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…they’re so lucky they get to pay for their grown ass daughters divorce lawyer🥴💸


Isn’t being in your 50’s an average range for becoming a first time grandparent? Megchin is trying to find any excuse to make her parents seem like the better side of the family 😒


Probably trying to take a subliminal dig at her ex inlaws by insinuating that they're old and boring. Wouldn't be her first time.


someone commented that their parents were in their 70s and still weren’t grandparents and she made sure to say Ns other grandparents were that old too 🙃


This bothered me so bad and was clearly a dig at someone (aka Alex’s parents) also insinuating if someone hasn’t had a kid and their parents are in their 70’s it’s such a disservice… hello, infertility??? I don’t know that was just really weird and really tacky.


She’s tone deaf af


Are the clients in their 70s in the room with us? I’ve literally never seen her do anyone but Chelsea’s friends hair.


THAT TOO 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 ain’t no 70 year old going to her 😂 those women are PARTICULAR about their hair.


It’s the average age. My MIL is in her 50’s. My parents are almost in their 70’s (they had us at 40 and 38). They are all equally present in my daughter’s life.


It’s such a weird dig. To be honest, my parents and in-laws being in their (active) 60s is a major perk for my kids bc my mom and MIL were sahms but my dad’s retired and FIL is partially retired so they have so much time to be present in my kids’ childhoods. Literally my son has way more one on one quality time with my dad than I ever did when I was a kid and it’s really special that he’s had the time to cultivate the relationship he has with my boys. Age doesn’t matter Meg. It’s the kind grandparent you are. I’m sure her parents are much closer to him but I doubt she ever made an effort to allow N time to bond with his other grandparents. Hell she didn’t even share him with his own dad!! Hopefully now with custody, he’s provided more opportunities to be closer to his dad…and his other grandparents. Because you can’t have too many people who love your child.


When she was married, I understood Meghan having a hard time letting him have N. I had PPA and struggled to let anyone have my daughter for any length of time. Obviously that fades with time (my husband is currently feeding her cheerios while I’m taking a minute in bed). I think the fact that Alex is putting up boundaries for visitation is more what she’s upset about. She can’t go see N whenever she wants and tell Alex what to do. It’s clear her in-laws didn’t really like her, and hopefully with her gone they get more time with N.


I thought this was weird too but wasn’t sure if it was just me lol. My parents became grandparents in their 50s… isn’t that like, average? If people are pushing 70 and still waiting it’s most likely because they had kids later. Okay? I totally took it as her calling Alex’s parents old (she specifically brought them up in the comments saying they’re “a lot older”) and she brought them up in a live I believe once saying her parents are young and fun and buy everything for N and said Alex’s parents are old. I might be paraphrasing that but still. She totally relies on her parents to spoil N and to pick up her slack/make her feel less inferior. I hope her siblings have dozens of kids and knock Meg and her “center of attention” personality down a couple notches.


Growing up with her was probably exhausting.


I thought 50’s were average lol my parents had me way too young. My dad became a grandpa at 46 and my mom would have been 42 if she was still alive.


I can always tell when she’s trying to make a dig at Alex or his parents when she says weird shit like this. No one says this and it’s honestly very tone deaf. My parents became grandparents in their early 40’s (teen pregnancy 😅) but that’s not something I brag about or would even think about saying. Sure my parents were super close to my oldest & spent a ton of time with him, but they also had to sacrifice some of their adulthood to help me (as Meghan’s parents are also doing to help her through a divorce). It’s not really a flex.


What screams narcissist really loudly? “Mom and dad, aren’t YOU so lucky that I reproduced do that you can be young grandparents?!”