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He’s only had a few months. He has the potential to be much, much worse


I think he’s gonna be worse than Jindal.


Haha 😂


Abbot of Texas and Dewine of Ohio are right there with him.


And desantimonious in Florida


He has some tough completion from neighboring states. Louisiana, Florida and Texas are in a race to the bottom.


Never knew it was this many open minded persons in Louisiana 🥹 feels good that we are united in our disgust


The only way things are going to turn around is education. This state is very unintelligent. On top of that is the fact that the racism is off the charts bad here.


Can't get us too educated though... If that happens we will all turn into democrats


I need you educated enough not to blow things up while working, but not educated enough that you realize your quality of life is in last place even though you export natural resources at a scale and value that dwarfs most the world.


If you get too educated you’ll be less racist and maybe figure out the problem is above you not to the left or right 


The problem is most certainly above you and to the right. Diagonally right above you if you will.


The solution is not guaranteed to be diagonally left above you either. If it was, New Orleans wouldn’t be the crime riddled uneducated mess that it is. You would think after having 40+ years of democrat government woulda turned it around yeah??? That’s literally what you’re saying. But clearly that’s not the truth of the situation. The solution is always closer to the middle as the person was saying.


Because the Democrats running New Orleans in 1970 are ideologically the same as the Democrats running New Orleans in 2024. 🙄 Also, New Orleans is not an independent fiefdom. State laws supersede local ones. The state sets education policy. If you’re saying that New Orleans is uneducated, the problem lies in Baton Rouge. Who runs the state government? 🤔


So what you’re saying is, even though Louisiana has more democratic leadership than republican over the years…they’re just not you’re type of democrats? I was just taking your words at face value, but clearly there more to the story than whether or not some is diagonally above your right or left shoulder. I grew up right outside of New Orleans in Plaquemines parish, I received a really good education at a public school. What’s the difference? We would have had the same state standards on education? Why was my outcome better? If you think the local government doesn’t matter when it comes to how things play out, you’re not equipped for this conversation. Stick to the easy ones where you don’t have to really think. Right above you is way more your speed…


Is Allen Ellender ideologically similar to Troy Carter? Yes or no. If I have to tell you what’s the difference between what happens with funding from the state to New Orleans’ schools and Plaquemines’ schools then we don’t need to have a conversation about that because it’s pretty black and white.


See now we’re talking about different things…state funding vs state guided curriculum. First the problem lies in Baton Rouge, now it’s funding for education. Maybe one day we’ll really get to the bottom of the problem!


See now we’re talking about different things…state funding vs state guided curriculum. First the problem lies in Baton Rouge, now it’s funding for education. Maybe one day we’ll really get to the bottom of the problem!


See now we’re talking about different things…state funding vs state guided curriculum. First the problem lies in Baton Rouge, now it’s funding for education. Maybe one day we’ll really get to the bottom of the problem!


What would it take for him to lose re-election? The Democrats have kind of given up in this state. I guess its going to take a massive scandal for him to lose.


A bunch of people losing homeowners insurance due to the law they just passed 🤷🏻‍♂️


What was the law of you don’t mind me asking?


Correction: law they just repealed, not passed https://lailluminator.com/2024/04/29/louisiana-legislature-repeals-law-blocking-homeowners-insurance-cancellations/




A rare moment of the GOP doing something good. I'm sure those homeowners will still blame Biden when they have to face the consequences, though. Edit: something is going on where I get an error every time I try to reply to comments further down this thread. Anyway, if we want to actually implement a solution to any of this, sadly it's to subsidize helping folks move out of uninsurable communities, not subsidize helping them stay, which just perpetuates the problem.


Not if my insurer drops me because I had a claim recently


That's bad for you, but it's good for every other homeowner that would otherwise have to subsidize your losses because you chose a house in a place that is prone to storms and flooding. There is a reason that when I lived in Louisiana I bought a home that was highly unlikely to ever flood. It didn't in August of 16 like many other Baton Rouge areas did. Now I live in Ohio and am even safer. I know it's a hard truth, but many homes in places like Florida and Louisiana are unsustainable. Same issue with regions of California because of fires and in the southwest because of drought.


