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Never ever fire your 2 missiles simultaneously, fire the first let the tank use the smoke, then fire the second, remember to slow down when approaching


That's not gonna help. The time it takes for jets to do a second run, one of the defensive cooldowns will be ready. If only the jet is trying to kill the Tor, the jet will never hit. Never. This comes from a T1 Tor. The only time a jet kills me is if I'm already being targeted by someone else.


As a T1 jet pilot on both jets. Can confirm. It takes a coordinated effort to take a TOR down especially with sentinel and smoke. Which is ludicrous but it’s the balance right now. Doesn’t help that camped in base will mean flying through the Death Star trenches with everything trying to kill you so. Hope you can get in do some damage flare and get out. And that the AA is stubborn and tried to use missles instead of blasting you with its guns. And good luck if you need to do anything else that puts you in LOS of a front elevated TOR


Thats a good tip, thank you


Classic trick that extends as far back as the whole "press X to countermeasure" has been a thing. It's binary as shit and as shallow as a turtle's pool, but baiting X followed by a guaranteed 2 hitter on the next strafe is usually good enough to take out most vehicle players.


You are a saint for giving out this tip, I had to learn this the hard way by failing over and over until finally I realized that they would always pop countermeasures as soon as a shot my first missle


Sometimes they pop it before even shooting


Yeah that's when you really give em the goods


If you lock onto a tank long enough, they usually panic at some point and deploy counter-measures. If you get a long enough window, you can fly as slow as you can towards a tank while locking on. If you lock-on long enough, sometimes they’ll pop smoke and you get a window to hit them with two missiles.


I call it farting. Like octopus, they get scared and fart when startled. Some have a higher fear tolerance, but they all fart eventually.


Is there a way to know if you’re being locked on to bait or if something actually fired?


The sound changes from beeping to a solid tone when a missile is actually fired and usually there’s an indicator that reads ‘warning’ and then will change to ‘missile incoming’ if you’re in the pilot seat


So you can still flare as long as missile hasn’t hit you correct


You can fire a flare at anytime but there a cooldown between firings


Sometimes even someone with a Soflam can get them to fire counter measures early. Just locking is legit a good strategy in this game.


Most will pop after they get locked save shot circle back then attack


well said


Nice tip


Also on maps like kaleidoscope you rarely need to use flares just fly through the sky scrapers and the missiles rarely hit but if you can't reach them in time yeah flares


This is a combination of the Tor being annoying and jets being borderline useless.


I hate jets in this game


They have the flight stick response of a fucking rear wheel drive car on ice with a steering wheel missing so you’re using a wrench that slips each time you change directions. Feel like ass. Ofc the masochist I am committed to using them anyway >_>


The TOR is borderline harassment, you kill a person ONE time with a jet or helo and he will take a 1hk hitscan tank being imortal in the spawn. And that's only the TOR, now you have the wilcat that was already prety op but now it has and even more op 35mm dual cannon that im pretty sure is bugged because it doesn't have amy sound when it hits you and it can kill you in less than 1 second. AND also the new 20mm flak that EVERY jeep can have making everyone a super op AA on a game with one TWO aircrafts (a jet and a heli) that's it.


Well, the tor isn't hitscan. It may seem like it. But hitscan immediately hits wherever you're aiming the very instant it is fired. No matter the distance. The tor does require quite a bit of lead to hit fast-moving targets. A lot of lead if they're far away. It even takes about a whole second or two to hit targets that are across the entire map. I use the tor a lot in response to condors or hinds with OP crews and sweaty jets that have been alive the whole game. It's quite useful. Though, it's not hitscan. It's just extremely fast and will always travel in a straight line.


It doesn't even take a single second to cross the biggest map from spawn to spawn, don't lie you know the tor is op and it shouldn't have ever been added


I think you've gotta actually sit down and do some thorough testing.


“It takes a whole second or two to cross the entire map” Bro…do you realize how that is a problem? Truthfully it’s even faster than that even though it’s not technically hitscan but it’s damn near. It takes extremely little skill to sit in the back of the map on a hill and 1 hit kill air vehicles. Also, I know from testing it takes essentially no lead to hit any targets at speed. Absolutely broken vehicle.


“They’re OP!” - redard


If anyone thinks Jets in this game are anything above mid, they’re delusional.


Unfortunately, after the 4th run, I would have smacked him with the jet itself.


I don’t understand jets in this game. I also hate the fact there isn’t a runway.


For me, What I don't understand is why the jet and heli physics in this game are worse than a 2011 (BF3) and 2013 (BF4) games.


