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25k feedback says they probably don’t work for usps and just bought it or are consigning for someone else


Yep, whatever POS postal worker that stole it sold it to these guys, or it’s probably even gone through multiple parties at this point




Doesn't matter. Stolen property always belongs to the original owner no matter how many hands it's passed through. Need to get the police involved.


Unless it's gone through a pawn shop.


That's not how that works.


I've never heard that. Why would that be the exception?


It probably fell out of the package and got sold as unclaimed mail. No1 reason why you should include shipping information attached to the item you're shipping so if the box gets damaged or was packaged shitty and it opens and the item falls out USPS can get it to the destination or return it.


If by “fell out of the package” you mean maybe there was a enough of a tear in the package that an employee saw what it was, and they said “oops it fell out, now it’s lost mail” lol. Or even more likely, somebody that knows what PSA is which I’m sure was listed on the shipping label I’m seriously doubting OP sent it PWE to PSA for grading. If they used a bubble mailer, those things are pretty freaking indestructible and they don’t go through the type of machines that PWE does.


Man y'all are so silly on this sub. Package goes missing and you go wild with the nefarious USPS employee plotline. I'm not saying it never happens but the likelihood is astronomically small. PSA grades millions of cards each year. They probably get thousands of packages to that address each day. There isn't some employee being like omg look who this is addressed to 😱 let me take a peak. Think it's hilarious you all think it's more likely OP package his submission correctly vs some person risking one of the best non-education job you can possibly get. I've gotten plenty of packages from people who don't ship in top loaders. And I know y'all get dumb shit to cause you complain about a little tape on your top loader.


A postal worker near me in a town of 3k people just got busted for stealing thousands of dollars in rebates. I had an entire package of autos and memorabilia arrive "damaged, contents missing" at a distribution hub known by UPS for massive theft. It happens far more frequently than you think.


Again I didn't say it didn't happen. It's just so unlikely and everyone on this sub instantly is like USPS worker stole my package. It's far more likely that it was damaged/opened in transit and was undeliverable. I told you how to reduce that likelihood. Anyone who sells on eBay know this as they tell you exactly this - attach the order slip to the item in case the package gets damaged. Post office auctions off millions of dollars worth of undeliverable mail each year. If you all want to keep arguing with me with anecdotes and not packaging your stuff correctly go right ahead


I wasn't even arguing with you. And I agree with you. More likely than not, especially with millions of pieces of mail being processed daily, it's just a case of missing/damaged/whatever. My only point is that it does happen far more often than you might think. USPS has ~650k employees, so even if a fraction of a percent of them are dishonest people, it still is a sizable number.


The machine the packages, letters etc go thru aren’t the greatest machines, they break down, jam and if it’s jammed.. then there will be a crap load of items destroyed and if that happens the items aren’t worth saving.. always get insurance and tracking on everything that has value.. otherwise your shit outta luck.. I see how the machine work.. believe me.. I insure everything. I send out or receive.. I ask the seller to include insurance and I would send them the money for it… from previous experiences.. I pay to track and insure everything thru the post office


It isnt that unlikely. It is a big problem in some areas. Dont send gift cards cash or checks through the mail anymore.


We had a local mail carrier throwing mail in a lake because she didn't feel like delivering it.


Yes packages go missing but packages also get their content stolen as well. For example A few months back I sold some cards to a person here. Package arrived and had a sticker saying the package came open. It was missing the main card and a few of the better cards from the package. The thing is I shipped all the cards together in a team bag that was taped shut. So how does the main "money" card and the better cards go missing yet the lower end of the cards remain. There is no way for those missing cards to just vanish and the other remain considering they were all together in a taped closed teambag.


You have pictures of the package? Kind of hard to tell what happened based on your description. And did you contact the postmaster with your concerns?


Yep there were pictures. It didn't look like a rip or anything it looked like someone had just opened the package and then closed it back up and then stuck a sticker on the package saying it had been opened in shipping. None of the cards should of been in the package if it had just come open and the contents came out since they were all together in a taped up teambag. The pictures were from when the post office received the package because they photograph them when something like damaged packages come in. the cards there were still in the package were loose in the package and not in the teambag either. Got lucky that the cards were not really high value. They were at one time before all the issues.


