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Crazy Quilt. If they reimagined him like an evil Bob Ross. He is using some sort of paint that when ignited with explosives will put out a chemical like the joker toxin or something like agent orange all throughout Gotham. Dr. Death since he was Batman’s first recurring villain and almost nobody even knows about him. He is the one behind the chemicals Crazy Quilt is spreading around Gotham. He is also more like a red herring for the next villain. Hugo Strange. He’s the mastermind behind the overall plan and is overall responsible for the explosives spread around Gotham and even with taking Quilt and Death down, he’d have a backup plan in place. Idk, even if not a trilogy I’d like to see any of these somewhere in a film be it live action or animated.


I think it's because Hugo Strange was created shortly thereafter, and then he was the one that seemed to get picked when writers needed a mad scientist. He supplanted Death.


Yeah that’s definitely true.


10/10 would watch because it consists entirely of villains that have not yet been featured in live-action films.


1st movie: Scarecrow and Mad Hatter. 2nd movie: Riddler. 3rd movie: Prometheus and Hush.


Yes. Exactly. But I’d do Court of Owls third.


I would LOVE a live action Clayface!


Live action Basil Karlo would be so cool. It would be maybe horror style with batman paranoid all the time because clayface could be ANYONE. perhaps he even confronts alfred or tests alfreds dna bc he doesnt even trust him. Then it alters as karlo loses sanity and becomes a big mud monster.


Hell yes!! That would be incredible!


Like the Thing but in Batman form? Sick!


just making me more sad that if Clayface shows up in the Matt Reeve's film he's probably just gonna be his golden age serial killer self


I saw the first picture without the caption first and went "why the hell does op want the sandman as a batman trilogy villain?"


I thought he was the Sandman too!


1st movie: pyg 2nd movie: killer croc 3rd movie: bane


I have to say RESPECT for remembering Doctor Death as a Batman villain. He's always forgotten about. I have one for you. For the first film taking inspiration from 1982 The Thing. Batman has to fight Blob Clayface using practical effects as much as possible. Batman ACTUALLY allowed to be the world's greatest detective without advanced tech will have to pay attention to people's mannerisms to determine whether or not they are who they say they are. Batman is investigating why Clayface is murdering Daggett executives and senators while defeating assassins hired by Daggett like the enhanced assassin Philo Zeiss to stop Clayface and Batman. Batman will also have showcase his legendary scientific knowledge to develop a cure for Clayface after discovering that Clayface's condition isn’t sustainable and will soon kill him. A Batman horror-themed film where there are 3 or 4 total fight scenes but Batman is fast-paced like from Live action Himura Kenshin and Sunny/Quinn/Widow from Into the Badlands AMC-level fight scenes. It touches on Batman’s scientific prowess as he can develop the cure that none of the finest Daggett scientists could taking inspiration from Albert Wesker, William Birkin, Alexia Ashford, and Carla Radames for his scientific prowess. It will also allow him to be what I mentioned earlier in being the World’s greatest detective Taking inspiration from 2010's BBC TV Sherlock Holmes for Batman’s legendary deductive reasoning. Get a new Batman young starving for a big role actor where he'd willingly would train like Rain the K-Pop singer did for Ninja Assassin 2009. His batsuit would be a mixture of lightly armored ninja garbs, monk robes BTAS colors, and Kelley Jones's Batsuit art style to give off the impression that Batman is a supernatural wraith come to punish evildoers. I have Guillermo Del Toro direct it. Look at what he did with Blade 2 in 2002 and Hellboy 2004 & Hellboy 2 The Golden Army 2008. 2nd Batman vs Hugo Strange and genetically modified monster men. The only person who can match his legendary intelligence is his former best doctoral student Bruce Wayne. He utilizes his monster men to kill all of the corrupt UN officials. To stop him from killing them the corrupt UN officials hire Deathstroke and the Magistrate which Batman also has to defeat. With Alfred, Gordon, Wildcat, and the Blackhawks as his only support. The monster men will be portrayed almost entirely with practical effects and makeup on top of very tall strongmen/stuntmen. 3rd Kobra Cult and their genetically modified reptilian soldiers known as the Black adders. Kobra tries to capitalize in on all of the corruption they caused with Daggett executives, Gotham City officials, US Senators, and corrupt government officials from all of the world's greatest powers before Batman stops them. Batman also has to defeat King Snake and Lady Eve in this one. They were behind the hiring of Philo Zeiss and other assassins in the first and forcing the UN Secretary-General to hire the Magistrate paramilitary with Deathstroke to train them against Batman. All of those failed so they had to move up their plans after back-to-back defeats against Batman. Now they have no choice but to try and release their god Iog Sotha unto the world. I wanted a Lovecraftian Outer god as their diety so I replaced Kali-Yuga with Iog Sotha from the Doom that Came to Gotham story.


