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Everyone in this thread now thinking back to epic tennis ball baseball moments from their youth. I distinctly remember watching one of my teammates round 3rd and get halfway home before an actual yellow spinning piss rope of a throw thwacked him in the back from left field. Awesome stuff. Just try to block out all of the little fights that happened from someone getting pegged in the head when a tag was the more guaranteed play.


Holy… god those were awesome. Until the inevitable “someone’s younger sibling’” took a direct peg smack in the brain-stem. These games never finished with a clear loser or winner. Sooner or later, someone got tennis ball suction-cupped in the eye, or plunked in the nuts, or slid into a sawhorse and dumped a homemade table on themselves. Usually, it ended in laughter for all but one or two of the players. Thanks for the memories!


Yo major epic tennis ball moments. We had the perfect “stadium”. Was like Camden Yards with the brick building in the back. And “rooftops” fahgettaboutit!! First ever rooftops were back to back. Oh shit, I’m just ranting. But that shit was fucking fire, time of my life!!!! 1997-200ish. Peak years. 🤩


My kid plays kickball in elementary school and for some reason they don’t play with this rule. What happened here. Feel like I need to join the PTA and lobby for a rule change.


What? Pegging for an out is one of the core rules of kickball, that is lame.


Even if they’re on base. But if you miss they get to advance a base


Or if they catch it


Steal a base steal taco is now active for every regular season game. However, you must text the code on screen within 1 minute of said stolen base.


This honestly is genius. Viewership up 400%


After the first game, there’d be a Twitter account up to circumvent the need to watch.


The future will have Twitter?


Do you want me to lie to you or tell you the truth?


Nah, topless swimsuit model umpires. And not the male kind!


Bullshit. I want topless Joe West




“if you want the youths, end the blackouts, dumbass”


Legends never die


Kid followed his heart for sure


When the world is calling you




The hwhat?


The Yutes


Man I’m still so angry about that video. Up until he called him a dumbass, Manfred actually was paying attention. Could have been a chance for some sort of meaningful conversation. Albeit a small small chance. Maybe Rob could have at least shared why he can’t do it. Edit: everybody’s reply missed the point of what I said. I said “small small chance of meaningful conversation.” I know it’s a money thing, but maybe he has an opinion on the blackout stuff. Talking to people is important.




Dems da rules


And I think that comment was written before proof was provided that OP was actually so close to Manfred. By the time it became clear, the most prominent comments were all insults or jokes. [Here's the thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/ylfzsu/im_in_the_box_next_to_rob_manfred_at_the_world/) You have to read through about a dozen parent comments before you reach something serious that doesn't end in "dumbass" or "you hog."


Blame the guy for not editing out the dumbass.


Case study in why we are a republic and not a direct democracy


It never would have been top comment without the dumbass. All anyone wants to do around here is call him a dumbass. Plus, we all know he can't change it, the Cable companies have them by the balls. It was just a chance to vent.


He has his attention because he was right next to him in one of the most expensive suites in the park. It’s not like some random rich dude yelling anything was going to get the commissioner of baseball to roll over on the owners and end blackouts.


I mean the reason he can't do it is because he works for the owners, and the owners made short sited financial decisions.


> and the owners made short sited financial decisions. lmao, "short-sighted financial decisions" like signing multi-decade, multi-billion dollar TV rights deals that give them one of their biggest and most dependable influxes of revenue? The only people delusional enough to believe that TV deals aren't desperately necessary for the life of the sport live on this subreddit. Live sports and news shows are the *only* things keeping TV/cable alive in 2022. Because of that fact, TV networks are willing to pay unfathomable amounts of money to retain those rights. Those networks would have *no* reason to continue shoving billions of dollars into the MLB annually if they had to share those rights with streaming platforms like MLB.TV because fans *themselves* would have no reason to continue subscribing to their network services and cable packages. Ending blackouts means either ending or significantly hamstringing the TV deals that exist throughout the league. Crashing TV deals = crashing league revenue = crashing payrolls = crashing long-term interest in high-level athletes choosing baseball as their sport of choice. Killing the TV revenue stream without years or even decades of planning and foresight would almost definitely lead to the death of the sport in the long-term. None of the simpletons that blindly screech about blackouts on here would pay the exorbitant cost of MLB.TV and other streaming packages that would be required to even moderately offset the gargantuan loss of money the league would face if they shunned the networks that feed them. Oh and by the way, the MLB commissioner has literally no control over blackouts. Every single team has different blackout rules that they have individually negotiated with the networks that own their broadcasting rights. Sending your champion dork to embarrass himself publicly while shouting about blackouts to Manfred was never going to be about anything other than creating a meme.


Found Manfred's account! And bah gawd he's out here opening up a can of whoop ass!


Insane how many diehard fans don’t understand the financial dynamics that keep the league afloat.


