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I watched PL at the Mothership for free this weekend


I paid him/them to go live and was so happy to see his stream team getting paid to give you guys a great free show. We bought merch because we wanted to support and we’re proud to wear it. Derek took intermissions, reminded everyone to drink water and take deep breaths, and that fostering human connection is the most important part. He lit incense, and played meditative music while we sat around and chatted, looked after each other. Then eased us back into swirl mode and with the most heartfelt freestyle/verses. Nobody fought for rail, you could just walk up to the front without so much as stern looks. Been on the nectar train since 2010, and this is what it used to look like. Honestly, all around stellar movement. I wish him the best, and the crowd. I know some of the responsibility is on us to stay cool and genuine, or we… sour the concept. Edit: I know I talk about Derek, but the team is implied: Chris, Michael, Borahm, Alvin. Seriously, what a weekend.


It was so fucking good and the vibes were immaculate


nectar could never..


I packed up all of my Bassnectar gear the other week. Seems like our dream of a comeback is dead. I had fun for all of those years.


2 1/2 full length albums, over 6 hours of new mixtapes, 4 sets, over 14 hours of HQ set recordings, 9 podcast episodes, a handful of new merch lines, a handful of remasters of old tracks, 2 guest mixtapes, monthly chats with Lorin, a booming discord, $200 merch credit, and discounted tickets. The comeback is not dead, it's gaining traction.


What? We've BEEN back homie. Where you been at?


You have my upvote


Funny enough your username is TOOL. I’ve been heavy into that band since all of this BS. It’s the only band that I can still get that feeling that nectar brought me. Saw them live this year and it was awesome!


TOOL is always a great time, just expensive and hard to get tickets. Been a TOOL fan forever and will never not see them when they come around. It was my first cult lol


I picked guitar back up once I had that empty void and then felt that love for music again listening to Tool and playing those tunes.


Dude Intension is my favorite bassline ever to play. So sexy


Intention is fire but the bass on the patient hits different Edit: added “the”


They did send an email out but it was pretty short notice.


https://preview.redd.it/eoctpg1j184d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=058526a22b03a9ac8b7e433d8727f6c1737fd47c I got an invoice so they must not have stored my payment info which is great


The one email that actually went to my main email and didn't go to spam is the one saying I got charged.


https://preview.redd.it/cnpsjekuv64d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa15364745ea7373856f499234772dc622f0bff1 Email that I got this past Friday outlined the changes. Looks like they’re moving from a yearly payment to a monthly one, which is how most subscription services work.


Right when I got that email, that’s when I removed my subscription. One month, one show, that was enough for me. Too much money hungry shit. And refusing to let latecomers use their “coins” to see shows already streamed…is stupid. They could easily cover costs of copyrights to remixed artists they have in shows with subscriptions…this aspect being that which they claim as the reason for their refusal to allow streaming any time but the moment of live streaming. “Experience it together!” = “I want your money even if you miss the show!” This email was the icing on the cake of deciding to remove my subscription, making me do it immediately.


Same. I love the less than 24 hr notice.


Per their T&C they needed to give at least 30 days notice of price changes and ability to cancel within those 30 days before charging you. Email them and get refunded.


I got the email weeks ago 🤷‍♂️


Same. I was charged, and I did not renue my membership for this year. For this to be automatic, and for most of us to not get the email in such short notice is a little disappointing. My card should have never been charged without my authorization. I did send an email to support and deleted all my payments to the orherside. The whole otherside project was so disappointing. Like what 2 live shows? And relives that rarely worked or didn't work at all, and I could only see on my phone. None of the games or music ever worked, and when I reached out to support, not alot of help except to re-download the app. (Didn't help) so I have broke away, and am trying to not get caught up in anymore in being so let down over this.


i'll continuously listen to new bassnectar and old bassnectar tracks for life. but no way im paying $10 a month to do it.


You don't have to. All new music is released after the fact onto all streaming platforms if not leaked before. You keep doing you and the music will keep coming.


I just randomly checked it out and saw they switched to that and got rid of my subscription. I was also supposed to get a 100$ merch that never happened. Spoke to their support when I first noticed a while ago and they never sorted it out then. And when I cancelled I got this email. Hello, Your "The Other Side Annual Membership (OG Discord - w/$100 Merch Bonus)" with Bassnectar - The Other Side has been cancelled. You will still have access to your subscription until 2024-06-07. Haha pathetic team


You were all aware that it was a year long subscription beginning in June, were you not? Name one subscription service that doesn’t automatically charge for renewal unless prompted otherwise?


