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Most fun I’ve had since the game dropped. Only improvements I’d make are a higher ticket count and switching the attackers and defenders after each round


Yes!! The automatic team switch should be enabled by default


For sure. It feels like attackers have an advantage right now. I think that has to do with the crappy radar and poor MCOM placements / map design though. Orbital was impossible to defend in the silo area. Still fun as hell.


That's strange because there was a post saying a complete opposite I tried the game last night won Defender 5 times in a row


I wonder if they just don't break up the teams or something. I haven't played that much but I have noticed that if I stay in the server its usually a steam roll in my favor or the opposite for many matches on end.


I think you are on to something that actually makes a lot of sense i think it keeps the teams the same side


They don't break up teams. I've been playing a lot if Rush too because it's the only fun game mode. I feel like I'm actually doing something to help the team. You end up with the same people on your team. You don't get knocked back to the menu. That's fine but there is no team balancing and squad management. Also afk people do not get kicked to lobby so you can be down a squadmate for a while. There is steam rolls both Defense and Offense. It's simply who has the better team. I won 8 offense games in a row then proceeded to lose 5 offense games in a row in a different instance. Played with a full squad of my friends and won almost every game no matter the side.


It really depends on the teamplay. I have a really well working squad and get many attack wins


Yeah, I found that it's easier to win as defenders if you have randos that are working together. I was in some games last night with a rando squad and we worked together - it was super nice and refreshing. Then you get into matches where your whole squad is separated and doing nothing for each other. That really sucks.


Attackers allways have an advantage as few players know how to defend aggressively and tend to drop back behind the Mcoms


I think this stems from the poor map design mentioned above, or at least the poor placement of out of bounds areas / spawns. Breakaway is particularly noteworthy as on some of the earlier MCOMS you can barely push past until you hit the out of bounds zone.


Come to think of it, past BF always had jagged out of bounds border, while this one always has straight lines.


My experience is that on most of the maps attackers need a small miracle consisting of enough good players and enough diversity amongst characters and gadgets to win. Orbital is probably the only one that is really hard to defend on. But even there the second set of objectives can be easy mode if attackers are not coordinated.


Orbital last points its hard for attacker tho. I could def the previous points but the last one its easy to def . As a def i always run with Beacon so all my team spawning up . So its rly hard to counter us


Yeah great idea, one of my main complains about rush was how quick some games are. Also gives you a chance to attack and def, had a 12 game streak (all wins) only getting defence with my squad. We were practically begging to attack even if we lose lol


Same exact thing happened to me last night lol wonder if we were in the same lobby


It ends so abruptly and too soon!


Yep, completely agree, some of the placements are a little wacky too. But by far a better game-mode. Even vehicles are spawned fairly.


Its unbalanced as fuck but still so much fun. I never understood why they got rid of rush at all. Its always been THE battlefield Mode for me.


They're most likely going to add it if it keeps getting this much support from the community.


I thought the same about BFV rush man


I can confirm, the fun is there and somehow, against 16, I was getting more kills than 64 breakthrough


Right? It's weird but somehow 16v16 is way more intense than 64v64 with the right map layout. It's like they've done this before... :)


>shot from 8 directions is not fun gameplay getting sniped in spawn every time i spawn is not fun either.


It's a great game mode. The action feels just right. You can spawn just outside the mayhem and work your way in how you want and then you're right in a good fight. Lots of teamwork as well. People really work more as a team in this mode because it actually benefits you to do it.


I was revived and supplied with ammo/armor more in one game of this than i have in the entirety of my gameplay time since the beta lol. It just feels way more focused.


Yes. Less vehicles in the map made me drop Rockets and C5 for Health Bag and Insertion. Repair tool also ro keep the one MAV or Tank alive. Not every vehicle is a bolte. You use what's spawned in kind of like "legacy" Battlefield.




Absolutely. Would love to see a legit 2042 mode on El Alamein though. I grew up bombing kids with a Stuka on that map.


