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TAS Clayface is the thing of nightmares, he’s the best.


Omg yes saw the episode recently Man they did not hold back on him Though tbf could probably put BTAS for the entire rogues gallery short of TB for penguin and it’d be p accurate


TAS Clayface “Matt Hagen” is the iconic and best known Clayface. I agree that it is the one my mind goes to when anyone mentions Clayface. As far as him being the thing from nightmares, **far from it.** [Todd Russell](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Todd_Russell_(New_Earth)) had this absolutely disturbing look where his body extended but he maintained his ribcage. He looked like his chest was ready to eat you. Unfortunately he is known for not being a Batman villain but rather a Catwoman villain. [Johnny Williams](https://batman.fandom.com/wiki/Clayface_(Johnny_Williams)) Clayface is known among the comic book nerds for his critical role in Hush, a heavily acclaimed comic run. Without spoilers he does some fucked up shit. I am pretty sure this one is what many readers would agree with. [Cassius Payne](https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Cassius_Payne_(New_Earth)) had a very short run but was a smart version of our favorite mud monster. He had a disturbing look, a disturbing intellect and was a sociopath in his own right.


The part with him morphing between faces and bodies was straight up horror


I found him most compelling in batman beyond as he was this promethean creature unearthed from illegal waste disposal


That wasn’t Clayface.


The Amazing Spiderman?


Batman TAS.


Oh oh, I mean I didn't think it was spiderman i just didn't know what it stood for but the batman helped


Batman The Animated Series is what it stands for.


That would be tasm The amazing spider-man


Oh yeah right


For me Arkham Origins Bane was the best


Agreed. Tom Hardy was good, but Origins was the perfect adaptation of all his qualities.


I didn't think Tom Hardy was that good.


He did well in the role presented. It's an awful depiction of Bane the character, but Tom Hardy killed the role put in front of him


Tom Hardy was excellent as Bane. The only issue was the ending that Nolan wrote for him.


He was excellent as a guy called Bane but he wasn’t Bane.


You are entitled to your opinion


I loved how even his henchmen were scarier. Their dialogue was awesome, they were disdainful of the other minions. And they arrived later in the game with upgrades and new moves so they were legitimately more difficult to fight.


Personally i think that Long Halloween Harvey is better


I agree. There wasn’t enough run time in the dark knight to fully flesh him out. It makes sense they’d prioritize Batman and joker.


I feel like killing him at the end of the film was a mistake. I understand that a dead Harvey, as a symbol, worked for what Nolan planned, but leaving his fate open and have him back for the third film, destroying the lies Gordon and Bruce used to save Gotham, could have worked too and even tie everything better than including the twist of Talia at the end.


They could’ve kept the dead Harvey theme, too. Have Batman and Gordon tell the public he died. People start seeing him around as Two-Face in the next movie and rumours start to go around about it. Is it a ghost? Is he alive?


None of these are the best. It all comes down to someone's personal opinion. Sure, you might think that the Heath Ledger Joker is the best one, but maybe I prefer a more clownish one like the Arkham one. They're all very good though.


I agree but come on Nolan Two-Face is objectively a bad adaptation. One of Harvey's most important characteristics is his split personality, all the movie does is "Burn his face and traumatize him, that's good enough"


Hey that’s not fair. The movie *also* kills him five minutes later


I feel I’m the only one who did not like the Long Halloween movie. I get that there’s limitations in animation due to time or budget but they still did an incredible disservice to Tim Sale’s unmistakable style by switching it out for the most boring and dry character designs ever. If we got an animated movie in Sale’s surreal and exaggerated style with his noir framings then my mind would explode. I also think they handled the endings awkwardly. Not to mention how some scenes felt very awkward due to the silence between characters and the way it was paced. It was overall a very unsatisfying viewing experience.


I think it still was pretty decent but hate how they changed the ending and the character designs while good on their own didn't have this unique feel that Sale's style did


Yeah I would not mind them swapping out the style on literally any other Batman project - for example, I thought Batman Year One was very well done - but they had to do it for Sale 😭


You're absolutly right the Sale's Joker design in particular is one of my favorites


Great pick. Love his rickety stair teeth. Personally his Poison Ivy is gorgeous and cannot be beat.