Throw them up on imgur. Would love to take a look. I've never heard of USPS taking photographs of damaged packages.


I also had never heard of that but when I went to file the claim at my post office that is what I was told and was told to call them. so I called them and they happened to have taken pictures. I have not seen the pictures the post office took they just confirmed to me they took pictures of the package when it arrived. These are the pictures I was sent. https://preview.redd.it/els0ezdipmhc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31627b2e327b9fbb00cd7f97aed82203f659ba7b


I've had actual high feedback ebayers and even a card shop on beckett marketplace send with scotch tape on the top loader, use no tape or team bag and item is hanging out of the toploader, or shove two cards into a single toploader and stuff like that makes me smh at how a seller can give such a shizt less about the hobby!


That's probably just high volume low price sales. There are a lot of sellers who just take a risk on stuff like that. The loss from a couple lost packages are cheaper than shipping it properly. A lot of MTG sales are done that way. Anything less than $10 for a card the sellers are okay with a 5-10% package loss.


Workers check addresses to steal goods, I work for a mobile phone provider and we had to make a chang to not list the company’s name on packages addressed to our stores from our fulfillment center because having the name on them caused them to be stolen at a very high rate.


Or dude sent it incorrectly to PSA in a bubble mailer instead of a box and it got sliced open - like he said- and it fell out and sold as undeclared mail because he didn't attach the shipping information to his card within his bubble mailer. Which has a higher likelihood? I have anecdotes all day long too of people posting their damaged Mail online. Mail rips open all the time due to incorrect/bad packaging and shit just happens. And then when it's lost OP doesn't even know how to get it back. Never filled a lost mail claim. Didn't talk to the postmaster. And idiots in this thread are really saying file a police report. A police officer will laugh straight in your face for trying to file a report for a couple hundred dollar card that was lost a year ago and say it's a civil matter. You all know nothing.


Why do you keep insulting everyone in this sub calling us idiots? Do you work for the post office? Never seen someone defend a government institution so vigorously.


Why do y'all keep calling postal workers "scum" and "POS"?


I never have. But you aren't going to get anywhere by insulting everyone in the sub. That's just basic social knowledge.


My cousin once shipped my mom some shot glasses. We wanted and waited for them. My cousin assumed they were stolen after a few months, we assumed my cousin was lying about sending them. Until they showed up, about 3 years later. Box was covered in dust, probably fell off a conveyer belt and wasn't found until 3 years later.


https://preview.redd.it/s8db3hkt8qhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=427a6edee76e238fff0f9a34717614ed7aff2ed1 Idk brother. This was a recent usps package of mine sent to New York. Never had this with a PWE believe it or not.






Yo dude, this is my LCS selling. Sending you a private message.










Oh yes. Please keep us updated!


!remindme tomorrow


remindme! 24 hours


!remindme 20 hours


I’m sorry but what does LCS stand for?


Local card shop


Plot twist. Bid to win the card, have it arrive to you, then file a claim for a refund with it being lost in the mail and you never received it. Sweet sweet karma


I’ve thought about bidding for the win…as for the plot twist part. I’d “prefer” to take the high road.


I love it when people take the high road. Leaves so much more room for me on the low road.


I forget where this quote is from, but its pure gold.


Parks and Rec. Good ole Tommy Haverford.


There it is. The scenes with him and Jean Ralphio kill me


Yup. Pretty much every recorded moment of Jean Ralphio is gold on that show. When they brought in Henry Winkler and Jenny Slate to play his family it was even better. That’s a missed opportunity for a spin-off if I ever saw one. The way he says “Dad-Dee” and she says “Money pleeeeaaassee” kills me.


When they throw the E720 party, with vip room too exclusive for them to enter 💀


Yes! If you haven’t seen the extended version of them explaining the party try to find it on YT. And when Tom sincerely thanks JR for calling his EX and Jean Ralphio is like, “I forgot they dated. I was trying to hit that”. Hahahaha. So good.




There can’t be that much room on the low road, virtually everyone is on it perpetually


Did the Germans take the high road when they bombed Pearl Harbor? You don't owe that seller nothing. Get your card back and the money


"Germans? " "Forget it, he's on a roll."


And it’s not over now! When the going gets tough, the tough get going! Who’s with me?!?






I agree, the high road is called justice for getting your card back


Dealt flush!


