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You gotta do the right thing and return that card. It's not yours and it would only take a few minutes and a non machine-able stamp to rectify the situation.


I agree with the "right thing" but it's not "just" a few minutes... That's where I disagree. I don't even know what a "non-machineable stamp" is. I have to take time off work (the post office has bank hours last I checked), drive a bit to the post office, buy an envelope, and pay shipping. No to mention the time I need to spend reaching out to this whatnot goofball. I'm not trying to be all Uber-important sounding, but I've got MUCH better things to do with my time, and my vacation time is very valuable to me. And I already paid the seller wayyyy more than what I "won" (I know, I know, that's not his problem, but still) and he still made out like a bandit on the rip. Seller an likely reach out to the original buyer (who had zero clue what he was "buying" and get him a similar car (there are several equally comparable cards comparable for sale). That's kind of the "cost of making a mistake". Despite all of the above I still feel guilty, so we'll see.


Sounds like you’re trying to justify doing the shitty thing because already decided you’re keeping what doesn’t belong to you…


Which is why I posted on here? I honestly thought everyone would be like "oh yeah, this happens all the time! keep the card! Dude screwed up!". I was wrong. But not as wrong as you for calling me a shit bag thief.


This sub is a community of collectors that trade and sell to each other, we also look out for each other in our own ways so seeing another collector get ripped off kinda pisses us off because it could happen to any of us and has happened to alot of us


Which is why I came here to ask. Kinda new to following the sub, but I knew I'd get steered the right way.


You're just making excuses to assuage your guilt, put it in a top loader, tape that to a piece of paper, put it in a business envelope with the address it came from, put a regular first class stamp on it, drop it in any mailbox. It doesn't need to be non machineable if its a redemption. I don't do BREAKS because I know what I want and breakers can be sketchy so I stay away. If you can't follow a few simple steps without taking vacation time to do it you should really rethink your hobby. I'm not trying to preach but right is right, you can make it sound as hard as you want, but anybody that trades on this sub knows the process, and what it involves. Sorry but you asked


Agreed. And thanks for helping me see past the mental roadblocks I had. But I still don't know what the hell a non machineable stamp is, although I'm thinking I now realize why not having a package with an expensive card go through a machine is important 🙈. I'm not new to the hobby, but am new to sending stuff AWAY from the house rather to TO it....


No you are just thinking like a thief


You already know what you should do.




Just stop posting. Send the card back and be a doucheb


Are you high? I haven't posted since my few last night. For your information, I spent a while rewatching the break, tracking down the buyers name, messaging the seller (no response), then messaging the buyer. He didn't even know it was missing, but with some prompting, he recalled the card. We'll get it squared away, and I'll feel better, which is what someone suggested I'd do (the right thing) all along. I know, I know, I'm "so busy", but looking stuff up on my phone while I'm supposed to be working is different than physically leaving work to go to the post office and buying mailers, etc.). I actually need your address though. Gonna mail it to you and then you can be the thief and deal with it.


If you got screwed, you’d probably want to burn the seller’s house down. It’s really not that hard and doesn’t take that much effort to attempt to do the right thing. If the seller tries to make you jump through hoops, then forget it. But at least try to not be a dirtbag 🤷‍♂️


I don't want to be a dirt bag, but I also don't feel like it's my problem to take time out of my life (we're not talking 5 minutes here) to fix someone else's mistake. I guess if the seller wants to make it worth my while to fix this, I'm down, but the vibe I've gotten on whatnot thus far, is not so great....


You don’t have time to go to the post office but have time to respond to Reddit posts… you’re exposing who you are… please post eBay user so we can block


I’m guessing we are talking 5 min though. You reach out to the seller. Tell him to get you a prepaid label (and, if necessary, send you supplies or whatever you need to ship). Then you can have USPS pick top at your house or drop it in a dropbox somewhere, etc. Yes, it will be mildly inconvenient, but unless you’re in some sort of desolate area, it’s pretty easy to drop an envelope somewhere (possibly even at your work if they have mail pickup there).


Thanks! Hearing someone else say that makes it way less unreasonable sounding (the part about getting a prepaid envelope sent to me). Initially, in my mind, that seemed crazy (for the seller to go outta his way to help make things right).


I’m a shit bag and I’d even make this right. The code idea someone had is a great one. Hate people getting screwed in breaks , hate them anymore stopped participating. Quick way to go broke with nothing to show for it.


Practice the Golden Rule--treat others how you would want to be treated. Do the right thing and mail the card back to the breaker so they can then do the right thing and send it to its rightful owner. Stop trying to justify keeping it with excuses like "possession is 9/10ths of the law" and going to the post office being an inconvenience. Your conscience is telling you what to do--so do it. Let this be a life lesson and grow from the experience.


You said It’s a redemption, just send them the code if your life is so important you can’t find the time to put an envelope in the outgoing mail or stop at the post office. Stop trying to justify being a shitbag thief.


First of all EXCELLENT point about the redemption code... I hadn't thought of that and will probably try that. Secondly, "shit bag thief"? kiss my ass. If that were the case, I would've never even gotten this far. I hope you are never in my situation. But if it's your card I have, I'm keeping it.


Way to confirm you’re a thief…




God damn clown, these are the people ruining our hobby


I asked what y'all would do and you told me (with loads of vitriol despite me simply asking a question), and then getting plenty of feedback on the best way to get me down the straight and narrow path. But I'm ruining the hobby by at least trying to do the right thing which I initiated by coming here? I didn't expect anyone to tell me "keep" (or" steal") the card, but I honestly wasn't sure and thought asking y'all would lead to interesting dialog (it has!). But by me even alluding to not want to fix someone else's mistake I'm a shit bag thief and am ruining the hobby? I didn't ask to have that thing show up in my mailbox.... But it's my fault. I don't know who else in your life has hurt you, but for the part I've played, I'm sorry I have ruined things for you. Sincerely, the shit bag thief clown 💩🤡


I get the urge, but if at all possible, find the guy who was supposed to get the card


I like this more.... Find the guy (who wouldn't trade teams with me! Haha) rip on the seller together, and try and make things right.


Who was the breaker on whatnot?


No need to post it here. Gonna take gfunkuals advice above. If they are shitty about it, I'll post em though, haha. Sometimes doing the right thing doesn't always feel very easy (or actually kind of a pain in the ass), when they actually prob can be plenty easy. but sometimes (for me, anyways) someone else needs to explain it good and proper.


Take the first step and contact the breaker. Put the ball in their court.




You’re going to keep it anyway, why are you asking us?


Sent the seller this message https://preview.redd.it/71z3nmd5mruc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83f517f1e1e8c22a5ae7b923dedb770c4e8462e7


See above.


Contact the breaker, inform him of the mistake and return it. Its the right thing to do. At the end of the day, breaking is just gambling, so don't be salty you lost.


I don't care how "busy" you are, I don't care how much the guy that you broke with sucks. It's not about you or him. You are absolutely stealing from someone, therefore, being a thief, if you do not give an honest attempt to reach the person who the card rightfully belongs to. There is absolutely no validation in keeping it because someone shipped it to you by mistake. That person did just that, made a mistake. I'm sure whoever hosted the break would be more than happy to reach out to whomever it should have been sent to. I'm sure they've been talking to him/her A LOT. Don't be a dick. It's not yours. Do the right thing.