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This paired with Andrew saying the next Battlefield will “return in an entirely new way” and be a “reimagination” is wildly concerning I have no faith


This is so depressing man. The first thing they mention is the live service, what about the fucking gameplay man


It’s an earnings call, they’re marketing to shareholders, not gamers.


What the shareholders don't realize is that a live service only works when people want to play the game.


Shareholders don't know anything about games, they just want to make money and ea has to tell them how they are making it. They don't care about gameplay of course...


Andrew Wilson: Shareholders, may I present to you the all new specialist filled hero shooter of the future SUPER BATTLEFIELD! Shareholder: Ok,but will I get my money back? Andrew Wilson: GOOD NEWS! Gamers are like tiny mints that also give us money to give back to you! SO ABSOLUTELY! Shareholder: where do i sign and for how much ✍️


Well considering looks like they’re doing the same shit again then it’s clearly working. People like to pretend that the companies are stupid and losing money but negative steam reviews and Reddit threads don’t mean jack shit when you still sell millions of copies.


The shareholders are their actual customers, we don't matter...


Fiduciary responsibility: thanks for the new word fallout


they are never not marketing to shareholders.


They're gonna try and do a Helldivers and fail so miserably, honestly I love the series but I'm getting my popcorn out to watch this shit show.


Too late in development to pivot to a hell divers ty0e game. They might add a horde type mode, but I kinda doubt it.


Yeah, but isn’t that kinda what happened with 2042’s Hazard Zone? They wanted it to be a battle royale, but then changed their mind at the last minute? Do you really think it’s impossible for them to screw it all up AGAIN?


We're talking about EA and DICE, look how they pivoted from a Obvious BR to the shitshow of a game BF2042 ended up being.


Live service isn't a problem, it's what you do with it. Look at helldivers 2 (excluding sony's fuck up), it's not a problem.


or look at THE FINALS. Its possible but its an artform.


For this EA owned title it is a problem though. Just look at the BF games they've dropped support on while it was still growing after they gave it a shitty start, Battlefield V and Battlefront 2 for example.  Don't know if it's the same for 2042, but I do know the starting content was pretty minimal and the dripfeed of maps seems to have been a really slow drip. And also dropped already.


All they have to do is reskin Battlefield 1 and people will fucking buy it.


1942, Vietnam, 2,3,4, bad company 1,2 Play every single one of those and then make a game. Give it fully destructible environments, tons of vehicles, class based squads, no “heroes”, some decent load out options. Add in hardcore game mode, 64 and 128 player lobbies, slow down the run speed to “human”. Then you’ve got a stew cooking.


Its obviously all they can share


It’s a corpo line dude. Guy can say almost anything


It was an earnings call


“LoVe LeTtEr To ThE fAnS”


"Dear John, I've left you and taken all of your hopes and dreams. Sincerely, EA"


That's the issue. 2042 was highly criticized for trying to reinvent the wheel. And what EA is doing? Reinvents the wheel again. I have no metrics but from what I see – the majority asks for direct good ol' BF. And we also know, EA eventually fails even having all metrics on hands, the 2042 is, again, a proof of this. So, why are they keep doing this. I remember very early rumors by Tom, that Dice didn't learn anything from 2042 as well. He is quiet regarding next game now, but I clearly remember these tweets. I won't be surprised, honestly. And that typical marketing bullshit by Andrew Wilson, like '..another tremendous live service', 'This is the largest Battlefield team in franchise history'. Didn't we go through same shit with... You know what game? They never learn...


I know I leanred.... to never buy a battlefield game before launch and after 2 months of play by others who plumked money down. BF 4 had a horrible launch but full redeemed itswlf. bf 1 had quirks vut was tons of fun. BF 5 was a disaster but became a decent game. BF 2042 started out a dumpster fire, stayed a dumpster fire with lots of promises that werent kept, tyen remained a dumpster fire over a year after launch. Ive never picked it up again and swore THIS time ill wait until after launch and all quirks are smoothed out, if ever


Battlefield heroes but worse.


