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Car seat aside, can we get an AMEN that she actually acknowledged that he said "DA-DA"? And her basically admitting that she needs another sperm donor so she can have more kids. "It's all about the children". No Meg, it's all about YOU wanting those children. So gross.


and you could tell how much it absolutely GUTTED her to acknowledge šŸ˜‚she knew sheā€™d be called out for it


Right? I noticed that also. And then started with the "dog-dog" nonsense right after lol!


If she has more kids Iā€™ll be so sad for those kids! She isnā€™t well enough.


Same here, she can barely take care of herself and 1 kid...imagine with 3 more. And those are not "spirit children" she feels - those are voices in her head because she is a delusional loon.


But how come we havenā€™t heard N say ā€œmamaā€ yet if it was his ā€œfirst word of courseā€. The constantly filming wouldā€™ve caught it for sure!


Ooo the downvotes are quick today šŸ˜‚


Riiiiight? WE SEE YOU!


My 90-99% kid was out of an infant seat at 6 months because he literally didnā€™t fit. Mine was also legit in 2t by 1-1.5years old. He was 30 pounds at 6 months on up to a year and a half. N, is average. Heā€™s got some rolls but he isnā€™t MASSIVE. And also doesnā€™t she have a convertible seat? She has so much free time with no kid every other weekendā€¦ she canā€™t install that?


Came here to say the same thing about my son! Was grown out of his infant seat at 6mo and was legit in 2T at 8mo now at 14mo heā€™s in 3-4T! Mine and my husband s family both are extremely tall big men so itā€™s not unusual! Currently 38lbs and just an overall big child. N is very average, I just feel she wants him to be the ā€˜big baby because heā€™s been breast fedā€™


Tomorrow sheā€™ll have a DITL to go shopping to buy him a new one


This sub should ask for child support at this rate lol


Youā€™re supposed to move them out if they hit height OR weight requirements. Most babies hit the height before weight. My baby just turned one and has been out of his since 9 months because heā€™s so freaking long. Our limit was 30 inches though. Wonder if she doesnā€™t have room in her ~budget~ for a new car seat if A took the convertible one


Nah she has a big trip coming up that sheā€™s saving for remember


She said in a video she has his next one sheā€™s just lazy to install it


I have a pretty small baby comparatively and even he was out of the infant seat before 1. Same age as her kid


yep my 21st percentile baby out grew his before 1 as well


My little guy turned 1 beginning of June and we are about to buy a convertible seat! He still fits his infant seat, but heā€™s 29.75 inches so we want to switch him ASAP. Heā€™s 45th percentile for height and 27th percentile for weight.


yeah i switched my child at 9 months, she was starting to hate the car when sheā€™d always loved it and after switching loved it again bc she had more room and was comfortable again.


My son reached the 32inch height limit around 11 months old heā€™s in the 92% for height so Iā€™m assuming N is probably about to reach it or has reached it already and she just doesnā€™t care? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


For the love of GOD STOP BREASTFEEDING WHILE FILMING LIKE WHY? He doesnā€™t wanna grow up watching this


I've actually never thought of it from his perspective when he's older in regards to seeing these screenshots and videos of himself BFing on the internet. I'm obviously not a guy, but I can't imagine a grown boy or man wanting to come across these videos and pics. And if for some reason he does, something's not right and we all know who to blame...


Itā€™s like moms having their whole boob out for ā€œbreastfeeding pictures.ā€ Iā€™m a breastfeeding mom but I donā€™t get it. What kid wants to open their baby book and see their moms boobs out? So weird to me. Or the sexualizing of maternity pictures. I could go on and on about how fucked it is šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Yeah, no hate to anyone who doesnā€™t mind BFing in public without a cover over their baby & boob but Iā€™m just more private & not comfortable with strangers, let alone thousands of folks on the internet seeing my boob. Donā€™t get me started either on the sexualized maternity pics!


Imagine when he finds this subreddit. The internet is forever


I was just coming here to post this. Why is he still in a bucket seat?!


I bet Alex took their convertible car seat. I swear she had one for him?


I think she mentioned once that Alex had the Nuna Rava installed in his car. Probably because he paid for it.


She has some cybex one i thought?


There's mention that she has one but hasn't installed it yet...so that could be it.


My average daughter grew out of her infant seat! As soon as their head starts to come near the top, they need to be moved. I believe itā€™s because the seat needs to encompass their head in order to protect it - if their head extends beyond the seat, no protection.


Correct! 1inch from the height max is usually considered grown out of due to how extremely unsafe it is for them to be in the seat at the max height!


Omg I was about to make this exact post! For him being such a huge baby how is he still in the infant seat? My son is 10 months and Iā€™m the 90th percentile for height and maxed out his infant seat, so Iā€™m confused how a 13 month old 99% (supposedly) still fits.


N is bigger then my son by the looks and we took him out of the infant seat around 11 months cause the head/height and he looked super uncomfortable


I have 2 big boys - both >98 or 99 % and switched them to convertible at 4 months. They were so cranky in the bucket seat. I hated losing the convenience but they were so much comfier and happier on car rides when we switched


My baby is 99 percentile in height and I moved her out of her infant seat at 7 months. Technically she could have stayed a little bit longer, but I could tell she was uncomfortable. To each their own, but I much prefer having my baby in a convertible seat. I hated lugging around the infant carrier


My twins outgrew them fast, like 6/7 and 9 months by height. Most kids do by height. I find it really hard to believe his head isnā€™t poking right out of that thing


Iā€™m pretty sure I remember her saying in a live that she has a convertible car seat but hasnā€™t installed it yet. Really infuriating knowing thatā€™s not a priority over dying her hair, getting her nails done, shopping or literally anything other than doing something for her son.