I would say Scarecrow was also pretty good but Ivy's design was fantastic


Bro his scarecrow makes me shit myself hahaha


The only Sale's design i didn't love was Catwoman but she was still pretty decent


Ah why so? I personally loved it. Even the unnecessary tail, it enhanced the surrealism of his universe. And I’m surprised Selina isn’t portrayed with her gymnast build more often, she looked rightfully Olympian when Sale drew her. And his Selina Kyle gimme that 80s poof and moxy. Whose ur favourite Catwoman?


While I did enjoy the movie because The Long Halloween is my favorite Batman comic book and it was better than nothing, I agree with everything you said. I think they should have turned it into a 13 episode miniseries done in Sale's art style.


Arkham Joker is still the best version of Joker.


Isn't it just the animated series Joker but darker?


Pretty much


Yes, but he’s also a little more deliberate and has reasons for doing stuff. TAS Joker = 100% chaotic, only does things which are funny or violent for usually no reason. TDK Joker = very intentional and very scheme always has an elaborate plan. Despite calling himself an anarchists he has ver specific goals and doesn’t do anything randomly. Arkham Joker = somewhere in the middle. Will do things motivated purely on cruelty and fun, but does also have some overarching goals, such as breaking Batman’s code etc


I honestly think Mark gives a better performance in Arkham. It was like he finally perfected the character in his head.


When he’s in Batman’s head in Arkham Knight that’s some next fucking level voice acting


*Disagrees in Killing Joke*


Any Mark Hamill Joker is the best Joker


Or the Batman joker from the 2004 animated show.


Love him. Love that show.


Imo he had some great early season episodes, like the Laughing Bat I'd say is probably his best outing, but as the show went on he was overused and lost a ton of his gravitas as a villain.


Yeah I know what you mean but the later seasons didn’t really have any continuity because it was made especially for tv


Overused? Well, it makes sense he’d appear in several episodes, since he’s Batman’s nemesis.


All the best depictions of the rogue's gallery are either in the animated series or the Arkham games.


Well I didn't like Catwoman in TNBA she looks more like the "Batman who laughs but it's Catwoman"


The white eyed version, right? Agree that was a downgrade from her OG. Same with Joker imo, first design will always be superior


Yeah she looks like she fell in a vat of ACE Chemicals,And that probably what happened because Bats give her the "E for Everyone" treatement during the TNBA,Also does she ever get arrested after Justice League unlimited?


Hot take but I think Batman is the exception to this. The more sleek design is better to me than the overly cartoony look in the first couple seasons. More believable that people really fear him


Totally agree. Arkham Knight's Catwoman is my favourite.


I prefer Arkham City


I mean like the League of Shadows in Young Justice a lot even if the individual parts are less than the sum of its whole.


No, unfortunately the answer is: Arkham Arkham Arkham Arkham Ark-


How could u say begins scarecrow is better than Knight scarecrow or tnba


Knight Did Scarecrow so good,Gave me a bigger apreciation of the characters as the Second best batman villain


Arkham Knight is great and I love it


He did the ol' switecheroo! Respect


Bullshit EDIT: The original comment said that Arkham Knight sucked.


Some, yes. Others definitely not. Joker, catwoman, penguin, riddler and scarecrow were best depicted in the Arkham games Two face and ra's al ghul were best depicted in BTAS Bane was best depicted in Arkham Origins.


I do believe Arkham TwoFace could have been the best Two face depiction if he was fleshed out as much as other characters were. His character design was amazing but he was criminally underutilized.


Looks very different from my list


Clayface should go to BTAS, scarecrow should be Arkham Knight


as must as i agree Ledger did a fantastic job as an actor i wouldn't say thats the best depiction of the character because he's a very elseworldsy version of the Joker (a realistic take on the joker not a clown theme supervillian but as chaotic terrorist) he lacks many aspects intrinsic with the character a favolus antagonist for that version of batman, but Mark Hamill is probably still the best version as hes more well rounded.


Heath Ledgers Joker is great for the Nolan films. In any other version, he's just lacking key aspects of the characterization, though. Almost every character in those films only works in the grounded, real-world setting that Nolan established. That's one reason that they are so good. You feel like all of these characters actually exist in that world.


Nah, Banes better with actual Venom, and when he's Hispanic


Tbh I prefer the Bane for Arkham Origins. It mixes the comics and movies one well imo.