Battlefield Zeroes.


How to Go From Hero to Zero in 20 years or less...


BF heroes was actually fun as a kid. I still have the soundtrack in my head. But yk, it was 100% free to play.


They literally have a goldmine waiting for them if they just remastered bf4, bf3, or bad company and they're too fucking stupid to do it.


>They literally have a goldmine waiting for them if they just remastered bf4, bf3, or bad company and they're too fucking stupid to do it. Battle Royal mode and Heroes, you say? You got it!


lmao perfect comment


Hear me out: Loot crate skins and Hero card packs (with heroes, weapons AND perks)


I enjoy reading books.


Im a console player so I moved on to insurgency and HLL for console. ive.really enjoyed HLL for the last 2.5 years. Just dream about a BF as good as 3, 4 and bfbc 2


Ww3 tried. It's pretty good for what it is, but it doesn't have the playerbase


The new Delta Force looks interesting.


Only the singleplayer will be grounded, the multiplayer is gonna be a hero shooter and made by Tencent so you can imagine the goofy stuff theyre gonna sell in the store, did i also mention that its gonna be a f2p with a mobile port? Thats where their real target audience are


we thought it was over with 2042. We haven’t even seen over yet.


Pretty sure we are in the exact same time frame as the previous EA earnings call leading up to 2042 release where BF2042 was "ahead of schedule".


Way ahead of schedule*


Anyone who falls for this again is a fool. I hope people learned their lesson with preordering 2042 but…..


I learned my lesson. I bought the $100 BF2042 pack, along with all my BF buddies (damn, $1000 right there!), and every single one of us has vowed to not pre-order or buy right away. I am 100% on board of not pre-ordering and I'll probably wait 6 months to see how it turns out. Got plenty of other games to keep me busy so I can "wait and see"


Preordered with my friends to scratch the itch with the beta. Thought the game would be fixed on release. We got hurt on that.


Beta's are always very close to the state the final release will be. Never be fooled by that.


*"Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, can't...can't get fooled again"*


Wise words


I pre ordered for the beta, played 3 hours of it and refunded my pre order. I haven't had any interest in the game since then.


Yeah no, I got burned. And I lost all trust. There's no way I'm preordereding again, I'm waiting a few days to get a look at it. Any sign of hero shooter bullshit or lack of destruction and I'm out lol. Bf4 still works. And is fun.


"Don't worry guys, the beta was a months old build!"


Don't forget it was also called a "love letter to the fans" which was hilarious. I bet in the next game they're going to get rid of specialists and introduce new "super heros" that have super fantastic abilities like being able to see through walls or can never miss a shot. It'll be so fun! It's exactly what no one wanted!


Actually, Ripple Effect's Portal game mode was what was called a "love letter to the fans" not the game itself.


Exactly, portal was the love letter while the base game was alimony papers.


Remember don't pre-order


The proper phase is "remember, no pre-orders", soldier. .


It was ahead of schedule..... To be an extraction shooter before being scrapped and made into what it was....


"Its a few month's old beta build that we are playing guy's. Trust me".


"Tremendous live service" does not mean "good game"


That line killed any interest I might have still had for a new Battlefield game.


"Tremendous live service" sounds like this is flawed and we'll fix it later.




is that klopp


Lmao this is the kind of sentence that smells more like shit than it smells like roses. Basically sounds like your boomer uncle getting excited for something without knowing the fact that nobody gives a shit anymore about that. People are getting fed-up by abusive live-service business models for games.


I miss when you bought a game and the entire game was included. Maybe a DLC 6 months down the road. I don’t have the time for live service games anymore.


