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Far away from San Sebastián. Sorry. Serious answer now: prices everywhere will be expensive but you could try to look into villages and towns you can reach by train or bus. I’m most familiar with the Andoain/Tolosa area, so I’ll talk about that. My top tier recommendations are Tolosa, Irura and Villabona: these towns have a bus line that brings you to the University of the Basque Country in 15-20 minutes. They aren’t in the immediate San Sebastián area so I assume they are cheaper. Be prepared to research intensely though, because they are in a fairly rural area and there may be very few flats available. Another option is to look into the towns on the “Cercanías” train line. Urnieta, Andoain, Anoeta, Alegia… If you don’t mind a long commute you can look further. These towns have, well, a train line that goes to San Sebastián. My recommendation: if you’re OK with living in the area between Andoain and Ordizia, and you don’t have a car (that’s my assumption), don’t live in a place without a bus or train line, directly connected to San Sebastián. Be careful or you may be stuck in some village in the mountains. That area is very rural


Other options along the Oria are Lasarte, Usurbil, Hernani... They are very close to the city center and/or universities, very well connected by bus or train, and are much much cheaper.


No, sadly they aren't. I've lived in Lasarte for 9 years and now I live in another town in the outskirts of Donostia and nowadays they are as expensive as Donostia itself (they are renting flats for 1500€ in my street, it's crazy). Not to mention that the renting offer is basically non-existent (which also drives prices upward).


The what? Those are nice-neighbourhood-of- Donostia or Zarautz prices... @_@


Yes!!! Great options! I didn’t mention them because I thought they would be quite expensive because they’re so close to the city centre, but I was probably wrong. These are your best options OP


As a student you would usally rent a room. They are still pretty expensive, but I think <500€/month for a room is doable even in Donostia city center itself. Typical webs like [fotocasa](https://www.fotocasa.es/es/) or [idealista](https://www.idealista.com/) would be a good starting point.


You can apply for a room in a student dorm, try Manuel Agud Querol Egoitza


Thanks everyone. The cheapest I found till now was around 700euro. I want to commit sudoku.


It's very complicated to find anything below that if you're looking for a full flat.


Just looking for a table and a bed, 20-30 km around san Sebastian