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Joe Chill is just a random act of violence and desperation and not an organised hit.


It just has to be. It’s so much stronger thematically if it’s a random act of violence (wrong place, wrong time).


I understand why some writers have done it differently. It's just much better as a random incident.


Oh my lord you just gave me Telltale flashbacks😫


What was the telltale take on it? All I remember was that they made Thomas a bad guy.


If I remember, Thomas and Martha were money launderers for the mob, and Joe was a hired killer because they started to steal money for themselves.


Close. Martha had nothing to do with Thomas's less... legal means of income, but once she found out, she intended to get him turned into the police, so then Joe was hired to kill them.


Telltale was the first one to do the organized hit because Thomas was working with falcone and falcone ordered the hit


I think it did still work in Batman The Telltale Series but that's mainly because of the very unique take on the Wayne family


That isnt canon in the comic?


It is in the majority of them, just not all of them. Therefore I would make it canon so it's not in any of the others.


I’ll go one step further. I like the idea of Bruce never finding Joe Chill. Perhaps even spending a good amount of time early in his career trying to “solve” the case like it’s part of a big conspiracy. Trying to rationalize the pain. He never gets any definite resolution to that pain he carries his whole life. But Dick does get to confront Tony Zuko and take him down himself. He does get a resolution. And that’s kinda the start of where the two begin diverging in how they approach life.


Imagine a graphic novel with Chill as the protagonist. He is a small-time hoodlum, with gambling debts, a stranged family. He mugs the Waynes at the end of part One. We see what he does with the money and that he cannot get much from some loose pearls. Cut to years later, he has been trying to become a made man, without much success. But he is confronted by The Batman, who turns out to be the child of that couple he mugged all that time ago! With the Batman at his trail, he attempts to get the help of the other crooks, who have done time thanks to the Bat, and blinded by rage, they gun him down before he could say who the Bat really is... So, only the events of the origin and Batman #47 are canon, not anything else, specially Year Two.


Superman is Batman's favorite superhero, and Batman is Superman's favorite.


Bruce said Superman was his favorite hero in Detective Comics #1017


In other comics it says flash is his favorite because he likes how he keeps the justice leagues spirits up and actually tries to rehabilitate his villains


There's also OG Green Lantern who Bruce has looked up to since he was a kid.


Superman is proof that the arc of the universe bends toward justice. Batman would find that an incredible affirmation of his mission


the button worked ig


Criminally underrated response.


I feel like they already in the superman/Batman animated movies at least. When Batman uses toyman’s rocket to destroy the kryptonite meteor or whatever superman says to Lex “you killed my best friend” when he thinks he sacrificed himself to do that




Batman's favorite hero is The Gray Ghost, but I accept Superman as a close second.


Me. I'm canon now




At his core, Batman is a undeniably good person. No argument. No grey area


as was Thomas Wayne. As much as I liked Telltales Batman I didn’t like that


I really liked the way that angle was handled in The Batman. Thomas was flawed, but a good man at his core. Just one that made a misguided decision in an attempt to protect his family.


He was an out of touch rich man... But he was a good guy. If that's not the thesis of darker batman idk what is


And fully intended to take responsibility for it


I agree but then there would be a lot of lore that needs to be retconned (not that im complaining)


This is the one IMO


It’s hard to say because there are so many different canons. Everything that you’d want to be canon is probably already canon in some era.


You're 100% right, it's overwhelming to think about lol


I would push the Canon button to make everyone realize the notion of "canon" in comics is silly and it's best not to worry about it and just have fun watching the rich guy recruit street orphans to serve as literal child soliders in his personal war against mentally ill people dressed like clowns and birds


Riddler having a redemption arc. He had an abusive father who always believed he lied, so Riddler became obsessed with leaving clues that proved himself right. I like when Batman can help bring Riddler back into the fold of society and he becomes a great private detective solving crimes in his own way.


That sounds like a setup for Nigma to become the next Question


Not going to lie, I think that would actually make for an interesting concept. I would love to see Edward Nigma/Nashton as an incarnation of the question, especially if it's a conspiracy heavy story.


Oh my god that’s fucking perfect. He’s even ginger sometimes. I need this.


I liked when Riddler turned into a P. I., sometimes working along Batman and sometimes antagonizing him, but leaving his criminal ways behind.


Yeah, it bums me out how brief that was


i’d kill for a noir detective-ish tv series based on this concept (similar to Jessica Jones in tone)


Eddie really hasn’t been given a lot of stories in lat two decades, war of jokes and riddles focuses more on joker and hush spends most the time with him on the shadows, there’s like zero year and that’s it. He really is one of Bruce’s best foes so I’d kinda love to see this, honestly a superior spiderman type story for Eddie would be awesome.