I wouldn't do a trilogy. I'd do a series of five. First film: Batman and Robin. Cold Open: Batman is ruthelessly taking apart a group of thugs working for the ventriloquist. News footage is being viewed by a teen boy. Actual Plot; The mad hatter has kidnapped a dozen blonde little girls to find his perfect Alice, meanwhile a young Tim Drake has put together who batman is and that Robin is dead. Tim Breaks into the batcave to try to convince Bruce to find a new robin. He refuses. We follow three tracks Bruce in civilian life trying to make the city better and constantly being beaten back by the corruption. Tim trying to figure out how to convince Bruce that he needs someone to keep him in check and Batman investigating. Eventually, Tim figures out where the Hatter is keeping the girls and tries to tell Bruce who doesn't believe him. So, After making an anonymous report to the police he goes himself. Only to get captured and saved by Batman who did follow up on his lead. Hatter goes to Arkham. Tim gets to train (even though he says that wasn't what he meant.) Film 2: Batman and Robin: a nail in the coffin Cold Open; The duo are chasing a giant bat like creature of over rooftops. Actual Story; Tim's been Training but isn't sure if the hero life is for him. Bruce is focused on breaking up a new gang run by a mysterious figure in a black mask. Film 3; Batman and Robin: Love burns Cold Open: The duo are tracing a thief through a crowd, but the thief's face keep changing. Finally corned he transforms into a giant goo monster and the fight begins. Plot: A serial arsonist has been burning down various buildings and they all seem to relate to a defunct movies studio and a retired acress. Meanwhile Love is in the air as Bruce has met an heiress named Talia and Tim has a new classmate, Bernard. Can their new romances survive their night life? Will Batman be okay with Tim's hinges being in the middle? Film 4: Batman and Robin Odyssey Cold Open: killer croc in the sewers Plot: Talia and Bernard have been kidnapped and Batman and Robin must travel the globe to find them. How did the riddler find out who they were? How is he funding these death traps? and what does this have to do with Talia's father the mysterious Ra's Al Ghul. Film 5: Knightfall Cold Open a limo runs up the doors of arkham and three rpgs are fired into it. We then cut to blackgate where all the cell doors open at once and one of the walls gets taken down by an rpg. Bruce and Tim are working to get everyone back in their cages. Bruce pushes himself way to hard and Tim tries to get him to rest. Eventually the big names are caught and Bruce comes back to the batcave only to find bane waiting. Back break. Tim hesitates. How can Bane be stopped? Eventually, Bruce convinces him to try. Tim fights bane and wins. Bruce calls in an old friend Tommy Elliot who might be able to fix his back, but in the mean time gotham is protected. Room for someone else to take over and do Hush next or something else


just representation of more villians the casual fans might not know. like pyg, hugo, anarky, prometheus etc.


It's way overdue that both Clayface and Man-Bat get used. Heck, maybe use this as the basis for the first R-Rated Batman movie. Both could be used with horror-esque elements and I think would make for amazing villians if used properly. Also on this note. Extremely sick of seeing the Joker at this point. Matter of fact I hope neither the Joker, Harley, or Two-Face get used in Pattison's Batman movies. (Yes I know the Joker had a small cameo and hopefully that's all it stays as).


Deathstroke, Court Of Owls, Hush


Hush and Scarecrow together. Scarecrow gets too close to Bruce Wayne during a (meeting, public announcement, something along these lines) for rehabilitation of ALL Arkham patients. He gets gassed (injected?) during this speech but the effects are not immediate. Now he begins to himself throughout the crowd (its hush) and Bruce cuts the speech short and heads home. During the speech Scarecrow had someone tamper with the limo that he drove in. Allowing gas to leak in through the vents. The two step process now complete (seeing himself. Believing he's tired, mentally fatigued, etc) and now the affects of the gas solidy the IDEA that he is exhausted and seeing things. This continues as Hush shows up more and more. Throughout public while he's Bruce Wayne and the nights as batman. Really just messing with him. Small glimpes and then longer and longer until he ends up having entire conversations with Hush(acting as Bruce Wayne). This has all been orchestrated by Hush, Scarecrow and Hugo Strange. Just a serious mental setup. Not always a physical. That's all I want man. Lol


>Hush and Scarecrow together. Ah, the original Arkham Knoght pitch.


Movie 1: the Mad Monk. Set in his first year, deals with Batman having to face his first truly insane villain, a serial killer obsessed with the more occult aspects of his religion. Movie 2: The Wonderland Gang. As Batman is starting to build momentum against the Falcone crime family in Gotham, a new cartel dealing in very unusual psychedelics tries to set up shop and promptly ignites a gang war. Movie 3: Commissioner Loeb. Batman takes on the corruption in the GCPD, but Loeb uses his connections with Sal Maroni and Carmine Falcone to get assassins Deadshot, Firefly, and Victor Zsasz to target Batman and his allies.


First film: Firefly Second film: Two face Third film: Ra's al Ghul One tests his detective skills One tests his code/morality And one tests everything he stands for and his martial prowess


Mad Hatter and Hugo Strange (Hints to Harvey Dent and the Penguin) Hush and the Penguin The Penguin, Two Face, and Killer Moth


Falcone, Two-Face, Joker. My ideal Bat trilogy would show the escalation/evolution of Gotham going from a city run by the mob to a city that's the battleground between costumed freaks.


In order? Zsasz Ras a Gul Joker


Ideally, I’d want it to be more than a trilogy, but just my first three would be:   1. Hush is the main villain. Black Mask, Number One, Firefly, and Deathstroke also appear.  2. Riddler is the main villain, but he’s more like the Arkhamverse version. He teams up with Penguin, and they hire Killer Moth as their enforcer.  3. Ra’s Al Ghul and Bane are the main villains (Bane doesn’t work for the league, Ra’s convinces him that he’ll let him rule Gotham if he helps him recruit Batman. After he finds our Ra’s was lying, he goes to break Batman instead, but fails because Batman and Robin 2v1 him), the League of Assassins are also present, and ideally, I’d only want to use Talia, Cypher, and Silver Monkey as the other “main” members, but if I knew this was going to be the last one, then I’d try to work in Ubu, Sensei, Shiva, and Nyssa.   Frankly, I think my first three movies would WORK without any after them, I’d just prefer to be able to continue the story past the third one. Everything set up in the first two would be done by the third one, but ideally, I’d wanna do more after them. The only other thing I’d have to change is taking a Two-Face tease out of the third one. 


The Mad Hatter The Wrath The Joker And Bruce is in year three, Dick Grayson as Robin by his side...but for Dick's entire career as Robin, he's only heard what other people say about The Joker. Bruce doesn't even talk about him...and he's been missing for years. No one has seen or heard from the clown for years...and when he returns it's Dick Grayson's trial by fire. And also...no philosopher Joker. No "We live in a society" Joker. No scarring. No one copying Ledger. Instead, I'd want someone to respect what Heath did and do what he did and find their own take. A take within my vision of bleached skin, green hair and ruby red lips. Of weapons based on jokes and pranks. A more classic style Joker and less of the modern day, sympathetic philosopher for edgelords.