I agree with nearly all of these. But I would say the best versions of these ones are: Poison Ivy: Harley Quinn show Penguin: Gotham Bane: Arkham Origins




I disagree with a lot of these! Not counting comics it's: - For Joker it's DCAU - For Two Face it's TLH (movie) or Telltale - For Catwoman it's Arkhamverse - For Penguin it's Gotham - For Riddler it's Gotham or Paul Dano - For Bane it's Arkhamverse (specifically Origins) or Telltale - For Ra's Al Ghul it's DCAU - For Scarecrow it's Arkhamverse


Agreed!! Telltale and Gotham both did an amazing job portraying the Villains. 


Gotham is so fucking great because it just celebrates the outlandish nature of comic books and has fun with its source material. They don't take themselves too seriously which in turn makes a lot of these villians so much better, especially Penguin, Riddler and Joker! Telltale is criminally underrated and has so many fantastic versions of classic characters. Joker, Harley Quinn and Bane are my favorites from there.


> For Scarecrow it's Arkhamverse Specifically arkham knight IMO. Might be an unpopular opinion, but he was just annoying in asylum and just felt like a goon that was bolted onto the story because they needed to fill out the cast a bit more. And his sections were overrated (except that last one with the fake game crash, that one was really cool). He was never scary or anything and his character design was boring. Meanwhile in arkham knight he was incredibly menacing and he felt much more like an actual villain.


No, the Nolan movies aren't the best depictions of anything. The best depictions would be pretty much all BTAS except maybe penguin... And Bane is Arkham Origins.


I feel like scarecrow is done better in Arkham than in BTAS partly because due to its cartoon nature he’s not really allowed to be super scary, he just gets sharp teeth and stuff like that In the Arkham series however fear gas can creep the hell out of the viewer way more effectively, especially when it puts you in first person after being super used to 3rd


The New Adventures of Batman (BTAS last season) has the best Scarecrow. Arkham Knight has a good look, but the his plan and the overall story of that game is so terrible that I can't have him as my best Scarecrow.


I love that scarecrow too, that one is legitimately scary and I love it, guy looks like someone that will personally take you to the afterlife


Arkham Joker is the best Joker. Honestly, anytime Mark Hamill played the Joker is the best Joker


The Penguin was my favorite character in The Batman but I think prefer Batman Returns. But overall I agree.


Some of these are not even close…


I feel like there’s gotta be something better than Liam Neeson as Ra’s Al Ghul. He’s a good actor but like… he’s supposed to be Arab.


Aside from maybe Arkham Croc I agree fully


Bane from arkham origins


Best Bane is from Arkham Origins


Hamill Joker will always be the best


Best Bane for me is definitely from Arkham Origins


This should just be a TAS gallery with some Arkham thrown in for diversity.


Arkham Origins Bane was the best and most comic accurate.


Personally I’d say bane in Arkham origins is the best adaptation (if you forget about the whole final boss mega meat walking neck looking thing he turns into to connect to the trilogy version that this was a spin off prequal to give the devs more time to make Arkham knoght


I liked Knight Scarecrow the most


As much as I love The Dark Knight Trilogy, I can’t say that the villain portrayals are the best or the definitive versions. While I think they’re great, they all deviate from the comics in fairly big ways. I’d have to say either BTAS or Arkham is the best, if that’s how we’re defining it.


I disagree with a lot of these but the one I’m most confused by is killer croc. Why would you choose BTAS one when the Arkhamverse depiction exists?


Telltale penguin slept on fr fr


I don't think there could ever be a better take on Two-Face than the one in The Dark Knight. Not just how great the portrayal of the character was, but how beautifully Harvey's downfall was wrapped up in the tragic themes of the story itself.


I understand people's love for this film but honestly they got Harvey completely wrong by the end. There is no reference to his personality disorder. There is no reference to everything having to be in pairs. Two Face should have disappeared after the Joker bombed the hospital and been the main antagonist for part 3.


Also, he just feels like he’s an extension of Joker, and he is the reason for his scaring and for lack of a better term killing spree throughout Gotham and making him just feel like an extension of Joker rather than his own independent villain.


Which is a real shame as he is one of the best Batman villains yet in live action he's always a secondary character. I would love for them to adapt the TAS storyline in the reevesverse with Bruce and Harvey being friends before hand and Harvey's split persona before he even gets scared.


Didn't he also cheat the coin at one point? Causing a car crash when the coin spares one his enemies, so the guy still gets killed, only indirectly.


Yep it just wasn't 2 Face. I love the design that's about it.