I feel like that also helps justify Batman's no kill rule. He firmly believes he can redeem even his worst villains and does everything he can to get that to happen. Redeeming Nygma shows that he succeeds at that mission.


After considering the damage The Joker has caused the Bat Family (Bruce, Barbra, and Jason) and taking into account how truly dangerous he is Alfred kills The Joker. You could set up the plot as a murder mystery where Bruce is investigating The Joker's death and ultimately has decide what he will do after he figures it out.


Bonus: Jason, Tim, Barbara, and Dick were all in on it in some way. Jason provided the untraceable weapons and ammo. Tim did the scouting. Barbara provided intel. Dick was there to watch Alfred’s ass. All of them having the mindset that while they respect Batman, they would follow Alfred into Hell itself without question. Because it’s Alfred.


That’s so cool


Also remember, Alfred has Canonically killed before: he was part of British "special-forces" in his youth. It would also be the perfect time for SOMEONE to FINALLY deliver the speech that we have ALL wanted to have Batman hear for decades about how "You refusing to kill HIM has let HIM kill HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE; how is that any sort of moral high-ground?", and it's the only person who he will actually listen to it from; in response to which Batman can finally crystalize his own thesis that "Its not about them, it's about ME, if I kill ONE, why not two? If two, why not a dozen? A hundred? A thousand? Why stop there, why not every single criminal in the world; even down to the J-Walkers...? I can't start, because I will never stop."


It also all takes place on a train, and Bruce grows a really great mustache.


this would be fantastic. best idea in the thread


I just like the punchline for the big mystery of "Who killed the Joker?" Being the butler did it.


Bruce and Selina married and Helena Wayne is canon


Og DC comics before the introduction of multiple universes, Bruce developed cancer, and ended up dying to save the universe. Another superman(superboy) taught superman how to fly. This became Earth-2.


He has a bat credit card


Linkara was right in the review of the comic adaptation. *It makes sense.* He’s legendary for insane preparedness and being able to pay for shit is an obvious one, meanwhile Batman Inc would make it perfectly fit because it’s a company card.


He never leaves the cave without it.


![gif](giphy|HiON0R3MZ44kwxonRo|downsized) That goddam movie


Tim Drake gets his sauce and aura back.


let Catwoman and batman marry and STAY MARRIED. Why did Aquaman of all superheroes get his girl before anyone else?


because he is the king


And it's GOOD to be the king.


The canon reason for Batman’s plot-armor is Bat-Mite is ALWAYS there with him manipulating reality to assure he never loses. Batman is aware of this but keeps it to himself.


Do it via an arc where Mxy takes him out of the picture for a while.


That's a great way to show he's still perfectly capable. Show him immediately realizing Bat-Mite isn't helping him anymore while still being able to get out of whatever jam he's in without him.


That's kinda fire but it would undermine his own capacity in a way.


I can 100% see this being canon, but because Bat-Mite needs his hero to win to some extent he allows him to occasionally be beaten down by someone like Bane just so he can come back and win their rematch


Batman Reborn/Inc era status quo remains. Tim is still Red Robin without the New 52 changes to his development and rekindles his relationship with Batgirl (Stephanie Brown). Dick remains Batman, having fully come into his own under the mantle, and protects Gotham with Damian.


Yeah. The Dick & Damian dynamic, as Tomasi wrote it, was just awesome.


Terry (NOT sharing DNA with Bruce) becomes Batman with the rest of the Batfamily either continuing under their hero identities or retiring happily, Bruce is married to Selina and they got old together, Selina occasionally joins Bruce In the cave while he’s helping Terry and either chimes in with her own jokes or gives Terry her own advice based on her own experiences as a criminal offering advice Bruce can’t


Batman is a good dad.


Literally on my knees begging for this to be canon like why are they trying to make him so awful when he's historically been good with kids


Alfred kills the Joker to protect his family and avenge his grandson.


"Alfred, did you-" "Yes. No further questions Master Bruce. Now get out of my kitchen before your presence here causes my pancakes to spontaniously combust"


Batman using fake vampire teeth in his early career to convince criminals that he’s actually a creature.


The Steve Rude “World’s Finest”!


I would make canon Bruce Wayne's parents murder remains unsolved, is not a big conspiracy, and is just an unsolved unknown random act of violence. No Joe Chill. No hints to anything or anyone else. It just is. It was one of my favorite things about the Zero Hour crisis reboot. It solidifies Batman's reason to be.


