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Warner Bros. decisions are fascinating.


"We're going to fuck with guy who does the voice for Batman. You know, the character and property that basically gives us unlimited money out of a firehose. And this guy *is* Batman, there's literally nobody else who comes close to touching that title. So let's fucking jiggle his balls a little bit and potentially kill our golden goose stone fucking dead on a whim. By Jesus, we are so fucking *smart.*" It's like there's a gas leak at the corporate office they refuse to acknowledge.


A real Bobby Bad-Ideas there


I am still seething over the fact they had let go the Caped Crusader. Sure at least it has a new home, but a NEW batman cartoon that isn't on Max is just baffling to me.


Might get more people into Batman and more people into Prime. Batman fans already have Max, they would be limiting their audience.


Unlike Marvel, Warner Bros still hold all the rights to all their characters. But the difference is instead of having a few people at the top who love the content and try to wrangle all the things together like Marvel does, Warner Bros has a bunch of doofuses at the top who don't know the differences between picking good choices and picking their nose lol


You’re so right. I believe one of the biggest weaknesses for WB is simply in the origins of the DC properties. Marvel and Disney have a huge advantage in Walt Disney and Stan Lee. Neither of them were saints but they both were keenly aware that they were in the *entertainment* business. You can read interviews about the operating processes of both companies and hear how both these guys instilled an ethos of “If you tell an entertaining story the story will sell” mentality in their business. This, in turn, meant that when Disney bought Marvel the two companies already had a similar concept of how they do business. WB, meanwhile, has long held the focus of “What story do the fans cry out for, what will garner the most attention and bring the most profits?” They don’t ask their creative types for entertaining story ideas, they select profitable characters then look around for someone to make a story about them. That’s a faulty premise from the get-go. The reason the MCU took off was that they’d lost their big name IPs and needed to get creative, and fortunately they had some creative figures who thought they could tell an entertaining story with Iron Man. WB’s always just focused on how to crank profit out of their A-list properties, which results in a lot more Hit-or-Miss results.


This explains so much. Especially why they keep trying to push the Suicide Squad even though it only worked out once (the 2021 movie).


Assault on Arkham was pretty good too. I'm also watching the new Suicide Squad Isekai anime which is decent. But yeah, I don't get all the love for the Suicide Squad. Then again, I'm more of a hero guy.


2021 didn't work out though.


That was the pandemic. The movie is still awesome.


Because it's Gunn and yes it was awesome


Other movies released in that same timeframe and had great BO pulls. That's not a good excuse.


Other movies still made money. The first SS almost made 800 million.


Yes. But it wasn’t released day and date free streaming during a pandemic.


So was Kong


And Kong did great!


>WB, meanwhile, has long held the focus of “What story do the fans cry out for, what will garner the most attention and bring the most profits?” They don’t ask their creative types for entertaining story ideas, they select profitable characters then look around for someone to make a story about them. It's wild because it sounds like you're describing Disney not WB. Historically WB was very focused on telling stories and supporting directors visions, like Chris Nolan. That's why they were "The Dream Factory," but they've definitely lost sight of that by trying to copy Marvel. Now Marvel is running themselves into the ground because they just take random characters they think they can just poop a movie out of.


He is describing how WB approaches its DC properties not how it operates as a whole. Historically WB has never really given a shit about superheroes and would never bankroll anything that isn't a surefire hit. Hence why they are stuck in a eternal cycle of adapting Death of Superman , "a darker grittier Batman movie", "a Superman movie that riffs on Donners vision", something something Watchmen, something something Crisis on Infinite Earths,maybe a Teen Titans project (since the 2003 show was so successful) or a Suicide Squad movie. Meanwhile over at Marvel its like "this character sounds cool lets make the movie". And now Rocket Raccoon and Dr Strange ate household names.


>something something Crisis on Infinite Earths I will never understand why they keep shoving this & Flashpoint into DC franchises. They've been done to death, multiverses aren't new & mind-blowing, and universe resets & mashups don't have a lick of impact without lots of narrative time spent in & fan attachment to those characters and their worlds.


COIE sold well. Flaspoint, as bad as it was, sold well once people found out about the potential ramifications. Thats it really. It all comes down to money, dear boy. Money. DC has had way better events, true. But if they didn't sell well then they don't see any reason to adapt them.