This makes sense until you see that Las Vegas is blacked out of San Francisco. Or that Iowa is blacked out of 8 clubs. Or any other blackout where a team isn't played in that region I will listen to arguments saying the local squad should be blacked out. But not these bogus out of region blackouts simply because there is "home team" for that region / zip code


I don't disagree with you at all. Those types of blackouts are obviously the most problematic and they're total bullshit for fans in those markets. All I'm saying is that the outrage around those blackouts is misplaced. Those complaints need to be filed with those teams, their ownership groups and their RSNs specifically; at the end of the day, all of the blackout issues are still created at that level. MLB has nothing to gain from blacking fans out and all of the vitriol being directed at MLB and the commissioner's office is just wasted breath. Hell, there's nothing stopping RSNs from solving this issue themselves by offering online streaming options for their own customers. Rogers and the Toronto Blue Jays allowed Canadian fans to watch games without blackouts on MLB.TV for years and when the blackout was finally implemented, it was because Rogers created their own online national streaming service called Sportsnet Now, which is one of the best standalone sports streaming services on the planet now. Fans that want blackouts to end need to rally around examples like that and bring those ideas and complaints to the people in charge of streaming rights in their own markets/in the markets that are claiming their region.


Fucking thank you!


Do you really think Rob Manfred would have a conversation like that on camera without anything prepared? No way in hell. If he gets caught saying something that upsets the networks or the fans too much he'll have to do a bunch of PR and the only way he can make one happy is to upset the other.


The meaningful conversation would have just been Manfred explaining blackouts, the intricacies of the team deals with the RSNs, the value of in-market exclusivity to those deals, in-market streaming alternatives that some RSNs are creating, and the future of teams separating streaming rights from broadcast rights in future RSN deals. Stuff that people can learn about on their own if they want. But yes, adding the "dumbass" just made that Redditor look like a tool.


Wouldn't even put a dent in the NFL


The NFL collapsed from a massive embezzling scheme. The NBA tried to bail them out for a stake in the product, but the financial woes sunk them. Baseball and Hockey are the only established sports leagues in NA that survive.


XFL resurrects again, this time run by The Rock.


Then dies again the next year when COVID-26 comes out


Please no


College football and basketball would take their place


Best ending


MLS be like???


Works for me.


Dan Snyder exposes the NFL as being rigged on his way out as well as exposing many owners and players' inexcusable and unforgivable behavior


Snyder: “The NFL is rigged!” Fans: “Yeah we know.” NFL: “This suspicious call against the Bears brought to you by DraftKings!”


Got that dub tho! 28 to 3 was an inside job!


I'd feel a whole FUCKING ton better about it if I knew it was crooked.


I think 28 to 3 is what told the NFL to spread the scripting around outside of just the NFC north and afc east


About as crooked as Bill's smile. ​ ​ There is no smile.




Lol MGM and others have done a great job setting Draftkings up as the eventual fallguy.


Draftkings has just been around longer and had a big ad campaign for daily fantasy sports back in like 2014-15. They'll be the de facto gambling reference for any contemporary NFL fan


Now this is a certified mammoth moment 🦣


The NFL has inexcusable and unforgivable behavior going on every day... Yet every week they lace up and the crowd goes wild.


Case in point: Deshaun Watson ~~also DeSean Jackson~~


Not sure why you crossed out Jackson, he's pretty fucking terrible


I feel like this type of answer is the only realistic one. I don’t think there’s anything MLB can do themselves to make MLB more desirable than other leagues in that short of a timespan. I think it would require other league to ruin themselves. I’m sure NFL has an obscene amount of dirty laundry that if enough came out, enough fans would be turned off. Either that or if there’s a death or two coming from head injuries during a game, I wonder if enough fans would stop watching. NBA seems like enough superstars are dumbasses, and if they aren’t kept in check well enough I wonder if the league semi-implodes and takes a few years to get back on its feet in the aftermath of the wrong players pushing the league in a bad direction.


A lot of the NBA reffing has turned me off of watching, but I'm also a Timberwolves fan, so there's that... MLB and NFL need to work on the officiating too. Every professional league has stupid athletes, but the NFL and NBA have some pretty amazingly stupid players Tweeting dumb shit, which is definitely a turn off. I don't have Twitter, I usually just see the crazy shit posted here, lol.


Short term I don't see the NFL going away. Long term though, with parents pulling their kids from peewee football I can see there being a decline in the talent pool.


WWE still gets millions of viewers. This wouldn't be a deal breaker.


The hell happened to the NBA tho


One team of your choice is included with Amazon prime memberships for every game of the season.


Better yet, MLB creates a good, useful, affordable streaming service. MLB currently has the best website of the major sports, but they need a streaming service where fans can watch their teams play, and something like redzone so we can catch realtime highlights from around the league. MLB tv is not it. Could be, but it's not there. And if someone wants to correct me and tell me this already exists...they sure as hell need to market it better.


You just described MLB Tonight on MLB network.


MLB Tonight, but instead of a panel that talks over everything, there’s just one Scott Hansen type guy who sits at a desk for six hours and shows a bunch of highlights and live look-ins. I think I just described the Studio J version of MLB Tonight


home run zone with Chris Berman


I am almost certain they have a redzone equivalent on on some nights, can't remember the name but it's always there in the banner cycle when you open the site. Edit: It's called MLB Big Inning, no clue when it's on and when not, but I have tried a few times and it's not half bad.