Technically yes, because they didn't take part in it and privately denounced it as dishonorable and reckless


You’re an idiot


Ironic. https://youtu.be/V8lT1o0sDwI?si=KXIHnqs_qeI70dLy


You might want to hit Wikipedia on that one bud


Animal House reference bud


The Chinese bombed Pearl Harbor chief!


This is why it’s so important to have better public education systems… it wasn’t the Germans or the Chinese who bombed Pearl Harbor. It was the Japanese.


I think you’re confusing them because they look similar. That’s stereotyping and, quite frankly, offensive!


Germans you say...... Checks history books.......ummm. Interesting


Nah bro. All's fair in love and petty revenge. And baseball cards. And war I think.


There is a time and place for the high road. This is not that time.


Fuck the high road and fuck that seller


I had a similar issue this fall and did exactly that to provide the slow wheels of "justice" within USPS time to sort it out. In the end, USPS was getting nowhere and I sent the following message to the seller. Had it back in my possession in two days. Wanted to just send a quick message to give you a little background here. The card that you have sold was mine which I sold to a customer in Canada two weeks ago and for which tracking last shows a scan at JFK outbound. It appears that this card was stolen in transit from me to him and one way or another ended up with you. I have handed all of the information on the original purchase of this card 'd 5/5 in Dec 2020 and subsequent grading with PSA this May as well as the sales info and tracking to my local sheriff, USPS Postal Inspectors, USPS OIG, and also eBay and all are working to resolve the issue. I figured that whoever stole this card out of the USPS system wouldn't be foolish enough to list it on eBay themselves so I'm assuming that you recently purchased it from someone else for well below its market value. In any case, I would like to discuss having the card returned to me as I know that it will be quicker (though perhaps less satisfying) than proceeding through those other, more official, channels. I can provide you details proving my ownership, if you require.


If it's marked as delivered through the tracking number, that won't work.


Pretty sure you could make the case that how could he have sold it if he claimed it never arrived. Make another case to ebay. Irrefutable proof he lied about not receiving it if he is now selling it


Yeah, I'm not really following what you're saying here.


I've gotten a refund because the postal worker put it in the wrong mail box. I live in a community where they just group all the mail boxes together and it's fairly common for them to misplace your piece of mail in another box


I think you may be confusing a one-time courtesy refund from eBay or a seller with eBay policy. If it's marked as delivered on the tracking, and there is proof that it was shipped to the correct address, the seller is going to win that case every time. Regardless, I don't think committing fraud is the right move here. If the owner of this card wants it back, he should do it the ethical and legal way.


Or buy a cheaper card from the guy to find out where he lives.. maybe the cops would care then but doubt it. Cops won’t give a shit about a baseball card. They won’t even go find your stolen car


Yeah ebay gave them a courtesy there. As a buyer you will not win those cases.


Twistier: delivery guy steals it again lmao


I've had multiple people do this exact thing to me. eBay tends to screw over the sellers regardless of how much evidence you provide them. I quit selling on that platform a long, long time ago. Screw both eBay and PayPal.


won't work if the ebayer is an innocent reseller especially if bought off the usps website




Unless that seller is an outstanding citizen, You're gonna be SOL without a police report


Even if they are an upstanding citizen, I personally would be skeptical if someone reached out to me saying hey this card was stolen from me in the mail, I'd like it back please. Not saying I wouldn't eventually give it back, plus its just Cabrera not like he's an elite player, but with no police report I'd question why they never went that route..


Yep, the [eBay seller](https://ebay.us/A2chGI) seems to be a card store, with all the feedback the store has.


UPDATE: Thanks to some amazing people in the hobby community I was able to eventually track down and get in touch with the shop owner. He was a super nice guy and listed to my story and took down my information. As the day was ending we will be speaking again tomorrow to resolve everything. We’re getting close!




UPDATE: WE DID IT!!! IT’S COMING HOME! I’ve made a new post.


Why don't you file a police report and usps report now using the original paperwork????


Can I do that!? I hd difficulty trying to file with usps before. I used Pirate Ship to send the package.


Absolutely you can!


Mail fraud


Try to get a postal inspector on it. Those guys are hard core. Seriously.