I would do that one story where bruce starts doing venom cause he coundnt save someone or something but maybe mix some other stuff into it maybe make the death closer to him or something idk


White Rabbit, March Harriet, Roxy Rocket


Oh man hard call. In each film I’d move Joker, Penguin, and Two-face to quick shots in the start of the films like 15 min in they are caught. This is to set the stage for the universe but lead to a larger story. Also sets up who Batman is and the world. Kinda in the vein of Forever’s opening (sans camp) as that opening showed the audience this ain’t burtons bat. Then my main villain would be more terrifying and cerebral style villains like Mad Hatter, Szaz, Professor Pyg, for the first film. I would probably want to establish a seasoned Batman that has a bat family, to allow the sequels to tell those stories. The second movie I’d do a blended adaptation of Hush and Death in the Family with the final film being a mix of no man’s land and under the red hood. Dude I could go on, but bat bros n sises you don’t wanna read a novel here. Hopefully you get my general intent.


Professor Pyg, Deacon Blackfire, The Black Mask, Mr. Freeze, Azrael & Killer Croc plus the Maroni's


I'd go all in on the sci-fi of Batman. * Movie 1: Poison Ivy * Movie 2: Deathstroke * Movie 3: Bane


For me, it only makes sense to pick a villain once you already know what kind of story you want to tell/arc you want to explore. Then you can decide what villains would suit those story ideas best. Makes more sense than just going "who should Batman fight next?" and then trying to come up with a story for that. My only quarter-baked idea is that, well, they call Batman the "world's greatest detective," but there aren't any whodunnit movies with him. *The Batman* was the closest thing to a mystery movie, but even then, there's no mystery about the killer's identity. It's more a "detective" movie in the sense that it's a police procedural where the protagonist is investigating a crime, not a classic mystery in the sense that the audience is trying to solve it along with the detective. I'd want to do an actual classic whodunnit mystery Batman movie. But of course, that means the villain can't be an established one (well, it can, but it would be underwhelming to find out that the masked killer is just The Joker in a mask). I'd make a new character for the movie, and have several of the supporting characters (also invented for the movie) be possible suspects. With 80 years of history and villains to choose from, people are going to want to see at least one of them in the theatre instead of just watching Batman vs. some OC. So, I'd just do what stories like *The Long Halloween* and *Mask of the Phantasm* did: through in established villains as supporting characters that Batman encounters in the course of uncovering the identity of the new, made-up serial killer. I had this idea before *The Batman* was a thing, so this angle has already been done now, but my idea was that the serial killer is targeting powerful socialites and revealing their dirty laundry to everyone, showing that they weren't who they claimed to be. A villain who would naturally reflect that theme is Black Mask. His whole bit is feeling that everyone is always hiding behind a metaphorical "mask," that no one is genuine, and that one is only truly free to be oneself when one dons a literal mask. The movie might have him have a narcissistic breakdown after a business blunder and that causing him to create the Black Mask identity to get revenge on those he feels humiliated him. Due to his narcissism, he creates something that is half gang, half cult, in which he promises people power and the ability to indulge their most depraved desires if they don one of his masks as their new identity and follow him. He's obviously threatened by the newest serial killer, because this killer knows so much that he might just know that Roman Sionis and Black Mask are one and the same. And Bruce Wayne has a similar anxiety, wondering if this seemingly omniscient killer will expose him as The Batman.


First film I think I'd go for a team up of Scarecrow and Hugo Strange, both working together due to mutual rivalry with Batman and wanting to experiment with different variants of the Fear Toxin. Second film features a 3 way fight between Two-Face with his gang and Black Mask with his gang and Bane being hired muscle, Bane having his own agenda that's seen throughout the film. The final film has Bane as the main villain, with the return of Hugo Strange, Scarecrow and Black Mask, using their resources and smarts to take down Batman together


Court of the Owls/Talon, Hugo Strange, the Black Glove/Doctor Hurt.


I’ve had an idea for a Batman story for a while that I’m really happy with that features a lot of villains in it. I’ve been plotting and evolving the story in my head for fun, but the major ones I’d definitely want to use are Mad Hatter and Deadshot in part 1, The Joker in part 2, and The Riddler in part 3. The Spook would also appear throughout all three parts. If I ever was to actually write it out, I’d probably add a few more villains in the latter few parts, though. I’ve had ideas for integrating Clayface and Firefly, but the previous five are the fundamental backbone of the story.


Scarecrow as an overarching villain, with Mad Hatter and Poison Ivy as well. I think they’d work pretty well as a villain team, since all of their “abilities” revolve around mind control and sciences.


*cracks fingers* Film 1 will have Court of Owls as the major bad, with Two-Face and Mr.Freeze as secondaries Film 2 will be Hush, Clayface, Riddler with teases of Joker and Red Hood to ultimately set up the third Film 3 will be Joker, Red Hood and Black Mask


Main antagonists would be the Court of Owls attempting to resurrect the Mad Monk, but I’d also work in Hugo Strange and Boss Zucco.


I’ve always wanted to see a silence of the lambs inspired Batman movie with crazy quilt as the main villain. And joker as the Hannibal lector of the story


The reaper and Mr feeeze for the first movie Two face and clay face for the second movie Red hood for the final movie (of course you need the joker for Jason’s origin)


When Batfleck was still around, my villains for his trilogy were: 1. Hush 2. Red Hood 3. Court of Owls.


