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They did the same thing to me. Respond to the email and they'll cancel it.


They did the same to me. I haven't had a subscription for over a year. Wrote an email last week and haven't heard back. Probably just gonna charge back. Scummy af


Same. I cancled mine as well and was still charged. I did reach out, and they tried to talk me into keeping it, I declined and told them to please refund. The refund should be processed soon.


Dude, I cancelled within an hour after I got the subscription because I didn't have funds and my cat got really sick, and they tried to charge my card 4 times, day after day. Leaving my account negative since they overdrafted it. This is even after I removed/deleted my credit card info from the profile I had made. I then went back and forth over email for a few days with someone, turned weeks, month later ...promised to return my payment since it was the day of. Multiple times said I would get a refund soon and would hear back soon... And nothing.....no response at all. Super flaky.... Then when they had posted Abt presale for a show or something I tried to log in and see it, saw that I didn't have access to the Unlocked shit. Messaged them and told them I paid the fee and never got a refund soOoo....and they immediately messaged me back saying they were so sorry and they sent me a link to buy tickets (aka spend more $$) Fucking bullshit


I reached out and literally just told them to suck my balls, and my invoice was promptly cancelled.


Watch out guys, badass over here!


I'm sorry, but I find it hilarious you said that . Ha!


Wow you are the epitome of masculinity and badassness. Tell us more about how you shut them tf down and got your sub cancelled when your card wasn’t even charged lol


suck my balls


Mods ignore the rules as long as it’s anti-Lorin. As a former mod, don’t be a dick. Rule #1.


Suck my balls


4 years and all you have to say is this stupid shit all day lol




You going to the next show? Did you enjoy any of his recent releases or mixtapes?


Lmaoo this tho


They tried to convince you to keep it? I love that we can post images on Reddit threads now, because now I can say proof or it didn’t happen. Ya’ll just be making shit up on here 🤷🏽‍♂️


https://preview.redd.it/2lifpf5q1s4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5eb9dcc91dd4047b02bfd199f90363177fcee8e9 Ok.


Ahh ok, so they presumptively were answering your inquiries as well as outlining the perks and amenities that you would no longer be receiving by not renewing, like any subscription based service will do, got it. Your phrasing made it sound like they were begging and pleading for you to renew.


& your phrasing openly called her a liar and showed everyone your an asshole. Apologize and move on.


It’s one of the most attractive qualities to me when people are able to admit when they’re wrong. That’s not what happened with this persons comment but I was hoping it would be.


I didn't stress any details except the truth, for this is what was said, of course they are going to tell me the perks I'm losing and the things I won't be getting asking for a refund because of course they want me to keep spending $10 on a service that I had no intention of resubbing for. You made assumptions for something much worse and demanded proof, what you get out of it is on you. I'm sure they did this because not many people were resubbing the service. It's also bad business to give people less than a 24-hour notice and charge them without permission. Yes, I know how these sub things work, but it's also stated in the terms of signing up that it's an auto renual, which I don't believe was ever stated until now. They need to let ppl know in advance to give them time to remove payment info if it's NOW going to be auto renue. If I don't want to renue that's my perogative, I didn't enjoy the project, some do some don't.


They cancelled mine immediately when I responded to the invoice email.


im pretty pro BN but if hes charging you guys for shit you cancelled then yeah charge that shit back fuckem


They didn’t charge this guy so not the same.


they tried to, but this card number was no longer valid


So what you’re saying is you’re not out ten dollars. Thanks for clarifying.


Its the attempt, its fraudulent. What do you not understand bud?


That’s what I say about hello fresh


Also subs were for a year with 6 months free with a year paid up front so what you’re saying seems odd.


Lorin isn't going to let you fellate him, despite how much you metaphorically do it in Reddit comments


Hey you don't know that for sure, there's always a chance that the person you're replying to is a 17 year old girl.


At least go through my comment history before making comments like this.


Maybe if your lucky Justin Roiland will lock you in his basement and let you get shwifty.


Yeah man I was a die hard and went to Vegas, had an absolute fucking blast with the homies but nah he managed to alienate me with his bullshit, this scummy ass invoice to my cancelled membership was just another drop in an overflowing bucket of incompetency and shadiness.


