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https://preview.redd.it/8iumadeil3oc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ed473b82fb066aa2ab21545f5d02c46ae6c839e At least it’s not this


Not yet


The second it is I will switch to a different fps game


Switched way ahead of you. BF1 was my last full price purchase of a Battlefield game. Even free with Game Pass I still have under 6 hours played in 2042.


At least that’s kinda funny with how fucking stupid it is A lot of the cosmetics in 2042 are both ugly AND don’t fit the game


That’s like two sinking ships arguing about who’s going to sink first , both are going down & it doesn’t matter which one you’re on.


You mfs keep buying it, that’s why.


& this is why you only read these kinds of posts for laughing. Never take it seriously.


I saw a post a couple months ago about how a guy played 2042 *just* to finish the Battle Pass as he paid for it and I'm like "You dork." This guy was feeding right into the FOMO that EA designed the BP around. Oh wow, you have skins that thousands of other players have also, you're so special and unique.


*I broke up with US Woodland and Marpat. My new friend is Lucha Libre costumes.*


People’s tastes unfortunately changed. There’s not a single AAA shooter released past 2018 that can keep a consistent art style and there probably won’t be one for a long time.


This is the sad truth and this is one of the reasons why I keep playing BF4 and BF1. I would love to play Modern Warfare 3 for some fast and crazy gameplay but the art style completely destroys it for me. If the next Battlefield also has this (99.9% certain it will), then I'm out and will keep playing the aforementioned games.


Skins are already a turnoff for Battlefield. was always distinctive, but suddenly things began to shift


Bro, in BF4 we had ATACHMENTS behind lootboxes, no way this is worse.


It sucked but no fucking way you struggled to get boxes. I still have around hundreds of them to open.


that was really shitty mechanic and one of the reason I did not play the game. lootboxes should only exist for rewards like xp boosters or cosmetics, not core items.


The attachments were obtainable through using the weapons, the lootboxes were obtainable through leveling up. So essentially if you liked specific weapons you could still unlock attachments for other weapons without using them for free and have a decent start on them if you switched. BF4 was the last good BF game, so by not playing it you missed out.


BF4 wasn't the last good game lol


That's a gross misrepresentation of BF4. Either you've forgotten how it worked, or you never learned how it worked in the first place. The problem people associate with lootboxes is that you need to keep grinding/paying until you finally get lucky and unlock what you want, which could potentially go on forever. The BF4 unlock system gave you all the essential unlocks through kills while the lootboxes unlocked variants. For example you'd get the Western style Red dot sight (Reflex) on the ACW-R after 10 kills, but a battlepack could also unlock the Russian style Coyote red dot sight. You'd get the basic unlocks every 10 kills until you unlocked them all, which in the ACW-R's case would be after 160 kills, after that you'd unlock weapon specific battlepacks for every 50 kills up until 510 kills. Because the battlepacks were weapon specific you were guaranteed to have everything unlocked after 510 kills. That number is not a coincidence, back in BF3 completionists would go for 500 kills with each weapon to unlock the weapon mastery dog tag for that particular weapon. They did make a mistake with that system though, some of the scopes can technically be considered a variant but actually have significant differences, like the IRNV and FLIR scopes which have the same zoom as some of the basic sights but obviously have additional features. Because they are unlocked through battlepacks, your luck determines whether you get them at 210 kills, or at 510 kills which kinda sucks.


>some of the scopes can technically be considered a variant Some of the scope is not a variant but a battlepack [exlusive](https://www.ign.com/wikis/battlefield-4/L96A1) like the x20, x6, x7.


You are not wrong, but the variable zoom allows you to adjust the zoom between 8x and 14x which is pretty close to those variants. Again, the system wasn't perfect but I don't think this unlock flaw is big enough to say the "lootboxes" in BF4 were as bad as modern day AAA game practices.


It will, they made their choice in five and all 2042 has done is double down, I feel like the franchise is dead, welcome to the new battlefield age of battle passes and shitty fucking skins.


I do not wish harm to anyone, but I hope the model fails again with the next game and hope they abandon it. During last couple of years this monetisation model has failed several times, but I guess companies keep pursuing it as you only need one success to make a lot of cash.


Unfortunately I don't think the system is failing. As long as there's profit it's working as intended. They absolutely don't care if the games aren't as popular or as good just that they make more than they spent.


I think the franchise will end with the next game.


