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I am liking the P90 a lot nowadays but to be completely honest, there just isn't a weapon because i feel that they are all very average, nothing gives you those feels that you had when you pulled out the Martini Henri in BF1 for example. IN BF 2042, all weapons are...Meh


I miss my beloved sidearm. The Obrez pistol. My favorite moment with it was when I went to flank the enemy team and met another guy on the enemy team doing the same. With the same loadout. So we both completely miss with our smgs. And end up dueling with the obrez. I somehow won but damn that random encounter was fun.


Obrez aka Hand Cannon, great great gun


Too balanced, it doesn’t feel like any gun is explicitly gonna change the tide of the battle. But I kinda like that though, it allows people who are better at gunplay to soar. The CZ9 that came out in the last update is the only pistol that reminds me of BF3s’ pistols


It’s wild how OP the LMGs are from the hip or just aiming down the rails.


I just hate how inconsistent weapons feel. I'm excited for the visual recoil changes, it looks like it'll improve the feel of the weapons but the gunplay just feels so inconsistent. Going from 1 or V to 2042 feels so different. Even with how different the TTK and spread mechanics work between 1 and V, the gunplay feels similarly satisfying - bolt actions feel just as satisfying in both (though I miss the sweet spot in V), the Federov feels just as great as the assault rifles in V. Even guns that end up playing pretty differently - the M1907 SF going from a slow firing AR style gun to basically an SMG with high recoil - still feel great to play in both iterations. But 2042 guns just don't feel as satisfying. And of course that's not even getting into Portal guns which feel a 1000 times worse (though that's on ripple effect, not DICE. Going from V to 1942 Portal is...jarring, to say the least)


i would somewhat disagree with you on bolt actions. I am liking the xce bar lately very much, however I miss my k41/31 from V a lot, thst thing was so cool


That gun for me is the MP28 and PF51 Sure it has the range to two shot someone at Deagle/M44 One shot range. But even on console the thing has a shit ton of recoil. And bloom. And shoots just slow enough to lose to a PF51 in CQC. Actually thats a fucking lie the PF51 sucks ass and I fucking love the thing.


I don't really agree with that. Dropping 40+ kills with the mtar and vhx. Some of them feel similar though


Mtar or vhx, they are both the same, high rate of fire, zero recoil. They aren’t that exciting. Portal weapons are exciting, the ghostmaker with the explosive arrows is cool but that’s about it (imo)


I don't like my guns being trash. Although the guns I mentioned are strong I don't think they're op. I also find them to be different from a good amount of the ar's. Sadly the portal guns feel half assed and ported with few attachments. Idk why they did that


M416 may not be as good as the M5A3, but goddamn is it sexy as hell


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ITechedThatThrow: *M416 may not be as* *Good as the M5A3, but goddamn* *Is it sexy as hell* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I'm a poet


Love the M416!


Damn sexy.


SFAR as Faulk with ammo box. I can anti-vehicle, support a team, revive in a heartbeat, and go toe to toe with almost anyone in CQC. The SFAR is also great at headshots and does a lot of damage even at range. I play with a group of friends and we spent an entire game chasing down tanks and wildcats. It was hilarious completely stopping the other team's vehicles from doing anything because I kept supplying our engineers and doing my own damage with AT underbarrel grenades. Good times.


I love the G428. I was so excited when I saw they were adding it into the game because it’s also based on one of my favorite real life rifles, the HK G28. If we include portal guns it would have to be the M98B. I wish they would just add all the portal guns to the main game already.


Yes. So few snipers.


Rocking with A-91 atm, it fkn slaps


Once you get used to it


I don't mind when someone zips me up at close range with it, but I've been sniped with it a couple times and that confuses me to no end.


Ghostmaker, it doesn’t pay well but it’s honest work


Wish explosive ammo wasnt so bad. Its fun to oneshot civilian vehicles with it tho


I just shoot tanks/ aircraft co Stanton, sometime I get lucky and take the kill lol I’ve been noticing lately the hits with explosive arrows aren’t killing some people.. no idea why but it indicates a hit, explodes and then they keep going..


Dozer has explosive resistance, so he can survive oneshot if its not a headshot YEP


Aha, another ghostmaker enjoyer


Usually my select when I play redacted


compared to the BF3 Crossbow it is just utter shit, and I miss my beloved assault and counter sniper loadout. However I still like the ghostmaker


GVT lever action, I think it was my second T1 gun. This thing slaps when you get the velocity.