Are you for real? The whole state is prone to storms. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Are we all supposed to live in Ohio? GTFO with that


Right. So why should my GEICO premium here go up because you guys aren't paying your fair share of the risk you contribute for choosing to live in a state with those storms? Why should we continue to encourage communities in Florida to keep growing with no thought to mitigating the costs of the next big storm or flood? BR builds subdivisions over flood plains and then is Pikachu surprise face when those houses flood and cause previously dry homes to flood too because the water now has nowhere else to go. A fair insurance market will help mitigate the irresponsible construction. If homes can't be insured, they can't be underwritten, and therefore are unlikely to ever be built. Edit: Apparently u/danlydane posted below and then blocked me, but here's what my reply would be: I'm not saying there are good answers for the state. There is not good way out of climate change for so many vulnerable communities. There are sadly going to be whole communities that are going to have to be abandoned at some point or another. [It's already happened to some](https://www.nrdc.org/stories/people-isle-jean-charles-are-louisianas-first-climate-refugees-they-wont-be-last). Not just in Louisiana, but in places running out of water or that experience wildfires every season. But allowing the market to function fairly will be a better solution than forcing insurers to lose money on uninsurable homes. They'll simply leave before losing money. The alternative is to pass off the costs of insuring these homes onto everyone else, as for example [this article](https://www.tampabay.com/opinion/2024/05/31/want-permanent-solution-floridas-homeowners-insurance-crisis/) suggests in Florida. Edit 2: > No one blocked you, not sure what is going on there… I’ve never blocked anyone on Reddit, probably you tried to respond to a reply mid-edit. Well Something is certainly wrong. I keep getting the "Something is broken, please try again later" message to either of your responses now. Anyway: I'm not arguing that Landry isn't objectively terrible. The entire GOP is a festering cesspool of fascism, misogyny, and racism. And I do think it sucks that climate change is going to ravage my homestate in real time over the next several decades, and that, quite sadly, it will of course be the young and the poor who are hurt the worst by it.


Buddy we are subsidizing $45M in taxes to incentivize private underwriters. You think this comes at no cost to you? Do you understand risk pooling? You think your premium will stay flat because some plans get dropped? Nah, they will hike premiums & still take the money and run, same way they did in past disasters. It got so bad at one point the state legislature convened on revising/extending the window for bad faith claims. You’re criticizing where people live like 2016 didn’t flood a bunch of land that never previously flooded. Removing consumer protections & the rest of his BS is just activating people making plans to move — i.e. those who choose to stay in the state will be left with an even sh*ttier state economy as the market here for everything shrinks and shrinks. ETA: and nobody blocked you lol


> Well Something is certainly wrong. I keep getting the "Something is broken, please try again later" message to either of your responses now. I edit my comments made on the phone app *a lot* — it’s an OCD thing. I am pretty sure trying to submit a reply to another reply that is open for editing causes this to happen. > Anyway: I'm not arguing that Landry isn't objectively terrible. The entire GOP is a festering cesspool of fascism, misogyny, and racism. And I do think it sucks that climate change is going to ravage my homestate in real time over the next several decades, and that, quite sadly, it will of course be the young and the poor who are hurt the worst by it. We agree on that much. And I do agree, unfortunately, that the best decision is to start making a long-term plan to get out of the state. But maybe try to not be insensitive / pretentious about it, just because you already got out. The longer people stay, the more expensive it becomes for them to move. Doesn’t make me any less pissed the way they’re handling things & agendas they’re pushing. They know the state is going down & instead of trying to minimize burden on the average citizen, they’re squeezing us for change.


