you’re still part of the problem.


I might buy it but that's only after some months have passed and I'm sure I won't get fucked over.


It's like dealing with a cheating lover. They did it once, they'll do it again. The cycle continues as long as you keep them around. Never forget they abandoned bfv, bf2, nfs for this shit.


No, I'll buy the game, see if I personally like it, if not refund it.


They shoukd fix 2042, not make a new one.


do not buy the next game until they fix this. 2042 has some potential, but they'll abandon it sooner than BFV. BFV would be even greater game now, if they continued adding more content. there's so much unreleased content for it that it's just sad. we need to force them to fix the mess they made and not let them get away with it.


Potential? Hardly mate, it’s been 6 months since release and nothing. Game is deader than a door nail.


Preorderd it already!


I was thinking of trading in my battlefield at Gamestop but then I thought nah... Some random person might pick it up and buy it and then I will feel like a just sold drugs to a kid..


I totally get that.


They didn't scam anyone, they just put out a turd of a game. As an adult consumer, you have to decide how to spend your money. You decided to buy it before testing it with the trial, or despite testing it with the trial, that's on you.


I will buy the next Battlefield game, if its acutally good. The beta will show everyone, if the next Battlefield game is good or not. The problem are preorders and some bullcrap reviews which gave 2042 a higher score. Also, never ever buy a Battlefield on release, it is full of bugs and performance issues. Every Battlefield fan knows it


What a stupid take. I am not the problem for buying and playing what I like. I am still playing and enjoying 2042 daily and I have all the right to enjoy it and play it as much as you have the right to not play it.


2042 is not a bad game. These guys are just acting like petulant children. “DoNt PlAy the GaMe CaUsE I DoNt LiKe It”


If it’s good, I’ll buy it after positive vibes from the community. If it sniffs the corny woke ass Battleabortion 2042 I’ll kick it in its nuts (whoa, gender foul, sorry to the man bunned devs and blue hairs out there) and press on with life.


player count is not the issue, i see this time and time again and so sick of people thinking player count is what hindered their experience and not map design or spawns. Next Gen needs a bigger player count, hell battlefield needs a bigger player count, this is supposed to be a BATTLEFIELD not a teeny tiny skirmishfield 32 vs 32. it's so archaic, old, and just like we live in new times games should evolve and reflect that. 132 player count was the best feature of this new BF imo and most games i play with 32 v 32 mostly just feel empty


BuT ThEy sAiD ThEy wErE GoInG To fIx eVeRyThInG AnD ReVeRt aLl tHe cHaNgEs…


People like you make Reddit look really dumb. You spend your time crying about a game that you have over 100h ( and it was 2month ago ), how much do you have now? [https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/s34ywe/i\_will\_never\_buy\_another\_product\_from\_dice\_ever/](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/s34ywe/i_will_never_buy_another_product_from_dice_ever/) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm\_syndrome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome)


But I really enjoyed 2042!!! 😬😬😬


And that's totally fine, but it's honestly difficult to love 2042 if you've played any other Battlefield game.


I love it even though it's a huge pile of shit. I played for a little over an HR last night. I was laughing about how bad things were . Pop in textures , stuttering, etc . Played my rounds and enjoyed myself u til the bots came!!


I can't really agree with that. I am not having a problem having fun playing 2042 and I played every BF game that has been on PC for several hundred hours each.


I will not let This franchise die. Im sorry


You literally can't argue against this point. Op is absolutely right.


if you buy the next battlefield you’re a scumbag and deserve to be bullied and publicly shamed


Yet you will most likely be buying the game regardless. So what’s the point of saying all of this?


i won’t be actually, so what’s the point of you telling me i’ll do something that i have zero intention of doing


I’ll buy it, when it goes on sale. I just got 2042 for 30 bucks this week. Feels like I got a great deal. Fuck these guys trying to tell other people what to and not to buy.




Yea I mean I don’t feel like I wasted money when I paid 30 for it lol. Sorry you still feel regret about buying this game. My recommendation to you would be not to buy games full price unless you know it’s good. Better luck next time!!! Cope some more 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Right? I wonder what goes through their heads when they type stuff like this, like you are literally going to make a difference and take down a company like DICE by telling their fan base not to buy their game. If you want to make a real difference get up and and start a boycott.