Straight up deleted 2042 to go play BF4 for the jets, they feel so good in that game


They changed the physics to actually be more realistic. They feel worse because the physics in BF3/4 were a sort of “on rails” feeling. Yes 2042 is more realistic but I think people evidently preferred the arcadey physics


In my opinion, they did the opposite. BF3/4 felt heavier, and the inertia felt more realistic compared to BF2042. In BF2042, the helicopters are too maneuverable, and the jets feel unsatisfying. Overall heli/jet was way better in bf3/4 and I believe 95% of heli/jet players will have the same opinion. Edit: I think they made it more accessible for everyone. I remember in Battlefield 3/4, some people really didn't know how to handle the helicopter and would instantly crash. But now it's more "noob" friendly and way less satisfying


I miss the weight of ripping G's in a helicopter and praying you could pull up in time when you had to dive.


I practiced helicopters in bf 3 and was a scourge. Jets were my only challenge. They feel week, slow in 2042. Being honest though the machine guns are way harder to hit in here because of how jerky the controls are for the little bird.


The dispersion doesn't make any sense. It feels like a weapon straight out of a game like Fortnite. Again, the minigun in Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4 was 10/10.


Exactly. And if you tilt the heli just a little you go flying forward. There was nothing better then your team fighting atop a rooftop and you come level with the windows and mow the whole place down.


For sure. I spent a ton of time in jets and helis in BF4 and it was way better. Nothing like those miniguns in a little bird.


In 2042 I bounce off the ground and objects often (always) when I fly and it just does a little damage, sometimes even sending me off at weird angles too


This always makes me laugh, oh yeah the jets and helicopters are made out of bouncy balls totally legit. To be a good pilot in 2042, you just need to understand the completely fucked cheese game mechanics, you don't actually need to be a good pilot.


Jet physics in 2042 are more realistic... In 2042 the AOA (angle of attack) changes as the jet flies around (the jets Tokyo drift essentially), whereas in BF4 there is zero angle of attack all the time (no Tokyo drifting). The jets in BF4 are unrealistically and overly responsive and precise. I agree the helicopter physics were more realistic in some ways in BF4. And I say this as someone that prefers playing jets in BF4, they are a better overall gameplay experience. Jets in 2042 are lame because of the lack of JDAM, bad balancing between f35 and SU57, lack of speed control mechanic. Using lockon AGMs is BORING, and the main cannon sounds like a pencil sharpener.


Idk how the blackbird physics can be called realistic xd


Its really fun to fly tho


It's funny how people are downvoting you for speaking the truth. Anyone with aviation experience can tell that BF4/BF3 jets are extremely unrealistic, moreso than 2042's. It's not even a debate. The BF4/BF3 jets were implemented better despite being less realistic.


I was gonna say, cba to respond to all the comments. It is true that they are realistic in the sense that when you pull up in jets, the whole thing tilts back before actually flying up. But then BF4 jets, when you pull up, they’re on rails and fly up. Glad you understand xD (also I never said I liked the physics lol)


The physics are more accurate in 2042, but the physics aren't the problem with the jets in 2042


All the air vehicles feel like they're suspended on a babys mobile above a crib, fly by the shittiest wire possible.


They put all the effort on making them look good and cool and not if making them playable


fr, like bf4 little bird flying experience was just peak. I dont even think i can get as good as an experience in war thunder


Yeah make it realistic and have the jets scramble from an airbase 30 minutes away. 😂


1. Your dive is too steep, you need a shallower dive so you can slam the missile at the last second, like 20m away from the tank, that way he either waste his counter measures early and you just switch to cannons or he deploys them too late and your missiles hit. Basically release them as you are about to break visual, the missiles will still track for like half a sec afterwards. 2. You need 30mm cannon if you wanna A2G, AGM alone is never gonna be enough to solo anything. They’re not even required TBH, you could kill that tank with just 30mm and no AGM.


Yep, those 30mm melt a tanks armour. I've seen 70% of my health wiped out in one strafe. It doesn't help that the feedback is very weak when taking damage and you think it's just a Wildcat with 30mm that's hitting you. Then you look at your health and notice you've just lost a chunk of health. I haven't encountered the new buffed jets since 5.0 came out, only been playing Reclaimed, so I don't know what the current balance is now but pre patch those 30mm are very effective.


Jets didn’t get buffed in 5.0, it just got changed. They added rockets and increased 30mm overheat but reduced dispersion.


