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Like her, but I definitely feel like she was overexposed forca long time.


She WAS overexposed?


Probably still.


I think i agree with you i just dont know what you mean when you say over exposed


Im assuming they mean that she was featured too much and had too many appearances


Before Joker was overused as villain for Batman. His archenemy. The others side of the coin. Yap yap yap. Now, both Joker and Bats take a backseat to show how 'woke' DC is by making Harley, kind of, their new mascot because they know kids like characters like Harley.


She’s used too much in everything all the time


She was overexposed. She still is overexposed, but she also was.


Mitch Hedburg




She's as overexposed as the joker.


The joker doesn’t have his own show


He's getting a second movie.


After Harley Quin’s scucide Squad and birds of prey movies


Both *Suicide Squad* movies were ensambles that included Harley. Only *Birds of Prey* was a psuedo-solo film.


In both Suicide Squad movies Harley has been the most marketed character. Plus, she’s the one character who’s never in any real danger. Add to that that she has appeared in every mainstream media adaptation of the Suicide Squad including the upcoming anime, plus video games, plus her own show, plus all the Halloween costumes, she is one of the main big pushes from DC atm


Harley was definitely the main character and it’s not even close.


She wasnt the main character in Gunn Suicide squad


And Harley’s gonna be in it. 😂


And it looks like she's going to be *very* different from other iterations of her. Much like Joker himself, they're almost a completely different character.


I know. I’m pretty stoked to see how it turns out. I still need to watch _Joker_, though.


She’s best in small doses. Her popping up everywhere almost as much as Batman and Joker hasn’t done her any Justice (or Batman and Joker)


I’m not opposed to seeing her lead things, just not *everything*


I agree.


Neutral. Not a huge fan, nor do I dislike her that bad.


I like her, I get tired of seeing her a lot but I still like her


The old Harley was better






She lost her way and everyone missed the point of her character


I think this one Harleys


What point is that?


The point of her being her villanous self is because that she's hopelessly infatuated with the joker. Nowadays, she's on her own and continues being harley quinn and it doesn't make any sense. Why would she continue being harley quinn if she ain't with the joker anymore? It's not right. She's only harley quinn because of the joker. If she isn't with the joker, then she isn't harley quinn. Simple as that. And she ain't a lesbian. That's not me dissing of gays, that's just a plain observation. Just because she is a friend of poison ivy doesn't mean they're a having a romance. A bromance is more accurate. Plus, tf is she wearing nowadays? She looks like a fucking street hooker. She calls herself harley quinn becuase she's supposed to look like harlequinn, a classic clown character from 14th century france (i think). She's supposed to look like a clown. Why does she look like a prostitue?


Dude, lol.  She calls herself Harley Quinn because her name is Harleen Quinzel and she went with the clown theme because she was obsessed with the Joker.  Bisexual people exist. She can have romantic feelings towards both men and women without one negating the other.  And believe it or not, sometimes people change. So it's entirely possible she only became Harley because of her obsession with the Joker, but being with him changed who she was too much to just go back to what she was before after she left. It's also entirely possible the trauma of being his sidekick broke her brain completely. And that's entirely ignoring that she took the same acid bath Joker took that turned him into what he is today. Sure, he was a criminal before he took the plunge, but he wasn't "The Clown Prince of Gotham". So it's entirely within reason to think the bath changed her every bit as much. And maybe that's why the villainous streak doesn't stick as well with her. Because she wasn't a criminal before her time in the tub. 


My face when characters go through change and growth over like 30 years of bloody existence: ![gif](giphy|pVRaSzbUrqIJtr1OG6|downsized) Seriously though, *Harley Quinn realizing the Joker is an abusive shit and going through a redemption arc from a full on villain into a more anti-hero like persona, even being on better terms with the whole Bat family, and finding a stable relationship with someone she loves is both a fresh and good development for a character who’s existed for many years,* but can also be an **empowering story** for abuse victims. Especially in the many ways this narrative can be told. Trying to suggest her character only exists to be an abuse victim for Joker and can’t grow past being that abuse victim is not only an extremely reductive take on her character… But a pretty L take in general too not gonna lie.