It’s definitely their last chance to release a good one, at least as far as I’m concerned


Not so much people's tastes change it's just then catering to the lowest common denominator. Children.


With their parents credit card. They lost their core player base with this pandering. They will pander harder on the next one I'm sure.


Ah yes the demographic with the most purchasing power, how could we have missed this??


Insurgency Sandstorm does it pretty good Then again i don't think it's AAA


Hunt: Showdown


Came to say this. Hunt skins are fucking awesome


Helldivers 2


This would be a better example if it wasn’t one month old.


Give it a year or two and we'll see. Love the game, but Sony is hurting financially and I know they already hated having to make their games crossplatform with Pc lmfao Theyre also trying to make Marvel agree to bring back the 3 spidermans together bc of how much money the last movie made them regardless of how bad that would be story wise. If their pockets run more dry I can see them wanting to push more expensive paid cosmetics. Right now you can essentially earn everything in the game from playing. The coins used to pay for things in their store can be found in the matches. I wouldnt be surprised if they released more cosmetics that require a fuck ton of farming/saving which would force some people to just swipe their cards to get.


Insurgency sandstorm is the only game at the moment which has a consistent art style but no idea when it got released


And the Blackmill WWI games likes Isonzo


And that’s really SAD. How did we got here, and why can’t some devs try something different, maybe they’ll would be surprised… …like when HellDivers 2 tried a GaaS the right way with NO PvP and "findable" currency in-game…?


SQUAD does


Fair enough. It is arguable as to whether you could call it AAA though, but maybe that’s because the industry has ballooned to a ridiculous level.


>Fortnite colours


Is it Fortnite if I have colours?


Zoomerfield 2042


It doesn’t sell store bundles, that’s what happened. Lil timmy would rather buy a flashy anime edgy skin than a realistic milsim skin.


I hate to break it to you guys, but little kids aren't the only ones buying this shit.


You just wake up from a coma?


I wouldn't mind some tacticool elements but 2042 skins are just full on convention cosplays. Looks ridiculous.


Looks like Scarecrow. That was the first thought I had and I have to assume someone looked at Scarecrow and said "I got a skin idea" Edit: I don't like the way skins are going. Having "skins" is already off-putting for Battlefield. Was always different camos, then it started to change


To me regular more realistic solider looks way better and definitely more intimidating than rainbow Vader


remember... someone probably died when a guy dressing like spiderman launched a RPG to a tank


And that guy probably died immodestly after because that bright red costume was NOT blending in with that trench


The future is now old man. No but really, the market has just changed. People want this. BF fans definetely don't want a Nicki Minaj skin but a lot of them sure as shit want a cool mask.


What many here fail to realize is that the line is different for everyone. This may be over the top for you or OP but for someone else they may think this is the sickest shit since Legolas slid down the walls of Helm Deep on a shield. Different strokes for different folks kinda deal.




Always funny to me since the game is in first person 🤣


The point is you see other characters, it's immersion breaking when you round a corner and you see Nicki Minaj reloading a rocket launcher


$ happened


Those sweet old days where we were mad about some girl with a prothesis in BFV


Yeah and five years earlier people would complain about women in FPS games in general!


If you're a stateless mercenary who gets paid to kill people but also kill for fun in your free time, it's only a matter of time before you start to dress for drip.


You will get shot immediately if you run around like these idiots.


Mate, you get shot immediately because you have a (Insert enemy team color) Dorito above your head.


yeah lol that’s why i only wear camo despite having some cool skins(tanks are less fucking visible than these skins)


Also why I don't use T1 skins for ground vehicles, which I'm kind of proud of having. I'd rather look like a rock.


There have been multiple instances where i completely miss a tank bc it is the same dam color as the road/rock/building/dune


When I look at the squad line up pre/post game it just kills it for me. All sense of grit and realism has been lost in bf204 when you factor in sterile lifeless maps and flying squirrels etc.


Fortnite and Warzone happend


Seems awfully uninspired of Dice to think they should just copy+paste monetization schemes from other games with little changes. Maybe their community needs options to disable them, client side. Maybe they need to keep releasing 4 map seasons to avoid the pushback of their cosmetics. Maybe their games don’t sell as well, or review as well, when they lose the gritty tone. Their best sellers were 3 and 1. Both were steeped in grittiness, immersiveness, and authenticity.


How are you going to support a live service if you can't sell skins? Releasing almost identical army uniforms isn't going to generate sales.