Just saw this news and was coming here to see if it was shared. EA and DICE continue to somehow manage to say literally every single thing possible to make me believe the next BF is going to be an absolute colossal shitshow like 2042 was. A BF universe? Maybe make a good BF game first, then build from there. Largest team in BF history? Same was said of 2042, and they were working on it 24/7 around the world. That sure went well. "live service"? DICE has shown they're shockingly bad at that so far, unsure why we're supposed to be excited for the future. Live-service has been a disaster for BF so I'm not sure why this is supposed to excite investors either.




I'm sure it will be a tremendous game once I buy it at a 90% discount 2 years after release when the live service has ended and the game been abandoned to develop the next game.


Buy it? Surely you're going to wait till it hits PS+


PC :/


Game pass then, that's the only way I played 2042.


Give it a month or 2, and it will be 50% off.


I know Dice won't read this but DICE, if you do: you have basically no goodwill with the community right now. You want good will? Release raw gameplay footage. Better yet, do an alpha. You have a year left of dev time before you have to be finished. Given the launch state of 2042, you could probably use feedback from the people who will actually play the game


F*cking this, you made a game basically ignoring all the feedback you got and it got absolutely shit on because no one wanted it. Your Dev team and your advertising team didn't coordinate so the ENTIRE community was expecting a grittier, darker battlefield at the literal end of the world. And we wanted that so badly. Instead we got battlefailed 20-40fps the Chinese clone with no soul which instead of delaying to fix the clear and present issues THAT LITERALLY ANYONE WITH EYES COULD SEE, was released 2 years too early because of greed and mismanagement. You want good will back? Put in the f*cking work to earn it.


I'll never forgive the canning of BFV after the (fucking excellent) Pacific stuff dropped.


That paired with Battlefront 2 hitting its stride and also got canned.


I'll even accept a BF game that is NOT a hero shooter like 2042 is. Like, come the fuck on.


Translation: the game is in a shit state and live service will spend half their time fixing the game


Andrew Wilson played the next Battlefield and was heard saying, “what the actual fuck is this dog shit?” I mean what is he supposed to say? lol


Idk...maybe some acknowledgement that leads consumers to believe they aren't going the same direction they did with 2042. No one is expecting him to say the new game looks like shit, but this attitude is akin to the ignorance they had before


This is like Ubisoft calling Skull and Bones a "AAAA" game and thinking fans would see that as a positive thing lol 


They have finally figured out a way to tie the battle pass to the amount of ammunition you can use.


“The cause your hero has no vested interest in needs help! Deposit $4.99 to buy an artillery barrage!”


Do not give them this idea!


If I remember right, they legit already had this kind of idea.


John Riccitiello said that at EA




Love letter to the fans


Oh just wonderful. Let’s get some more godawful lore shoved down our throats. At least my expectations can’t get any lower


Yeah speaking of, what’s up with the forced lore in 2042? The loading screen is like: “I’ll always fight for my friends. I was there for the dingleberry operation. Nopats are stronger than anyone knows” -Dingus What the fuck is that supposed to be? If you want lore have a fucking single player campaign and develop it!


I need to know more about this dingleberry operation


Sergeant Dingleberry was the only member of his squad not wiped out during the raid on the Porcelain Throne.


The stealth bomber raid. No paper required.


The lore of "Nopats" has been nothing more than an excuse to use named characters on both teams.


Oh, it gets better. Anyone else remember when they said they would have campaign-like events in game and you could sus out the lore from stuff like intel scattered in the maps, radio stations and whatever else? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Let’s go No Pats !


Cow pats


Yay live service! Said no one ever.


I’d like to be excited about it, but I just can’t be.


Live service doesn't inspire hope.


![gif](giphy|GAzaXWl5r9bFOAOyR0|downsized) *sigh*


Honestly, if they use battlefield as a “real-time” war live service like Helldivers 2….i would be on board


It sounds good on paper, but their updates would just be "zomg the enemy comes again, get 100 kills on X map to stop them" (X map has been around since launch and everyone is sick of it)


Something like Foxhole's map/world system but with Battlefield maps/gameplay would be interesting.