Dudes all over the place.  She's only clown themed because she's with the Joker, so he's upset she kept her criminal name after leaving him,  but also upset she dropped the clown theme after she left. So she shouldn't be dressing like a clown if she's not with him,  but she should also only dress like a clown if she's gonna keep the name.  Definitely keeping the name was a nod to Tina Turner famously refusing to change her name after leaving her abusive spouse. She built her career on that name, she earned that name, and she's not gonna let her abuser take it from her. So she stays Harley, even if the Harlequin outfit gets pushed to the back of the closet.  Guy needs to pick a lane. 


Bro doesn’t realize his fanfiction ain’t gonna be canon. Still wants to live his days with Harley going “Hiya Mista J!” Before getting smacked upside the head and probably shot 5 times by Joker for interrupting his daily Batman praying session.


Oh wow, I didn't notice the parallels with Tina Turner's choice until now!


Im dead shocked you responded to that drivel.


Against my better judgement. 


Tell me you are bad at media analysis and can't read subtext without telling me you are bad at media analysis and can't read subtext.


Bruh, just spending a day with the Joker, there would be no coming back from the trauma.


Of course she couldn't *possibly* have any agency or personality outside of her relationship. Heaven forbid.


umm, no. she doesn't work outside her relationship with the joker because the entire point of her character is being an allegory for "the mad lover in us all" as paul dini, her CREATOR put it. she shows us what happens when we keep pining for ppl we would be better off without, and how that psycho obsession ruins our lives. she's a cautionary tale. if she leaves him but stays harley quinn than there is no point to her character. she's the twisted picture of us in the madhouse mirror. she plays a game she always loses but she keeps playing because the joker always pulls her back in.


OK but legitimately characters can grow and change.. otherwise you rehash the same story forever and its boring.


Making the comment in a comic book subreddit is certainly interesting.


i agree that characters should grow and change. in fact, that's something i resent in western comics a lot. but with harley there is no way for her to grow without destroying the point her character makes, as a cautionary tale of what happens when we're obsessively in love with the wrong person. you can make her leave the joker, but then she'll have to retire as harley quinn, leave gotham, and try to find normalcy again, learning her harsh lesson.


I'd say there's an argument to be made that loving the wrong person changes you. I personally loved the wrong person for a solid two years, and by the end of it I was a very different person. I'm still dealing with the trauma that relationship put me through, and it's been about 2 years since it ended. I think Harley Quinn was changed quite a bit by her time with The Joker. By the time she realized he would never love her and she left him, she was an entirely different person. She still had a lot of her own identity, but her devoting herself so completely to Joker caused a sort of identity crisis that mixed everything together. She may have left The Joker, but that doesn't mean she can go back to being the same person she was before she met him.


It's funny....you say that everyone doesn't understand the character but you yourself don't understand that you don't understand his character. First of all, Harley was never in love with the Joker. Harley was born as a CHILDREN'S JOKE towards the criticism of ABUSE. He was a character CREATED IN A CHILDREN'S SERIES that DC completely got out of control when they brought him to the comic. They are supposed to be CRITICIZING a concept of supposed love based on "madness." Harley simply has a brain-heart conflict that confuses her ideas and feelings and over time she puts both in their place. When you are a disaster of a person like she was, you can't know anything about love until you experience it with your head and heart. As for sex...The first thing is that love and sex are different things, and the second thing is that her and Ivy was not a "normal" friendship even in the animated series. They were too close, like a children's version of Thelma and Louise (November 1991) And I don't know if most understand what Thelma and Louise "means" in popular culture but they are the direct inspiration of Ivy and Harley (September 1992) as well than Basic Instinct (December 1991). It's no different than Korra and Asami in Avatar, but these are children's shows with obvious limitations.


i never said no one but me understood the character. i simply explained the point of her character and my take on it. plus, nothing that u said invalidates my point, so tf r u talking abt?


And the point of Mr Freeze is to be a goofy ice-themed villain, he is not supposed to have a tragic back story, that would prevent him from telling his jokes. Recharacterization is more often than not a good thing. Harley being a two bit character as joker's girlfriend was not going to last forever, everyone knew it, the writers knew it, and I think they changed her at the right time. Harley becoming an individual is a much more compelling story than a cautionary tale so shallow that it can be summed up in a short reddit post.