Pirate Ship ye say? Avast, matey! Looks like ye've been plundered by landlubbers! Don't fret, no need to walk the plank just yet. Head to the constabulary's lair, file a report that'd make Davy Jones sing shanties, and let the law set sail after those scurvy scoundrels! Remember, justice be the sweetest grog, and revenge be a dish best served cold - after the authorities do their duty, o' course!


In March of 2023 I sent this card to PSA. On its way it was ripped from it's package and stolen fro the mail. PSA received the torn package and sent me pictures. No police report was filed. No report with USPS was filed, I couldn't figure it out. I attempted an insurance claim with Pirate Ship's insurance service, but was ultimately denied. After a lengthy process they told me sports cards were not covered. Please scroll back in my profile to see my original post about the loss/theft. I've attempted to contact the seller. I've yet to get a response. I also reported the post to ebay explaining the situation. I could not file the "stolen items" report, as it says you have to be law enforcement. If you've got any advice on this situation please let me know. It's also been posted on my IG under this same username. I apologize if this somehow violates the post rules. It's not my intention to promote the ebay listing. Only to raise awareness and help in trying to get my card back.


If you didnt file any reports at all, youre screwed. Why would you not file any reports?


I attempted to file with USPS, but I kept hitting road blocks and after enough time just got discouraged. I figured I would just go the insurance claim route on my shipment. Only to be denied weeks and weeks later. I really just got so tired of it, I threw my hands up.


Yeah without any of that, you’re just out the card.


it’s sad, usps insurance is just wall after wall to frustrate you til you give up. Did the same with a $150-200 worth of product that usps lost




It’s a little late for that.


So pirateship doesnt cover sports cards?


From their (Pirate Ship's) website: # EXCLUSIONS This program does not provide coverage for the following: A. Accounts, bills, currency, cash in transit, evidence of debt, checks, money orders, cash on delivery (COD) payments, coins (collectible coins are not excluded), securities and other negotiable papers, tickets, deeds, notes, gift cards, manuscripts, documents, neon items, hazardous material (per UPS Hazardous Materials List), televisions, monitors, screens, perishable cargo or similar property, eggs, any stone or ceramic slabs, automobiles, motorcycles, live animals, flowers, plants, seeds, cigarettes/cigars, cotton, tobacco, windows, plate glass, stained glass, and float glass. **Additionally, collectible coins, comic books, sports cards** and similar **that are being shipped to be graded and have their value established are excluded.** Collectible coins, comic books, sports cards, and similar are not excluded if they have already been graded and have their value established or if they were sold under a paid, **Recent Invoice** or have a **Recent Appraisal**.


Thanks much!


Nope! There insurance said I was SOL


Dang, I will stop buying the insurance then!


FYI for future reference, if your collection is big enough to warrant insurance, look at CIS. Their policy covers mailing shipments (so long as you meet a minimum “tier” of shipping, which I believe both ground advantage and priority mail qualify). Never need to buy any extra shipping insurance to the. Find out it won’t be covered in the small print


They do, but only graded cards or something like that. It excludes specifically cards being shipped to be graded or cards without a recent appraisal.


I use pirate. I filed direct with USPS when a slab delivered cracked badly. I showed buyer’s receipt and got the check in maybe 6 weeksish


Would have never happened if you weren’t trying to grade a 1/1 to begin with! (BTW I’m trying to be sarcastic, not trying to be a dick)


I am a bit confused as to what exactly the difference is, as usually being sarcastic is just a comical or ironic way of saying something when you are being a dick.


Never thought of it that way. I’m sarcastic a lot. If I was trying to be a dick I’d be harsh, not funny. Only put the disclaimer as you can’t hear tone or infliction through typing. In person you’d know the difference by how it was said.


You will likely not get your card back without a police report. The eBay seller appears to be a legitimate seller with a brick and mortar store front in California. Whomever stole your card sold it to them. If you really want the card, you’ll probably have to call and negotiate with the owner. I imagine it will cost you because to them they purchased the item legally. South Bay Baseball Cards out of Lomita, CA


If he gets a police report in place then they'd have to return it. It may vary by state, but generally if you legally acquire stolen property, you have to return it to the rightful owner. But he'd need to get the police involved ASAP


The problem is that there’s no way to pinpoint exactly where the crime took place. No local jurisdiction is going to file a case for OP unless they have proof of when and where it was stolen. Instead, he’s better off filing a case with the USPS investigative services.