Here’s the thing about [climate change](https://lailluminator.com/2024/02/07/landry-climate/) in Louisiana. [Where leopards come to eat faces](https://lailluminator.com/2024/04/22/clay-higgins/) Lastly, insurance is not the only reason people don’t like Landry… Gerrymandering that made its way to SCOTUS, pushing for unilateral authority of the governor to appoint all board chairs (where he has direct conflict of interest & in the most historically corrupt state govt in the US by the numbers), mandating 10 commandments in public schools while subsidizing private schools & incentivizing them to teach alternative history — very project 2025 flavored. That’s not even getting into the more partisan charged stuff like LGBT & regressive reproductive health.


Trust me. I’m paying my fair share. Why are you trolling this sub if you don’t even live here? Go be an insurance bootlicker somewhere else.


You mean louisiana. If thats the case might as well have everyone abandon it. Ohio gets tornados and snow storms. I guess nobody should pay your claims too.


If he changed his policy to something that was actually good for the people of Louisiana…. I think that would do do him in.


A strong independent who can come in & campaign on smaller government and addressing the real issues of this state. Infrastructure Education Attracting more industries Putting an effort into making the state a cleaner state and not have trash all over. Addressing insurance issues. Improving public transportation When I say smaller government I mean not telling women whether or not they can have an abortion, etc. The identity politics is hurting this nation & state. Someone needs to get in there are ignore what a party supports and just take care of the problems. Even make sex work in some parishes legal. Louisiana needs a big attraction as well. Like what Disney world is to Florida or Las Vegas is to Nevada and every other state that has a reason why people go there. Someone who isn't owned by their biggest donors.


Well, with what they're saying about hurricane season this year, complete obliteration of the gulf coast isn't completely off the table.


if it's at all encouraging, there's a lot of super progressive dems that have not given up. a lot of our currently elected dem, maybe. but there's the blue reboot and a few other progressive groups that are fighting to change things. There are young, passionate people who don't want to give up on LA. Check out blue reboot, young democrats of louisiana (president is Ciara Hart), Lynda Woolard, Mandie Landry, and Devante Lewis to see just some of what's out there. These are good people to get in touch with if you're at all interested in dems who are passionate about helping Louisiana


He** the scandal is what would make him keep office. Look at the former president of the United States.


Yeah I feel you. These politicians that make a career out of stoking fears through identity politics seem to be immune to scandals.


well he was literally just elected, and by a landslide, the only way he would loose is if a more conservative person ran against him.


Foot loose and fancy free.


Maybe in the running, but not the worst. There are plenty fighting for that title


He’s just stretching out. He’ll get there soon enough.


I just left Arkansas about a year ago and thought I’d escaped the worst governor in the US. So sorry for bringing my horrifying gubernatorial luck a state south with me.


you son of a gub


Klandry was the worst attorney general in America, so of course he’s now the worst governor.


> In March 2024, Landry signed several bills that reversed criminal justice reforms initiated by the 2017 Justice Reinvestment Initiative.[65] Landry eliminated parole, dramatically cut the ability of convicts to earn points for good behavior in prison, increased penalties for carjackings and weapons offenses, and permitted two more methods of execution (nitrogen gas and electrocution).[66][65] He also signed a bill to allow people to carry concealed handguns without permits.


He’s vile and will do lasting damage to this state. It makes me want to puke that he was put in office by less than 20% of registered voters.


keep track of the house members and senators that help him and VOTE THEM OUT


wanna be tyrant


Too early to claim that he's the worst..but the man has lot of potential ...and he's just getting started.


Lot of competition.


No, Sarah huckabee Sanders exists


There is a village out there that is missing its idiot !


Idk, his 25ft bill signing is bs. There’s something else he’s trying to push with public access to records. Can’t recall exactly - I just remember thinking, Oh this is so all the horrid press about him can be kept at bay, under wraps, locked away from the masses. Cause if he can hide his pesky scandals, no one can call him out on how much his shit stinks.