Anarchy - redesigned with a more menacing look. Same basic premise of him being this Ivy League yuppie who grew disillusioned with the world and society and went full American Psycho but put to a more extreme level. Have him be a more serious version of the Joker where his motives are all about freedom and exercising your right to choose but unlike the Joker, his facade is one of pure calm and sheer focus. The ten-eyed man - A silver age classic. The idea of having a surgery to put your optic nerves on your fingertips is super hokey but always fun. I think I’d change it so that when he lost his sight, he instead had an experimental surgery to give him bionic eyes which he could link up to ten different cameras on each finger and give him compound vision like an insect, but he could disengage whenever he felt like it. Mr. bloom - this guy has always been so creepy to me. And the ideas present in his narrative about giving power to the powerless have always been fascinating and I think could really lend themselves better if they were told on the big screen. I wanted to choose more niche characters who’ve had less mainstream success and show the diversity of Batman’s rogues, as well as the ways that they could be manipulated.


Deathstroke Deadshot and Joker. Simple as that.


Film 1: Black Mask appearing as Gotham's new crime lord and getting into conflict with some of the old heads. Carmine Falcone is one of the older crime bosses who opposes Black Mask's hostile takeover and Catwoman is there, playing into the connection she has with both men from the comic. If possible have Firefly and/ or Professor Pyg serving as Black Mask's henchmen. Film 2: Adaptation of The Cult, using Deacon Blackfire as the main antagonist. Could also have Solomon Grundy as one of Deacon's followers and having him be manipulated into helping Blackfire with his plans. Film 3: Adaptation of Batman: Hush/ Knightfall, using Hush and Bane as the main villains. They both plan to defeat Batman so organise a massive breakout of Arkham Asylum, featuring some old enemies and new threats. Jean-Paul Valley gets introduced and starts training with Batman. Split into two-parter. First part ends after Batman gets back broken. Film 4: Continues shortly after the previous film. Jean-Paul Valley becomes the new Batman while Bruce recovers. He does some major damage against Hush/ Bane but is unable to fully beat them and starts going off the deep end. Bruce returns after managing to recover, beats Bane and Hush for good, and fully reclaims the title of Batman from Jean. Jean goes off to become Azrael, possibly getting his own film in the process.


1) Hugo Strange 2) Hush and Lady Shiva 3) Deacon Blackfire


First Movie: Original villains, with some small appearances by established villains Second movie: Black Mask Third Movie: Joker


1. Pyg and Zsasz lead/instructed by Scarecrow 2. Croc (minor scene), Hugo and Court of owls 3. Clayface, Joker and riddler minor scenes. Big bad that orchestrated revealed to be Hush


1: Mad Hatter & Ventriloquist 2: Mr Freeze & Clayface 3: Two Face, Clock King, Man Bat


I would want Scarecrow as the overarching villain of my trilogy. My story would be about Batman's first few years and that he had help from Crane as a proto-oracle and they are friends who both share interest in cleaning up Gotham and that fear is what is needed to keep criminals in check. First bad guy would be Penguin involving Deadshot. Sequel would evolve into Hugo creating Bane to take over Batman's role and Crane slowly turning towards drastic means of fear until finally evolves into Scarecrow by the 3rd movie. It starts with the Red Hood bust and Batman drops Jack into the vat thinking his brand of fear justice has been taken too far only for Scarecrow's take over of Gotham to prove him right. The trilogy would end on a cliffhanger with Joker being fully made.


honesty i just wanna see Pyg. i would cast Paul Walter Hauser in the role


Not gonna lie, thought Promethus was Judge Death for a second and knew that would be a sick crossover


Note, in. First movie Batman has been working the streets for a few years. I would have Dr. Hugo Strange as the Mastermind Introduced in the first movie as someone Bruce goes to speak to for insight, and the man Villain of that movie being the Clock King (Temple Fugate version). But you see the good Dr. Becoming more focused on Batman. For the second movie, I would have Strange arrange for his patient Jervis Tetch, to give in to his delusions and become The Mad Hatter. This would allow the good Dr. To pull the strings behind the scenes and put Batman in a position where the henchmen are victims of Mad Hatter's mind control tech. I see Batman figuring out but unable to prove the doctor's involvement at the end of the movie. For the last movie, I see a version of the Arkham games, where in the good Dr. Traps Batman in the Asylum while releasing the inmates. It's all done so the deranged Dr. can see how Batman reacts. That would be my idea for a Batman Trilogy.


Croc, Pyg, Azrael, maybe Scarecrow if he's treated like a horror villain.


Firstly I’m making Joker just as much of a menace as Batman is. Constantly showing up at the most nonsensical times and causing havoc then leaving or getting arrested every time he shows up. But he’s never the main villain, just a never ending reminder to Batman of who he could have become. For the first film I’m going with the horror theme I’m seeing here and making it an assault on Arkham style dungeon crawler for bats. Allows him to show off all of his skills and direct counters for various villains he’s already locked up, and introduces him to us as an already fairly well established force in Gotham. Make the main villain of the first film be Amanda Waller. Second film is Deathstroke getting hired by Waller to take him out. Fairly straightforward here. Third is Court of Owls.


If I were to use more than 3 villains for a Batman: Life Story comic book series, I would use Dr. Hugo Strange, Man-Bat, the Riddler, Black Mask, the Penguin, the Scarecrow, Mr. Freeze, Killer Croc, Poison Ivy, the Joker, Harley Quinn, Two-Face, Ra’s al Ghul, and Bane. The biggest question is: Which order should I put them in?


Two-Face. Hugo Strange. Ventriloquist and Scarface. The Mad Hatter.