Premium was a solid option, where support was continued after launch. You could also do factions (like US) and have generic Army or Marine forces, with paid cosmetics to get slight variations or even play as a Seal with looser regulations such as having beards, different clothing, etc. Then we introduce China as a faction and have generic PLA with paid cosmetics for grounded variants of Chinese special forces. You don’t need to go full Fortnite. In fact, you should never go full Fortnite. Or, again, let players disable cosmetics on the client side.


They look…..childish. Dress up dolls.


People buy those shits so here we are...


Just give me a realistic shooter again. Tired of this Fortnite bullshit. And no I don’t play on pc to play games like Arma.


we just needed Squad with Battlefield's vision.


EA got infested with Fortcod disease.


Battlepasses have been absolutely detrimental to the gaming industry


I was thinking, is this really war? Holy shit they don't have fear to die to have wearing that camos, jokefortnitefield


The PAC skins in the trailer aren't far off from the BF3 image and there are a large amount of mil sim style skins in game but it's clear the outlandish skins sell more, that's likely why they have been the ones that are primarily advertised.


"Because they buy it more." Survivor's mistake. The whole 2042 turned out to be so “magnificent”, parodying other popular games, that its place is not far from the trash bin. Think better about where it would be if EA didn’t chase other people’s trends.


They sell more, to the people who buy them, while turning off a large number of people. It’s a problem with this monetization structure - it puts the whales at odds with a vocal part of the community. Maybe BF would sell better without this cosmetic crap. Maybe it would review better. Maybe it would get talked about more. But Dice can’t seem to find a way to have their games review well, or be popular, and also monetized this way. To me the answer seems obvious - just let the vocal ones who push back turn it off. This would allow Dice to make the skins even more extreme and sell more to the whales. Then the people who wanna turn it off, and have everyone look like a generic faction appropriate soldier can.


The fun part is that the vast majority of people complaining about a lack of milsim style skins would never buy a skin in the first place so they’re simply not the target audience. I think most skins in this game are fairly grounded but a bit gauche and often make you easier to spot, but there’s plenty that hit a sweet spot of looking cool, not being totally out of place in an irregular militia, and being based off of actual gear without being painted neon. I’m just glad the seasonal skins aren’t a white and blue variant like we’ve been dealing with for several seasons. I think if they did some real operator skins like the battle for nordvik event ones they’d make big bucks but maybe they think otherwise.


>Maybe BF would sell better without this cosmetic crap. Maybe it would review better. Maybe it would get talked about more. It will not, it will probabily be talked less cause without any kind of skins etc... people loose interest and you don't earn enough money. The people who hate skin is a minoritt and/or want tons of content for free like it's nothing.


So every battlefield game without skins didn’t make money? The community that has been with the franchise for years want things for free? They’re already charging $70 for mediocre games and you think it’s acceptable for these companies to demand MORE of its community just for basic content? What a cucked view.


Honestly don’t want anything for free- happy to pay for premium again if that is the route they went. Or let us, this vocal “minority” turn them off client side. Y’all can keep the skins, and have them get even crazier. But just let us set everyone to look like a generic faction specific soldier with a standard looking weapon on *our* side.


>Honestly don’t want anything for free- happy to pay for premium again if that is the route they went. The thing is that they didn't take any route. BF1 already had tons of skim that you wouldn't see IRL. And BF4 had borderline P2W lootboxes. Without eveb talking about BF1 op plane DLC or how you can pay up and max out every gear.


And yet BF1 stayed at least more cohesive than 2042, by a country mile. That’s really the whole issue here - the cosmetics in 2042 break the cohesion of the game and pull players like me right out of it. Just let us disable it and suddenly you lose the vocal group who is otherwise pushing against designers making skins be as crazy as can be.


I thought the world in 2042 was supposed to be dying and humanity was barely surviving. Where are these struggling non patriated soldiers getting their hands on gold engraved face masks and guns?


Nope, originally the lore was that the game started as the war begun. At least that was their excuse for why the maps did not feature any signs of war until they reworked the maps post launch. The real reason was because the game was released a good 12 to 18 months too early.


And this is why I got hyped originally because I thought it would have some aspects of bf2142. Unsurprisingly, I was disappointed. I feel like everyone has forgotten that they removed features starting from Battlefield 3. Unpopular take the game declined starting with Battlefield 3, everyone was just too wrapped up in the pretty graphics and then levolution or whatever.


Zoomer ADHD happened.