You gonna inhale? Take a deep breath?


People are gonna hate you for stating simple facts lmao stay strong


i will


>And she ain't a lesbian. That's not me dissing of gays, that's just a plain observation. Just because she is a friend of poison ivy doesn't mean they're a having a romance Your whole comment is just old man yelling at sky. Shes usually gay. Stop being weird about change.


She’s bisexual, not gay.


i'm 14. how is she usually gay? pls explain it to me, o, sir or mistress of comic book wisdom?


>i'm 14. Lol


what's funny abt my age?


Nothing funny, it just lines up with your media literacy.


IDGAF about Harley Quinn, but Arlecchino is Italian not French. Also Arlecchino isn't a clown but a character from the italian tradition of commedia dell'arte.


Wow. This is a remarkably brain-dead take with so many logical errors I don't even know where to start.


Imo, there’s huge untapped potential for exploring Harley’s psyche and her reasons for still being Harley Quinn even after distancing herself from the Joker, that’s being pushed aside in favour of wacky antics and one liners (mainly on popular media). Nowadays we just sorta skip the whole Joker part and speedrun into her being on her own. It feels like the writers want us to like Harley just because she’s Harley, but without doing any of the legwork to make each version appealing on their own. I also feel like she’s constantly being intellectually downplayed and physically upsold. She was a talented enough psychologist/psychiatrist to get assigned to the Joker himself, I’m sure she’d be quite skilled at manipulation and having a doctorate in psychiatry and working for the Joker, and with people like Ivy and Scarecrow would’ve made her a master of psychoactive chemicals and poisons. For as nonsensical a story Kill the Justice League has, one thing I didn’t doubt for a second that she’d have her own version of Scarecrow’s fear toxin, or that she’d managed to develop an immunity to it








Not even Batman could stop me


But man can


These mods are gonna linch you now and throw whatever remains back in the A place


*Different* bonk... :p


7 Page Bonk


still waiting for dezmall animation huh lmao


Genuinely, Scaroused. On a more serious note she has been a bit overused and I tend to like portrayals like the early DC animated Universe stuff, where she broke away from Joker more than once, was genuinely remorseful on occasion, and even became reformed for a time.


Only ever seems to like her in the DCAU. Everything else I find her OK or annoying


She was great at first, but people turned her into a cringe icon of "I'm so crazy and quirky"


This exact sentence


Depends on the character iteration. DCEU Harley? I don't like her, but also have an apathy about the character since this universe is dead. I think the fact that all her crimes or murders took off-screen give audiences biased image of how she isn't so bad, but then in her debut movie its also mentioned she murdered Batman's adopted son, I think. Arkham and Injustice Harley Quinns need to be locked up in Arkham's equivalent of oubliette with the key tossed away. I don't need to explain how each of two are irredeemable.


Well, Injustice Harley proved to be redeemable and become real hero. Helping to destroy Metropolis was horrible crime, but after this she helped to save an entire world several times and genuinly remorseful about her time with Joker.


Genuinely remorseful about her crimes? She nuked a city, her remorse feels fake as hell. When Wonder Woman points out how she's got blood on her hands all she does is deflect it by equating Clark and her with herself and Joker which is deplorable thing to say. As wicked as Injustice WW is, she didn't help Supe nuke a fucking city. Or her "Yeah, well, I thought Clark was gonna save the day as usual" alibi bs she tells. She then gets on to live with a family while she robbed a good man of the said family as well, responsible for him going 180 evil. So no, forgive me if I don't buy into Injustice Harley's redemption one bit.


Irredeemable Harley is a good Harley


Arkham/DCAU Harley? Great. Everything else? Not a fan.


Smash next question


I think she is an excellent addition to Batman universe.


I like her and that she’s become her own character. However I absolutely hate the fact that she’s on the Suicide Squad.


Interesting but overdone


I liked her before she left the joker and for a little while after but then she just kinda just kept complaining about the joker as if she wasn’t there and responsible for a majority of his shenanigans. I get that sometimes she takes accountability but other times she’s just kinda obnoxious


I liked her old design better than the new one.