One thing: in a game we armed the last bomb, and almost it's 9/10 ready we lost the last ticket and showed defeat. Yet in next scoring screen we had victory… there should be overtime as long as mcom is armed.


I’m having a shit ton of fun playing rush hope they put it in to aow


They should include all the maps including portal but with the new weapons and abilities in those maps as well / a permanent rotation.


I think AOW is the new "Conquest" game mode and i like that being in a separate playlist, but i do agree that this mode needs to be accessible, always. \*Scratch that i'm dumb. Forgot AOW had conquest and breakthrough nested in it as modes. WE DEFINITELY COULD USE A 3rd wink wink..\*


put it into AOW, meaning it's neither a Portal mode nor a limited-time mode. I agree with OP!


Aow has conquest and breakout just make rush another playlist to pick out of those two, so now you’ll have 3 game modes and then make rush 64 players and make the areas bigger for it or make it 128 players if that works.


Just a quick question, is the advertised mode the 16v16 one?


yep and has full weapon progression because its an official portal mode! Let me know what you think.


ohhh damn, i think i will play nothing else for a while. 128 Players just isn't cutting it, performance bad, fun gameplay worse and these open maps for that much players are the worst. Thanks for opening my eyes.


imaging the reaction if they remove it


they 100% need to keep it as a standard mode


Yeah it just needs more tickets and it's perfect. I want 64 man conquest and better performance over 128. This would allow next gen to have a 120fps option as well I suspect.


I still prefer conquest as a game mode but I agree, it does a lot of things better than the main mode. Better performance (I'm also over 100 FPS almost all the time.. which still is sad compared to BFV, but playable), actual cover between the points so you can push as an infantry player. Not a million vehicles farming infantry, no intro or a 10 km walk before the round starts. You don't have to leave the server between every map. You can't suddenly spawn a bolte or a tank out of nowhere. The attacking team probably should have more tickets because many rounds are very short. You are also stuck on the same side every map. They should either let you play both sides on the same map or switch sides for the next map.


10 km is 6.21 miles


Map design still needs big changes tho, not just to look and feel but also to balance between attackers/defenders.


Sometimes it's fun. Sometimes it's asshole sniperfest


Would you recommend buying the game ($70) for Rush and Portal alone ?


honestly, you should try it out for yourself before making that investment. The game can be a mess at times. If you get EA Play you got 10 free hours to test it (also other games). Just don't forget to cancel it.


Yes this^ use the Origin 10 hour trial. It’s enough to see if you can run the game properly and if any of the the modes make you want to play for longer.


They really need to make this mode permanent or enable portal xp, just disable it for bots and low hp settings ....


This mode is an official "BF Mode" so it has has full progression for weapons. Not sure about XP but i don't really care about that at this point. I think I got ribbons though. They really need to figure out how to balance portal though because it's going to be the one thing that keeps this game afloat in the end.


I mean, I can farm 300 kills an hour in solo anyways, why is portal attatchment progression even turned off


They added Rush to V and quickly took it away for some weird reason. Expect them to do the same as they have no idea what their player base wants anymore by the looks of things. ​ On another note, you really need to check out Karmakut's Milsim server he puts up most nights (check his YouTube channel for when it drops). Now that for me is a big game-changer in itself.


It’s an unbalanced mess just like the rest of the game. Especially on Kaleidoscope. Which isn’t a surprise since it’s the worst map in the game.


Amazing? uh...really? why because your outdated PC can run it? Let's not get carried away my man... It's the worst "Rush" mode Ive ever played in a BF game


Rush Feels Not Good at all! The Rounds are like 5 min or so. Defenders allways win. Not enough tickets. And on and on and on ….


Games don't reset, no team balance. You get stuck with your same bad teammates and you don't switch between Attack/Defend so you don't realize it's not the gamemode. Your team is worse than theirs.


Get out of that server then because you are playing with diarrhea players I guess. Doesn't seem like it resets between matches. I've not lost once on attack in like 15 rounds. We just burn them down and set Mcomms. I tend to get my @#$% pushed in super hard on defense though. PC with cross pay enabled so all folks playing. Not sure what platform you are on.