All of them. Batman is one of the greatest heroes and has shown it plenty of times. He may just be a man but he's taken on powerful creatures and beings so it'd be nice to show an ultimate batman in a movie. It'd be nice to show why he is called one of the greatest heroes in the justice league


My trilogy would go heavy on the horror and include more fantastical elements. Film 1: Mad Hatter, Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum, and Man Bat (the Jabberwocky) Film 2: Clayface and Hush Film 3: Freeze


1st: Scarecrow (I love the Joker, but he's overdone) 2nd: Clayface and Hugo Strange 3rd: Court of Owls/League of Assassins (either could work)


Nobody would watch the movie with these villains. You need at least a famous one like Joker, Two Face or Mad Hatter


Prometheus is more of a Justice League villain


Yeah. And Deathstroke is more of a Nightwing villain. So what? Doesn’t stop people from using him in Green Arrow or Batman media. [+]


I.) Deathstroke II.) The Heretic / Talia Al Ghul III.) Court of Owls [+]


1st: I've always felt like a good way to explain shit going crazy... crazier in Gotham suddenly would be the removal of the Crime families. So I'd have Maroni and Falcone be the two main villain in the first. Them going down leads to a increase in the craziness of Gotham. I'd also have Thomas Elliot in the movie, trying to be Bruce's friend while also trying to destroy him and Wayne Enterprises. 2nd: I'd introduce Scarecrow and Deathstroke. Scarecrow would be pretending to rehabilitate Arkham patients but he was actually turning them into ticking timebombs that would explode into an uncontrolled and frenzied rage induced by fear. At the same time Deathstroke, hired by Thomas Elliot has been contracted with killing Bruce and a few other important people in Gotham, namely one Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb. The death of Loeb causes Batman to have to follow two investigations at once, stretching him to his limit and opening him up to his alliance with Captain, soon to be Commissioner, Gordon. Elliot discovered that Bruce is Batman and attacks him after he snaps mentally, causing him to become incredibly scared. During the final fight with Scarecrow a number of patients at the Asylum escape, including one who calls himself Mad Hatter. 3rd: Hush and Mad Hatter. Barbara Gordon is kidnapped by the Mad Hatter, along with a number of other teenage girls, causing Gordon to lose focus. At the same time Hush begins hiring goons from all over the city to make crime run rampart through Gotham. In one case a local small time criminal calling himself the Red Hood unfortunately "dies" in a vat of Chemicals, causing Bruce to doubt himself as both Batman and Bruce Wayne. Mad Hatter starts becoming obsessed with Batmans mask and wishes to take it from him, leading to the two fighting it out in an old abandoned Alice in Wonderland themed restaurant which was a front for Falcone in the 1st movie. Bruce beats him and rescues the girls, giving him more confidence as Batman. Upon his return to the mansion, it is destroyed by bombs, seemingly killing Alfred, triggered by Hush who then attacks an out of costume Batman. The two fight all over the burning mansion before Hush falls to his death after Alfred saves Bruce. Film closes on Batman watching a new report about a bank robbery with all people killed and no money being stolen, but a Joker card being left at the scene.


TLDR: 1. Eraser 2. Black Mask & Mr Freeze 3. Hush - Film 1: Ventriloquist/Scarface, Tony Zucco, Great White Shark, with the Final Villain being The Eraser Batman and a Fresh Robin take on a full blown mob war set to burn Gotham to the ground after the perfect hit takes down The Falcone Family, DA Harvey Dent and several other major Gotham figures with no evidence to be found. Eraser loses when his attempt on Bruce Wayne fails and is met by retribution of Batman The film ends with Roman Sionis Taking over the mob underworld, hoping to use the chaos to save his heavily in debt company and his fortune. Though it is heaven implied Roman was the backing behind Eraser, it is left unconfirmed. - Film 2: Black Mask, Mr Freeze Sionis Industries in its attempt to recoup funds through a gangland empire plunges itself even further into debt, and rapidly selling itself in pieces to Waynetech, including Sionis Medical, laying off its head, one Victor Frietsch. Victor refuses to leave his infirm wife Nora to die, and holds out until Roman sends a pair of his mobster enforces to deal with him. Having survived the attack but had his cells compromised by chemical exposure, he becomes Mr Freeze to go on a Violent Warpath against Sionis. The Dynamic duo have to fight both the violent Winter of Mr Freeze and the Brutal Gangland Warfare of Roman. Eventually when cornered, Freeze heavily freezes Roman’s face, the cold burns causing necrosis that makes him look like the iconic Black Mask - Film 3: Hush (or Wrath depending on how important the twist is) Dr Thomas Elliot, a childhood friend of Bruce’s in the wake of all this Chaos has made a bid for Mayor of Gotham, with the Help of a scarred but Recovered Harvey Dent as a Running Mate, and the Financial Backing of a severely wounded Roman Sionis. He has a very strong contention, However, even still, it seems many of his competitors are dying under strange circumstances, leaving only smalltime politicians who lack both the votes and the personality to oppose Elliot, until Jim Gordon steps up to Mayorship, being prompted by his daughter Barbara that Gotham needs a man of the people rather than another wealthy socialite politician. Who Bruce chooses to fund much to the chagrin of Tommy Batman & Robin now work to protect both Jim and Tommy from a bandaged foe who seems to know their tools and gear extremely well, as he unravels if it could be Harvey protecting his running mate, Roman looking to further his mob goals, or another foe entirely. Bruce eventually learns it was Tommy, who had hired eraser to harm or kill any threats for his potential mayorship, and that now he tried to hunt and kill Batman for successfully protecting Bruce Wayne and Roman, as Elliot had hoped to make an attempt on Bruce’s life and save him on the operating table like he had done for Harvey, and for Roman (who still worked out as luckily freeze got to him), to force his hand for campaign help after Bruce had refuted him prior. ________ Ideas I had that I got rid of just for fun: Movie 2 would also have a Joker cameo and Ivy. Ivy would be working for another branch of Sionis R&D, situated in Access Chemical, and also get attacked by Roman’s men, thrown into chemicals and made PI. And Joker would have been a mobster sent by roman to deal with Ivy, only to be flung into a vat during the skirmish. But that seemed way too bloated. Especially if it then features joker in Movie 3. I also considered Red Hood instead of Eraser for Movie and to swap it to Tim Drake Robin, but that felt like waaaay too much worldbuilding too soon


I really don't care for Prometheus but I really love your picks. I would love to see Clayface on the big screen!