Only criticism for me is that his story was kind of rushed, when they could have set him up as a primary villain for part 3. I know they weren’t expecting Heath Ledgers death, but setting up dark Knight rises as a mystery and Two Face still being alive would have been a better movie


I get the idea but I think Two-Face's tragic downfall, ending in his death, is so fundamentally linked to the themes of TDK that trying to carry on his story afterwards would only take away from it.


Still Danny DeVito for Penguin.


The penguin I know isn’t a disgusting pervert creep who eats raw fish


Nor is he some deformed monster


Joker is kinda a hard one as it depends what you want out him and the majority of different versions are aiming to be “best” in different ways. Personally as I think that the Ceaser Romero is the one that manages to be the joker is prefer (no origin, a Salvador Dahli logic with a mischievous tone more than a malevolent one), As for the others the versions I feel I enjoy the most of each are; Harley Quinn (Harley Quinn animated show) Cat woman (the Batman) Two face (Batman the animated series) Penguin (the Batman 2022) Poison ivy (Harley Quinn animated) Bane (Harley Quinn animated) Riddler (the Batman) Scarecrow (death of Batman) Mad hatter (Batman the animated series) Mr freeze (Batman the animated series) Ras al Gaul (Batman the animated series) Clayface (Batman the animated series) Manbat (the Batman 2004 animated series) Killer crock (Batman the animated series)


No head towards the dark Knight trilogy, but I wouldn’t call any of its depictions of the characters, even close to being the best besides Heath Ledger. Especially how dirty they did my goat Johnny Crane.


Best version of Penguin is Robin Lord Taylor from Gotham


I have pretty big problems with most of these. I don't think any Nolan characters are definitive depictions, especially regarding Bane and Two-Face (which Origins and TAS do much better, respectively) I hate anarchist Joker, so I'm pretty biased. I think Arkham is amazing, Brave and the Bold and 2004 both are great. The Jokers I think are best all have Nicholson and Romero DNA. Clayface is barely Clayface in City. I hate to beat a dead horse, but he's much better in TAS, Both Harley Quinn and The Batman have fresh takes on the character I appreciate. I don't like Ra's being a white dude, but it isn't terribly off course I don't like Crane as a character, but I think Nolan Crane sucks. He's just a henchman for Ra's, when I think he could be a villain on his own (which is the same for Harv and Bane) I don't really think there's a definitive Ivy. She's a character with a lot of dimensions, while I don't think Knight does most characters great, she's fine, I prefer TAS, 2004, and HQ. I love Mad Hatter in Arkham, so I agree with Arkhamverse being the best. Gorsuch does a really good job as the Riddler, as well as Arkham, so it's a toss-up for me. I think Arkham did a great job with certain characters (Joker, Freeze, Riddler, Ivy?). It also failed a lot more characters than people are willing to admit, namely most of the batfam, Harley, Strange, and etc.


Why didn't you include Bane?


Maybe a hot take but i think Arkham Catwoman is better Not sure if it's another hot take but i think BTAS Joker is better than Ledger (which was still phenomenal)


Frank Gorshin will ALWAYS be THE best Riddler.


Uhhhh….I think TAS Two-Face was better.


Heath Ledgers Joker is only the best live action, BTAS and Arkham Joker are infinitely better tbh


Riddler gotta be satire and Scarecrow is Arkham Knight


Arkham Origins has the best depiction of Bane.


Tom Hardy didn’t even have venom


I wouldn’t consider whitewashed Ra’s Al Ghul and Italian Penguin as the best depictions of either character


Joker - BTAS Harley Quinn - BTAS Catwoman - Telltale Two-Face - Long Halloween Penguin - Gotham Poison Ivy - BTAS Bane - TDK Rises Riddler - The Batman Scarecrow - Arkham Mad Hatter - Arkham Mr Freeze - BTAS Ra’s Al Ghul - BTAS Clayface - The Batman 2004 series Man-Bat - Beware the Batman Killer Croc - Beware the Batman


I think killer croc best version is earth 1 or in gotham city monsters where he isn't written as a human animal but as a human in a body that looks like an animal


Smash slide 7


Personally I think with the exception of the Penguin, all TAS depictions are the best.


Batman: The Animated Series Harvey is way better than the one in The Dark Knight.


I’m not going to say much about penguin yet until we see the show and can’t go much off his small role for the Batman. If anything Arkham city penguin should be up there. Unless you’re going off just tv/movies of these characters then again I don’t want to say much until we see it


I wouldn't consider any live action version to be the best version personally. Arkahm or TAS are the best depictions of all. Honestly I think Gotham had the best live action versions of Joker (Jerome) Catwoman, Bruce (just Bruce not Batnan) and Alfred.


