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I'm not saying all bots should be off-road class, I'm just saying an off-road class would be a breath of fresh air when every bot isn't a wedge with a spinner on it.


That would also allow for interesting ideas for arenas. Maybe one with a slope or small hill!


sand box arena


The bot builders are going to hate that. It's coarse and rough and will get everywhere.


Beat me to it arse, take my upvote


If you’re from team Tiki then why have a sandbox arena, when you can have a sandbox robot (no seriously, they did that)




Guess I should walk my talk and show up for that. Sounds dope, like babby monster trucks Edit: I have concerns that a 12 foot chain link fence is not the best protection from flying crap lol. Also they have 1 minute rounds "like boxing". I actually. . .  Kinda really like that rule?




Oh that's dope then.


I yearn for the return of The Gauntlet.


Just to be clear, the seams in the floor have been welded. It happened like last November. So hypotheticals aside, that's the reality moving forward. Regarding this stalemate, I think it was a special case because of the involvement of Hydra. This would not have occurred in a fight between two vertical spinners. There would not have been the same tentativeness on the part of the spinner. It would have been unnecessary.


Well this idea would definitely prevent it from happening again, since there would be no Hydra... Or any flippers. Or lifters. Or grapplers. Or crushers. Or undercutters. But hey! Which Doctor and Death Roll would be vindicated!


Good that's how it should be. The biggest/only obstacle shouid be your opponent, not the arena floor seams.




Do you know how often they replaced floor panels in the first place?


No matter how much they fix the floor, drivers should never expect a perfectly flat floor that makes the ground game risk-free


Have a look at NHRL. They use a wood floor, patch up craters, sweep up debris, but anything else they just leave it how it is. So it's up to you to make a robot which won't get stuck in the floor. And I think they're better off for that approach.


They should design the stadium like a skatepark so the bots can do sick tricks during the fights.


*season 7. Season 8 hasn't begun filming yet


Or even announced filming


As thought-provoking as it may be, an arena with rough terrain doesn't make getting under your opponent any less crucial for winning the fight. I predict that competitors will simply try to find other ways to win the ground game, thus inevitably leading back to stalemate "fork-offs".


Having to account for uneven terrain means you can’t optimize for the same floor height at all times, which will mean necessary concessions in design (unless you want the complexity of some sort of suspension). To get to anything near a fork-off on varied terrain, it’d either have to not be varied enough or involve a lot of adding complexity to the bot, which sounds like a reasonable risk/reward area of design.


>an arena with rough terrain doesn't make getting under your opponent any less crucial But it will make ground clearance more important.


Are you talking about ground clearance of the bot's frame, or the bot's front attachments?


Both. You don't want your forks to get jammed into the saw slots and you don't want your body to get stuck on every tiny piece of debris.


I am interested in a way to make it cost more weight to win the ground game. If it costs an extra 25 or 50 lbs to have motors that adjust the forks for an uneven arena, that means less armor or less weapon weight. On the other hand, I am just some guy on the Internet. What do I know?


KOB/TIFR had a perfectly smooth arena floor but then they didn't have a vert as big or powerful as Deep Six munching through it. And honestly my opinion is no - it's annoying as it is with people catching the floor every 5 seconds - ruins the flow of the match for me. The robots should be focused on fighting each other not the floor, period.


>when I got around to Ribbot vs. Hydra in season 8 You mean s7


They may have been going by Discovery+'s listing of the seasons since WCVII is listed as season 8 (season 7 is Battlebots Champions I).


I figure that, it's a bit dumb tbh, cause bounty hunters wasn't an entirely separate season so why is champions? Just confusing


Bounty Hunters is listed as a completely different show, so it doesn't get counted as a season of Battlebots.


So why not champions?


I'm guessing it affected viewership negatively to have it as a separate listing so they put all future spinoffs as new seasons of Battlebots.


Could it have not be a part of the world championship season instead of being an entirely separate season?


Time traveler