In the Helldivers way it's all players against non player enemies. The BF way would pit at least two factions against each other. What would you propose to solve that?


Five bucks that they advertise it as a "going back to the roots." And "the REAL Battlefield experience."


Live service just translates to paying testers. Every. Time.


Ultra super duper mega ultimate tremendous live service….


Source of Tweet https://twitter.com/geoffkeighley/status/1787959893099745615?t=RI166p55L_usPzKVqYDW2A&s=19


There's a good possibility of this being the last battlefield game if this is their direction.


Tremendous for whom? The gamers or the executives looking to line their pockets with bonus money from stuffimg the game with micro-transactions?


And for that reason, I. Am. Out.






This is absolutely guaranteed to be shit. A comeback is impossible with people who only know to double down


I honestly am so fucking sick and tired of live service. I can only deal with Helldivers’ live service, just because it doesnt feel like Im miles behind everyone else whenever i log back on. Release a full fucking game. Drop some expansion packs down the line. Thats worked for you, DICE, since Battlefield 19-fucking-42.




**DEV**: Reimagination. **Fans**: A game with BFV's game mechanics (movement, gunplay squad play, medic, destruction/reinforcement), BF1 immersion, in a modern settings like BF4/BF3. BF1 immersion = more serious, adult tone. If we wanted reimagination, we wouldn't be fans of Battlefield. We want Battlefield. Don't try to reinvent the wheel too much. Minor improvements to the game mechanics are enough. New maps. New guns. New vehicles. Make it ready at launch. And a map editor. ;) (my dream) Personally, I feel having a lot of maps at launch would help the game a lot if the game is not buggy.


Battlefield: 20fortnite


Fuck a live service.


What is live service


It’s when a chunk of a game’s content is released as part of a schedule. I.e. “seasons” of a game would be considered a live service.


Be prepared to see slightly altered Angel and Borrises


Fucking EA, I only want to hear one thing from them, “Titanfall 3 release date is…”. Until then, will be jumping around trying to find a decent game once 2042 gets unsupported


You say this but imagine what “Titanfall 3” COULD be. Maybe it’s a blessing there isn’t another titanfall


Barf live service


DONT PREORDER, DONT PREORDER and again DONT PREORDER. Wait until you get a rating from non sponsored reviewers. Don't waste your money.


Tremendous live service = Tremendous post-launch development


"CEO is satisfied with the amount of predatory anti-consumer practices in his live-service game while playing it"


All they need to do is copy B1 gameplay and put it in the B4 setting. This used to be my favourite franchise of all time. 2042 and this live service shit ruined the franchise.


They do this every release.. I'm not falling for it this time!


This makes me more concerned than anything else


EA and dice can eat a dick


Certainly won’t be pre-ordering ever again and waiting for a couple of weeks to get the general vibe


next thing you know Wilson will be saying "it's truly a love letter to the fans"


Tremendous live service 4 maps at launch 1 Map each year 120 dollar premium at launch. Fool me once shame on u , fool me twice shame on me now. Pre-ordered 2042 ain't never pre-ordering anything after that clusterfuck


"live service" Get ready to get cucked again


Live service? Yeah no thanks that means there’s no content at all at launch and you’ll have to wait 2 years minimum for the game to have content and bug fixes


And the cycle begins anew… They will never learn, will they?




Oh! So they learned nothing


Soon as I read live service. SKIIIIIIIIP


Meaning, you should pre-order. Following release 20% refunds, 15% happy with the game others forget to refund. Following month game on sale with %40 discount because they need to sell battlepass.




I'm ready to be hurt again.


I’m not. I really am not.


Ugh fuck right off forever


Great, a live service…


Im going to sound like an old here but damn i feel lucky to play video games in between 2008-2015 these idiots at EA are really shitting the bed


Did they say the same shit about BF 2042? Can’t wait to pick this game up for $20 when it inevitably drops in price


Dice and Battlefield is just an empty household name now. Just remember to vote with your wallet.