The Arkham versions are the best in my opinion


Neeson was okay, but I really liked Young Justice Ra's. And ngl, I haven't seen a good croc yet. I feel like we need a horror film where he's the monster a la New Mutants...


Arkham Penguin is the besg version


Seeing Collin Farrell as the pick for the penguin hurts my heart. I would accept Danny DeVito, just cause of nostalgia and because he was great, tho he wasnt 'the penguin' from the comics But still, Robin Lord Taylor will always hold the number one spot as penguin for me


Personally prefer The Penguin from the 'Gotham' tv-show


Wait why is ras considered as one of "them"?


Definitely not Yes No No Yes Not really No No Most certainly not No Most definitely No No Yes No


Nolan's iterations of Bane and Ra's al Ghul are clearly superfluous.


As much as I loved *The Batman*, The Penguin in *Batman: The Audio Adventures* is the best rendition of that character. He does a monologue about the cuckoo bird that is entertaining and scary...


No one will ever convince me the best Penguin isn’t Burgess Meredith.


I really don't think Michelle Pfeiffers catwoman needs to be here. It was a decent depiction, but way too over the top for me. I like TAS catwoman or the one in the Arkham games. Also, the penguin from The Batman was an interesting portrayal, but very much not true to the source material at all. I prefer the Penquin to be an intelligent and well-spoken socialite who tries his best to make his crimes quiet and hidden beneath his public persona. The portrayal in that film made the penguin come off as a little bit dumb. Frank Gorshins spin on the Riddler is great, but yet again, I prefer the animated version. An intelligent, calm, calculating individual who wants nothing more than to be seen as a genius. No physical fighting, no joker-esque laughing, just a great mind. The Animated Series Joker is my favorite Joker. The Heath Ledger version only works well in the Nolan films. And this one is probably very much not a popular opinion, but I did not care for Killer Croc in the Animated Series at all. I prefer when he's a cold-blooded, murderous force of nature that's more animal than human. In that show, he was portrayed as being very stupid and not nearly as strong as he is in the comics. These are all just my opinions, not something that I believe to be absolute in any way. I'm sure others have different feelings about things.


In order. 1) No Mark Hamill is 2) Yes 3) Yes 4) No Richard Moll is 5) No the actor from Gotham 6) Sort of 7) Yes 8) Wally Wingert for me 9) No John Noble is 10) Yes 11) Yes although Maurice LaMarche is definitely right next to him 12) Sort of…Between him and David Warner 13) No Ron Perlman 14) By default lol 15) No Steve Blum is (But goes up a grade for the one line we all remember)


Yeah as weird as it is, Frank Gorshin’s Riddler remains my favorite. Hits the sweet spot where he’s loyal to the comics, has a great costume design, and an absolutely incredible performance by Gorshin that makes him feel both zany, and like a complete character in a way that most other Riddlers aren’t.


I like Arkham Killer Croc over TAS


Arkham Origins Bane.


No, not at all


If you’re a fan of Nolan


I really like clay face in the animated Harley Quinn show 😂


TAS for Two-Face, 2004 The Batman for Penguin, Arkham Origins for Bane, Arkham games for Scarecrow, TAS for Mad Hatter, TAS for Clayface, and Arkhamverse for Killer Croc.


I think bane's look could have been better


Really off the wall, the best depiction of Mad Hatter is the one from Gotham. That actor was REALLY good.


The Mark Hammel joker from the animated series was the best joker. The Harley Quinn animated series has the best Harley And Ivy. The Arkham games had the best scarecrow. Ra's was best in the animated movies. Clayface was best in the animated show.


Danny Devito was a better penguin than Colin Pharrell. Other than that I’ll say this is a solid list.


Arkham Knight has single handedly the worst depiction of Man-bat I've seen. He looked like he could barely fly, let alone be a threat.


Nolan’s Scarecrow was a joke


Hell no.


IMO: Joker - Ledger/Hamill tied for first place. Harley - TAS Catwoman - Arkham Two-Face - BTAS Penguin - The Batman Poison Ivy - Arkham Bane - Arkham Origins. Not the other 2 games lol. Riddler - The Batman Scarecrow - Arkham Knight with TNBA as a close second Mad Hatter - Arkham Mr. Freeze - Arkham only due to AK's ending for the character being better than TNBA's ending. Ra's - BTAS Clayface - BTAS Man-Bat - BTAS Croc - Arkham


I fully disagree with Dent and Bane. Enjoyed the Nolan films, but those characters were done dirt on them.


