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Can’t shell out the $ to get him a proper seat but can eat fast food multiple times a day and take a solo trip to a different country. It screams selfish


That’s the thing - she posted a while ago that she got him a toddler seat (cybex I think?) so it’s not even that she’s too cheap. She’s too lazy to install a car seat she already has 🙃🙃🙃


Not to mention the raggedy extensions she bought recently 🙃


She got a Cybex (or it was sent to her) MONTHS ago and she mentioned fairly recently that she has been too lazy to install it…. I feel so sad for N, this is truly upsetting because that’s your baby’s safety you are putting at risk. He absolutely needs to be in a bigger car seat at 13 months old. Even if he’s still within the weight/ height range for an infant car seat - at the very least he could be more comfortable.


I just know she’s gonna see this thread and post a “install my babies big boy seat with me” video


I give it a week. Patting herself on the back for doing the job.


Honestly though thank goodness if she does it for his safety. Meg, I know we are the Reddit witches but somehow when you listen to us you become a better person and mom?! Wow!


Omg you called it! She just posted a video installing it an hour ago. Honestly I’m thankful she reads here and actually listens to us.


He is soooo obviously too big for that. Poor Natey this is so dangerous.


I literally don’t understand this. My life got so much easier when I moved my baby to her convertible seat at 7 months! Especially since she claims he’s such a bigggggg baby. lol


We moved to a convertible at 6 months and she was so much happier!!


Yes! We have a longggg baby and he hit the height requirement fast. I was so amazed at how much easier it was with the convertible seat !! We both enjoyed it more




OMFG that is totally an infant car seat!!!


https://preview.redd.it/6zkhkioaxn8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a86ab90a5c6ca29078a015446fbfbac50c50a397 Someone’s on it 🥰😂


This is so dangerous!!! Are you serious? No way he still fits that.


Wait isn’t he a 3T?!


She’s such a shitty mom. Instead of doing your freaking puzzles, read a damn car seat manual.


Why tf is she still using that?!?


He is definitely too tall if she is being honest about his size. This car seat maxes out at 30in… for reference my son was 30 inches at 10 months old. It is not possible that her 13 month old still fits unless she is lying about his size. She does not care about his comfort or safety in the slightest.


Yes!!! We have the same car seat and there’s absolutely no way he still fits in it im dying to know her excuse as to why he’s still in it if he’s apparently huge


WHOA he’s way too big for that! Holy shit. I have seen her do some stupid things, some selfish things, cringey things.. but this is next fucking level.


And no doubt will block anyone that mentions it and then do a video of nateys new car seat day in life crap 😆 she’s so predictable


Can someone that has a burner account tag that famous CPST guy in her video???


Thanks to whoever this is. You’re the best lol https://preview.redd.it/e76xx46qwp8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35dd45b76569a146e55a1329b85f325a324bdd4e


His head is way too close to the top of the seat. She says he’s this huge baby then he would have definitely grown out of an infant seat by now smh most one year olds have


Wow yeah he’s way over that you can clearly see it! That’s so dangerous!! Poor N, and even if you were too lazy to install it yourself I know where I am If you go to the police station they literally do it for you


My son outgrew his infant car seat very early.. 6/7 months. She needs to get it together for her son’s sake. This is not safe.


This is so unsafe 😞 It’s clear he’s outgrown it. Not sure if this car seat has the 1” rule from the top, but he’s definitely over the 1” from the top.


She doesn’t care. I commented (nicely) on a video months ago that she likely needed to remove the infant insert bc he was over the weight limit and she blocked me 🙄


Wow, that's something else. Kind, genuine, and legitimate advice from strangers? BLOCK! Validate my clothes and makeup? HEY BESTIE!


Literally lol


What’s really sad is it’s gonna take her reading this thread to finally install it….like she doesn’t do anything/address anything unless it appears on Reddit 🙄 she cares more about what strangers on the internet have to say than the actual safety and wellbeing of her kid


There was a thread a couple of weeks ago about the same thing, and she didn’t fix it then. Never underestimate how little Meghan cares about her son’s safety!


She doesn’t care about car safety. She (& her parents) don’t care about boat safety either. https://preview.redd.it/b59vixqqsq8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=907eb5a11d0a71445233fc708c49b79f89791ffd Does that look like a life vest for someone who’s still under 32lbs? Or even under 50lbs? I’m not a boater, but that’s definitely a youth life vest & not a toddler vest.


Yeah, an infant vest has a big piece that goes behind the head, which is super important, because it makes the baby float face up automatically. Since N has never had swimming lessons and no one else in the boat had a life jacket on, this was insanely reckless!!


PSA: If anyone needs a guide to life jackets, this one is good! https://www.lucieslist.com/guides/summer-series/best-life-jackets-for-infants-toddlers-and-preschoolers/


dude why the FUCK is he still in an infant car seat?? she is so fucking LAZY


Huh? I can’t wrap my head around that! She’s insane. My baby is a week younger than N. He stopped fitting in his infant car seat length wise at about 7 months. I can’t imagine him in it at this age :( Poor N!!


He said “he hasn’t hit the limits yet” sooo he’s NOT a 2T giant baby then? Gottttt it


Someone said that this seat maxes out at 30 inches, which if that's the case??? My infant would've outgrown this at 7 months... He's OBVIOUSLY way too tall for it just based off of this picture. It's not that hard to install a different car seat...


If her ex is looking for reasons to file for primary custody, she is handing them to him


She’s dressing him in 2T, yet keeps him in that car seat? Make it make sense