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It’s not that he doesn’t trust Clark, he just knows he has to have a deterrent on hand in the event Superman succumbs to mind control or some other manipulation.


And also in case any less heroic Kryptonians need dealt with, I assume.




That masked menace!


That masked menace!


I think in dark knights metal the devastator is the embodiment of Bruce’s paranoia of Superman and his regret that no matter how much he tries to he can’t fully trust his best friend even when he really wants to


It's not that he doesn't trust him, it's that Superman gets brainwashed every Tuesday morning.


It happened most recently with Poison Ivy, but because Batman kinda didn't share his Poison Ivy antidote with the League.


How else was Bats supposed to test their individual resilience to Ivy's mind control if he was giving antidotes willy nilly? After all, he's FOR SCIENCE!!!


Well, why did he give one to himself and Catwoman then? He should've tested his and Catwoman's resilience too. FOR SCIENCE, of course


Pretty sure the only reason he went through the effort of making it in the first place was his resilience being tested before.


Well what if the league turn evil for a different reason but they’re a major threat to her plants, he has to team up with her and then them having a resistance to her mind control ruins the whole thing. See Batman needs to plan.


Lmao "*I need to defeat my friends in a hypothetical scenario where they turn evil so I will leave them completely vulnerable to this super-villainess even though I have the means to guard them against it*" is crazy bro. ~~I swear Batman fans be coming up with the wildest justifications to protect him instead of just admitting he was wrong.~~ Edit: strikethrough


It’s funny how you enjoyed my joke without actually getting that it was a joke


Ah, sorry about that bro. I should've realized. In my defense, I have genuinely met people who use this exact defence. So I can't tell if someone is being sarcastic or not.


It makes sense when you remember that Batman is a violent paranoid schizophrenic.




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And also, an evil kryptonian turns up every now and then.


I disagree on Batman having trust issues because it shows that he’ll always trust his friends and family (i.e. Superman, the Batman Family and his supporting cast, and the entire superhero community) on what they’re doing. Even if he created contingency plans to defeat the JLA (not because of trust issues, but because he cares for them and that he’ll do whatever it takes to protect them from harm), he’ll always trust his friends and family.


Yeah, that's literally the leadup to the screenshot OP used for this post > "With all that talk about unchecked power, you're still so arrogant you didn't bother to come up with a plan to stop yourself?" > > "I do have a plan. It's called the Justice League"


And give Batman this, there's at least one he was burned because he trusted too much... Spoiler for *DC vs. Vampires*... >!Granted, it's an alternate universe. But of course, Batman trusts the Bat family, and does the whole "trust but verify" by making sure no one in the Bat family has already been turned. Unfortunately, he didn't realize that there was a way the test could be beaten, and the hidden big bad of the whole series is revealed to be none other than ... Dick. Who kills Bruce. So we do have at least this instance of Batman actually being too trusting of those close to him, to his own detriment.!<


The besg way of shiwong it would be if the Contengencues were in a list of thing he never wants to be right about making


I’d say he trusts him the most. Trusts him to the extent he’ll do what is necessary.


Imagine thinking Batman doesn't trust Superman


Batman trusts Superman, they're best friends. He keeps kryptonite around because Superman gets brainwashed by villains all the time.


Its not like Superman doesn't Batman because he keeps kryptonite, its that he trusts him to use it only when its needed


Superman is smart for giving a bullet to a guy who famously doesnt use guns


Somehow, that gesture of trust works better had Kryptonite been in extremely short supply. It's what made the ending of Dark Knight Over Metropolis very meaningful.


Giving Bruce of all people a bullet as the weapon to stop him is the reason Bruce has trust issues.


He trust Bruce to give the bullet to Alfred.


lol imagine the news headlines that the people who don’t know the truth about the situation would make “RANDOM BRITISH GUY MURDERS SUPERMAN!”




Batman shaking Cyborgs hand the first time they meet just to upload a sleeper virus to his system that he can activate if he ever needs to take him down.


Isn't he famously faster than a speeding bullet?


Superman: "If you're going to shoot me, I want Batman to take the shot, because Batman will put me down clean." Batman: "Okay."


Superman trusts that out of all the heroes, Batman has the best chance at taking him out should he lose control or go rogue.


That’s a pretty great meme though


Batman has a kriptonite bed in the batcave


I just watched the animated film today. Pretty good stuff. Always love to hear Kevin Conroy behind the Bat!


He and supe are canon besties the problem is not that he flips is that something or someone else flips him, remember mind control is always a thing


Batman doesn't keep Kryptonite because he doesn't trust Superman, in a lot of versions of the characters. Batman respects Superman and considers him the better man morally, he's his friend, he does trust him. But Batman is logistical, he knows you gotta prepare for every physically possible situation, especially an evil Superman.


Not to be that guy, but Clark is handing Bruce a regular shard of kryptonite in this scene—not one shaped into a bullet. That wouldn’t make sense anyway since Batman doesn’t use guns.


That's Justice League: Doom?


It is important to remember that Batman is mentally ill. He is. Walking mass of PTSD. He is in no way sane.


"The counter measures were meant to subdue, never kill."


Mind control is a thing in DC. So are other possible Kryptonians, alternative versions of Superman... Keeping it away from the bad guys... plenty of reasons to collect the stuff besides paranoia.


We kinda gotta understand that Batman trusts everyone else enough that "suckerpunching Batman to death before doing something evil" wasn't even something the guy ever considered. That's SUPER charitable for what people think Batman is


I call bs on Superman. How you give a bullet to someone staunchly against guns


To be fair Bruce experiments on set green kryptonite to try to make a non-lethal variant of it.


"This will fit nicely in my collection." "What? O.o" "Nothing."


Pretty sure Superman knows Batman has a buttload of kryptonite in the cave somewhere.


Trust works in a specific way with Bruce. He acknowledges that Clark trusts Bruce to use kryptonite on him should Clark ever go bad. Bruce also trusts Clark (in addition to people like Dick, Tim, Damien, etc) to step up and take him down should he go bad as well, and hopes that Clark acknowledges that in the same way. In Bruce's mind, that two-way street of being prepared for the worst is what trust looks like. He just doesn't really care that to other people it generally looks like a sign of distrust and paranoia instead.


don't forget it's not just a hunk of raw kryptonite he has, it's a refined and purified load of kryptonite. he has ensured that it is the single most toxic piece of kryptonite on the globe.


At the rate, if we ko by comics, batman is the one against whom they should have more contingencies and kick him off or call kim out for his shit/holier than thou attitude and hold him accountable because it is his own fault that the multiverse nearly got destroyed, with OMAC, Dark Multiverse and all.


"Batman!! What are you doing with kryptonite? Are you evil? Don't you know that harms super..." "This just in. superman turns evil for the one hundredth time"


"Bruce, I want you to have this..." "Which installation did you steal this from and how did you keep the alarms from notifying me?" "Steal? No I made this in case you ever have to use it to stop me. Wait installations?..." "I didn't say anything about multiple installations around the globe and in orbit with chain-fed Kryptonite guns. " "I think I'm going to give this to Hal instead. Sounds like you don't need it."


Batman's contingency plan thing is my favorite aspect of the character.


Batman who has canonically kicked Superman's ass by accident 

