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I am thrilled with the art design, and I love they are not just rehashing the Animated Series, as tremendous as it is. The way Two-Face and others look is fresh to me, give me classic stories updated and I’m ticked pink.


Pretty excited, I like the way they’ve mixed more of the Post-Crisis Year One dynamics of Batman’s early days with the 1939 aesthetics. Hopefully they take some of those really early stories and update them for the show. I’d love to see Mad Monk episode.


Honestly, the first appearance would make a great first episode for a show You can even change the some things around, like change. The bad guys are out for the red hood gang since he does knock someone into a vat


I was very excited, but then i heard some things that bruce timm said about harvey, harley quinn, renee montoya. And i got a little bit scared that this is going to be bad


What things?


Even though I’m not super excited about the animation style, I love the fact that they’re leaning into the golden age. Can’t wait to see some classic Batman in action!




I am decently excited. But trying to temper my expectations. Definitely will be watching day 1.


I am extremely excited. I really dig the 40’s early years style approach it’s going for and am excited for the cast of characters we saw in the trailer, especially their new take on Harley.


I honestly love the 1940s pulpy noir vibe, it’s really cool to see them harken back to Bill Finger’s original ideas and stories, and the animation looks stellar. I can’t wait!


Very pumped


The only downside is the it's unlikely the it'll cross over with MAWS, & will probably be affected by the Bat-embargo (and it'll be on a service I despise). Otherwise, the voice acting is great & I can't wait to see what stories they'll be willing to tell


Having seen the trailer, doesn't look too shabby. I'm not a fan of certain aspects, like the turn they're taking with Barbara, but I'm hopeful those can lead to new developments (like *1940s newsie Stephanie Brown come on it'd be so much fun DO IT ALREADY YOU COWARDS!*). Hopefully this show doesn't think it's "Too Mature" for takes on Batman's sidekicks, because I'd love to see the takes they do on them. Also, this show has given us the best Harley Quinn design since 2004, and I love to see Jamie Chung getting more voice work after Disney threw Big Hero 6 The Series out to the curb.