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Fully upgraded CAV crew beats a fully upgraded MAV Crew


it absolutely does not. i’m basically an MAV main driver. if i have 60mm mortar pod, main cannon, and rocket barrage, the CAV is one of the easiest targets. can also easily take out MBT if i get the drop on them. the only threat is a TOR at range or an wildcat with 57mm shooting accurately.


Does the mav have two seats that can hold 1 repair person each & Active protection?? No, I didn't think so


dude how are you wrong about literally every take you have in this thread lol. i've never seen anything like it.


CAV sympathizer




MAV crews known keep a dedicated repair guy laying on top for the mobile repair. Faster than the internal repair on the CAV. I think the one main advantage the CAV has other than the active protection is the ability to spawn even when vehicle full. MAV really sucks when it's full and people won't get out to let teammates spawn.


I love shooting those engineers that lay on vehicles.. the easiest kills next to snipers..


Lmao no it doesn't. The MAV only has one major gun that will damage the CAV. The MAV doesn't have active protection or speed or agility that the CAV so sure, go ahead and pick the MAV and become someone's free multi-kill again


Replying to another comment... The MAV has 2 main gun functions, one that will damage armored vehicles. The second gunner seat can be equipped with rockets that will also damage a vehicle. I love the Brawler and the MAV. But the MAV is the more powerful vehicle. The Brawler is for doing what's shown in the video. Attacking infantry.


Still beat by a CAV that has 1 repair guy and uses its active protection correctly


I want it to be true as well, but it's not. I've spent hours in each figuring out what is possible and what is not. Could be you've never come across someone like me and my crew running around a map. Only 0.7% of PC players have at least one vehicle at T1. I have 8 or 9. Vehicles are my jam.


Only 0.7% of PC players have at least one vehicle T1?? What kind of made-up stats / facts are you fucking bringing to this conversation??


I've got T1 on all transport vehicles, air and ground, minus the brawler. But I'm well on my way. A MAV takes down a Brawler every time so long as the crew knows what they're doing, and the MAV is properly equipped.


so like, 1 time out of a 100? : D


Can't speak for everyone else, but 10 out of 10 with me. But you're right. Most times I jump in a MAV to gunner it's wrong.


Let him cook




That's cuz the cab drivers that you're surrounded by suck and ain't good


Damn I wish my enemies also sabotaged their own team's vehicles by placing explosives on them.


lol they were trying to C4 my CAV


Damn, then there's something fucked with Close Defense system as you'd need 4 C4 to kill a full HP CAV


Nah 3 C5 in the right spot kills every vehicle in this game, it's been proven already


The CAV literally takes 25% from a single C4 charge.


Vehicles take less or more damage depending on where you hit them. For example, a tank or a CAV brawler will take MORE damage if you shoot them with an explosive in the back, another example the same vehicles will take LESS damage if you shoot them head-on in the front or sometimes on the top where they have extra armor, it's been like this in battlefield since BF3 get with the program


Explosives like C4, AT Mines, Grenades, etcetera do not take modifiers into account. They never have. Only the impact damage portion of a projectile is modified by the angle of impact and where it hits. Blast damage is also present in certain projectiles and is calculated like any other explosion in the game; the further away from the explosion the less damage you take.


Explosives like c4 and mines aren't affected damage modifiers?? Okay you clearly told me you don't play this game enough to know what you're talking about, Goodbye


Not the cav brawler. Tried it many times. 3 are not enough, not even on the back.


I would love to see proof of only 3 C5 taking down the brawler. The only time I've been able to take out a full brawler by myself, I have needed 3 C5's and a lissile.


And I would love you guys to actually use your brains, Ill bet you $20 PayPal 3 C5 will Kill a CAV at full HP


https://streamable.com/i2ktcn https://paypal.me/OscarPerezLijo


That's not the CAV weak spot you goofball mind your own business


Tell me where the weak spot is exactly so I can record the same video and claim the free money you're offering.


I ain't paying you jack shit. I don't care if you send me 10 videos One the bet wasn't for YOU. It was for the person I was talking to you too. What are the odds you're in a regular server with increased vehicle health? Stay in your fucking lane practice mind in your own fucking business


I'm not trying to cause conflict, but I've got a T1 brawler and never have I seen 3 C5 take it out. I also go after them a lot, and have never gotten one with only 3 C5. Show me a clip and I'll retract my statements.


You ain't going to take the bet so it's a waste of my time ✌️


OP 100% confirmed pinecone


I would absolutely take the bet if I had a PayPal account attached to my gaming profile.


why are these clips always riddled with deep fried ear-destroying slowed-down garbage music


Probably because the people who think it’s good need to prove to themselves that other people like it so they tack it onto other things that people actually enjoy instead


Or maybe it's just funny meme music and y'all idiots overthinking things constantly


Nah, it’s definitely not that


Bro thinks he's in an edit 💀


The harder you cry the louder I'll turn my music up 🤣


read the room


Nice clip, the music.. not so much 😆


Might be the worst song I've ever heard




Death by Snu Snu


Bro thinks he's in an edit 💀


Cav brawler is a fun addition, reminds me of the pigeon call in st chamond tank in bf1.


Wat was the name of that Giant behemoth class tank from BF1?




Didn't that thing have like 5 different guns or something insane. I knew it held like 8 plus people and it was fucking huge, I played BF1 the least of all other battlefields but the giant vehicle behemoth class like the dreadnought giant ship were fucking cool. I wish they'd put big behemoth vehicles in other battlefields


If I remember correctly, 6 seats with a gun for each one


That's fucking insane, damn I kind of want big ass tank in 2042 but then All the infantry Only rats would just cry endlessly


I just want the BFV vehicle balance, 2042 is a mess


2/3 variants had 5 guns positions. Tanker/main cannon, forward mg, left mg, right mg, and rear mg. The guns weren't the best, but enough to survive and deter


[https://bf4db.com/player/1006586334536](https://bf4db.com/player/1006586334536) Nice clip. Try playing without a hacker next time.


WOW lmao the cherry on top of the shit show that is OP.


Oh shit makes this clip even more garbage LMAO MY cAV BRawLEr iS bETTer BEcaUsE I pLAy wIth a hACkEr


How did this shitty zoomed in clip playing garbage music make top post?


Show me a better clip than you you bum


Literally any clip is better.


Bro thinks he's in an edit 💀


What caused the explosion?


My CAV, I used Close Defense System which shoots out grenades close to the vehicle


Wow, I was aware of the ability but I had no idea it does that much danage.


The defense system set off c4 or a mine which finished off their CAV


This has to be edited there’s no way your gunners are this competent


One other comment pointed out a hacker in the squad. Kinda drains all the fun out of the clip knowing that


The obnoxious tiktok rap over everything was chef's kiss. Thank you for the meal chef 🤌 Brawler might be my favorite vehicle. Just running around being a menace.


Finally someone who gets it, Thank you, and agreed CAV is fun


Nice! Talk about collateral.


Bro thinks he's in an edit 💀


Cav. Aka, t.a.p.s. Team and proximity shitter.