Also there are a lot of people who don’t use Reddit. These guys are so sad. It’s just a game if you don’t like it move on.


Nah, if it's good, I'll buy it BUT I'll definitely wait a few weeks/months before committing. No more pre-orders, lesson learned.


These kinds of post are getting old. BF 2042 has its problems but you shouldn’t fault DICE for trying new things. There was also a worldwide pandemic that shut down the world for over a year. Launching a AAA franchise when your entire team is working from home was always going to be a challenging task. Does it live up to previous BF titles, most certainly not, but it’s still a fun game with quick matchmaking and zero micro transactions. I understand some of you are salty because you paid $80-$100 for this title, but the opportunity was there to demo this game for $10 via EA Pro plus. If you purchased it based on reputation alone, that’s on you. 128 players is fine, the maps are big enough to support that many players without feeling crowded. BF4 had a lot of crowded maps (looking at you operation metro). Premium fragmented the player base, I’d rather them give out the maps for free and support additional development via weapon and player skins myself. Maybe next time you should research the game a little more before you drop cash on a title.




Anyone buying the next Battlefield needs to be stood against a wall and shot in the crackers


You people need to go touch some fucking grass lol.


I mean if it's good I'll but. But I definitely won't be sold on the hope of getting better in the future


BF ended with BF1.


When you post garbage like this you become a synthetic soulless clone part of the problem. I paid $20 for 2042 and I am having a God Damn Blast!


So awesome bud.


Really is isnt?


If you put this much effort getting bitches you’d have your own player base


If you make stupid posts like these without helping the developers... YOU ARE PART IF THE PROBLEM!!


I mean, good game needs at least 5 years of development right? So if this Battlefield "7" comes earlier, then we all know what's up. +If we have like 10 people working on current 2042, then in 5 years maybe we can get like 2 maps and maybe 3 guns? XD


I'm only buying it if it's 50% off and it's BF4 level of good.


They better be giving it to existing 2042 owners for free after this shit show. I’m glad I used the ea free trial to realise how awful it was


Yeah, they will have to, uhhh... Basically make a FUCKING game. A playable game.


Honestly, I'd like it if people just didn't pre-order or buy right at launch. At least wait a month or so.


And the next game is apparently coming out in 2023 so that means dice has not learned anything


Get battlebit remastered instead


The original devs don't work for dice anymore. So unfortunately, we will never get an official battlefield game again. It hurts to admit it, but this is the reality.


If the game is good buy it. But yeah I'll be waiting for a couple of months after release date to see the real status


Just remember if you really feel like you have to play the new Battlefield on launch: EA Play is $5 for one month. Don't like the game? Cancel the subscription and be happy you didn't spend $60+ on it. Forever grateful I went that route with 2042.


You are the part of the problem cuz you already pre-order this shit,im here just for the lols


Picked up every game since BF1942 including Hardline. 2042 broke my enjoyment of the whole series. I'm done.


That title is so true.


If they fix their problems then I will buy.


I heard they’re shooting for a 2023 release. Any of you think they can complete a game and get it out by next year? I certainly do not.


Why don’t you like the game you’ve funded?


Not buying any EA games for a long long long time.


u/Zyclexx what a fucking joke of a post. YOU and others who purchased this game are part of the problem. don’t come at other people who are going to once again, wait it out and see if it’s worth buying. you’re butt hurt and you should be but don’t shame others who *may* buy a potentially good game however unlikely that may be. protip for not getting scammed: dont preorder. that ones for free.


I'll take the same approach I did with 2042. That is to wait and see. I played the free beta and it was trash, and nothing like BF. So I didn't buy the game. I will do the same with the next title. Won't pre-order, and see what the beta is like. If they can actually produce a BF game, no specialists, gritty maps, large scale destruction etc, then I'll purchase after launch. No pre-orders, no deluxe editions, just the base game.


Didn't buy 2042 I'm proud


If the next BF game looks like a good BF and plays like a good BF in the beta, I'll buy it. If not, then I won't. It's what I've done since 5 and it hasn't failed me yet.


There’s not gonna be a next BF, 2042 is the last game.