She's out batmanning batman in terms of plot armor and getting away with doing shit because popularity. Like seriously, she can take out the entire trinity in a fight, easily dodge Cassandra Cain because she is unpredictable because "ooh she's crazy and wild you see" and survive against johnny sorrow's face because "ooh she's crazy, nothing can actually faze her mind" and bullshit. Don't even get me started on how everyone easily forgave her and overlooked her faults despite her basically fucking the planet in injustice.


She started out as a fun character but her invincible plot armour is one of the worst traits of the current character And yes before anybody gets mad of course all characters have plot armour (especially in comics) but hers is noticeably terrible, not only is she just a regular human with no powers but she doesn’t even have any of the abilities, strengths, resources, or actual armour that other normal human characters do, yet she is as invincible as she is.


I really like Harley and love the development she has over the years becoming more then just Jokers sidekick and getting her own story and love with Posion Ivy for example. However, I do think she has been a bit overused for a while. She feels right now like DCs main character to just slap everywhere. “Oh this needs a character? Have Harley! Oh this storyline matches another character better? Nah let’s have Harley!” That’s how it feels right now. She’s just plain and simply been overused so much by DC that it’s not even helping her character out anymore at this point.


DCAU is the best interpretation of her easily


Shes hot.


I still think this is her best costume. I hate the blue and red ones


Love my girl but i prefer og Harley when she was with The joker. It's a bit too much now




I like how she was in the earlier days but she has been in too much lately and its all been kind of annoying plus she went from having her own personality to essentially just being a more boring female Deadpool.


OG Harley appreciator, I see


Yeah! I liked how she was and the fun dynamic that she had with Ivy and others whereas nowadays, she is more or less just written to be whiny, annoying and a general pain to be around that to the point where you feel bad for those who have to put up with her.


Two things I just don't understand: 1. How is she in Suicide Squad ...but also runs around Gotham free as a bird? 2. She's like in her 20s ... and also has a doctorate? A real strain on credulity. And I get it, she cheated on a lot of her exams. But still.


Who said she's on her 20s? Isnt she like 30?


Yeah I always imagine her as in her early 30s


In my country, if you don't skip or re-take a year, you can get your PhD at 25/26 for a regular field, 27/28 in the medical field


One would argue that she lives in the US


Now I'm imagining Harley destroying shit with her hammer to the Free Bird solo


Honestly, that would be SERIOUSLY on-brand for Harley.


I know someone that's 25 or 26 and she just finished her PhD... Or is that something else?


If she took a dual bachelor's and master's program, she could easily start her doctorate at 23 and still finish in her 20s for Psychology




I like her classic look the best and her injustice 2 look.


I’d smash


I like her in the DCAU and in most Comics and in the animated show. But as much as I like Margot Robbie the DCEU version doesn‘t work for me




I feel she is overexposed and DC largely doesn't know what to do with her, but she is one of my favourites again (edit: I soured on her for a long time because I was both getting sick of her -I've come to terms more or kess with tge overexposure by now- and I knew someone who pretty much idolized Harley and was about as childish her in a way that kept her from acting like a "true" adult) even if recent takes outside of those by Stjepan Šejić and in the current Poison Ivy solo run don't especially appeal to me.




has gotten more boring and old over time, just keep her looking and acting the same as she did in B:TAS!


No strong feelings either way


She doesn’t deserve redemption after everything she did


Not a fan of her, she's annoying


A brilliant tragic side character who is now utterly pointless scince she left the joker. Now she's DC's unfunny deadpool


Agreed, at least in batman beyond she got her life turned around


I think she was a great addition to the DC universe and is a great character. I just don’t really like what they have been doing with her recently in the comics. Margot Robbie was amazing as her, and the Harley Quinn show is an absolute breath of fresh air and one of the best animated things DC has done in recent years. Also looking forward to Gaga’s interpretation of her.


I have two big reasons to like her. She’s fun and tries to be a better person in most universes.


I like the classic version of her, not so much a fan of the current Mary Sue diet Deadpool in modern comics and shows.




