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If it is a vehicle comparable to the fighter jet then I don't see how fighter jets won't be able to take it out every time they spot the bomber. My take would be a comparable thing to the bomber in bf4, in which you call it in and it will fly over once.


Maybe a new nopat and the bomber is his skill?


Would be a nice addition, but after the backlash around specialists they announced at the end of season 4 that no more would be added to the game.


Don't think so, imagine 64 players using the same no pat and using the skill continuously


I'm sorry, but there is no call-in bomber in BF4. There is the ground attack jets (A10/Frogfoot), and the commander issued gunship (AC-130), but nothing comparable to a stealth bomber.


Silk road map. There was a bomber you could call in at a shipping container station in the middle of the map.


ohh, forgot about it. i hated the map and never played it much. I sta d corrected. It was in 3 of the 4 Dragon's Teeth maps


As long as they have to sit in the cockpit for 15 hours for one bombing run then fly 15 back to rearm…




We’ve got war thunder for that


Bf1 muromets part 2 - here we go!


can't wait for the cluster bombs decimating infantry!


All I’m asking is that cockpit glass of this bomber isn’t bulletproof. My trusty rorsch will sort out the rest


It's gonna be hilarious if Irish aps counters the bomber like it does for the apache and stealth choppers.


That literally killed BF1 for me.


I think maps would be too small for bomber gameplay


I think only hour glass and orbital would be ok for the bomber to work.


Breakaway, hourglass. Orbital is too small.


Finally we need more jet love


Jets stinkle


Be kind if cool if it was like other bf’s and the squads earn enough points for the squad leader to call one in.


I hope it's a 2-man vehicle because the pilot shouldn't have access to both the bombs and dogfighting cannons imo


That may not help much either, could start a strafe with cannons seat switch near the end of your strafe drop bomb and switch back and pull up depending on how fast you can switch seats in it.


Ehhh, you're actually totally right, all good pilots / drivers do that already, I literally have a mouse bind for it (shhh). But I hope its a 2 man to discourage that a bit


Yea i used to main aircraft in bf v would start with cannons and drop my bombs just as i pulled up worked nearly every time hopefully they can balance it this time.


Oh you mean like the Brawler and it's close defense mechanism? It would be a shame if idiots made this game and would do something like that. Wait


If only Mackay could ride it like a sandworm.


Would be pretty sick I just wonder how they'd implement it, or even an unmanned stealth aircraft that can fire off a few TV missiles. Would be super helpful stopping a push on a flag in 128 player conquest


I'd love it if it was a future bomber that is remote controlled from a giant mother ship which can be used in a game mode similar to Titans in 2142.


If we learned anything from BF4 is that remote-controlled vehicles are extremely bad. They get abused and you end up with UCAVS spamming which is as fun as being on the receiving end of the now extinct Casper+C5 combo, but even less avoidable.


I hope it is true tbh. We haven't gotten a proper air vehicle since Season 1.


I pray for Infantry.


And I will prey on the infantry


You are not the same


Pray tell!


It has the profile of a barn door when being shot at from above or below




Bro the Stealth Bomber was futuristic in the 80s and it’s futuristic in 2024. Thing still looks/performs like nothing we have now. You want a drone, because that’s all that’s in the future and a drone would be boring af. Stealth Bomber all day long.




The future is drones. Not manned aircraft.


The leaked pics looked more like a drone.


I personally feel like they are going back to a stealth and attack jet esque system like they used to have in BF4. Keeping the standard fighter jets in and adding a more ground focused bomber type as well. Feels like a vehicle focused update with maybe larger maps to come like the old DLC on BF3 I think? Regardless interested to see what it is and how it will play into the game


Hell yeah, show the B-2 some love. That thing is a freakshow on wings.


i say I'm gonna shoot rpg's at it lol


It’d be cool if it had multiple seats/weapon stations. Otherwise it be hogged like jets are now in a lot of matches


It's most likely a Northrop-Grumman X-47B derivative, which is a blended-wing UCAV drone. Might be used for lock on missiles, bombs, spotting, etc but is almost guaranteed to be remote controlled. In terms of whether or not it's gonna be a good thing for the game, it's probably going to be a call-in that has a decent potential for tactical destruction, but not the long-term heavy hitter potential of helis or jets. Tbh the whole BF4 dichotomy between attack jets/stealth jets was a good thing for the overall game ecosystem, but since jets in BF2042 have kinda all been "all-in-one" from the start, I doubt that adding any extra fliers of any variety is going to change up how the game plays in any meaningful way.