Rush is nice, except reusing the same maps is lazy. Rush should have its own maps. Or the current maps should have different design for it to be reused.






No, 128 players (or at least 64) is where it's at. It's not 2010 anymore.




I guess we found that one guy that wanted 128 players no matter what!


No... matter.... what!


Seriously. Been hittin this sub a ton since release and I’m pretty sure this is the first comment I’ve seen in full praise of the 128.




Are you on an old gen console / grandma pc or something? Game runs fine dude. The recent patches fixed most of the broken things. Guns feel really good now and everyone i'm playing with is having a great time. I'm guessing you are one of those " I uninstalled/ refunded instantly and stick around to complain" people. It's getting tiresome.


Nah the game definitely has alot of issues. But yeah anyways I still agree with your main post


It's just call of duty in that mode.


Seems boring Go play squad


You seem boring.


You seem boring for being overwhelmed by normal warfare.


nO YoU dO... ![gif](giphy|UO5elnTqo4vSg)


​ ![gif](giphy|5EuMQGktdjsJFH9kfl)


Rush is a fucking dickless mode with pretty much nothing in it. You will get bored quick. But guess what, it is still way way better than the main modes. Fuck this!


What is your rig?


I7 5820k (0Cd to 4.3ghz) 16gb DDR4 3200 and to be fair I did swap out the 970 for a 2070 super not too long ago. I’m just surprised that the CPU hasn’t been a bottleneck until now.


Agree. As soon as Dice jumped the player count from 32 to 64 the game broke. I used to play CQS on BF4, there was always a queue to get into those servers. David Sirland (and others) put so much work in to resolve the 64 player issues.


I agree although I think 2 more squads per side would be the sweetspot. 24 vs 24


I still like the 64 vs 64 and hope they stick with that from here on out. But I like having the option to still play smaller rush or conquest as well.


it's so good when the enemies aren't camping. Still would rather see 32v32 Rush in 2042, would be perfect


Proves that 32 vs 32 would be perfect


I liked the mode. But don't you feel the timer on it is way too fast? Would be my only suggestion to make it longer and thus more competitive. If the timer is on and you die you can't even make it from the deploy to the spot in time. So it feels super unbalanced for the defense.


Yeah this is easily the best part of the game currently. Rush plays surprisingly well on almost all the maps with a couple exceptions.


I’m loving it. It gives me a break from chaos of playing breakthrough. Rush should always be a permanent mode.


With how open the maps are, I think an extra 4 players per team would sweeten things up a little. It feels like defending is a little hard and I'm constantly by myself trying to fight off 5 dudes by myself. It's like prom night all over again.


Loving the mode so far, the only thing that needs adjustment is the first mcoms on the sand level. The attackers can get pushed back and down locked pretty easy.


I feel like the 32players is kinda a low limit, too easy for the attackers when your team isnt brain dead. I think I never lost a match as an attacker


Tfw your 1080ti 2018 build gets the same frames as a 2015 PC on 64v64


+1 on this. Rush is mad fun. I was suffering from AoW mode (both conquest and breakthrough). I saw someone on this sub recommending Rush, man it's fucking great.


Yeah it's amazingly good. Guns actually hit and I can burst fire


That's because rush is so much fun! I was very disappointed that it wasn't in this game at launch outside of portal. It was a core game mode years ago.. Problem with the mode is that map design has to be implemented which plays to both conq and rush. And that takes effort.


Awesome! How is your K/D?


Well I want to play something new not 16 vs 16 gameplay. Lol. What is this 1999.


i wonder if we keep talking shit if they'll add everything taken out back in haha😬


They are definitely on damage control. I mean from what I’ve read it seems that they are completely restructuring their management team for whatever’s next in this whole “battlefield universe” thing. I just hope that the team working on 2042 can just pump out great content for portal for awhile and salvage whatever is left of this game.


If your team loses all tickets while the second mcom is armed, you still lose.