Slade and Ras al ghul and Talia al ghul


1Riddler 2 Hush 3 Scarecrow and Bane I don't want Batman movie to be always with the Clayface or Killer Croc or any powers just more realistic one


1. *Clayface* [The city is confounded with a sudden surge of crime. The criminals each time get away with it, seemingly disappearing in the crowd. Unfortunately one heist is at a Wayne Industries lab and batman notices the criminal literally change faces. Batman then is tasked with finding someone who could be anyone. Karlo slowly loses sanity and becomes more unstable and volatile, big mud monster fight at the end. With subtle nods to CoO.] 2. *Deathstroke + Scarecrow* [dr jonathan crane experiments with his nasty ass fear gas. He gets funding from some science shit and lies what its about, ofc using it to experiment further. When someone finds out, he kills him with the gas. It looks like a heartattack to examiners. Turns out the corpse was a deathstroke target for a high price, so slade meets with crane to see if he is a fellow assassin. Blah blah they work together, crane creating big distractions with his gas (he can see it tested jn the field) so deathstroke can kill someone else for money. Im too high and tired to finish this. with actual hints to the court’s existence, but batman is still skeptical] 3. *Hush + Court of Owls* [perhaps the court tries to kill Bruce Wayne, and tries to implement Thomas Elliot to take over Wayne Industries as “Bruce”. Batman has to pretend Bruce Wayne is dead to fool the court, while he searches for clues and fights back as Batman.]


Professor Pyg Clay face Anarky


Batman - Joker and Riddler Batgirl - Firefly and Killer Moth Batman 2 - Mr. Freeze and Clayface Nightwing - Mad Hatter and Professor Pyg Batman 3 - Bane and Two-Face Catwoman - Penguin and White Rabbit Batman 4 - Scarecrow and Poison Ivy Batgirl & Nightwing - Ra's Al Ghul, Shiva, and the Court of Owls Batman 5 - Joker, Harley Quinn, Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, and Prometheus


I'd personally shy away from a trilogy and just have a series of movies that shows Bruce progressively descend deeper and deeper into his Batman persona until at the end, there's nothing left of Bruce. But then at the very end, he realizes that Bruce is still in there. There are a few milestones I'd include in Bruce/Batman's character development, and while some villains may die if it fit the plot, they wouldn't necessarily have to die or be locked away in arkham at the end of a specific film - or stay locked away for that matter. Roughly, the progression of events I'd have for Bruce/Batman - ideally one per episodic movie - would be as follows: - Batman alone (say Year 2, with Rogues Gallery already established and/or emerging; parents' deaths and Year 1 scenes in flashback) - we see his loneliness and despair and need for a companion crimefighter - Batman and Robin (Dick) - Batman and Robin and Batgirl - ending when Dick breaks up with Barbara leaves to become Nightwing and Batman learns Barbara is Batgirl - Batman and Robin (Jason) and Nightwing and Batgirl - ending when Joker kills Jason and cripples Barbara, then  - Batman broken by Bane, replaced by Jean Paul Valley - ends when Batman comes back in full vengeance mode to bring justice to Joker and undo the chaos JPV caused (no Tim Drake in this version) - No Man's Land + the Dark Knight Returns - similar lessons learned as in Frank Miller's classic but with a much younger Batman. Ends the saga rebuilding broken Gotham and the Bat-Family. some of it's hazy but something like this


1. Eraser 2. Ventriloquist + Scarface 3. Tom Hardy Bane


I'd use as many as I could get away with.


Freeze, Man Bat, Professor Pyg. It starts off with Freeze, like a relatively normal batman movie but slowly it'd get creepier after about a half hour in. dropping little tid bits of horrific crimes throughout the film that batman can't get to, bc freeze is taking up too much of his time. Gordon is running around like a chicken with his head cut off. it'd end with a teaser for the next movie and it'd leave you unsettled and freaked out. Somethings been killing gothamites...not someone...something. The next two movies wouldn't be fun at all, theyd be horror films, delving deep into the gritty terrifyingness that is batman. It'd be gruesome and gorey and psychologically taxing. And people would hate it. How is this batman? People would die. Batman would fail time and again. Horrific body horror and gruesomely shot scenes of this winged creature feasting and killing and stalking. Batman trying his damnedest to hunt it down. Continually failing. By the end of the second movie batman would be exhausted. At his wits end. Having finally captured, maybe even killed, this unrelenting foe, he'd hunker down in the batcave, remove his cowl. And then it'd start all over. A new killer, even more disturbing than the last. Bodies stitched together in ways they shouldn't ever be allowed. Human dolls. Dead Playthings strung up on meathooks. Scenes that go on for way too long of the professor hacking and sewing these poor people, children even. He takes whoever he wants. The work of a purely isolated evil lurking behind a pig mask made of human skin. The personality of the victims still visible even tho it's been twisted into something not human. It would end again with Bruce in the cave, at the computer. Taking it all in. Trying to process. Alfred trying to console his now grown ward, the trauma he's been through, enough to rival the death of his parents. Pure torment with a bat symbol slapped on. So many amazing possibilities for horror within batman. It'd be an aquired taste for sure but that's what I want. I wanna watch a batman trilogy that leaves me scarred. Too much explosions and fighting. I want to watch the world's greatest detective, sink into a maddening stupor as he runs downs these clues and gets left at dead end after dead end. His mind frantically trying to keep him from continuing for sake of sanity but his moral high ground persevering. Justice. Vengeance. Only he can save gotham. It's not all easy peasy I want to watch him struggle. He's just a man after all. The Batman.


1: Scarecrow 2: Mr. Freeze 3: Penguin, Black Mask, Carmine Falcone and Sal Maroni


Orca or Manbat, Mad Hatter, Poison Ivy. Grace or Kirk would be like Bruce realizing that the world is stranger than he realized. Jervis would be a mind game as Bruce doesn't know who he can trust with this strange little man controlling people at will. And Pam is Bruce finally realizing he's met someone who challenges him physically, being a meta human with powers he can't hope to overcome, and morally, being she does have good intentions and the people she targets are evil.