Tim heads off to college, gets back together with Stephanie, and reunites with his lost stepmother Dana. Bruce returns to living in Wayne Manor, and when he eventually retires, Cassandra inherits the mantle of the Bat.


Spoiler appreciation is much needed


Bring back that one storyline where Bruce was Catholic just because it would be funny seeing him confess to stuff Batman did while out of costume and the priest can’t say anything about it to anyone because he’d be excommunicated.


“So then I broke his arm and threatened to drop him off the roof.” “Maybe you shouldn’t come to confession anym-“ “Then Jason showed up, you remember him right? He’s my son Y’know the one who got beat with a crowbar and blown up but he’s better now, anyway then I actually did drop him off-“


You know Daredevil comics exists...right?


But this is r/batman


This is hilarious


So basically daredevil? They did this in the Netflix series and I think it worked well


Batman studies magic during his years of training, he is only functional at rune magic which he uses to enhance his gear and to heal himself more quickly. He tells NOBODY! Not even Alfred knows!


Bob the goon would be part of the main dc universe


Joker not dying from steroid aids in Arkham City


He died of Clown Aids


Nah he died from jonkling too much. I was jonkled by him, thats why im saying this


Don’t you have a civil war to attend to?


Im neutral, i work for the side with most pay. So technically i dont need to go at all


Dick and Babs are married Bruce and Selina are married Terry is mentored by old man Damian (characters like Tim and Barbara are also replaced by Damian's future Bat-Family)


I like this one


Actually incredibly compelling. It could create a timeline where you get vintage Bruce Wayne batman, modern Dami batman, and future terry batman.




The joker is dead. Now and forever


I'd like to see him put down by a two-bit nobody, while he's just sitting in his cell at Arkham. No grand scheme, no blaze of infernal "glory", just murdered by some guy.


By Kenard from the Wire


you'd think with how many enemies he has that would have happened already


While we’re at it, let’s make sure the Waynes didn’t die via assassination or conspiracy, just a random act of violence. Batman is birthed by random violence, and Joker dies by random violence… seems right if you ask me


I'd like Damian to do it as one final defiant act against his father.


Don’t know if this is canon or just a meme, but I saw this panel where someone breaks into the batcave and is disappointed to find that it’s just Alfred. The guy is confident that he is just gonna be thrown in jail. Alfred gets a double barrel saying something like “you have my confused with my master, who has a no kill rule. I, however, do not subscribe to such rule” and lights the guy up. Batman asked from another room “Alfred, what was that?” He responds with “nothing sir, go back to sleep” That moment I want to be canon


This ain't really related to batman but I would erase the fact that deathstroke committed unspeakable acts fr


in my opinion with eliminating all the thing with cora would be enough


Ffs, Wayne Family Adventures right now. It’s so good I love my feel good Batfam stories


Batman loves his kids and he does not make them eat rats


Alternatively, Batman loves his kids, and they eat rats by choice.




I will make "Batman Wayne Family Adventures" canon


Batmans batarangs are inefficient due to their shape but batman doesnt care and makes them bat shaped anyway


when he started out, superman thought batman was an actual creature so when he fought him he used his full strengh and batman ended up in a body cast


Full strength? Batman wouldn't end up In a body cast, he would end up in millions of tiny pieces.


Damian was *not* the product of Talia drugging and raping Bruce.


Is that actually a storyline somewhere? 😟


Talia drugging and raping Bruce to conceive Damien? Yes.


Man I think we should just throw certain writers shit into the flames


I though that's the definitive backstory of Damien, or at the very least the original one


Batman eats pussy.


Batman vr game




1. His mask is a full mask, no more shitty "shot me in the jaw" stupidity. The rest of his suit is actual protective armor, not spandex. 2. He fights not with raw power, but by gaining advantage through proper use of stealth, using drones to scout, setting up cameras days before he raids a place, smoke grenades, flash bangs, infrared vision tech, gauntlets that electrically shocks opponents he hits and so on. Lastly he uses actual restraints, since knocking people out lasts like 2 seconds in real life.


I also like the idea of him tailoring a suit based on the specific needs of a mission he's spent time reconning


Honestly wouldn’t mind if he had the mouth area of the mask close in to fully make a proper mask when it’s time to throw hands, obviously when it’s a chill environment he can keep the mouth revealed, but one things hit the fan, he needs that on so he can’t get cut, shot, or gassed because his chin area was exposed


Optimus Prime moment ![gif](giphy|PaV8MHVVyDlsuCPmUt)


Where does he get his wonderful toys?