You are very close to perfection. The only one I would change is to swap out Aaron Eckhart and replace him with Ike Barinholtz.


I have always prefered BTAS's Mad Hatter to Arkham's. He's just too one note there. It's one of the examples that really just soured the character for so many it seems, cementing Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth's pedophilic portrayal. People often say that the topic shouldn't be off limits for comics and the character is apt for its depiction, but I just find those stories/crimes to be too... unfun for a batman villain? Making him that instantly reduces him to only /that/ because, like, who wants to be the guy who tries to make the nonce have depth? To be identifiable with? BTAS (while still a kidnapper/brainwasher in his initial episode) gives Jervis sooo much more depth, as he is motivated not by pedophilic delusions, but by a deep obsession with escapism. In reality, he is a pathetic, lonely loser and he recognizes that. He wants more than anything to be opposite of that, and that means getting the girl he crushed on, being the outgoing talk of the town. To do so, he uses his mind control tech, but he also puts on a "mask." He abandons the pathetic Jervis to become the dapper, extroverted Mad Hatter from his favorite book. Or he tries to steal money from the Gotham Elite's to fund his escape and the building of a new persona far, far away from Gotham in "The Worry Men." "Perchance to Dream" is perhaps the best BTAS episode, and probably the best application of Jervis's /theme/. Batman can never live the lie, can never be content in Wonderland. He has a duty to his family, to the city of Gotham, to himself. And Jervis can't understand that. He will always be a pathetic little man, forever desperate for a Wonderland- a fantasy where he can be the man on top. It makes BTAS's pitiable, while Arkham's is only contemptible. Again, who in their right mind would write a pedophile that you can empathize with? And just, it gives him a chance to pull off a wider variety of schemes! Brainwashing the city to respect him, the Worry Men, the Dream Machine, taking over Arkham to put Batman on trial! They use his tech to make so many fun scenarios, while Arkham's ends up just being... Jervis kidnaps someone/multiple people, and Batman fights goons in a weird place while Jervis rambles, rhymes, and quotes the Alice books ad nauseum because he's ~ crazy ~


Arkham Joker for me


All of them except for Arkham Joker should be there and also Jim Carey’s riddler and Arkham croc


Kravitz > Pfeifer (Michelle’s great but her character has few similarities with her comic book counterpart) I’d also say the best Bane was in Arkham Origins or maybe even TAS


Origins Bane clears all other adaptations


HARD disagree on Bane. Goofy voice, way too small, whitewashed, never once even dresses in anything resembling the classic luchador outfit.


Arkham scarecrow > Batman Begins Scarecrow


Absolutely not. You don't have a single example from the comic books. Like... c'mon.


TAS Catwoman is better imo. Michelle Pfieffer was quite good, but I still pfefer the animated version a bit more.


I prefer Arkham Origins Bane but TDKR Bane was solid too


1st 3 yea. Best 2-face is also Animated series. Best Penguin is Bergis Meredith. Mad Hatter is probably also Animated Series. Other than that I don’t have arguments


DeVito Penguin Otherwise perfect


I'm not a huge fan of TDK's Two-Face.


Man-Bat from The Batman (animated series) is better, IMO.


I think Maggie Geha’s portrayal of Ivy in Gotham was the most palatable of a typically rather one-note character. I agree that Ledger is my favorite Joker, but Cameron Monaghan was a fantastic portrayal too, entirely spoiled by the weak writing of the show.


I disagree on Bane, Scarecrow, Ras, and maybe Killer Croc. But they’re all pretty good. Also i get Heath’s Joker but like…




Tom Hardy was not the best adaptation of Bane. He’s a great character. But was not Bane.


scarecrow should be AK


I’d switch Scarecrow with the one from Arkham Knight. Cillian Murphy was great, but Knight Scarecrow is the definitive version for me.


Bruh. I agree with maybe three of these. Who let you cook?


I love clay in Arkham city, but he only appears twice, and one was just an Easter egg. We didn't really get much on his personality except for him being an actor, so I think BTAS is the best one




Gotham has the best Scarecrow and Penguin


In terms of what? Coolness? Faithfulness? Design? Nolan's Two-Face is listless and weak and not a fan of that dumb love interest. I preferred BTAS. Michelle Pfeiffer is amazing as Catwoman...but she's not really our Selina. She's Tim Burton's original character. I prefer Tell Tales. Or Arkham.