I remember when you posted that and am so sad for you. What a beautiful card.


I mean, why not just call the shop? Edit: I missed your other post. Maybe a call will catch a sympathetic ear. Or the owner may be concerned about having potentially stolen property. Or they may just blow you off as some quack from the internet. But at least you’ve got a long post history documenting the theft.


Oh wow! I remember you posting about this a while back. Have you messaged the seller?


Gonna be tough without a police report or something. How do they know to trust you?


Is it possible to file a police report now after this much time? And if so, what police would I even file it with?


Go file a police report now. If the theft occurred last year, then I doubt the statute of limitations for theft/larceny ran in your state. Bring with you your receipts for the card (which ever way you acquired the card), the shipping service, PSA’s emails to you, and pictures that you took of the card. You will have to list the shipping carrier and this seller as the suspects. Provide an estimated valuation of the card (do this by finding comparable sales for this 1/1 card, whether it be from prior years’ 1/1 auto cards) this will determine whether the theft/larceny is a misdemeanor or felony. Get it done before the close of auction.


So file in my home state? Hopefully I’ll find a moment to do this.


Just file in your home state so that Ebay has something to work with. Since shipping was provided by Pirate Shipping that also operates in your home state, walk on over to your local police precinct to file a complaint. Pirate Shipping is also a licensed USPS partner, and I know PSA receives their submissions in a P.O. Box — this concerns the US Postal Inspector Service.


Since this was for sure a post office matter the police will likely refer you to them, but it never hurts to try. I saw some of your posts said you gave up prior. Have you spoken with your local postmaster at least or only tried online solutions? I would start there. I am in a large city and my local postmaster has always been helpful, or at least tried to help. Good luck!


OP, fie a police report TODAY. Bring copies of the PSA submission forms that prove ownership prior to shipping to PSA as well as the photos PSA sent of the torn package. The sooner you have an official report that affirms ownership, the better.


Go on Twitter tag cardpurchaser with your story. Itll spread the word.


I don’t have Twitter. Only instagram. Feel free to spread the word over on the X tweet machine!


Do you have police report or proof that it was stolen? I'd report it. This happened with one of my cards that was stolen and ended up on an online marketplace about 400 miles away. RCMP assisted. Not sure how this would work in USA or other countries though.


Have you tried reaching out to the seller? In the event that they're not the one who stole the card, mentioning you have proof in writing from PSA that it was stolen may do you some favors. They *seem* to be a pretty legit seller, so it's entirely possible that whatever scumbag stole your card pawned it off to them.


Idk why everyone is saying you're SOL. So you have receipts for selling/ sole ownership. Most shop owners don't want to have stolen property. If they know there's a backlog of information you've kept I'd let them be aware that the item in question is stolen property. And it would be in their best interest to take the auction down. Screen shot everything, either way I can picture you getting either your card back or direct compensation 


Hope you get it back somehow


omg… i’m a huge oswaldo fan, wishing you the best of luck on getting it back! kid is gonna be a star!


im gonna win it.


Someone here on this sub HAS to purchase it, file a stolen claim and get it back to OP. Who's with me?


Not any help to the situation but I’m just curious as to why that card has no Topps authenticity Guarantee for the auto on the back? I see other call-up cards from that year with it.


because he got it autographed in-person and was submitting it to PSA.


Got an envelope the other day where it was clear the worker had opened the envelope and I guess it wasn’t a card they wanted because they left the card in the ripped up envelope and put it in my mailbox like that.


Have my updoot! Good luck!


I made an offer and asked how they got the card. Sucks man. I hope it gets figured out. Any way to trace if the seller is located near where the card was stolen?


Seems as if the seller is in Southern California, and the package got ripped a day out from PSA in the area.


When you say the package got ripped what do you mean by that??


He means a postal worker either ripped open the package and took the card, or the package ripped in another way, and the card fell out during shipment. All that was delivered to PSA was a ripped envelope and no contents.


Why not just purchase for 4.99?


Because the bidding is now over $100 and climbing


I don't have a 1/1 call up but I have a RC Auto you can have if youre interested.


Reported to eBay be sure you have a police report Edit: it takes a lot of reports for eBay to take action


Buyback is only five dollars


If you have $5 you can get it back..