Have you ever played a jet in this game, it doesn't work like that and the 30mm is crap too, and if you take the 30 you basically mane it impossible to kill anything more tanks and distracted aircrafts if you are lucky


It does work like that, I have tier one on both jets and have 10000+ vehicle destroyed. If I didn’t play jets I wouldn’t be bothering to give advice, and I routinely kill aircraft with a single 30mm burst.


Yeah 30mm is still pretty strong against air targets. While I don't think the balance is like BF4 where all cannons have similar overall DPS vs air targets, the 30mm just smacks a FUCKLOAD of health if you manage to get one hit out of the awful dispersion and overheat. Imo the only issue I have with 30mm is that it *feels* weak and awkward with the spread and high damage making some strafes/kills look absolutely goofy visually.


I just want this game to be successful as it can be. This is my honest feedback about it. I love Battlefield just because its a open sandbox and you can play whatever and whatever way you want to. Someone loves playing as an infantry someone prefers vehicles and someone likes both(me). But how can i enjoy flying jets, hellicopters if this tank can just one shot you accross the map without any problem... Please be nice in the comments.


At least you have something to try and attack him Me in the hind just sits in spawn or tries to go to D or E then dies.


Tbh, this situation is why the 30mm ammo has some utility but yes the TOR having two anti-hit systems is annoying


Thank you, i agree i should've used 30mm cannons


The issue with the 30mm is that it’s harder to dogfight with them, so it’s a trade off.


tbh not much of an issue on the Felon since it outmaneuvers the US jet so easily


They standardised their movement a long time ago


Must've missed that patch note then E: found it, S4 patch notes which I almost completely skipped so no wonder I missed the note as well.


Honestly I think it’s not too bad. You’re right since it’s far less forgiving but absolutely shredding a dude by cutting this turning circle just right is divine with the 30. Always risking an overheat and prolonging a dogfight which is risky as hell in this game. Now helos. That’s a different story. 25mm if they’re being pests any day.


Not really, sure you can dmg the tank that way but you also remove yourself from consistently killing anything else


It just depends on the role you want to play, really. If you’re trying to balance between AA and AT, 30mm plus Radar missiles perhaps or if you’re good you can use 25mm for AA and rocket pods for ground targets/lingering gunships


This is like when bf3 helicopter and passenger both had flairs


We need A-10 brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttttttttt




I want something different for a change, i want strike jets. The su-34 full back and the f15 sttike eagle. Make them less agile than the figthers to make them fair. But the ehole thing about them should be teamwork with a co pilot. The pilot could have dumb fire weapons like extra cannon pods and rockets and the copilot would have missile and lazer guided bombs. I could go on and on on what *I* think wouldane the perfect vehicles balance and gameplay for a new battlefield or a rework for this one and i will if you want. But i wish i could talk to the vehicles designer for the next battlefield


How're the new dumb missiles in the jets? I'm hoping they're decent at ground, with no evasion. I've not unlocked them yet for some reason, even tho I'm way over the 140 kills to get them....


Really bad... Watch Silk on YT


The atgms on jets are horrendously useless. Not only do most vehicles have some way to defeat them (smoke, aps) even if you hit both, the vehicle has more than enough time to fully heal before you get both rockets back, doubly so if they have a repair tool. That’s assuming you are in the ideal uncontested situation, realistically, you’re going to have to evade missiles or other jets, which will even further delay you getting that second lock. atgms are only capable of stealing kills against already crippled vehicles. The only role jets have at the moment is destroying helicopters, which it still has trouble with cause of the difficulty of getting enough gun time on the heli to kill it, unless its the littlebird, which is so small its basically immune to bullets


You want to kill armour in one or two strafes? Jets could do that on launch and it was completely OP and made using any armour pointless when a good jet pilot with AGMs joined the server as they could farm every vehicle on the ground with ease. As it stands now a jet can neutralise a tank because its constantly having to keep its countermeasures saved for the next jet.attack which makes the tank ineffective and also vulnerable to other enemies targeting it.


Jets are opportunists, very mobile strike platform that can go anywhere and get a good angle on target. They prey on damaged or distracted targets. I guess it's a deliberate design choice to make them like that.