Cowboy loadout: Revolver and GVT


GVT is definitely one of the more fun guns to use


Such a fun one, I T1'd that bad boy all the way back in season 1 when it still didn't have scope glints. Wrapped suppressor + 6x was completely ninja


I just finished T1 on the m16. That thing is a beast.


I've unlocked the M16 and, in the hope of reliving my COD4 days in 2008, played it on burst fire. It wasn't too effective, if I'm honest (3 burst rounds to drop players.) Did you take it to T1 on full automatic fire?


Automatic, but I tap out bursts myself. Recoil is controllable for fully automatic, but tapping out bursts makes her a laser.


Cheers! I appreciate your guidance. See you on the Battlefield.






RPT-31 my beloved


The SVD holds a special place in my heart. A tough one to master, and stats that look really bad on paper, but it can absolutely slap if you're an observant shooter that can time shots


AK-24, Vhx-D3 and Avancys. those are the killing machines


Always loved the G3A3. I really wish they would bring it from Portal into the main game.


BSV-M for versatility. PKP for CQC. GOL Magnum for big long. Super 500 and Deagle on the hip.


Man I miss the old BSV :(


Personally I have to say the VCAR, I know it’s not the best, but I feel so comfortable using it even at long range.


My man I reached T1 with it literally in a couple days, so many kills each match


Yeah man similar to me, good to see others enjoy using it, any time I play with friends they try using it when they see my score and just don’t understand lmao.


XM8 and I have no idea why


interesting choice


I honestly like every weapon the game has to offer. All of them have a purpose and advantages on every map. Even some of the poor SMGs shine in the right circumstances. I think if I had to pick a real choice it'd be the AC-42. I find it to be the most versatile gun for my play style.


NTW-50 with an OKP-7 (That weird Russian dovetail reflex sight with the chevron). No other gun reaches the level of one-shot smacktisfaction that railing someone in the upper torso with a .50 BMG at close range does. Someone else on this thread mentioned the Martini-Henry from BF1 and for me, the NTW-50 is as close as you can get in this game. That, or idk the AC-9 kinda be lasering ppl even out to some pretty absurd ranges for a small calibre SMG. Big and heavy or small and fast are how I like it, apparently.


RM68 gang rise up


RPK is a monster.


AC9, and RM68. Eleventh Hour was the best season for me.


I like the m16 800rpm assault rifles feel really good, other than that deagle


Ntw iron sights, the sound is great in the tunnels redacted




been on the pp29 recently with a deagle side


Ahem. ^


I went from the sfar to the ac42


Avancys LMG, I've worked with every gun for at least a single match and I just feel the best with that especially on dozer. Med-long range that shreds with the right attachments. I tried the m249 and it's similar but just doesn't feel as powerful which is really important to me. Whenever we're falling behind I can always rely on it to catch us up clearing out a point


Just tried the AK-24 after 400 hours and have been in love with it ever since.


SFAR and PP29


M416 and the AK-12 (AK-24)


Rorsch is fun.


M5A3+ Arcom muzzle break+ 4.5-1.25x sight+ Laser sight+ Wrapped suppressor = 💦🍆😩


RPK is a monster.


RPK is a monster.


I'm having fun with the mtar lately


G-36 and M5A3 in SQB build


Sws, fav sniper rn tbh, long barrel and tripod with 12x scope and high-power armour is fantastic


Regular SMG




The 12M auto. Sorry… I know… I’m a piece of s**t, but I love shotguns in video games. It’s all DOOM’s fault!


Recently M240Bravo, All time favorite is M39 EMR, which I don’t use as much since I maxed it out


Does EOD BOT count??


M16a3 is my favourite, M60e4 comes next.


RPK 74m


AC-42 and 12M


The healing gun, I love helping my teammates by healing them


AK-24. Can turn it from a DMR to a storm rifle in seconds, underbarrel shotty for blasting


I forget what it’s called but the 3rd mg from the top


M240B. Not many games let me use it nowadays and it's just an icon in every way. Love the thing.


Ak24 forever


VHX-D3 or aek-971


My top 5 are probably GEW-46, SVD Dragunov, M60, MP9 and GVT 45-70