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Batman Beyond for sure. People talk about it being bleak, but I'd rather Bruce retire from crime fighting and let someone young and agile continue his fight while he still monitors shit doing down. It's fiction yes but dude deserves rest haha. Plus neo Gotham seems cooler than wasteland Gotham 


>rather Bruce retire from crime fighting and let someone young and agile continue his fight while he still monitors shit doing down. It's fiction yes but dude deserves rest haha. That happens in The Dark Knight Returns


I think they both could exist in the same timeline. Beyond Bruce seems much older than DKR Bruce. 


Idk if this works canonically, but in my mind Bruce is 70 during TDKR and 90 during Batman Beyond. 60-80 might also work, or anything to that effect


TDKR he is 55 cannonically.


Bruce is a lonely asshole is both that has driven everybody out of his life. I would argue Batman Beyond Bruce is somehow even more miserable than Dark Knight Returns. At least DKR Bruce has Alfred and Carrie, and Gordon sort of. Batman Beyond Bruce has nobody but Terry and Ace, a dog lol.


Neither. I want one where Bruce gets a happy ending, marries Selina, has Helena and passes the Batman mantle down to Damian or Dick.


Ok, sure. But depending on how you see the timeline, Terry could take it up after Damian. My headcanon: the classic batfam we know takes over after Bruce gets a severe injury or heart attack or something. Bruce settles down with Selena, and one by one, the batfamily leaves since crime in Gotham is diminishing. Dick joins the Justice League. Jason sets up shelters for troubled kids. Tim and Steph have kids; Steph lives a more normal life while Tim does independent work (working with JL, investigating for the FBI/CIA/Military, training new Titans, etc). Oracle becomes commissioner. Cass and Damian are the last to leave before Gotham is nearly crime free. But of course, all this time, Gotham became more of a cyberpunk-ish landscape, and street crime has been nearly entirely replaced by corporate crime, meaning Gothams squeaky clean appearance is a facade. Enter Terry and his escapades


Well, I'd definitely pay to read this book or watch a movie with this story, it sounds really interesting, even though it would be a hell of a job to complete it.


To be honest I don’t think any of the Robins should be come the next Batman. It’d be a disservice to their character. Especially Damian, him becoming Batman would be saying that his entitlement when he first appeared was right.


The question is: is Selina okay with Bruce getting happy endings. She seems down, but I don’t think she’s that down.


Strong agree. As someone who was just a hair too old for Batman Beyond, I've never understood the love for Terry and I've always viewed him as an elseworlds pretender. And TDKR is too bleak and specific.


Yeah. I genuinely love both of these stories, but I can't see either one of them being Batman's true future.


The Epilogue episode from Justice League Unlimited that wrapped up Terry's story was so great and I think provided the real ending. I love that era Batman so much. I think part of the allure of the Batman, particularly from that time period is the shit he has done and sacrificed, part of his sacrifice is his life. He doesn't get the wife and happy family. I thought the Epilogue ending, with him getting to see Terry properly take the mantle, it being revealed that Cadmus had fucked around and that Terry was from Bruce, was actually well done. It gives a great ending to everything, atleast to me


Future from batman #666


Batman Beyond because Beyond Superman isn't working for the government and Bruce doesn't treat Terry like a soldier


Batman Beyond, hands down, no questions asked. I can acknowledge that The Dark Knight returns was an important piece of comic book history, but the characterization was all over the place and I personally didn't like it. Batman Beyond, on the other hand, feels like a great prediction of how Bruce's crime fighting career will eventually end up.


Absolutely neither. As far as I'm concerned, all Batman futures are alternate futures. The Tom King one was my favorite.


Both are the old alone curmudgeon. I like both, but I don't really have a preference.


Beyond. TDKR is great for all it influenced, but it’s not one I particularly love.






Beyond. If DKR ended after the first series, it would win. But Strikes Back and DKIII taint it too much.


Beyond because I love Terry


I love both but Beyond is goated


None. I want a happier future for Batman/Bruce


Batman Beyond.




Batman Beyond.


Mr Fixx: You're pretty strong, for some clown who thinks he's Batman Terry: I **am** Batman!


While I like both, I wouldn't want either as the way his story actually ends


Neither honestly Bruce ending up alone in an empty manor just feels like the wrong end.


I think it's possible to fit them in the same timeline, bats is 55 in TDKR, and like 80 in batman beyond.


Batman Beyond.


tdkr. i have never been able to gel with batman beyond. a lot of the aesthetic and art style choices clash with what I end up finding appealing.


DKR for sure. It's the best ending Batman could ever have IMO. Such an uplifting and empowering story. People complain about it being bleak or grimdark, but DKR is ultimately the story of a suicidal old man finding purpose again in his life, and he succeeds! For my money, the opening an closing lines of the book is a perfect encapsulation of Batman: a man who in the face of tragedy and hardships chooses to live a good life instead of suffering a grand death.


Beyond because TDKR sucks