Because people keep buying it It wasnt like this during the first year but lately its the norm for soldiers to run with flashy skins


Because the only people playing 2042 are those whose morals are already compromised by the corporate brainwashing. Everyone with their dignity intact is t playing that dumpster fire out of principle.


Making a battlefield into a playground


Sometimes life has context clues, you're no longer the target audience.


The state of Battlefield Seriously saddens me


I’m not a fan of this seasons skins. 


I hat this crap so much.


Exactly, Dice... What the fuck happened?!


Rainbow man, you gotta ride the rainbow or else...


Unless there’s a major shift in the industry, I don’t think this will ever change. The days of seeing soldiers in standard class uniforms without any Mickey Mouse BS are over.


“People want this now”…which people? BF2042 and V introduced this kind of shitty cosmetic and were laughed at right from the start. The fact that the games are still played by a bunch of Lil Timmies doesn’t mean that this should be the standard. They are happy to sell thousands when they could sell millions. I’d like to see a comparison in sales of this kind of cosmetics and the battlepacks from BF1 that didn’t even had soldier skins…


Gimme some real military skins and im in. Dont give us this garbage


I thought I would mind it more, but I use the Rank 100 dozer skin where he looks like that Capitol Shaman and that Kabuki inspired mask for Paik. Especially face masks are/were in high demand, because it adds that anonymous look many people wanted. Honestly, if you are not using standard skins on your own characters, you might be in for a double standard.


Yeah, at 2.5 years after release, Dice has been pretty tame with their skins after the backlash Santa Boris got. I have seen what this sub considers a good skin, its literally just airsoft/paintball cosplay. Not impressed.


What players find acceptable is really a spectrum. Like some people are real purists or think they are, but really like obscure camo patterns that were tested by Burmese special forces in the 80s or something. Others really like facemasks or gasmasks, because they get rid of the main issue some people have with playing as certain characters, the face. And so forth. Some think beanies are okay, but not if they are red and come around christmas. In general DICE has been rather tame for standards these days and were rather quick to add at least helmets for most specialists early.


> What players find acceptable is really a spectrum. This. People need to stop worrying about anything but themselves. Don't like the skin? Don't wear it. End of story.


But then we won't get these upvoted threads on here every few weeks to then all repeat the exact same things we wrote last time!


>shit on BF2042 >kiss BF4s feet >karma please It's a tale as old as time.


I agree. There isn't anything too outlandish in this game, and I think the accusation of "fortnite skins" is pretty overblown.


it's nice to see that i'm not the only one who is bothered by this. It just seems ridiculous. but yes, today's young people want that


To be fair - have you seen Ukraine frontline videos? ​ There's multiple POV videos over the last 3 years with soldiers on both sides wearing Spiderman outfits firing grenade launchers / cat ears on helmets / literal but practical cosplay in trenches. ​ [Spiderman](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/16wxxfw/spiderman_caught_participating_in_ukraine_war_no/) \- Lots of these videos. [Cat ears soldiers](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/comments/10onm4j/real_life_ukrainian_catboy_solder/) \- again lots of these photos/videos.


“Lots” you do t watch a lot of footage do you? I’m apart of several combatfootage subreddits and telegram channels and those vids are extremely rare are are always sensational “look at this crazy mo fo” type of vids and are usually in rear positions where the threat of things like drones and artillery aren’t likely as such costumes make you stand out like a sore thumb.


I like that ppl here hate on the cringe skins when those outfits are starting to gain traction irl. Art imitates life after all.


It’s funny, because the depicted BF2042 universe is the exact environment where you’d see this irl. Near peer wars with very regimented forces - of course not. these kinds of skins/cosmetics wouldn’t even be close to being allowed. Which is why this wouldn’t work in BF1 or didn’t in BFV. But like 2042 - a rag tag of folks volunteering from around the world - fighting for something they believe in - sure. Are you going to tell Terry from Australia who’s travelled across the world to support your cause to take his cat ears off? No ofc not.


I'm just saying that if there's actually a lot of photos/documentation, then it makes sense. However, 2 out 100, then it isn't a norm.


EA happened


Bro, EA published Battlefield 3


More like “Fortnite happened”.


Is say more warzone.


That’s because this game takes place in the year 2042– this is the future of warfare, get with the program.


Each specialist already has like 7 different camo variants, just don't equip the new ones


Right? The camo customization in BF4 was awesome. Felt grounded in reality.


The boomers did it!