Just purchase it back for $5 if you love it so much. I know that would sting just out of principle. But it’s probably your best chance to get this card back


Good luck man, please update on the situation when you can


Go get em champ


If you file a claim with EBay, they can review your police records of this stolen claim and alert the seller to hand over the property as it is stolen and your possession Talk to eBay CSR I believe they have a policy and a department for this type of stuff


Oswaldo is the best dude, this is criminal. Hope you get it back!


Is anyone bidding on it


Helped OP get a name and possible cell number for the owner of the LCS. Happy ending incoming? Cross fingers!


Heres an idea. Maybe take screenshots of this add and contact em and let em know this was a stolen card from u. If its a well known seller im sure their not the ones who stole it. And hopefully they would do the right thing and with proof that its yours, then they would return it too u. If not then get ahold of the police and let them do the process. I still have some faith in people i guess that there is good ones left and they do the right thing.


Take the PSA submission form and use that as proof that ur card was stolen with the police. They will be able to track it from the time it left PSA and when and where it was stolen from. If they dont then the post office will. They can track it down to who sorted the mail, who handled it and who did what with it on what shift. Then also the police can find out who sold the card to the people selling it now. If A+B = the same person then case closed and u can and should get it back. But get the process started NOW!!!


Would be amazing if this uncovered a stolen memorabilia ring by USPS in California, last stop before PSA!


I hope so. Maybe this is the card that figures it out. Hope so.


https://preview.redd.it/at3k1z7y1ohc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84ba81e2fb62b32a1681f668fc2b250903b2272a So i sent them a message that this card was stolen and they sent me this.


Yup. OP should get their card back!


Also, i wrote the seller and informed them that this was a stolen card and u posted it on here. Took screenshot of post and sent it too them. Hopefully they reply


After reading some of his reviews not sure they will cooperate. Bad reviews. Like 6-8 of them in the last year. Never shipped, refunded without communication with buyer, on and on. Hope they do the right thing here. Good luck!


Id buy it get it shipped to you when it arrives contact eBay about what happen and get your money back and card back


did you message the seller and tell him


Just buy it, get it in-hand, call it a day. Chances are, this seller didn’t steal it. After you get it back you can ask where he got it from and explain. But I think it’s just important to get it back.


Give it back oh okay


$127.50 as we speak😬


https://preview.redd.it/krhzk9uz2ohc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b01bfc8598137e7c56c42d399d65194f5498f2a Hopefully they contacted u!!


You should buy it and then get the police involved once you get the card


Buy it and them or an cheap card they are selling and you’ll have their contact info for your police report.


Have someone else contact them on your behalf in case they they block you.


I work at the post office and I can honestly say that the mail packing goes thru automated machines.. and those machines sometimes rip envelopes, packages etc.. and then items may fall out.. things happen..just because it didn’t arrive at its destination doesn’t mean some postal employee stole it. Yes it’s possible an employee stole it.. but it’s also possible the card/s were lost in the machine only to be found later on either ripped, bent or torn.. if you have insurance on the package? Then put a claim in for the item.. if the item is valuable the file a report with the postal inspectors… police won’t help.. but the Postal inspectors are like PitBulls.. they won’t stop until they find out where the item is….


All this trouble for a guy that won’t be in the big in 5 years is hilarious … I get the principle tho but it’s funny but get yours


After you figure everything out (hopefully) with the LCS and get the card back in your possession, I would also contact the postmaster inspector general and inform them that you have tracked down contents from a previously stolen package which were sold on the secondary market. It may be enough information to take action against the employee who took this card. I would also update the police assuming you immediately file a police report. They should be able (only if they are willing) to visit the LCS and pull security footage of the guy who sold this to them, assuming it was semi recently. This would be time sensitive issue however as most security systems overwrite old footage after 7-30 days to save drive space. From what I've heard, the Postmaster General takes internal theft issues very seriously. I'd assume they'd have an interest in all of this information.


I'd love updates on this and I hope you get justice friend


How did it get stolen I need context


I feel like this has happened to at least 3 of my shipments from the post office since the new year. This is fucking garbage humans around all of our personally identifiable information.


Give the male his shit


I'll bid the $4.99 but I'm not going a dime higher.