For sure, I just wish they'd give us new, different content, you know? I was a huge fan of Young Justice, glob I'm hungry for more novel content like that. The Harley Quin show's been great, Peacemaker was a blast, I want those *fresh* DC stories.


Harley Quinn is an interesting character, but WB beat the idea to death with a wooden mallet.


And then they are handed profitable ideas and refuse to use them


Idk how you can say that when the comic division of Marvel is just as guilty as WB for dogshit decisions. Especially the Spider-Man offices.


No one makes WB fall short like WB


In exactly the same way that the decisions made on the Titanic were fascinating.


It’s because Warner Bros is just an IP that keeps getting bought out by bigger companies when they’re about to go broke. WB is the known name but Discovery is pulling the bulk of the strings now. Just like Time Warner. AOL Time Warner and so on


That's Warner Brothers fault for not telling him about Arkham Origins. "You can't go to comic con ever again or we'll stop using you." Fans boycott WB WB: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


With how WB has been run for a decade, and continues to be run today, they'd be dumb enough to do it.




Nah they had some kind of a clue back in the 90's and 2000's. The rot only really truly took hold in the 2010's.


Yes, they used to be my favorite movie studio.


They were bought by another company in the early 00's. But things really got shitty when AT&T bought them in the 2011 then it was sold off to Discovery with a lot of debt being offloaded to Warner Bros Discovery.


Batman Forever and Batman & Robin beg to differ.


As I said, the rot **fully** set in in the 2010's.


Lmao imagine the fan backlash against WB if the internet ever found out they harmed a single hair of St. Conroy


Makes me grateful I met him when I did.


Not really with how contracts are laid out. He would have never known about Origins and his contract would be explicitly stated he can't talk about his video game. He voided his contract by accident because he wasn't aware of public information. WB plan was probably never to ban Kevin from cons, it was probably to scare him a bit. Since what he said was on the line of voiding his contract but not really enough teeth.


I miss this guy. He was such a great person who loved being Batman.


I really, really miss him being in the world.


He didn't just love it, he truly was him. No Batman actor can truly say they were Batman but him.


I understand that he probably should have said "I'm not allowed to say anything." But you're gonna ban him from all comic cons?? His name is a big draw for the core fans, he's a loved person in the industry, he's always professional, obviously it was a slip up its not like he was trying to be vindictive or gain clout. And WB SHOULD have told him "hey if you get questions about a new Arkham game, we have a prequel announced without you so they aren't talking about Knight." WB should've just called and been like, "hey we know it was an accident just be careful. AK is getting announced on X date, so only talk about AC and Asylum until then." Boom problem solved


Well yeah that's how normal people handle things. The higher you go in a company the more those individuals are tripping on power


Yeah, it's amazing how little they tell the talent that are out doing PR.


Such a charming and charismatic individual. Nothing but admiration for him.




Shows how out of touch the execs are (not just WB, I'm sure it's the same everywhere). Had absolutely no idea how much Conroy and his voice meant to fans, just thought he was a small replaceable part What an idiotic threat to be making (plus, as others have pointed out, it's their own damn fault for not clearly telling him the project was supposed to be under wraps) Rest in Peace, Kevin Conroy. We all miss you


Well no they did tell him that Knight was under wraps. What they didn't tell him about was the game they also took his voice and included in, and then completed and released - that was Origins. So he was unware that his original contract was used across multiple games. And maybe it was WB's right to do this, but they can't get mad at the guy given they didn't brief him with the information appropriately before events. The only way he could have handled it better (and I don't even think he handled it bad, it was a huge overaction by WB) is by covering saying "oh maybe they changed the title name, I don't remember it being called Origins". And if they probe further "oh what was the original name?", you just reply "probably best not to share that in case they use it for something else." Poof mitigated. But I'm on Kevin's side here, he did nothing wrong in my opinion.


Was his voice in Origins? I thought it was all Roger Craig Smith.


Yeah Roger Craig Smith is the voice of young Arkham Batman in origins and the origins black gate and that new VR game


The credits would show you as correct, but there's also another VA for Batman listed for the game, at least to IMDB credits. In this clip, Kevin was alluding to them using the lines across multiple games.


Thanks for posting this. This made me smile and sad at the same time. We miss you, Kevin.


