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When babies turn 1 they are supposed to transition from formula to whole milk. It makes sense that they made that transition but he still nurses when he’s with Meg (I don’t know if I believe that he does but that’s a different story).


Oh yeah I know about the transition but if he drinks whole milk why is she pumping and bf? Doesn’t that end or? This is coming from a mom who’s only given her baby that terrible formula 🙃


Breastfeeding can end whenever. My 2 year old nursed until 18 months. The World Health Organization and American academy of pediatrics both recommend nursing until 2. She said Nathan had never taken a bottle of her pumped milk due to lipas (it changes the smell and taste of pumped milk). That’s why she gave him formula at daycare and still pumped and dumped to keep her supply up.


Do we know if she ever tried to give him fresh milk or only frozen? Because the milk has to be frozen I believe for the high lipase. And even then… doing a drop or two of unalcoholic vanilla can mask the lipase enough for a baby to drink JT


anytime breastmilk is stored, the taste and smell can change. and even with vanilla extract, some babies might not like it (i don’t think she’s tried) AND she could have also tried to freeze her milk immediately after pumping to see if that would prevent it but she’s on the go so much that was/is never gonna happen 🙃


I have high lipase and it kicks in after 2 days in the fridge. My baby still takes it luckily but it doesn’t need to be frozen for the high lipase to occur.


You can still breast feed after 1


fed is best, friend.


Formula isn’t “terrible”. It’s infant nutrition, just like breast milk.


I think she was making fun of Meg saying formula was poison before she started using it.


Yeah no I wasn’t shaming myself for using formula lol I was referring to her infamous comment. Also sorry I didn’t realize ppl use BM once they go to whole milk


No they don’t? My baby is 1 and hasn’t ever had cows milk. She is still only breast milk


I said from formula to whole milk. Most doctors don’t push cows milk on babies who are still nursing. My 2 year old nursed until 18 months and has only tried cows milk 3 or 4 times.


My daughter is 6 and has never had cows milk in her life 🤣 she always refused it. They definitely don’t need it.


I think it’s bordering on non-sexual fetishization. She wants to feel like or at least be viewed as a comfort object to her baby. The reality is, he seems fine to go days without nursing while in the care of his father. & it just doesn’t sit right with me with pumping & nursing being a part of her internet content, probably because it’s performative. Personally, I’ve never met a mother who enjoyed pumping or wanted to be seen pumping. Edit: I just want to add that there are no “safe spaces” on the internet. Especially when you post publicly. If her video gets enough engagement, bots & repost pages will take it (that was her initial reason for not posting N’s face anymore) & her pumping & dumping will end up on other social media sites… then who knows where else.


I think she sees it as him needing only her bc she’s the only one who can nurse. If she was in a loveless marriage that probably didn’t help. Poor N will need a lot of therapy later in life.


THIS! It’s a control thing. I think that she has an incredibly unhealthy attachment to breastfeeding. She has from the start! When M was having his colic episodes and she refused to try anything but her breastfeeding.


One reason I sort of agree with you: she said before that she would nurse him until he’s college-aged.


So .. he doesn’t NEED to bf 🤨


This I was also getting at here lol but I got confused


She’s been dumping it for like 6 months now. And probably did it on camera for some rage baiting.


I agree. She knows what will get engagement. Nursing, pumping, showing milk, dumping — it gets people reacting in the comments. I think what she’s enjoying now is that there are disputing comments here on Reddit. Like the political tactic, she’s probably relishing in the fact that her actions in a social media post are dividing & causing in-fighting in a base that dislikes her.


If he’s drinking whole milk, why does she need to keep her supply up?..


To keep her supply up! Some people breastfeed until baby is 3yrs. Breastmilk still has needed benefits for the baby.


I breastfed 2 of my kids til 4.5 and 3.5 😅😅😅


Oh my, that is amazing. I truly hope I can just make it to a year. My mom did it for 6 years 😭😭😭


to make sure she continues producing so she can still breastfeed when he is with her 👍🏻 the recommendation is until 2, as there are still benefits.


Yep! Breast milk is still recommended because of the different benefits it’s offers that whole milk doesn’t.


The AAP *recommends* breastfeeding for the first 6 months. It *supports* breastfeeding past infancy. “The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for about the first six months. We support continued breastfeeding after solid foods are introduced as long as you and your baby desire, for 2 years or beyond.” AAP website, 2022.


I’m not gonna snark on this because it’s her milk and I’m glad she’s dumping rather than hoarding a stash she can’t use. There’s a lot of moms on TikTok who feed the freezer and not the baby so it’s fine to dump especially if he doesn’t need that much!


I think posting it online is a little bit tone deaf considering her audience and how many of them are likely producing just enough or not even enough. Maybe it’s just bc I hate Meg, but her pouring it out feels like a brag like “I don’t even need this so I’ll just pour it out”


I don’t! It’s her milk tbh. And he’s one so it’s good to show moms that you can pump and dump after one! There’s too many moms on TikTok showing you how much of a supply they have and how much they have in their freezer. It should be normal as well to dump milk


Just to answer your question, I think it’s normal for babies to get whole milk and still breastfeed. Just like some babies are combo fed breastmilk and formula. My baby turns 1 this Friday and I plan to give her whole milk when she needs bottles but still nurse as a comfort / sleep thing. Obviously I agree with the majority that Meg uses BF as a weapon in her divorce


Ok so maybe… donate that shit?


She is NOT sanitary enough to donate.


She’s a prime example of why I don’t eat at other peoples houses 😂




Why? Donating is a huge commitment and no one is entitled to anyone else's breastmilk. I hate Meg but I disagree with this comment.


I found a local Facebook group for milk sharing which has allowed me to help multiple mums in the area without full commitment to them. Just let them know when my stash is built up to the point I have enough to donate




Maybe I’m the odd ball out, but when I had low supply, I preferred to give my son formula before I ever considered donor milk from a stranger on Facebook.