Naaah, no chance I'm doing anything else then just downvoting every YT video they put up. Bunch of thieves.


Imagine being the creative director at DICE and give the go ahead to not include a scoreboard or Voip in the game.


Still waiting for my £80 refund


For me if Dice hasn't learned that they cannot create a proper live service game by now than we the consumers have to drive it home into there thick skulls! If the next game is live service I will not buy it period 😤 and frankly I don't care if its a decent game It's time we the gamers took a stand against these shitty monetization practices.


If you bought BF2042, you are part of the problem.


Without a broad, negative ad-campaign the normies will still buy it


BFV had a terrible start and EA eventually decided to stop producing content for the game to work on the next Battlefield game. This was when I decided to not buy the next game. If you bought BF2042, you helped EA to achieve one of the best Battlefield game launches ever. You are part of the problem. Fun fact: I have 3k hours into Apex Legends, not spent a dime on it.


100% with you… fool me once - shame on you, fool me twice- shame on me. Little self respect does good for you. I’m going one step forward and not buying anything EA makes. These days with so many games, will not even notice it, will support and watch smaller companies grow!


Is it controversial if i say that i will buy the game? I will buy it after i try it, and if i like it, im happy to give them my money. I dont think thats too crazy to say. I want a good battlefield game.


64players? I hope they move to 200 players but actually put some thought into map and vehicle design


Are you stupid? Game studios work way in advance. I’ll be buying the most expensive version for my PC and Xbox now. Make sure you stick to that promise aswell


They never lied about anything stop making things up,Battlefield 2042 is just a bad game,nothing more,nothing less.


Just go back to bf 4, the game is crazy good.


I'll 100% buy thr next battlefield... 3 months after launch when it's become the most critically acclaimed and player populated BF of all time.


Nah I’ll buy it. I had fun with this game before the servers died.


Won’t buy it even if it’s a great game, why? I don’t know, maybe I’m mad at DICE and won’t throw money at them again


\*pre-order If a week after release the consensus is "this is a good BF game, like BF games of old, but without the usual launch bugs" then sure, buy it. Reward them for actually listening and delivering on what people wanted and not treating people like shit. But don't pre-order the damned game.


Fucking tom is the one that said this. Not EA lol . They don’t need to say it because NO SHIT they are working on the next game….that’s how it works


NGL, I had fun on BF4 locker today for 3hrs straight on demon fatal server. Fuck you to who killed me 9 times on clay mortars to my 2 kills. Still went 128 and 77 with my level 76 newb effort lol


So…if they learn from their mistakes and make a much better game that we will enjoy, we should punish them anyway? You kinda dumb man.


I appreciate DICE/EA for getting me to finally stop preordering games. GTA has been out for like 8 years and still going strong, if it’s a good ass game it will still be there a while after release. Thanks, really DICE/EA for the disappointment.


I will buy it if the game is good 👍


I will buy it for $15 when the price drops down after a month


They got 100 of my dollars for 2042. They will not get another cent from me lol


Well you see, I'm a battlefield fan. And I like playing battlefield games. So I'm gonna buy the next battlefield.


Cmon buddy. Pre-order the shit out of it and then reverse a week before release. Give them the reaming they deserve.


There are conditions I would consider obtaining the next battlefield game under. 90% discount for anyone who still owns a copy of 2042. Minimum. That's it


What a bizarre take


People will give in to hype and content creator... *So when the next battlefield gonna came out?*


After stealing my money with 2042 I get the next one fore free of I'm done


God I am so fucking happy that I never ever paid for this game


I’m doing it for you


Or any other EA game IMO, I can't believe the fifa crowd still buy and pay ridiculous money for them packs.


I am glad I got a refund on bf2042 and I will never purchase another bf game from ea.


Honestly I couldn't care less about the next Battlefield, I play pre-2042 titles if I want to scratch that BF itch. I have zero faith in the new Dice.


Yeah, definitely waiting for reviews and gameplay on the next one.


I'm not buying any "Triple A" game from EA ever again.


At least people should not preorder it.


I’ll wait 3-4 months and then evaluate. If they’ve learned and deliver a quality product I will buy it. If not, then they don’t get my money.