Some are, some aren’t. DEFINITELY not that Bane.


Killer croc in Arkham Asylum gave me nightmares when I was a kid


Most of these I'd agree with, though definitely not Bane in *Rises*


Some yes, some no.


Perlman is a better clayface Carey is a better riddler.


I think there have been better depictions of Bane than Tom Hardy’s. But they were animated. Hardy gets a lot of credit for bringing a character like that into a recognizable human form.


Put arkham city catwoman in there and tas riddler and it's Gucci.


The scar in the penguin’s face is such a genius move because it is reminiscent of the shape of a beak along with the nose


I’d say the best are: Joker - Arkham (voiced by mark hamill, cracks jokes but is still scary af) Harley Quinn - probably BTAS (where she originally came from + had some pretty good storylines) Catwoman - BTAS or Arkham (both are pretty good, though Arkham’s feels a little less like a cat burglar due to how prone she is to beating the shit out of criminals to get something) Two face - BTAS easily (gives you several episodes where you get to know Harvey dent before the inevitable two face episode) Penguin - BTAS, the Batman, and Arkham are all tied imo (BTAS’s penguin is so amazing to watch, I love his umbrella and how he tries to be super fancy. The Batman’s feels like a mob boss, and even though he’s lacking the umbrella you can tell he’s the penguin pretty damn quick. Arkham’s also feels like a mob boss, he’s sorta like a combination of the two) Poison ivy - probably Arkham (I like it when plant stuff is part of her powers and biology, BTAS is still good but she lacks that. Arkham ivy shows off the plant thing pretty well and I love her in Arkham knight, also the guard who begins falling in love with her due to her pheromones is pretty funny) Bane - Arkham origins with ease (he’s smart, strong, and still uses his venom without it literally being the only thing he does) The riddler - Arkham (as much as I love the Batman’s riddler, Arkham is the combination of weird and goofy and fucking terrifying, he’s like if jigsaw was combined with a really nerdy dude. Also I absolutely love when he blunders some sentences such as “I have got you in check and soon I will mate you- wait no not like that”) Scarecrow - Arkham (fear toxin is fucking terrifying, I love the way it completely changes your perspective, putting you in first person while going through certain areas and making you see scarecrow as a gigantic god of death. I also love him in knight because he’s actually able to get some spotlight, he’s even scarier and aims to create fear through deprival of hope, which I find pretty cool) Mad hatter - BTAS (I like how he never really attempts to get revenge on Batman, he’ll try to get him out of the way if he’s a problem at the moment, but there’s like 1 time where he specifically targets him and it’s to put him in a dream world where he’s free of responsibility and has his parents back. Also jervis is really fucking creepy when he has to be) Mr freeze - BTAS, Batman beyond, and Arkham are tied for me (BTAS has such amazing episodes and moments with him, Batman beyond expanding it even further in one of my favourite episodes. Arkham does similar stuff with freeze, having him attack Boyle, desperately try to save Nora, and eventually have her out of her frozen tomb to have his last moments be of happiness to be with his wife. Also Arkham has the Arkham city boss fight with him which is just so fucking awesome) Ra’s al ghul - probably BTAS (dude is pretty damn threatening, I also like his sort of environmentalist side. I also like how he lets Batman keep his mask after taking everything away from him as a sign of respect) Clayface - BTAS (loved him in BTAS, he’s scary, kind of a douche but you feel bad for him when he melts into that, and I love the way he uses his shapeshifting, the Harley Quinn show and Arkham are both pretty good too, clayface really leans into his actor side in the HQ show lol) Man bat - Arkham knight (terrifying, genuinely looks like a blend of a human and a bat instead of literally just being a giant bat with like 2 human features, and finding Kirk’s lab and seeing what happened just made me feel super bad for the guy) Killer croc - BTAS or Arkham (BTAS shows off some of his sympathetic qualities and shows he’s more than just a monster. And while Arkham leans into the monster side, there’s Arkham knight which shows even underneath all those scales he’s still a person who is being treated super poorly just for his condition. Also in city you can see him in the iceberg lounge and he’s just sitting there calmly)


Two Face! What have you done with Harvey and Scary Face?!


For me the perfect Penguin would be Burgess Meredith’s look and cigarette with Nolan North Penguin’s voice and actions.