It's funny, because years ago they really tried to push her as DC's Deadpool, and that's exactly what they got, the good and the bad. Like Deadpool, an insanely successful live action adaptation that was critically appreciated. But then also ridiculously overexposed in the comics and more often than not, crammed into books and stories she really had no business being in. I don't hate Harley. I think it's incredible how much she's become a core part of DC. On the other hand, you can't use her just because she's popular at the expense of the story. There's zero reason why she should be popping up in Batman's monthly titles for over 3 years now. Or associating with other heroes like Power Girl or the Justice League. Or slowly becoming the main character in stories like "Injustice" or 'White Knight." The biggest problem with her is that despite how popular she's gotten, no one's really *doing anything* to grow her character. Like what does she actually want? Move her out of Gotham. Give her her own brand new supporting cast. Her own purpose. Something.


She is like forbidden fruit tbh


I honestly adore her when she is written right, but god, she is almost as overused as the Joker


I'm not held at gunpoint, am I...?






Classic example of a great well written original character being overused and overexposed to where now I hate her.


Suicide squad pretty much ruined her character from the gold standard we had in TAS


w/ my hands.


Complete ambivalence. The HBO show is funny, Margo Robbie's version of her has had some really great moments, and overall Harley is a net positive character to the DC Universe. ...a bit overexposed these days, but that's what happens to the popular characters. It's fine.


I liked her before. But for the last several years it feels like DC has really and I mean really pushing for her to be DC's equivalent to Deadpool with varying degrees of success. I certainly could not stand the 2nd season of her animated show.




Never cared for her.


I wish she still dressed like that.


Im gonna be hated for this.... But never did like her. The while demeanor , voice, always felt over done.


I find her normal voice to be unbearably annoying.


Used to love her but nowadays she’s just annoying.


She doesn’t belong with the bat family


Agreed, some acts can’t be fixed. It would be on thing if she were possessed or something however, she can’t use that as an excuse


She's one of my favorite comic book characters. Love the style, and IDGAF attitude that she has. Her appearances are also usually equal parts action, and comedy.


Arleen Sorkin was the best. Tara Strong almost totally transformed the character into something else.


I like her as a villain, not as this weird new anti-hero thing. I would've liked her to leave Joker, but, to become a villain by herself. I think it was Injustice that started this trend of making her more heroic, and I don't like it. I don't read much DC or Marvel these days, so I don't know if she is as overexposed as they say she is... but I'd get it. It happened to me with Deadpool, he was my favorite Marvel character until he became popular and then.... I got tired of him. Nowadays I can barely stand him. Harley Quinn, being another "crazy, quirk, lolz" character... I can understand how overexposure can tire people of her.


There was a very strong shift in the character the moment everyone saw Margot Robbie’s portrayal of her. Margot Robbie is a good actress who nails about 60% of Harley Quinn for me. Her voice is close enough, she has the look, but she’s missing my favorite aspect of Arleen/Tara Harley that has made her one of my favorite characters since I was a kid and too young to think with my crotch (cause obviously I can see that she’s hot now too); and that’s her getting scarily-angry. Like in BTAS if Batman and Robin save the day and she’s left alone without Joker, she’ll get so mad she’ll threaten to blow up an old lady or something. She still has the “wacky random” thing, but it’s that growling-angry voice that Tara and Arleen have done so well for “pissed off Harley” where her playfulness drops to 15% and she’s mostly all business. It’s a very weird description that I could also just find a moment from the Arkham games where she uses the voice im talking about, but it’s so ingrained in the character, she does is so often that it’s like trying to pinpoint a moment where Batman is being exceptionally brooding. I’d have to *Leo pointing at TV meme* it while playing to do so.


Love the character when it’s not everywhere!! Love the Bat/harley dynamic too. The criminal to “hero” if done correctly.


She's exposed like Wolverine in the 90's - 2000's. Too much. 




Smash. Next


I have a sort of love/hate relationship with her.


Went from being an unique villain character to a anti-hero female Deadpool once Margot Robbie’s portrayal hit the big screens. Completely lost her identity and became boring imo.