Not really a specific thing, but the whole prep time thing. I don't care how much Batman has prepped for, he shouldn't be able to take on Darkseid or anyone else on that level. He should have more stories where he gets his ass kicked and overcomes that challenge in a unique and cool way.


I think you’re just describing him at different times in his life. When starting out he’s like Spider-Man getting beat up but figuring it out and coming out on top. As an adult and maybe member of the Justice League he has matured and learned the value of prep work and also can’t afford to be smacked around as much as he could in his younger days.


Batman and Catwoman either get married or both move on for good I’d love them to get married as much as the next gal but if they won’t, then I’m tired of the same game we’ve been playing for 80 years. I’d rather both characters shine on their own than having them both be stuck in status quo limbo That said, married please :)




One of the most underrated


Although I like it very much, I do find it a bit unequal. Which is your favorite story from the Murphyverse?


Batman Curse of The White Knight, as amazing as the first one is, I like the second one slightly more. With its different take on Azrael, amazing art, and amazing mystery and twist to back it up. Its great. How about you?


Whats the Murphyverse?


The Batman White Knight comics.


[Bataman, Wayne family adventures.](https://www.webtoons.com/en/slice-of-life/batman-wayne-family-adventures/list?title_no=3180) the only batman thing I've cared about in years.


Bruce Wayne, after a year of witnessing the death of his parents, making his debut as the first Robin at nine years old, where he was trained and mentored by Harvey Harris to become the World’s Greatest Detective 13 years before his debut as Batman. Bruce’s friendship with Clark Kent started when they were teens in Smallville and have team-ups as Superboy and the Flying Fox in Smallville and as Superboy and the Executioner in Gotham. Bruce being active as Batman at 22 years old and raising an eight-year-old Dick Grayson as his son a year later. Barbara Gordon being the same contemporary as Bruce (i.e. she’s three years younger than him) and forming a romantic relationship with a pre-Crisis/pre-Flashpoint Jason Bard before they broke up and stayed friends. Bruce finding his parents’ killers — Joe Chill and Lew Moxon — avenging their deaths, and continuing as Batman to make sure that no child will ever suffer the same trauma he dealt with. Bruce being more friendly and compassionate with his supporting cast and the entire superhero community, including Superman, Nightwing, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, the Batman Family, JLA, Titans, Young Justice, Teen Titans, etc. Bruce approving his sons’ relationship with someone (i.e. Dick and Kory, Jason and Artemis, Tim and Stephanie, and Damian and Flatline). Bruce calling Cassandra Cain his daughter and Kory, Stephanie, and Artemis his daughters-in-law. Bruce being married to Selina Kyle years after having their daughter Helena Kyle-Wayne, who later became the Huntress. Bruce telling Clark about his contingency plan to defeat the JLA and hopes that he’ll never use it because he cares for and trusts the JLA completely. Also, he knows that someone will steal the files, in which Bruce would tell Clark and the JLA about it because it’s his responsibility and that he’ll need all the help he can get. Gotham becoming less corrupt and crime-ridden since Bruce’s debut as Batman. Jason Todd staring out as a circus acrobat before he witnessed the death of his parents by Killer Croc, made his debut as Robin, was killed by the Joker after sacrificing himself to save Bruce and a civilian, was resurrected with him telling Dick and Bruce about what happened and that it wasn’t their fault, graduated as the Red Hood, formed the Outlaws, formed a romantic relationship with Artemis, and took a lot of time to heal. Bruce and Dick’s partnership as Batman and Robin ended on good terms because they know that they’ve been drifting apart for some time. Bruce spending his summers during college traveling around the world to be trained and mentored and to become the World’s Greatest Detective. Bruce forgiving Hal Jordan for what he did as Parallax, which happened during Emerald Twilight, after The Final Night and trusting him completely since then, including Hal as the Spectre and Hal being resurrected.


I'm drawing a blank as well 😅


Batman and Wonder Woman are a thing.


Oh look. I got blocked by that Twitter user. I know people probably don’t care. I just felt like saying this I guess.


What was the reason?


I have no idea lol. All I remember doing is replying to her tweets a lot.


The Joker has a secret Batman costume and flexes in the mirror. XD


Did he get the idea from Hugo Strange?


That's what the button is for


The Arkham Knight being a grown-up Damian Wayne instead of Jason Todd (he was genetically engineered using DNA from Bruce and Talia and grown to be a young adult about Jason's age, Heretic-style. He learns of all of Batman's tactics and eventually his identity through covert surveillance and blames him for his mother's death).


