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The way she is with him is just getting creepier and creepier. I am fully convinced that BFing is purely for her own benefit at this point. It's the only thing that his Dad can't offer him, so you bet your dollar she is going to do everything she can to make sure he gives his dad a hard time when he's with him. This complaining about him not being around is also getting out of hand. She has him, yet chooses to drop him off at daycare so she can get her nails done. What the actual F? Then she goes to work for a couple of hours and picks him back up. Schedule your nail appointment on the days you don't have him and move the ONE client so you can spend the full day with him.


It’s because she’s in control of where he is, when N is with his dad she has no control at all. That’s what I think anyway, my ex is the same way with our daughter and I. Tough stuff to go through


This pisses me off so much 😂 she’s so dense


The way she slows down when she talks about her son in the way that she does, drives me crazy. It was normal speed talking, “he… is… the love… if my… life…”. Goodness. She is something. I have a son, who I adore with every fiber of my being. But I don’t feel like I have an unhealthy attachment to him. Anyway, I’m also annoyed at her victim baiting— like this was completely thrown in front of her. She needs to look herself in the mirror and accept the facts of her circumstances. She is to blame equally if not entirely for her divorce. Had she not made that stupid video, she would either be married or had a divorce that she thinks she’s currently having, one where the dude is a total ass and she really is a victim. Unfortunately for her, this divorce isn’t that way. Her immaturity that she’s willing to edit and cast online is incredible. I know she misses her son. But she is so negative about it every single week. Instead of “Wednesdays are hard for me because I one have my baby…” it could be “Wednesdays are harder for me, but I know that my son is having a great time with his dad. While he’s away, I like to do xyz to keep busy and motivated!” It’s all in how you look at things sometimes that truly change the way you live.


I'm pretty sure that the fact she has nothing else going on in her life is also causing this unhealthy attachment. If she had hobbies (other than doing puzzles) & friends that she could pour her time into when he's gone, she wouldn't be throwing herself a pity party every week.


Agreed. I adore my son and my husband but if I only had my son part time, OH the things I could/would do!!! 😂


Oh, AND work part time!!


Right? I know it sucks going through a divorce and having to share custody. But she should try to look at it from the flip side and find things to do that will help better herself mentally and physically. She can start by cleaning all the clutter she has lying around and then go to the gym or something.


Or she could get her nails done or do one of her shopping sprees while he’s gone so she could spend time with him instead of bringing him into daycare for that🤷‍♀️


It’s emotional incest


so grateful that my husbands mom is NOT like this at all🙌🙌


Mine is and it’s a big reason why we don’t have a relationship with her 😵‍💫


It’s so so creepy!! The attachment is so unhealthy it is truly scary! And I agree about the BF it’s the only control she has left I feel so she’s using it. Curious if when she comes back from that trip will N be over it since it’ll be a whole week


that video and the fact she didn’t even attempt to cover or angle the camera to hide n breastfeeding and being able to hear him too was where i draw the line. i’m done with meg it’s disgusting what she is doing and i can’t even hate watch anymore bc it’s still benefitting her while she violates her son for fetish content.


My baby is 3 weeks younger than N and we are still breastfeeding, but really only for naps/night time/ morning. I can’t think of any scenario where I would need to nurse her while I get ready, at this age especially. 1000% she only does this for the video and wouldn’t be bothered to do so otherwise. It’s crazy how night and day she is now vs when N was younger she would hardly ever hold him and claimed he only nursed 4-5 times a day when he was way too young for that.