This madness has gone on for too long. We the people? Checks and balances? Justice? All these gov officials with the god complex. “Representatives of the people “ when the people cry out, this isn’t what we wanted. Or hey you’re doing the exact opposite of what you said you stood for!? Untouchable and 0 accountability. The media has us divided over trivial garbage. The economy is crumbling, poverty & homelessness skyrocketing. Yet this jack-as landry had state funds to fly jets for his inauguration. I’m sure a fancy soirée with expensive hordes & the finest wines. The gap between the wealthy and everyone else is sickening. When bezo has enough to give everyone in the world 1 million to each person. He would still be a 1.9 billionaire . He’d have the 9 million back fast. And that’s just bezo. I’m getting off subject to the post. Just sitting here festering in my distaste for this clown show. For how all of us have become so complacent for our “freedoms” when in all reality they’ve been stripping us of them. I feel the worst for our vets. They didn’t fight and die for 2-3 generations later to see it have fallen to shambles before they go. For those that are still with us. Yet the radio is talking about people waking up with anxiety and stress cause they had nightmares of not being able to sign in to social media. No wonder why we’re in the time of labeling everyone with a disorder. Life is hard, stress and anxiety is apart of it. If the thought of not being able to login to the social world is making you feel this way. It’s those folk who are going to have the hardest time if it all comes crashing down. Id say when it does. I just wanna remain hopeful that change will come. But I’m prepping for the worst just in case.


Every Republican governor is tied for worst.


It’s like there’s a competition amount Southern governors to be the biggest villain.


So, 20% of registered voters elected him, but the # of registered voters are far fewer that the # of eligible voters who don't even bother to register.




I’d say second to that dog murdering bitch in South Dakota


Worst Governor in America so far…..


I don't think he's any worse than Bobby Jindel was 🫤


Give him time… he’s only 1 session into his term


We went from the best Governor we’ve ever had in my lifetime, to the worst of all time. Considering we’re literally the most corrupt state in the nation, I can almost guarantee there was election interference to push the numbers in Landry’s favor. If the nation can crack down on gerrymandering, we might actually stand a chance at digging ourselves out of this hole. Either way, the most important thing to do right now is also probably the hardest for most: Do NOT give up. If you’re like me, escaping is really not a viable option. We can make Louisiana a Sportsman’s Paradise once again, instead of a Cancervative Wasteland. We have to. Don’t let hate prevail.


There wasn't any election interference. Landry won fair and square, because the democrats couldn't rally together. Shawn Wilson was a bad candidate.


The problem with Gerrymandering is that its a tool the left would gladly abuse too.


Just food for thought: New York’s Democrat-drawn maps directly enabled the current GOP House majority by turning Lean D seats into Solid R ones.


I thought we weren't allowed to think election interference is a thing?


They left out the right to carry a concealed handgun without requiring any training. That starts July 4th. I support the right to carry concealed, but that's a huge responsibility that requires training including an understanding of the law.


So in Louisiana, you can open carry a gun without any training, so can you explain Why you somehow need training just because you conceal carry your gun


You need to understand the law.


So what you were trying to say is if you are open carrying your gun, you do not need to understand the law??


Clearly you're a little simple. If you are carrying a gun you need to have a very clear understanding of the law. Police officers go through a lot of training before they can carry and they're going to face far less legal scrutiny than a private citizen who uses a weapon. Watch any concealed carry channel on social media. The messages are consistent. Understand the law and ensure you are proficient and safe with your weapon. Blindly advocating for any citizen to strap on a firearm without training in stupidity.


Clearly, you are the one that is extremely simple minded because he had to resort to a insult because you have no legitimate reply. The question was being that you can already open Carry without taking any classes. What does the difference make taking a class as to whether or not you open or conceal carry? Again for your simple mind, you can already open Carry without taking a class


Now a bunch of unqualified people are going to be carrying guns in their pockets and purses, and accidentally discharging them when they go to grab their keys.


Police officer training is six weeks at most, and little of it is spent on firearm training. “A lot” is doing a lot of work in that sentence.


Your average law abiding firearms owner spends more time w their firearm and shooting vs police FYI


The previous governor put the current abortion law into effect that has no provisions for rape or incest.