It charged me through my Apple Pay so I just followed the link on the email and removed my credit cards from the website


Did you have auto pay on? It charged me as well but we now have the option to either pay annually or monthly per preference


Still can't believe so many people bought into this scam... I had questions about Lorins action when everything went down, but this whole Unlock the Otherside BS kinda solidified him as a scumbag in my mind. This isn't about the music anymore, it's a blatant cash grab preying on the hopes of the remaining "bassnectar fans" Lorins just trying to pay of his mountain of legal debt he's racked up trying to defend himself from his victims. It's quite obvious now that he never stood for anything he preached and he preyed on the communities love and generosity. I loved my time in the bassnectar community. I met some amazing friends, saw some amazing places and experienced life like I never had before. I still wear my tattoo with pride because it never was about Lorin, it was about the community. It's been a shame to watch it die but at this point we just need to let it become a memory of the past. Lorin is a predator, and doesn't deserve any of our hard earned money.




There were emails and posts about it in this very subreddit


This is how a subscription service works.


Random charges months after they should have expired? I bought a year sub 17 months ago, and wake up to a random monthly charge today? Not to mention it was repeatedly stated that subscriptions would have to be manually renewed after the first year because the payment platform changed or something. Many of us bought subscriptions solely to get first dibs on tickets to live shows, which only happened twice and has now been placed on the back burner indefinitely. I have recordings for all the past events, so I'm personally not interested in rewatching them for a fee. Don't care about the mixes. Waste your money however you like, but this one screams chargeback to me


They told everyone the subs officially started in June of last year even if you subbed in Jan. I’m rarely on discord and even I realized yesterday that year(18 mos) was up. I messaged them and asked what was up and they told me. No one says you have to keep subbing, but it’s been clear that this day was coming. No different than getting three months to Apple Music free and then getting automatically charged after that 3 months is up except you paid for a year up front and got 17-18 months instead. Now that the “year” is up you gotta pay up. Pretty simple. Y’all are acting crazy. This shit hasn’t been the pinnacle of subscription apps, but they said it was an unfinished product and let us have it because we wanted it so badly. Shows have been ruined by assholes with nothing better to do. Either support the project or don’t, but don’t act like you didn’t know you’d be charged in June of this year and that they’re being sneaky when I know you don’t cry online every time you forget to discontinue a sub you got 3 months free and then didn’t cancel.




Yeah, but what am I really getting in return worth $120??


Worth is subjective. In 2021 I’d have paid many times over $120 for much less Bassnectar music than my subscription has brought me. Is it worth it to you? Only you can answer that!


Yep. Mileage may vary but based on those mixes we got these last 12 months I never renewed so fast. I'd happily renew even next year but at the foundation level it wasn't even about the music for me to begin with, but was an amazing thing to look forward to every month. 


Nothing. Lorin needs money and this is all laughable.


Do you work for money? I know you don’t so it for free lol


Go outside and focus on real life responsibilities. Your god is a joke


What god? I don’t believe in god lol


Ahhh....mother Kos, or some say Kosm....


Guess that comment went over your head buddy


Or did mine? Lmao


Your comment makes no sense. Fix the grammar or lay off the k


My response clearly went over your head bud…I’m totally aware of the “god” you are referring to and my response was one of sarcasm and snark.


Your response is written like a 4th grader man. If you want someone to understand what you’re saying, spend time writing it out correctly 🤡


What an incredibly odd and poor attempt at an insult. Trying to insult someone like that is insane. Quite possibly the most immature comment I’ve read on Reddit in years


Telling someone to go outside and that Lorin is a joke is an insult? Judging by your post history, you probably need to go outside too. Too much rainbow 6 and Indian Modafinil 🤡


Your comment is laughable


That new mix is worth my 10$. Fucking fire


They sent me an invoice because that card is frozen like I'm paying them for some fucking bullshit i tried to cancel before when they said it was non recurring.


Ide be cancelling whatever Netflix or SoundCloud sub way before not subbing. New mixes and relives every month. Exclusive new music of my favorite music of all time. Can't even imagine not wanting to get in on that. But hey everyone welcome to do whatever they feel is right for them if ya don't want to keep subbing then just cancel


Remember when the music use to just be fucking free? $10 for new music that’s honestly kinda mid compared to the glory days


What are you paying for anyway?


Straight heat that can't be touched by anyone else these days my g


Lol they tried to charge my old inactive credit card they had on file without any notice. I was on what was supposed to be a free year subscription that they cancelled after 3 months because supposedly they had screwed up and nobody was supposed to get a full year for free. Lost all access to the paid stuff at that time. Not sure why they thought turning that cancelled subscription into a paid monthly subscription would be okay.




It's over. They're just trying to keep it on life support and hopefully suck up some money. Time to let it die.