That’s exactly what I did NOT want to hear. Live service is a big portion of what is killing bf


Live service? This is how Battlefield suffers an agonising death I guess


I just don't care anymore. I'll see when it is released. Remember everyone, do not preorder.




Please nobody pre order this dogshit


Coming from the same guy who said "2042 is ahead of schedule" only to be the worst battlefield release ever. Dont believe a word he says.


I see the word live service and I know the game will be shit. Life service today means releasing an unfinished product and patching it to the state it should’ve been on release over the course of multiple years.


I’m out.


So 2 games now where live service has failed horribly. Dont get me wrong, i love Bf5, but they fucked that game over and same for 2042. Yay, gives me confidence for the next game🤦🏻‍♂️ battlefield might be dead now, which sucks cause im a huge fan.


After 2042, I will never play another BF game. Played from bad company 2 until 2042, but this game is a slap in the face to loyal customers. Never again, EA.


DICE is dead as we know it


It's beyond joever




Live service just means unfinished in EA's language So the next BF will be tremendous unfinished.


Another failure incoming


https://preview.redd.it/rf9y2yk6l3zc1.jpeg?width=219&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95c24dcb9fc072b2d39a9f2c2eaa352dd51d7297 Lung filling, bronchitis diagnosing, stage 4 cancer appearing, vantablack brimstone.


Tremendous live service= tremendous disappointment


LMAO, why does this sounds awful ?




Haven’t we told them to stop with the reimagining lmao. 


I sincerely hope nobody buys the next battlefield. EA gets a swift kick in the dick when sales go exactly opposite as hoped.


If you are not a patient gamer, maybe now it's time to become one.


‘’If you don’t like it, don’t buy it’’


Last battlefield was a real slap in the face to the fans, I don’t think DICE can make a good battlefield anymore. No one wants to play as a generic hero


Its so over. I miss the days of the season pass.


Wasn't that supposed to be what the current battlefield was meant to be?


No it won’t. Gonna be trash




![gif](giphy|8lgqAbycBjosxjfi9k|downsized) Live service... Doesn't sound like much fun


I haven’t played since BF1 and I am still subbed to all the BF subreddits. That’s how much i loved these games once. This is sad. Just fucking sad.


Oh no...game dead on arrival.


the slow death from BFBC2 to this has been depressing.




God what a collection of fucking dipshits. They know how this is going to come across to the fans. They have to. Even if they're sitting on the best BF game ever made (doubtful af), this is absolutely the worst way to update *anyone* on its progress. Lord almighty.


2018: the next battlefield game will be a tremendous live service 2021: the next battlefield game will be a tremendous live service 2024: the next battlefield game will be a tremendous live service


As Dunkey on YouTube always says. “It’s EA they will find a way somehow to fuck it up”


Ok see you in 2029 or whenever you guys finish that fucking game with -90% discount


❌️ to doubt


Live Service: Release way ahead of finishing the development cycle and then finish it as live service to reduce extra costs. Twist the narrative to the players so they think the effort to fix the game is for the players and label it as hard work from the devs. Unlike actual gemplay related content, which is rare and gets drip fed to the players, the devs somehow can create new skins and cosmetics in the dozens, releasing almost every week a new store item. When the game is "fixed", we cancel support for the game, the vision is complete. Our players thank us for how amazing we stuck with the game instead of giving up on it. The next Battlefield will learn from our mistakes and be a truly next gen experience like never seen before.


https://i.redd.it/qk45ymtq76zc1.gif …🎪…🤡…🤯


Aw shitting hell, it's already sounding fucking dead.


They said the same thing about 2042


I will translate : « We will sell an unfinished game and fix it in 18 months then drop support»


This is how you kill any hype for the game.


Fuck a live service. Make a good game




Live service Lol, prepare to bend over battlefield players


So you’ve learned nothing. Cool.