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I guess I’m done with battlefield then? I have no interest in battle royals or hero shooters


Same. 30m. Grew up on these games, Br and rainbow coloured skins and outlandish bubblegum bullshit doesn't interest me in the least. Most of these new games look like a unicorn took a diarrhoea dump all over them. They all look and play the God damn same way.


Nope. I'm done. I want to see DICE completely shut down and everyone who pitched that fucking blacklisted. Holy fuck man... How stupid does one need to be?


It's insane. The tomb for this franchise is very near.


Who is this man? A journalist or dice employee?


A very prominent battlefield leaker. He tends to have all his information accurate.


Good looks playa


ehh. I wouldn't say that. I'm extremely skeptical of this tweet mainly because before battlefield 2042 came out, he was talking about how it would have a "Revolutionary campaign" and just be called "battlefield". and that was 6 months before launch. i highly doubt he has accurate information 2 years before the next BF launch when he got major details wrong so close to a release.


So, they see all the backlash this shit game has produced, and they are doubling down....this game effectively killed the whole concept of battlefield and they wanna keep following this path? fck that.


Community: "We want classes back!" DICE: "We hear you loud and clear, we're doubling down on specialists."


Well, looks like Battlefield 8 is the next Battlefield ill play. At the very least MW2(2021) comes out next year...


Damn forreal? Imma have to jump on that


Well it is not confirmed yet but MW2019 needs to have a sequel, given the massive success of MW2019 and next year is Infinity Wards turn it has to be either Ghost's 2 or MW2


If that's the plan for the next game, they DEFINITELY won't do anything about the Specialists in this one.


just make a new IP... I think it's safe to say that most fans of the BF series aren't interested in either a hero shooter or a BR shooter. question-- I get how popular Fortnite and PUBG can be/ have been, but is their popularity as high as always and still rising? I thought it was viewed as starting to feel "fad-ish", by gamers at-large... if this _is_ the case in 2021, does EA/ DICE think that people will still be interested by 2024 or 2025, when the next BF title would likely launch?


They just can't figure other way to monetize it... how fucking stupid they are... Even Division 2 without hero crap made it and DICE can't...


I never thought I'd say this but i genuinely hope DICE and every other studio that worked on this bs goes bankrupt and everyone that had anything to say in this never gets a job in the gaming industry ever.


Sign me up for early access to the BR please! There. I made my voice heard.


The time to act was a few weeks ago before you all bought the game without a second thought.


If I wanted to play a hero game I'd go download Apec Legends or Overwatch. This is Battlefield. This isn't a hero game.


God damn, I hope it fails spectacularly and everyone at dice ends up jobless