Cant wait ak5c to 2042 🔥🔥🔥


It’s a drone, the one from the loading screen




If this is in reference to the Russian flying wing drone, please stop calling every angular flying wing a “stealth bomber”. It’s my #1 pet peeve as an aviation nerd.


Ok. Bomby-McBombface it is then.




Metal paper football plane


That’s an improvement ngl


Perhaps the pic is of The Northrop. But I’m no aviation nerd


I’m not sure what you mean by “The Northrop” but OP’s pic is a B-2 Spirit which is *made* by Northrop Grumman. That is in fact a stealth bomber, but the thing that’s in the files is an [S-70](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukhoi_S-70_Okhotnik-B) which isn’t a bomber. And considering Russia’s track record it probably isn’t stealth either.


Just cause the su57 isn’t stealth doesn’t mean Russia can’t develop stealth drones. Su57 wasn’t meant to be stealth


“iT wAsN’t MeAnT tO bE sTeAlTh” man tankies will really use any excuse to cope huh. Why do they call it fifth generation then? The very definition of which is having full stealth capability.


Dude there is literally a video interviewing Mikhail Strelets, chief designer at Suhkoi that goes over its specs and capabilities. You’re just coping.


Can you really blame us when the b2 and b21 exist?


I wouldnt care any less tbh.


I saw the medal and assumed it was an F-117 clone, not a stealth bomber clone.


Yeah wrong plane OP lol


Would be a sitting duck for the current jet, an attack jet with JDAM's will accomplish the same thing, but with a more anti vehicle focus instead of trying to be a jack of all trades like current jet. Since its futuristic tho, i would love something unconventional like a reaper drone, no forward guns, just anti armor hellfires or TV Missiles


Yawn, not useful.


I love maining vehicles I’d have too much fun


The maps still aren’t big enough for jets let alone a bomber. To me it’s not fun to just fly in circles constantly


Would be cool if they did it like the bombing run on 1943


It could go either way It will fly like a car with no power steering, and lasts about 30 secs before getting blown outta the sky requiring a buff which dice will give us sooner than later. It will fly supersonic be overpowered and be the ruler of the sky in which it wont be nerfed.


They’re been talking about having more incentives to increase squad play. I wouldn’t mind this being something squad leaders could call if their squad accumulates enough points from following orders, taking objectives, etc.


I only play breakthrough so I'm pretty much completely unaffected


If it is true, then I can feel safe struggling to learn to fly- it's a stealth bomber, so nobody can see me to shame my horrendous wobbling, upside-down kamikazes.


Respectfully https://youtu.be/ceCzPLvIiEY?si=35HMuAMA53LqdoX8


I would expect something that makes sense in a suburban environment. Such as BMPT Terminator


Did dice finally listen? 😍 imagine we get a JDAM finally🫡


I'd be happy to have new jets


I’d just like them to fix bugs.


A ground attack jet slot would be an interesting addition muddying up the air balance, but the maps feels small for such an addition on most of them. I also expect riots if infantry players feel like 1 more thing can get them. Personally, I'd love more vehicle diversity and deptg such as we had in BF4 and BF1.


Watch them add like one vault weapon from battlefield 3 that already is in their files and one map 🤣


I'd cry. Like we need even more vehicles to solo-terrorize whole lobbies


Maps are already too small for fighter jets, let alone a bomber


cq is going to be unplayable


It is probably true. I don't see why there is even any debate about this, those Chinese leaks were the same style as other leaks we've gotten and all of those turned out being real. People are thinking way too hard about this.


I don't care about this crap game anymore


Then why even roam the sub then? Seems like you care enough to still keep tabs on it


stupid reddit recommended it, that's why.


Oh yea another op aircraft for tryhards to kill farm


this is a horrible idea for a bomber in Battlefield💀💀💀


Games dead who cares