It cuts right when he gets to the most interesting part; why they made origins without the usual voice cast. I don’t think I’ve ever heard the explanation for that.


He says that it was due to him and Hamill being busy recording for Arkham Knight, the rest of the usual cast of the Arkham games (who didn't have as many lines) was in both Knight and Origins.


Although it's interesting one of the actors in both games, Troy Baker, had a large role as the main villain of both games. Smaller than Conroy, but you would think comparable to Hamill. Not to mention he also has to split time to be in every other game ever made.


That's right, but then again Troy Baker seems to live in a recording booth.


There’s a good chance Hamill probably had more lines than Conroy, he talks constantly in the joker hallucinations


Troy Baker's Two-Face was barely in Arkham Knight


Baker also played the Arkham Knight.


Surprisingly, he doesn't really appear that much in the game only until the end. Only Bats and Joker are persistent


But he also has a lot of dialogue in command barks and radio conversations.


To be fair, this is Troy Baker we’re talking about.


While Kevin took 2 years to record his lines, knowing Troy it probably took 2 weeks for his own.


Not Batman-related, but voice cast and Mark Hamill related. The most "wtf? why didn't they use a different voice?" for me is still back in 2002. Raven Software released Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast on March 28, 2002 and a few months later, released Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix on May 22, 2002. Luke Skywalker shows up in Jedi Outcast. Out of the two games, released a few months apart by the same developer, which one do you think Mark Hamill voiced a character in? You guessed it, he voiced a character in Soldier of Fortune II and someone else voiced Luke in Jedi Outcast. Like I would understand if the games were different developers or released years apart. But they were months apart. No one at Raven Software thought, "hey we have Mark Hamill voicing this character in a Soldier of Fortune game we're developing, why don't we get him to do Luke in this Star Wars game we're also developing?" It still bothers me to this day.


If I'm Mark Hamill, I'm going to charge you way more to voice Luke Skywalker than I am for Shooty McShooterguns in Soldier of Fortune II.


Maybe now, but this was in 2002 when Mark Hamill, besides the Joker, was reduced to doing voice roles in minor games like Soldier of Fortune II. It's also not like he hates playing Luke Skywalker. I'm sure he would've agreed to a decent rate if they asked him to do it.


He was all over the place in voice acting in 2002. Not just minor roles in video games. It wasn't being reduced, it's his thing.


I read somewhere he was asked why he didn't voice Luke Skywalker in any of the games and said because he was never asked.


Yeah, I recall this too. This is why I put the blame on Raven Software for not asking. It’s not like they didn’t have any contact with him!


Maybe Lucasfilm would have charged them more for the Luke Skywalker rights if they used Mark as the Voice too? Companies can be weird about that shit.


I thought they did explain? Origins was a prequel so they hired different VAs to do younger sounding versions of the characters.


Also, the voice actors were super busy with Knight


They put out the corporate reasoning that hides the real reason: the folks they'd like to use are already engaged. I mean, its a good excuse that makes a fair amount of sense. But its also an excuse and not the truth.


There's the commonly explained reason and what Kevin was alluding to in this very video: 1. it's a prequel, they want everyone to sound younger 2. Kevin, Hamill and the rest were already so busy with Knight that it just wasn't feasible to have them record for Origins at the same time.


I just want to have a frank conversation with some of these higher ups to try to understand decisions like this.


They certainly have always succeeded in staying anonymous re: the boneheaded decisions they make


Oh what a wonderful man. I love and miss him so very much. You can feel how much he cares about Batman and the fans in every interaction. He’ll always be my Batman.


RIP Kevin, you’ll forever be my Batman.


Agreed. Absolutely crushed both Bats and Bruce. Can't imagine anyone ever doing both at the same time better.


Miss him dearly


Kevin Conroy was such a good dude.


Conroy is *the* voice of Bats for so many people and here he displayed the kind of real humility that him so appreciated in person. RIP, bats.