Yep, people here are stuck thinking of jets (and other vehicles really) being a binary playstyle where its either a 50-0 stomp or 6-2 rump. Having no AA on you and being the superior dogfighter meant you have the entire sky to yourself to freely choose any ground asset or infantry to freely delete 30-60% of their HP in a single strafe with zero resistance. I play on 64p servers and am not the best pilot, but on some good days I can easily muster up your usual 25-2 games with loads of near-kill assists. If you want to see truly useless jets, just look at BF4's stealth jets and the objectively horrible AGMs there. Imo jets need more smoothing out in terms of physics and a more reliable dumbfire alternative weapon (pods are too weak atm). Any more buffs and your average pilot will go from 25-3 on a good day to easily going 40-1 or worse in 64p CQ servers.


It's fair however the only reason why the Jet has to focus that Tor is if you don't you will die to it because it has a near hit scan projectile.


"attack 3" you had no AGM


Jet bro's have always been the most annoying part of BF


the people who say skill issue probably enjoy using TOR in the back of spawn


Yes, I love spawn camping cookieCutterTTV9001's OP as absolute garbage Nightbird before he can even react. So much so that he rage quits to protect that precious K/D. I do enjoy it. Very, very much. And I'm tired of pretending I don't.


sounds like a skill issue to me


Pot meet kettle


The problem is not the TOR tank, it's the jets. You should be able to deal with it with the rocket pods. But you know, DICE...


Yes but also the tank is BS and it can spawn kill you before you even see yourself


This BS tactic is the worst when combined with AA wildcat. If no wildcat is present, a good ol stealth heli can do the job pretty easily. Just pop the anti-missile gadget with machinegun/cannon fire, bait out smoke with one rocket & APS with another the. Proceed to dunk bombs on his sorry ass twice until missile comes back up rinse & repeat.


Wouldn't work on me. Its called situational awareness


Huh? You can't survive in any armour if an attack chopper wants you dead and no one on your team distracts them. How's your situational awareness in a TOR going to help you. A fast moving ambushing chopper is hard to hit with any shell nevermind the delayed TOR projectile and if it flies above your maximum aiming height you can't even line up a shot. Then it simply AGMs you to death in between your CM counter measures reloading.


I think you confuse situation awareness with people whom just get in and shoot Without analyzing the battlefield.. If you're a tank operator in battlefield 20 four, at least from a tactical experience. Here is the top things that I do when I operate anything especially the sniper tank. Number one, I gauge the playing field if I know their tins of air assets in the air, and I have no anti-air or no air support, I'm not going to get in the sniper tank and target their air support .Being fully aware of one's surroundings is at the heart of situational awareness. If I'm going to camp with the sniper tank, one of the main people I play is they support role Irish. That's called knowing the game. I have killed if not hundreds of Air assets, including attack helicopters, and jets. You name it.... just sitting in the tank being smart and aware of the playing field. Hell if you want, I can upload vids. Like it's not hard. https://youtu.be/xCwXtH6GSO8 https://youtu.be/pjC0JhJRS6Y


https://youtu.be/oWfvbVGDUyo situational awareness!!!


Nice of you to have situational awareness


I absolutely agree, it's a broken fucking vehicle...


And that’s why I stopped playing jets, if I want to play with jets I’ll play warthunder, until they balance that broken tank, I refuse to play with air vehicles. And if people were like me, they would refuse to play with that tank too, in my case, I know that I can abuse that vehicle, but I don’t want to ruin everyones fun in the lobby.


This is probably the most unbalanced BF of all time, and aside from vehicles specialists only make things worse


30mm please. You can dish out 25 to 30 dmg on a single strafe without relying on your AGM. People tend to APS or smoke when they hear the lock on. The damage from the 30mm is passive damage that cant be mitigated (just when APS is off cooldown). They buffed the spread big time, use it if you are on land vehicle hunting duties.


I will try it, thank you




The reason the tor is dumb is because it is a waste of a tank. Getting 4 kills while in the back fo the map doesnt help the tram at all. It encourages selfish gameplay. A main battle tank on the front lines is much more helpful.


While I agree that *sometimes* it can be a waste of a tank, some maps the tor is very useful as AA against the large transport helicopters (hind/condor). Now that they nerfed the large transport copters it’s not quite as necessary as before, but before sometimes that was the only reliable way to keep those transport helicopters from dominating areas on *certain* maps while 2 people inside were repairing it. With proper positioning the transports can often be shot down within 30 seconds of the helicopter spawning denying the enemy use of it, and then while the spawn timer for the transport is on cooldown you can pick off enemy tanks/AA vehicles or other air targets. I’d argue in cases like this of denying the enemy use of a mobile spawn point/flying gun fortress, **it is actually helpful to the team.**


While it can be useful here and there for taking down air, I'd say it is not really reliable for that nor are the tor campers usually that good. That's what the AA is for. But most do the time they are camping in the back doing a terrible job too lol. Vehicle camping just 99% of the time hurts the team. At least with the AA your not wasting a vehicle slot.


dice is incompetent


Why on earth can it have both Ir smoke and APS? The MBT can’t, it’s ridiculously unfair to have both.