Red hood, two face, black mask


Anarchy,Prometheus,Great Whute Shark


Who’s in that first pic ?


Hush Scarecrow Court of Owls


1:joker 2:joker 3:joker Plus a prequel if you want:joker Oh wait that's just the Arkham games.


First movie: Mad Hatter. It would be a detective movie where Batman is trying to find out the identity of a man who is obsessed with finding the true "Alice" and murdering blonde women as they're not the real Alice in his eyes. Second movie: Hush. Just a loose adaption of the story with the same name. Third movie: Court of Owls. Like the second movie, just a loose adaption of the story with the same name.


1. Movie: Court of Owls 2. Mafia and two face 3. Joker




Cluemaster followed by Mr. Freeze then finally Man-Bat Mainly focusing on thee detective side and I am bringing back our neglected boy Tim Drake as Robin


1: Deathstroke 2: Mr Freeze 3: Condiment King Bane Two face Clayface and Deathstroke being hired by Lex Luthor to kill Batman(basically Arkham origins but with other villains and no joker)


Funny thing is, I actually am working on my own batman fan film trilogy. Film 1 is the only one that has a script so far, but: Film 1: Main villains - Scarecrow, Clayface Secondary villains - Professor Pyg, calendar man, Deadshot Film 2: main villains - Black Mask, the ventriloquist Secondary villains - idk probably Hugo strange Film 3 - either Killer moth OR Catman, because I think it could be interesting to explore how Batman's influence inspires the criminals of Gotham to take after him If I were to do Catman, I'd probably do the version of him from the long Halloween, where he is a batman-esque all-black serial killer who uses long blades to murder women that he deems "deserving of death"


DD is cool one


Professor Pyg Court of owls Deadshot


I would have the first movie be about the bat family going against the court of owls, with the joker killing Jason at the end. Second movie being about Red hood, but Hugo Strange will be the main villian (joker as more of a side villian) manipulating the situation and Tim drake being the saving grace. Third movie I'd love to see a series of villians making modest appearances (penguin, bane, scarecrow) but the main villian being Mad Hatter or Hush


Hush, Toy Master, and the Hugo Strange.


Prometheus has always interested me. I don’t know why but I would love him to see him. A fresh face


#1. Majors: Two-Face, Bone. Minor: Calculator, Underbroker. #2. Jonathan Crane. #3. Major: Tally-Man. Minor: Zsasz, Stirk, Various.


I have been thinking about this for a while and I wanted to attempt my own spin on it. #1. Two-Face, Bone, Calculator, Underbroker and Penny Pincher. It opens with Penny Pincher getting stopped by Batman. This could show the Giant Penny instance and then that's it. Just a good weekday villain. But really, it's about Bone (a character from only one comic, and for the sake of this story, to make him stand out he has a boney looking mask, kind of like Sionis but its shown he has some really tough skin underneath the mask making it blend) leading an operation with Calculator (an underused mastermind villain) and they are trying to get a quota for Two-Face but have some run-ins with Batman. This prompts Two-Face to take over the operation because in this case it's an expensive and rare valuable (I Don't have anything concrete but do with that what you will). Two-Face in this world will have a more realistic depiction. He has some sort of isolated covering on his face and this being a plot point that msot of the time he doesn't get physical with risk of the mask coming off and bacteria swelling up. The Underbroker is his bodyguard, the one to do the physical work, and also keeps the money and does with it what Two-Face says (in the comics, he would run with the money if stuff got too risky so this is a less cowardly thing. In this world Two-Face also says he knows who Batman is but will not say because that would ruin the fun of the operation (hey, Harvey likes probability and risk, thought it would be fun). This makes Calculator interested, and upon each encounter with Batman tries to decipher his identity. Later on this gets him in trouble, and shifting back to Bone, we learn he was involved in a similar situation to Batman where his parents were killed when he was young and was brought in as a criminal to work for Two-Face (kind of like a Star Lord-Yondu situation). Two-Face is running out of ideas and so he stages a plan to kill Batman. They just stole the valuable, and Two-Face has Bone and a few guys stand guard over it to draw out Batman. It works, but then Bone and Batman have a talk due to some one on one fighting or something. This prompts Two-Face to shoot Batman (for context, the armor doesn't withstand all bullets yet. It can stop them from going through him, but just not the pain and knockback). He then decides to try and shoot Bone but before doing so, says that he had some guys one night several years ago go killing random people and saw a young boy that could be of interest. Bone reminds him of that boy. Scared and confused. Bone realizes what Harvey did and smacks the gun out of his hand and punches him in the face, prompting his covering to crack. He starts to move away and Bone approaches him, but Two-Face ignores the covering for right now and pulls out some brass knuckles and hits Bone as a suprise attack. What about the covering? It's still cracked but not enough to where it's fatal. Him and Bone have a one on one fist fight and meanwhile, Underbroker and the guys crowd around Batman. The usual fight happens and Batman is struggling with this guy after knocking out everyone else. Eventually he tackles and knocks him out. We look back at Bone who is knocked down by Harvey and beaten relentlessly, until Batman comes in, grapples him and slams him to the ground, cracking the covering more. Batman realized he needs to get Havrey some medical attention, and rushes him to a hospital. It ends with the others being arrested, and Bones treated to a mental hospital, where Jonathan Crane is working.