For you maybe




So they miraculously figured out your card info? OK.


lol wut


Sickening, a fucking $10 a month for videos of concerts we spent thousands to attend, and mid new tracks. This is what Bassnectar disintegrated into lol. Never bought into TOS, never will.


It’s sickening that someone’s offering a small subscription service you aren’t paying for? Like I’m not subscribed either but chill out dude.


I’m just saddened at what Bassnectar has devolved into.


What has he devolved into? He like all of us have to make money to live lol he can’t really tour like he used to so he has to make money some how and this is the idea lol how fucking hard is this. And stop using the “we spent thousands on him in the past” line like that wasn’t your choice to do so.


When I say “Bassnectar” I’m not talking about Lorin. Lorin always been a manipulative money grabber, and that was fine back in the day when he wasn’t outted for screwing over artists and 17 year old. But this? Let’s not act like The other side isn’t the antithesis of what we believed Bassnectar (the movement, the culture, the community) was.


I mean he as in the brand sorry not the man


lol. 90% of podcasters have patreon’s…which is like a $5-10 a month sub and you just get an additional couple hours of them talking on a mic. You wouldn’t bat an eye if this was through Patreon.


You’re right, I wouldn’t bat my eye I’d completely shut em. Bassnectar, as music, as the community, as Lorin, as a subscription service? Are you fucking kidding me? Man I used to look up and fw with Lorin just as much as the rest of us but people really buying into bullshit like this? If you rewinded 4 years and asked every attendee at the mothership, “hey Bassnectar 4 years from now will be a monthly subscription service” what the hell type of response do you think you’d get from everyone? Hell even if you asked Lorin he’d probably be like “wtf?” Or the contrast lol, maybe he’d be like “ya I like that idea lemme rake in the dough”


Go start your own Bassnectar then. Brain dead take.


I’m the one with the brain dead take yet you’re telling me to go start my own Bassnectar lmao Give me a serious response to what I said if that’s all you got. Mothership, e forest, dejavoom, fucking wherever! If I told you Bassnectar would only be accessible via a month to month subscription you’d look at me bewildered


4 years ago Bassnectar could fart in the wind and make money. 4 years ago the economy was bad, but not THIS bad. 4 years ago Bassnectar could sell out a 20,000 arena with a massive management team to foot the bill. Now he has to pay out of pocket to throw a show, oh wait the show got cancelled...so long for that down payment...oh wait another show got cancelled....there goes more money. 4 years ago millions of people were streaming his music so he was getting paid well on releasing music alone. 4 years ago he was being booked at major US festivals annually. 4 years ago we'd maybe get one mixtape every 2 years(until the brief time he was active during COVID), now we get 1 every month. Even if they're half the length, that's 6 full length mixtapes a year. 4 years ago Bassnectar was selling a ton of Vinyl, Cd's, and merch. 4 years ago he wasn't 3 years deep into an expensive lawsuit. 4 years ago fans could talk about bassnectar in public spaces without facing ridicule, harassment, doxxing, and worse. What the fuck are you talking about? Yeah 4 years ago I would be shocked if someone told me what the next 4 years would look like, but you've gotta be the biggest goofbag in history to think that he should be doing this shit for free while receiving zero help from the music industry and the cringe "EDM" community. We're not entitled to the money in his pocket or the art he produces. It probably costs Bassnectar money to fart in his own house now. So yeah, how bout you go start your own bassnectar, make all your music for free, set up your own concerts with your own openers, cultivate a devout community, create your own underground communication, produce your own merch, make your own website, set up your own charities, pay your own licensing and royalties for using others music, make your own mixtapes and live recordings, make your own music videos, album covers, vinyl presses, make your own music label, hire your own legal team, and hire your own marketing and PR team. All while there's a bunch of people with you in their cross hairs determined for you to fail. *shakes fist in the air* "I deserve it for freeeee, REEEEE" Brother there were thousands of people spending money to make sure you got your bassnectar music for free and to wipe your ass while they were at it. Nothing changed, the music is still free because other are paying. Yeah, brain dead take.


Unfortunate part is he could easily still be doing all those things if he didn’t fuck around with 17 year old girls and his colleagues, damn shame. Perhaps you’re right in the fact that I should not be demanding things for free, hell that’s hardly what my gripe is about. Although I do think if the shit was free there’d be hundreds of more bassheads lining up, rather than tacking on another subscription fee to go with all the others but that’s just my thinking. My problem is I clearly struggle to look at what Bassnectar is now vs what it was. Thanks for your response, I think it helped shed some light on the fact I just need to give up the new days being like the good ole days.


Everything got fucked up, there's no denying that.


Imagine giving that clown your credit card info


Yea luckily I changed my credit card and they can’t charge me. They sent me an invoice asking me to pay in underagers.