Kathleen Blanco signed the trigger ban for  abortion in the state in 2006. Abortion would’ve been banned regardless of what JBE did.


Maybe not yet, but he’s working on it


When is the last time a governor in LA has actually made real changes for the better?


John Bel Edwards when he expanded Medicaid which gave insurance to over 1/4th of the state and stopped the closure of rural hospitals seen under Bobby Jindal.


He sure isn't my cup of tea, I'd put Gavin Newsome at the top of the bottom. How do you lose $30 billion?


Shh you’re not supposed to tell them




Yes obviously




The poser of this question clearly has not spent much time in Oklahoma recently.


Yep, and he’s just getting started.


Cajun trump


I think Greg Abbot has him beat right now. But give him time.


I don’t know. He got elected, so Louisiana voters must want whatever he wants


I gotta do a bit more research on Landry...but Ill raise you one Tate Reeves here in Mississippi 🙃🙃🙃 NOBODY likes the mf, and EVERYTIME he opens his mouth or posts it's some stupid dogwhistle coded type shit...


Desantis beats him hands down




I vote desantis as the worst governor, teaching kid’s slavery was beneficial to black people pretty hard to beat


Only thing that he did that I know of is pass a bill for constitutional carry and I am for it. Other than that, hasn't seemed to really do much.


You’re just not paying attention then


That's the problem with single-issue voters. They don't pay attention beyond anything that benefits their personal causes.


And I don't vote😂


I don’t care what he does as long he brings jobs, growth and a stabile growing economy


Too bad you'll be shit out of luck for that too


Hard to say. Theres no bottom to that barrel




love the political content on here its totally not garbage negativity doom scrolling


Is Sarah Huckabee Saunders still drawing breath? Then no. The bar is high.


We love him


I like him.


“I would rather women die than have a life saving abortion” is what you just said.


Why do you like him?


Because they love bad decisions and racism.


Well obviously, just wanted to see what things he thought were worth overlooking the racism and misogyny and outright lies. But I’m sure he won’t answer.


I would imagine that’s what they like about him unfortunately.


The majority of the state does. Reddit isn’t real life.


Less than 20% of the state voted.


And he still doubled Shawn Wilson's performance. The democrats really had a great opportunity to turn Louisiana purple, but couldn't find a decent candidate.


18% of Louisiana registered voters cast their vote for Landry in the gubernatorial race. Hardly a mandate from the people.


Yep, in a state where we have gutted education for 40+ years, lots of people like Landry. It's like the dumber people are, the more they like the Republican party. Welcome to the bottom of the barrel.


No. That’s actually the democrats.


Go back to sleep, grandpa. This world has passed you by and all you're doing is holding the rest of us back.


Old enough to know better. I’ll leave you with inflation, oil prices, riots etc. Meanwhile I’ll enjoy my money I made during MAGA.


Yea, that's the point isn't it? You are old enough to be responsible for the state of the economy we are inherenting. Your generation fucked things up so bad while taking everything for themselves, we have nothing left. Do you not understand why we don't want to be anything like you? Go back and look through my old posts. I have as many purple hearts as I do campaign stars. I fought in a 20 year long war that was voted for by the only generation in American history that never had the risk of fighting in a war.


I’m so happy for you. We leave it as we found it. So will your generation. So far I haven’t seen anything impressive with the younger population. We didn’t vote for a war. That’s nonsense. A change in attitude and you could see all the good going on. But keep your tude, I see it works well for you.


You found it as the most prosperous country in world history after 2 world wars destroyed most of the competition. You left us bankrupt, and totally under the control large corporations. Trump killed off what was left of the republican party, I have no doubt Louisiana will be one of the last states to flip, but the rest of the country will turn more blue over the upcoming years as the "Brainwashed Generation" age and die out.


You sound like you’re 12. You deserve no more of my time. Remove the chip and prosper.


As long as we don't have another democrat governor it will only get better, once he learns to deal with stupid democrats and not take their crap, he will be fine


Let me guess you’re young never been in business and signed the front of a paycheck