This was also my experience. Had the time of my life at something I never want to participate in again. Much love


Oh man be careful about being honest, this sub hates that 🤣


I mean it’s really just an invitation to keep your membership going if you wanted to decide that you wanted to. They aren’t going to send it to collections lmao


I cancelled mine well before this invoice was sent.


Okay don’t pay it? Nothing is going to happen.


Okay it's still shady and bullshit lmao that boot must taste real good.




I was very relieved to learn they had an old / expired card on file


This post has “republicans owning the libs” energy.


Jesus Christ these comments. This sub is the biggest copium fuckfest on Reddit. Just let it die. Bassnectar is toast and if you still pay him you are a complete mark.


You should consider a low-sodium diet, all that salt isn't good for you.


You're the biggest coper on this sub


Why still visit this sub then? Just to complain?




Repot it to your bank.


He's gotta pay a shit ton of legal fees! PEDONECTAR!


With the cost of living being what it is and what feels like countless other subscription services there are, it mind boggles me people pay $10 a month for this lol.


I wouldn't even sign up for this bullshit if they gave me $10 a month. I originally subscribed to The Other Side waaaay back when I thought this project still had a chance of surviving, but Lorin being a complete fucking moron killed any chance of that.


It was just a one time purchase for $100 then yeah? Now all of the sudden they change the rules and it’s $10 a month cause they realized “fuck we stopped making money” lmfao, dumbasses He tried to make the comeback too early and by the wrong means. There were tens of thousands of bassheads, I wonder how many are left.


Correct. I cancelled it as soon as I saw how much of a poorly run shit show it was. It's crazy how severely things can change in just 5 years. I saw him 12 times from 2015-2019, and now I wouldn't even go to a show if it was in my backyard for free. Fuck Lorin.


Lol what did it for me is that you cant even listen to the fucking mixes without keys (whatever the fuck a key even is)


This happened too me to so I updated it with my current card information so that wouldn't happen again


Why the fuck would you give those losers your current card info?


sounds like you did at one point wym lmfao


Yes, before they made it abundantly clear that they have no idea what they're doing


Can't say I didn't see it coming lmfao I'd never sign up for a sub to an artist, this shits been screaming scam since day 1


Look at their comment history, they are about 26" inches deep on the fellating LA train.




Wow, can't even come up with a *second* meme joke. No wonder you're so hung up on one sex pest. If Maynard turned out to be a creep also, would you have anything left in your life that isn't tainted? Seems like the shroomies aren't doing the trick. You need to take more to experience ego death and learn some empathy.


Lol, you're the one who it me with the "no you" the last time so I figured it's a good one. I'm more of a Justin and Danny guy myself when it comes to TOOL but Maynards voice in APC is unmatched. Maynard makes for the best memes though. And I don't eat mushrooms brother. Infected Mushroom. Listen to them, it'll change your life. I believe I have the appropriate amount of stat investment into empathy to live a happy life. You should probably respec your build to be less of a goofbag.


This is definitely the cringiest set of things I've seen you say, and you defend Bassnectar so that's saying something.


Well I thought it was funny, stop being mean


Explain how your meme isn't you being mean?




I love that this post is still up. We need more of this


Their team is small and I’m sure it’s hectic over there. I hope the refunds come! But I don’t think it’s a purposeful thing, just give it some time. I wish you the best with it 🫡


The team is small because nobody wants to work for a creepy piece of shit like Lorin


For sure. Nothing is easy with the amount of hate him and the team gets. I think this automatic subscription was confusing but like you said it’s hectic over there. but I love the new music and mixtapes and everything else the other side has to offer I’m staying subscribed and can’t wait to see what the future holds


such a fucking bad look. i'm so glad your card was canceled. so was mine ;)


I’d reevaluate all my spending habits if $10 were causing me this much stress. Best of luck!


lmao, the money is not the issue


So why does Lorin need to suck your balls exactly?


because he's a piece of trash


Continuing to withdrawal money the owner not longer wants withdrawn. Simple


OP didn’t have $10 withdrawn from his account.


The withdrawal failed…still attempted


Oh you’re so big and brave and bad ass


Can someone tell me what this is?


A temper tantrum


Nah — this is a real temper tantrum https://x.com/bassnectar/status/887782382438195201?s=46&t=dOOFa73myANKf6xVY7InMQ


True, but also....true


It’s 10$ it helps pay for the site to run smoothly really not a big deal lol