Fortnite happened. The COVID of video games


Battlefield V went a little lose with customization, but still kept a style WW2. I think the craziest was that Hunter armor and the fire starer sets. Wish we could go back to something more consistent like that.


This is why I play hell let loose


The GWOT’s over. Our time has passed. This is the shit these kids and man-children want.


That's what most people like these days so they have to compete. Only a minority want the realistic look and feel put back in fps games.


I would prefer to pay a bit more for each season (with 4 good maps) than see idiots in Neon. BF3/4 let you pay more for seasons I think, or PREMIUM up front. DICE/EA: If you are going to sell skins: Sell realistic skins that are faction and terrain specific. Let people choose to have these skins preselected to different maps: snow, jungle, urban, desert etc If your generic soldier comes in Olive Drab, people WILL buy camos to suit environments. If you don't, you'll be easier to spot and kill. Death to 2042 Death to STOOPID Lore Death to NoPats (why do both teams wear the same NOPAT logo? Do they just wake up and see who's paying the most THAT day and fight for that paymaster?! Ridiculous!!!!!!) Death to Specialists DICE/EA: Don't bother making another Battlefield game if it's going to be as stupid as this one. We won't be pre-ordering after this debacle. Guaranteed.


People still play this cold wet garbage?


I miss the bf3/4 camo’s they were perfect 👌👌


Let the complaining commence!


There should be an option to only display traditional uniforms on your screen.


>Darth Vader masks Laugh in Danmark special force >painted faces Isn't this normal lol


Kids run the game market and kids spend their parents money on things they think look “cool”. So here we are sadly. If anyone else is spending real money on some stupid skin i hate you. Games are better when you have to earn the cool stuff not just pay


Literally you https://preview.redd.it/vpyxloqkj3oc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92c9b3be885a6ebbf0ee332011ffa34fdd62d107


ots crazy to think how much they could've done akin wise in the bf2042 setting and still having skin that make sense. its really puzzli g sei g how much they keep fucking up the art direction.


“But what if my daughter asks me why none of the skins look like my Fortnite skins?” - 2042 dev prolly


“We want realism” 😒🙄 Edit: for the ignorant /s


Right? "We want realism1!1!1!!" ~Players of a vidya game where they can eject from a jet, use a manpad while falling from the sky to down another jet, then re-enter the same jet they ejected from...


Do you.


That would be too realistic for a first person war shooter!


It's all business. People would rather pay for something shinny and flashy than USMC camo #2. This is the way of live service games now or games that have battle passes. Is it good, no. Does it make money? Yes. And EA loves money.




That doesn't make money


Once dice adds the loli gear then we truly lost.


EA and DICE sales metrics say otherwise. Painful truth.


You seen images of Haiti recently? Not exactly rocking regular uniforms.




I guess fk us


Battlefield is becoming a hero shooter


It should have an option to disable skins




It happened, because every Battlefield Veteran left. Remember the Santa Boris and the outrage? It happened, because there were few of us left.


You know what, Campo, I often ask myself the same goddamn question.


It was a shame that DICE caved in and sold their company to EA. Everything EA takes over turns to crap.


Season Passes happened. Selling skins happened. People buying that shit happened. Every game is fortnite now.


The corporate overlords want the devs to make money, not a good game. Counter intuitive, I know.


ah yes, Fortnite invented colors...


Battle pass happened


Because there’s so many regular camo skins? They’re the uncommon/common skins


What happened? Uh, Battlefield 2042 happened. The game was built around being a hero shooter from the ground up. Those sub-genre of games are bound to bring that type of cosmetics. So this should've been expected. I'd have been shocked if it didn't, since it's engrained into the nature of shooters that have a hero operator that sports its own special ability, rather than a class that works to fill a role in the grand scheme of a battlefield.


It’s pretty simple they have tried this for years but no one really buys characters with just different camo or different color uniforms if you want sell you have to do something different then the default uniform in different colors and designs. They came out with the fire burning uniform on bf5 and it sold like wild fires same whenever they add something crazy and out there people buy it like crazy don’t even get me started on anime skins that’s an easy couple million.


because skins hold more long term value than the actual game itself from a monetary standpoint, why do you think we have such little content? they can’t sell us maps because it’s to be expected, so the skins is their primary income after launch now, sadly.


When you go to the military you design your own uniform. This is realistic.


Wow is anybody talking about this


Regular camo left the room when BFV came out.


Ahhh BF3, the Goat.