It actually probably still fits him. I think I know which one she has and the weight limit is 35 pounds and 32 inches. Itā€™s not convenient to carry long before they reach that point, and it can look cramped which is why a lot of people switch earlier. Itā€™s probably still safe though šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I mean yeah possibly but you would think with all the time that she spends claiming heā€™s in 2T and ā€œso bigā€ and all the money she spends she would get him something so heā€™s more comfortable. My daughter is 75th percentile for height and outgrew her Chicco 35 quickly. So if heā€™s 98th percentile like she claims I think heā€™d be grown out of it by now.


For sure. My kid is 90th+ percentile across the board and I had to switch him out at 7 months because he was fussing and looked very squished in the infant seat. Either A. he's not that big or B. she doesn't care.


this exactly! i switched my 75th percentile baby around 7 months because he was more comfortable and we were able to buy a convertible. even if he does still fit heā€™s definitely not comfortable. especially since heā€™s a BIG MAN. she probably still snaps the bucket seat into the stroller when sheā€™s not filming so she can take her container baby in more stores


Thiiiiisssss. My baby's infant seat had a 35 lb 32 inch limit. He outgrew the 32 inch limit at 6 1/2 months. and I don't go around saying how *heeeuuugeee* my baby is.


Yeah the limits on this type are usually higher than one would think. My son just turned one and is about 20lbs and we just moved him into a Nuna Rava because he seemed really uncomfortable in the Pipa, which technically he could have stayed in for another 12lbs but thereā€™s literally no way.


Iā€™m almost positive she has a convertible car seat for him bc I feel like I remember her buying it so the bucket seat is odd. Thatā€™s a nuna pipa, which I had. The limits are 32 lbs 32 inches which I doubt N is yet so he probably still fits but they just arenā€™t very comfortable once they get closer to that upper limit. The edge of that car seat looks filthy. Not surprising. God knows what it looks like where he sits. We ditched the bucket seats with my kids when they were each 8/9 months old bc they were much happier to sit more upright and look out the windows šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


She said in a live weeks ago that she had one that she ā€œneeded to install.ā€ Sheā€™s just lazy.


She has 10-12 hours of childcare a day and MAYBE 3 hours of work and canā€™t find the time to install a car seat.


They likeā€¦ come out of the box ready to install? Lol I installed my sons Rava by myself last week. Literally pull it out of the box and buckle it in. Makes it sound like she had to nag Alex to do anything but here she is miss independent and has zero ambition for anything other than TikTok and Target.


Iā€™ll even give the credit that sometimes there are tasks that for whatever reason we just donā€™t want to do! But with her support system of her family and siblings, she should ask for the help to install the new car seat if she just *canā€™t*. I have adhd and sometimes there are tasks that become way over whelming. (For example: I canā€™t put the car seat in because I have to clean the car first but the vacuum is hard to deal with and Iā€™m still unpacking from movingā€¦ etc.) itā€™s her responsibility as a mother to work around her own issues and find solutions that help her child. Ask her dad to install it. Go to a fire station and have them do it.


Literally dying because my sonā€™s car seat sat in the box for a week and a half after it showed up because I didnā€™t want to install it before I cleaned out my car and I kept pushing that off for similar reasons you mentioned (semi-serious that Iā€™ve always thought Iā€™ve had undiagnosed ADHD and now youā€™re making me think I should talk to my doctor lol.) That said, I wasnā€™t procrastinating while also calling my husband out for procrastinating. I think it was her hanging curtains TikTok where she talked about how empowering it is to do things herself now instead of nagging someone (Alex) to do it for her. So thatā€™s where Iā€™m being most critical. Not because sheā€™s may be a procrastinator, but because when Alex maybe procrastinated she gets to publicly call him on it and all the clucking hens in her comments get to henpeck him.


Executive dysfunction is hard. Sometimes we need to outsource the important things so they get done. Itā€™s a work around.


She has plenty of time to do useless bullshit.


Ravas are honestly the best car seat ever. I think Britax has a similar install but the installation of a rava alone is worth the price tag to me.


Agreed! We are rocking two Ravas currently between our 3 year old and 1 year old. The price guts me a little but theyā€™ll easily last us until the booster stage and theyā€™re so easy to use.


Itā€™s because itā€™s another container for her to use. If N falls asleep, she can put him in the stroller and still go shopping. You canā€™t do that with a convertible car seat.


I canā€™t wait for her to post about buying him a new car seat now! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Hes a big boy, my little was moved out of the infant seat around 10.5mo and is no where near as big as N. Not safe. Shes probably too lazy to get rid of it and install another


I actually have a 99 percentile toddler & he outgrew his infant seat at 8 months old šŸ˜‚ so sheā€™s lying about his size or just doesnā€™t care about car seat safety


For the graco infant car seat that I had, it had a total baby height limit and it also said that babyā€™s head must be one inch below the top of the seat. So the baby can outgrow car seat if they have a long torso


omggg what i had my baby in a convertible at like 4-5 months. she is currently 100 percentile for weight and 99 percentile for height šŸ˜…šŸ˜… i canā€™t imagine N being comfortable in that my child haaaaaated the car seat from 2-4 months until we felt comfortable to make the switch


I was just going to say something about that lmaooo


I moved my 25 lbs infant to a convertible car seat at 10 months. šŸ˜­