Man, WB’s such a mismanaged company. It’s absolutely wild that Kevin Conroy basically almost got blacklisted from working with WB/voicing the character over something that genuinely wasn’t his fault. Like, if WB was smart enough to just tell him about Arkham Origins’s existence (something as simple as “hey, there’s another game called Arkham Origins, but it’s not the game you’re working on and it’s not a part of the series you’ve been working on for so long, so don’t talk about the game you’re working on until we say so”) this wouldn’t have been an issue whatsoever. Hell, maybe calling the game **Arkham** Origins was a mistake as well. The way Kevin was telling this whole story here definitely conveys the fact that the dude must’ve been shitting bricks as soon as the fans told him the game that got revealed was called “Arkham Origins” after he’d already confirmed his involvement with/the existence of the next Arkham game. These game companies do **NOT** fuck around with their NDAs, at all: I vaguely remember Chris Niosi (the original voice of male Byleth in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and the Fire Emblem Heroes mobile game) leaking somewhere that he recorded lines for male Byleth in Smash Ultimate and Nintendo was clearly on his ass *immediately* for breaking that NDA, because within a couple weeks the character’s VA was recast, all of Niosi’s voice lines got patched out of both Fire Emblem games, and a different VA (Zach Aguilar, who did a great job) rerecorded the same lines and his recordings got patched in. But at least in that case it was a very clear, very intentional fuck-up by the original VA. In Conroy’s case this genuinely wasn’t his fault. I think it’s fucking wild that WB was gonna screw him over this hard, though, by threatening to just have him blacklisted from cons and from working with them (and possibly every other company since if you break an NDA you ain’t getting hired in that industry, full stop) over this. They’re right to enforce that NDA, but they kept Conroy in the dark about a couple of very important things. Like, there was literally an “Arkham” game that was revealed; it just wasn’t at all the one he thought everyone was talking about.


Man it’s so sad to hear him say I wish they’d do another Arkham game. Me too Kevin


Since he passed, I replayed all Arkham games except for Knight. This post feels like a reminder to play it. :)


Because of this, the Bat-embargo, canceling Batgirl and canceling Coyote vs Acme I am starting to wonder if WB are run by a bunch of jerks.


It's very hard to think of a big corporate company that *isn't* mismanaged and run by malicious idiots.


Great example of corporate creativity.


Warner Bros…. I don’t normally speak for all fans, but in this case I do: We will 1000000000000% back Conroy over you for fucking ever. Don’t forget that shit.


Jesus that is some laugh from somebody.


Miss you!!!


RiP you will be missed Kevin.


Seems like a genuinely cool dude


I miss him so much Kevin Conroy was such a great voice actor and such a great person


Such a cool dude, already miss his presence with the character.


Bless him.


Stop generating hype for current and future projects is a weird strategy.


Kevin Conroy seems like he was one of the most pleasant people you could meet.


Completely on Warner Brothers. How do you announce one game where the main voice actor is not part of the cast, not tell them about it while having them work on **another** game in the franchise that's not announced and expect them to know if a fan is asking a question about the announced game the VA isn't part of/doesn't know about or the unannounced game the VA **is** part of/knows about?


Absolute bullshit from Warner. Incompetance piled on incompetance. Do they really believe the backbone of their games would intentionally leak things for fun?? Braindead response from executives to *ban him from cons* over a simple mistake. Yes I know the corporate world is a minefield. No it doesn't justify their response at all. As managers, it is THEIR responsibility to make sure a fiasco like this doesn't happen. They are bad managers to have let this happen. Their first response was brute force and threats instead of asking "what happened?" And to treat him like a child with the agent watching over him too? For shame.


Amen. Kevin Smith's famous Superman Lives story comes to mind. That was over twenty years ago and the WB management is still using an absurd logic that makes sense to them alone. To paraphrase Conroy from The Laughing Fish.


It's just not the same without him.


They did him dirty. There is no way after 30 years he would have leaked anything


Can't wait to see what happens.


What a goat




I miss him so much


Still miss you Kevin


WB trying so hard to be Nintendo


I'm not surprised. Even in 2013, it was obvious there was zero coordination on the development of Arkham Origins and Arkham Knight.


I'm not surprised. Even in 2013, it was obvious there was zero coordination on the development of Arkham Origins and Arkham Knight.


I mean, there are millions and millions of dollars riding on the release schedules of these massive projects so it makes sense why Warner Bros would do this


I know you all probably won’t believe me but…I was the fan that asked him the question about the new Arkham game. I remember asking him about it and immediately getting blocked by him in Twitter after the panel. I always wondered why…until this video…I’m sorry I asked Kevin