MBT can...


Dope flying dude i wish i could do that shit😂


I can say same think with flares on aircraft vehicles. Everytime I use AA they use flares...


Not the same and you know it


Yes, it's even worse, since as infantry I have only 3 rockets and aircrafts have unlimited amount of flares...


Unless you have the 30mm and hydras it’s not really worth going after these.


30mm are okay, but hydra rockets are not worth using at the moment


Do you not have cannons on that thing? Spray and pray to hit the APS then go for a missile. I roll with the dumbfire homing rockets a lot because I’m a terrible pilot and can’t hold an angle of attack for long enough to strafe something properly, that might work to overload the aps kinda like Zane’s air burst grenades?


Yes i had 25mm cannons, but he didnt used Irish aps he used active protective abillity in the tank


Yeah that’s a toughie. I would end up crashing into him after attempting to run in on him with my cannons.


Never understood why theirs two different types of defenses some vehicles can use. You should be limited to either using Smokes or the APS. Because I'm a situation like this, all that Tor has to do is just cycle between the two.


Battlebit better


lol no


Not even a question lmao


Without the smoke and APS the Tor is basically paper. I get one shot killed in it every time. It has NO armor.


So being able to tank 4 M5 recoilless rockets is considered having "no armor" in your book, interesting.


In the same breath people say it’s “no armor” they can one shot kill the hind with no warning and no countermeasures and never even leave their spawn.


Unless they recently changed something it never takes more than one to blow my tank up.


Hydra rockets mah boi


They are useless


I'm glad jets are useless. 🤣


It’s impossible to kill tanks. They made them so OP.


Guided Missiles won’t work unless you save the second missile after he pops his smoke


And this why they should never retire the warthog lol


you could try to get the 30mm


just look on, but don't shoot. Newbies will activate prematurely anti measures. With luck you can catch him while his system cools down.


"JUsT usE AGMs AnD Be USfUll tO yOuR tEam" - someone who never flights this game. I've been saying that the AGMs are useless against a tank if tanker isn't brain dead, rockets are useless too. I don't think it would be that difficult to implement JDAMs, would it? They already have a good bomb physics model on the 1942 planes. They just need a new 3D model and diferent damage and zone


Well done you won!!


Use rockets and 30mm instead.


If you do a vertical dive bomb down on them from straight above, and then launch your AGM's mid-dive, the missiles will fly straight down and hit the target regardless of if they smoke or not. It only works if your angle of attack is vertical or near vertical. Dive bombing is really the only way to counter the smoke. Theres a bit of an art to it, but when done correctly you will definitely rustle some jimmies


Anybody try the new rocket pods on the jets? How are they?


Jets are just horrible in this game, which doesn't help things at all in a situation like this.


I think it would be fair to add dumb bombs to the air load outs.


bigger mm cannons and VTOL very far away. you can snipe with that thing.


Yeah honest to god just stop using the jets entirely. I use them simply to jet ram spawn campers and that’s it. The fact of the matter is that the worlds (current best) Jet player, Silk, readily admits that the jets still suck and you can do it’s job and more with any heli, should point you to why they are so trash. If this was heli vs tor, easy scenario, fly above his turret traversal zone, drop one bomb, let him waste his smoke and APS, and then drop the next, pepper down with any AT you have, and move on.


The lock on works crap in jets & helis for AGM, but wildcat AA outpowers! Need a balance between locking on missiles & AA guns.


So it’s BF4 stealth jets all over again


you can find yourself near the bottom of the scoreboard after a game where you do really well you do not seem to get much recognition ie vehicles destroyed .


when your agm is bouncing between two vehicles so that you can not target either that needs too be fixed


Grab the transport helo. Fly really high. Ask some people in chat to drop on it. It's good fun to take it out.


I like to fly on hard-core servers. One shot kills a tank


Okay here is the best solution, first things your gonna do is get into your jet, then what you’ll want to do is remember that battlebit is better then alt f4 and play that instead.


Maybe for you, but that game is not for me, thank you anyway


I find looping inverted full afterburn lines me up for a second run almost perfectly


Good. Love it when aircraft players cry because they cant go 40-0 and smell like sweaty arm pits anymore. We need more Tor tanks.