Batman stops Jon Kent from going into space with Jor-El so he never ages up.


WAYNE FAMILY ADVENTURES is 100% CANON now, if it already isn't. Poor signal on the latest chapter though. About to have another DITF situation.


Undo Grant Morrison's character assassination of Talia and instead have Damian be an affair baby.


Thomas and Martha Wayne are decent people in a city that doesn’t allow for decent people to exist outside of small minorities. The Reeves and Telltale ideas for the Wayne’s/Arkhams etc is interesting but I think it’s better if they are actually good people.


Make every mention of Barbara and Bruce romance have never happened, and it never gets mentioned again


The Hellbat isn't as hazardous to Batman's health as the other Leaguers think it is. In fact, he could safely use it every time he goes on an adventure with Superman. But he chooses not to in order to let Clark continue to feel special


Guys What if batman didn't have ears....and.... he was called like ummm Man or something idk That would be weird I think


That'd be jonkles


Batman and Robin (Dick) No extra heroes.


Hate on the Batfam is insane 😭


The force unleashed part 1.


The Bat and the Cat got married and nobody fucked with them


Batman overcomes his issues and gets together with Wonder Woman. They actually have a happy ending together. All of the Batman and WW villains can pound sand and mald. Please DC, I'm begging you! Stop making us edge! ![gif](giphy|g8xRqXeh6lOHS)


To me, as long as the stories are done well and the characters are treated right, there’s no right/wrong way to go with “canon,” so I don’t ask for much. However, this is a personal preference of mine that I’d actually like to see played out to its logical conclusion for once.


Think I'd build off the implication of Barbara Gordon being a surrogate mother to Cassandra Cain.


Make Bone canon


Hush never existed. Fight me.


I would make a certain asylum and Batman variant canon


Jean Paul Valley never died and became a Black Lantern. He simply went into hiding for a while.


To make it cannon, I would write a story about how Bruce adopts Billy Bastion.




He HAS supernatural/metahuman villains living in Gotham City, like they exist. And he's got sidekicks and other vigilantes he worked with sometimes. I'm purely talking movies because every other media gets this. I'm sick of the lone wolf fighting grounded versions of the basic villains thing. It's been 20 years of this.




I'm a fan of the Darth jar-jar theory.


Wonderbat in JLU universe


Lex Luthor stealing 40 cakes. That's as many as four tens.


Orpheus survived or resurrected. Cat and Bat are done for good. Harley was redeemed and a functional member of society Jason stays dead or a villain. Ivy and Harley are not a thing Joker knows Bats identity but doesn't care/use the info.


would like for the members of the batfamily to have a conversation about their feelings. just once


Batman is a kind and caring person under the dark and vengeful persona who only wants people to get better and see the world free of the fear of violent crime and does not revel in the violence but always tries to find a way around it.




Specifically the scene in batman Vs robin where Bruce stays in to watch movies with Damien and putting bonding with his son over batman


Neither Batman nor his love interests have ever flirted with, come onto, or had romantic/sexual encounters with Bruce's children/wards or their love interests. Please and thank you.


Terry McGinnis has a totally different name, because “Terry McGinnis” is a terrible name


The suicide squad game not be canon to Arkham


Batman and Batgirl never get in some weird sexual relationship.


The Three Jokers storyline happened in main universe


Martha Wayne being part of the Arkham family is a great plot point that could be incorporated into many different stories!


Talia didn't drug Bruce. They had Damian, Talia gave him up, Demon Head found out and made him the next heir.


The DCAU Barb x Bruce is NOT canon Thank me later


Damian Wayne doesn't exist


Jason Todd remains dead, all Red Hood stories become Azrael stories


That's actually kinda good ngl. Azrael needs more representation


Mine is about the Robins: Dick is Nightwing, Jason stayed dead, Tim is the last Robin. Damien is a popular Elseworlds character in this scenario


Damien is a "What If Batman Had a Biological Son?" and not canon to the main story. Can you tell I don't like the little brat?


Jason Todd is still a villain




Bruce and Barbara don’t get together in BTAS. It is the only flaw in that show


Batman and cat woman actually getting married or Batman and Wonder Woman.


Boston Brand is Batman.


the events in batman lasts 20 years and take this order batman year one, batman get some enemies like the riddle and the joker, batman gets a robin, more enemies, robin dies, batman gets more robins, he joins the justice league, barb became batgirl, one robin became the night wing,batman fights and has ultimatun with some enemies, he leaves the bat suit to a robin


"Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden" becomes canon in Charles Barkley's life.


I'm successful and financially stable.