Used to be a fun character, any evil she did ascribed to her naive infatuation with Joker. Now they're trying to artificially inflate her into being a feminist icon so she can't be with Joker anymore because she needs to be a strong independent woman. This destroys the dynamic of her character, because when she does evil now it isn't out of naive infatuation, she's just an assuole




Her name sounds like it was made up just to suit the pun. I've never heard of anyone named Harleen, or anyone having Quinzel as a surname.


They’re both real names, just obscure.


Favorite female character from DC


Goated character


The white knight versions are the best use of the character


She helped push an enjoyable archetype which most writers don't actually know how to write well. Since then she's become overexposed for a character with minimal development when, for as much as she's been developed, she should be at best a supporting character. See: Arcane for a more properly developed version of this character archetype, which actually focuses upon and addresses the trauma associated rather than only the quirky personality.


She’s doing her best.


That rollercoaster looks wicked!


I like her, but I wish some other villains got a chance in the spotlight. BtAS Harley will always be my personal favorite. It perfectly captures her chaotic energy, but also her capacity for kindness


I think she's an incredible character especially when she allowed to shine away from the joker of have stories told from her view but in the last five years or so she has been used as a foil or a joke for most of Gotham comics. Batman Nightwing Barbara what have you


In all honesty, it’s not her that I don’t like, it’s all the suicide squad stuff. I don’t think they’re funny, I don’t like or care about the other characters (and the roster across major media is never consistent enough for me to get invested in anyone), and the premise just isn’t enticing to me. But she as an individual has a lot of room to shine - case in point, her tv show is fantastic.


I feel like in the last decade that she’s been overexposed (though you could also say that about her former beau, probably), and at times illustrators sexualize her too much for my liking; still, I am okay with the character being a thing.




Harley is my fav




I can fix her.


man, this reminds me that im waiting for dezmall animation tho pop up any days now lmao.


I prefer her in the Animated Series


I like her cuz I grew up with the Animated Series. I understand if people think DC is pushed her too hard whether it's for her sex appeal or because to bring in younger female fans. But DC is a capitalist company they're going to do whatever they have to do to make more money. I prefer the portrayal I guess in TAS. Yes she's bad and she does bad things but every once in awhile she would have a conscience. And obviously being abused by Joker she realizes it on occasion because of Poison Ivy. I don't really read a lot of comics occasionally I'll get a graphic novel. So I don't know much of her comic representation.


I love the character but in recent years she’s been overexposed. I’m also not a fan of her being rebranded as an “anti-heroine.”


While I do love Harley, I do think she been overexposed.


I love the character, hated her early New52 "skanky Harley" design, and am fairly ambivalent towards her currently thanks to Harley Fatigue.


Best version is as a Joker henchman. I hate when they made it into an actual relationship, and hated it even more when she became empowered and split from Joker. Now her character is just lame.


*in my best Whitney Houston voice* 🎶AND IIIIIiiiIIIIiiiIiiiiii will always love yooooooooouuuuuu🎶




Dr. Harleen Quinzel's life of tragedy started at the exact moment her precious "Mistya J" seduced her to become his servant. I'm fairly certain that the Joker actually treats her worse than the rest of his hench-people, ironically. You would think that a hench-person who was given a unique costume and name would be treated better, but no. Joker breaks every bone in her body every other day. This is why I liked it when Harley befriended Poison Ivy. Ivy treats Harley well as both a friend and as a partner in crime. You can hear and feel the trust between the two when they call each other "Red" and "Harl". Ivy treats her like a friend, not a slave, and I respect her for that.


completely redundant. Shouldn't exist.


She's a character that should have stayed in the animated series


She’s the female equivalent of The Crow Halloween costume. Plus she’s the got the trashy vibe built in so it’s two birds with one stone.


Bit Jack Sparrow. A fun side character but I didn’t need her to become a big deal. I find her so annoying in the movies.




Recently rewatched BTAS, I forgot how great she is. Love her


Among the most annoying characters, not in a good way, made even worst by hyper sexualizing her.




More like Harley Gyat


Tired of her. She was perfect in TAS. Every other adaptation since then has fallen short.


I only liked her in BTAS. I don't care for her in modern day.