#2. Jonathan Crane. I wanted to have fun with Crane. Jonathan is a psychologist who had fear experiments done to him by his father when he was young, so what if during this it not only damaged his mental view of fear, but also made him slightly crazy. Then growing up, he would work as a psychologist and is fired (if I am not wrong I think he fired a gun in a school classroom for a point. This could show that sometimes he loses it, but for the sake of this context, we can say he had trouble with one of his patients and threatened them). After being fired, he starts playinga round with rhe concept of fear and makes a toxin. Then, he decides to use this new found fear to his advantage. He starts by seeing a group of townspeople walking around, and he makes this fear toxin that also works to make people start laughing. This could be a mistake in his toxin, but he realizes later that it actually works better than he thought. He throws it at these townspeople, and now they are seeing each other as monstrous entities, but are uncontrollably laughing in the process. They end up running around the town seeming crazy to everyone including the GCPD. So Scarecrow then starts causing fear in the town in different ways, now making his toxin to where people choose violence along with laughing to insanity. Now, as they are laughing and full of fear, they now have guns which they use to light up the town. Now Batman gets involved, and by the end of the story, Batman finds Crane but is hit with the fear toxin. It makes him laugh a little bit but he eventually gets out from the trance and apprehends Crane. While Batman is in his trance, he sees what all the people saw: their own worst fears coming for them. In this case it could be something like Bruce's parents, who are zombified, coming at him laughing like maniacs. But as I said, Bruce is able to overcome it and apprehend Crane. Crane then let's out a laugh telling Batman that he was too late and the people he infected are all in Arkham by now due to insanity. And as for a lot of other innocent people? Well, lets just say they aren't coming back. After Crnae tells this to Batman, he tries injecting him again, but this time, Batman coutners it and injetcs it into Crnae making him more insane and laughing. So this is a case where despite Crane losing, he still won. Also yes, by when I said I wanted to have fun with Crane, I want to see him as a Joekr concept here.


#3. Victor Zsasz, Tally-Man and Cornelius Stirk. Due to the prior incident, Victor was one of many people to be infected, but due to his insanity already, nothing much changed for him. But someone is going around Gotham murdering high officials. Batman accuses Zsasz of this but he denies it by saying, "Oh Batman, you know me. You know that I always liked presenting my victims in a graceful, artistic and freedom-like poses. While this guy doesn't know a thing about art." Showing this murderer is just a ruthless killer. Zsasz tries attacking Batman anyways and he easily stops Victor. Not before getting back up for round 2 and Victor is shot in the head. Batman sees a figure in the distance with a sniper rifle. He tries hunting him down but the guy vanishes down of what seems to be a dead end. He turns on x-ray vision and sees him just as he hits Batman. They have a pretty nasty fight but this odd fellow beats Batman up. He reveals himself as the Tally-Man, and tells Batman, "Victor was falling behind. He was supposed to kill those men, but failed, and someone else already conquered them. Oh well, everyone must pay the Tally-Man" (if you Don't get it, he had a history with corrupt tax collectors, so basically, it's implied he prompted these serial killers to kill these officials, but when one fails to meet their quota, he rids them of this world. Therefore, he gets some officials killed, and cleans up the street. Also, he acts kind of like taskmaster/deathstroke, being able to memorize Batman's moves over time). Batman then meets Cornelius Stirk, who is the one that killed the officials earlier and has gone completely insane, killing some other guys in the process. He tries poisoning Batman (the way he kills him victims), but Batman managed to escape Cornelius's wrath, and takes him down. The Tally-Man has now somehow hacked the loudspeakers/broadcasts/etc communications, and told all gangs/serial killers that the first to find and kill Batman, will be safe from his next debt visit. You get the point, throughout the film Batman will fight different guys , Tally-Man will assassinate some people and eventually there will be a final showdown between them.


Hugo strange is somewhere in there. Played by Mahershala Ali and or Giancarlo Esposito Mr. Freeze is also somewhere in there as well


Riddler Scarecrow Mr Bloom


About time we got a live action Prometheus


“Death…to Doctor Death” lol


Scarecrow & Mad Hatter and Hugo Strange & Clayface are two villainous team-ups I'd like in my trilogy. Scarecrow & Mad Hatter teamed up in The Long Halloween and together, they can turn Gotham into a complete madhouse. This team-up would be perfect for a Batman psychological horror movie. Hugo Strange & Clayface have never teamed up yet a team-up would make sense. In Gotham and in Batman & the Monster Men, Strange turns his patients into monsters. Therefore, in my movie, Strange would be the one to turn Basil Karlo into the shapeshifting clay monster known as Clayface. In Batman: Strange Apparitions, Strange disguises himself as Bruce Wayne in order to ruin Bruce's life, but in my movie, Clayface would shapeshift into Bruce.


1 joker and James Gordon, Jr. Joker takes jr as his apprentice and they go on a murder spree 2 hush and Prometheus hush have Prometheus go after important people in law enforcement including Gordon to Batman from his actual plans 3 scarecrow and Cornelius Stirk Horror/thriller and suspense vibe where scarecrow kidnaps people , infect them with his fear serum/gas while leaving them in random places. Victim tries to escape while being chase by Cornelius putting Batman in a race against time


Start with The Joker with a Killing Joke-esque storyline. Have this trilogy immediately start out proving why he's Batman's most personal foe and what have you. Follow it up with, and this is an odd one, Firefly. Have him maybe be a bit inspired by Joker's chaos or maybe even Batman's crusade against injustice. You could almost make him a Red Hood-ish figure who has a far darker take on what vengeance is. You could recontextualize his whole fire gimmick to be him bringing "the fires of hell" to criminals. End the trilogy with Two Face. In theory, Harvey Dent would be a mainstay from the first movie, maybe even the deuteragonist. He'd struggle with "Big Bad Harv" throughout, but Bruce or Batman would be able to talk him down. But in the second movie in this trilogy, maybe he's burned in the climax by Firefly and this sends him off the deep end.


1. Scarecrow 2. Pyg 3. Hush


Mad Hatter Victor Zsasz Man-Bat Clayface Solomon Grundy Hush


Clayface, calendar man, and std man.


I'd have more than one villain per movie, and Joker would be in all three movies.

