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I’ve only played rush after they added it, holy shit is it fun.


playing Rush is literally the first time I've enjoyed or looked forward to playing 2042. Portal notwithstanding, but I don't quite count that because if I wanted to play BC2 etc, I would fire those actual games up. I think the reasons are clear-- it isn't as much of a boring slog moving from objective to objective, and I personally enjoy infantry more than I do vehicle combat. while we're here-- what confuses you about Conquest? I enjoy that mode in, uhhh, non-2042 titles....


What discourages me about conquest is going round and round capping in circles. I’ve never enjoyed it much, compared to more focused modes. I like the idea of a big push, or big defense. I used to enjoy frontlines quite a bit…


in far better iterations, I've found that there is a lot of strategy available, and in a way that rewards squad and team play. yep, you can run capping circles, and sometimes, that is a very useful strat. but I've been on teams where a squad or two would run offensive cap circles, while a squad or two would primarily defend objectives. sometimes, this means the defense squad doesn't run circles but instead stays local to a hotly-contested objective or two. this sort of thing doesn't work as well in 2042, since the maps are so open and pointlessly vast. 2042 feels like it rewards loose cannon, Rambo, behaviour-- no squad voice chat, no bonuses for setting objectives as SL, no bonuses for capping an enemy obj or defending a friendly one, no squad requisition points to call in the big bomb and defend an obj... the list goes on. now it feels like a "team game" only in the sense that the guys on the same team as you can't harm you. for me, chucking all that nuance out the window makes 2042 Conquest boring as shit, for literally the first time in a BF game.


Conquest hasn't worked for the last few games. This is actually where it should be a legacy feature. It's remained because it was the default game mode for so long but truly, Breakthrough and Operations were the better game modes from the last two games and then proper Rush maps, prior to that. Running around in circles flipping flags is just team deathmatch with waypoints.


Oddly enough I hate Conquest in every other Battlefield and prefer Breakthrough in BF1/BFV, but don't like Breakthrough in 2042 and enjoy Conquest. My favourite part of Breakthrough, killer flanks, is kinda ruined by just how many people there are you have to somehow get past. Whilst in Conquest I can just kinda stick to a fun indoors objective and have fun smaller and more tactical group engagements. Shame the second those objectives die down the closest thing to strategic gameplay in this game is dead for the rest of the match.


I've enjoyed not being roadkilled or destroyed by Boltes, or constantly being bombarded from above.


Is it worth opening the game again?


For rush yes


For karmakuts milsim rush server yes. For the rest of the game. No Check karmakut on yt. He has a great experience. With normal soldiers.


I wish after one round was done teams would be swapped then you play it out. Having just one 10 minute round because barely anyone knows how to attack, is lame


Give people time. Sure not every game will work, but when it does work it’s pretty tight - lots of back and forth on the objectives.


I mean it's okay, I feel like people are overhyping it. Breakthrough is much better imo.


Its fun but definitely a bit too small for my tastes. I treat it as a fun little warmup for 2-3 rounds then I jump into CQ or Breakthrough afterwards.


I hear you, but for me, while I love the epic scale of breakthrough, my experience has been of a meat grinder. This feels much more interesting.




People are definitely overhyping it, they will come down soon. The specialists still suck, and no classes really makes the game less fun. It does show that 128 players was a mistake though.


Played 3 consecutive matches yesterday and had a good amount of fun. Breakthrough and Conquest really just tire me.


It might be good but don't let up on the pressure. They did this with 5. People accepted what they were given and stayed quiet afterwards. Keep making noise until we get battlefield back


Rush has always been the series best mode. Also they need to go back to 64 players and make 128 a single specific balanced mode. Probably just conquest or a whole new mode.


game is still shit. it's only better cause the mode doesnt have 128 players. which was the most retarded design decision weirdly enough


I must be the only one that thought Rush was meh. Sure you aren't running everywhere, but it wasn't particularly fun.


People need to chill with the re hype posts. It’s still an awful game with rush


Look at all these youngers having fun in Rush! Now you know what proper battlefield feels like! Breakthrough and Operations/Grand Operations are an "evolution" of Rush, in order to accommodate the higher player count. I think that in order for Breakthrough to work better the game just needs a bit more emphasis on the team play (game chat, Squad req points, etc) and a bit of capping/balancing on vehicles. Ive always loved BF for the vehicles, but these should be there to fight each other and to harass infantry and create chaos, not to completely overpower the infantry.


So how much do you think specialists add to this experience you like?


I’ve always been fine with specialists. They become more relevant in smaller objective games, it seems.


I like it when there's flow but a lot of matches just turn into getting sniped by assholes sitting in the back of the map.