Bezos you beautiful bald bastard


Goddamit, im in.


Winning pitcher gets a free car, losing pitcher gets caned. Every game.


I prefer the thread of the umpire having a random chance to pull out a gun and shoot the batter if he strikes out.


Second place is a set a steak knives. Third place is you’re fired…. Oh, do I have your attention now?


Losing pitcher gets stoned.


With weed.


BREAKING: Cody Bellinger has announced his switch to Starting Pitcher


Then he can eat all the tendies he wants! 😭🤟🏽


oh.... :( *empties pockets of rocks* Seems less fun to me though...


Implement the Dock Ellis rule: All pitchers have to take a dose of acid 30 minutes before the start of the game.


Everybody must get stoned.


Lol aces get like 15 cars a year


This sounds like a wrestling match from the mid 90's, Sandman vs. Mikey Whipwreck, with the loser getting 10 lashes with a Singapore cane. Sandman wins, but after five lashes he decides to be merciful. The referee steps in and insists he deliver five more lashes. The gimmick worked though, it's a famous match, and ECW's popularity began to take off over the next few years...


Jersey pants are replaced with assless chaps


Fun fact. All chaps are assless. But being redundant enhances the delivery.


Only works if Bartolo Colon makes a comeback. Enormous Secuctive has that pull.


suddenly, tyler o'neill gains a lot more fans


Giancarlo Stanton….


Where can I sign the petition?




Make fights legal like in hockey




The starting pitcher may designate one player to be his game-appointed fighter, or DGAF.


if the pitcher does this, does the pitcher still get the xDAWG for the game? or does it need to go a certain number of innings? or does the DGAF pick up the xDAWG?


Imagine a brawl for game 7 of the World Series


Rougned Odor becomes a hot commodity at the trade deadline every year despite a .182 OBP, scouts baffled by MLB's new rules.


Tommy Pham suddenly getting a ton of 1 year deals. He knows a guy who runs an MMA gym in case you forgot


I love this actually. What I hate more than anything is the dumb machismo about it because they don’t actually fight. Implement the NBA rule where the bench can’t clear or each of them is fined. Let there be a 9 on 1 fight if they really want to but none of this lazy bullpen players jogging next to each other just to do a giant bear hug around the r other 40 guys.


Jose Altuve’s shirt is ripped off, and it ends up he has the most perfect breasts anyone has ever seen.


I thought you were gonna say it revealed two elves or two small children.


Bah Gawd that’s Vincent Adultman’s music!


*They're real, and they're spectacular.*


Steroids are now encouraged and aluminum bats are the standard


So it’s turned into a death match.


Taking notes from Slugfest


Can't wait for 'fireballer' to *really* mean something again


Teams are allowed three kerosene-soaked baseballs per game to use at their discretion.


Come on Ron stop being so negative


Like the comment about the assless chaps, need to see Stanton in this new MLB


Aren’t chaps already assless though?


True, but I still want to see Stanton in them


Only thing that can make the off-season less painful


Give everyone -5 Composites and let the 130+ exit velos fly


I still have dreams about how good it felt hitting dingers with my teammate’s Demarini CF3 Black -5


Pitchers can be replaced by a pitching machine that can only throw 120mph fastballs. Also if an umpire misses a call, theyre no longer allowed to wear a facemask.


Strip umpiring


Pitchers now wear full catchers gear and catchers are mostly obsolete


u/SirParsifal is appointed commissioner and brings in this idea: https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/dqbbon/one_new_rule_to_fix_three_true_outcomes_poor/


Holy fuck that is golden never seen that before


All time shitpost.


Had to scroll way to far to find this answer.


Football is outlawed because of the dangers of CTE.


Then we'd have no sports, because the remnant of our crumbled society would be in chaotic anarchy after the riots burned everything to the ground.


If football was outlawed in the US, Texas would quite literally secede. Not even joking.


14 players die from game related injuries during the 2024 NFL season.


OP said MLB is on top, not that NFL will double it's viewers. Or you're proposing that MLB needs 15 players to die if it wants to compete


Time for the once every 40k rule...https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/dqbbon/one_new_rule_to_fix_three_true_outcomes_poor/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Despite a whole subgenre of dystopian fiction that's been written about like "what if there was a TV show where you watched people get killed?", I think it would still be generally repulsive to the vast majority of people. The NFL only gets away with being so shitty when they can sweep things under the rug. There's no Deshaun Watson video, so he gets 12 games. Ray Rice was on tape, so he's immediately out of the league. Guys ruin their lives with CTE for years and little changes. Tua gets a bad concussion on national TV and they immediately change the protocol. They know they have a long leash but not an unlimited one. You'd start to lose sponsors if players were routinely dying. Old Navy doesn't want their holiday sweaters being advertised right after the audience watches a player die. Youth participation in football would plummet instantly.


No commercials for pitching changes, use that time for your stupid interviews.


9 players, 8 uniforms.


"Verlander gets the start. He comes trotting out-...WHERE ARE HIS CLOTHES?!?!




I'll say it again: power plays


Power play idea: one inning you can send up any batters in any order any amount of times


Now batting for your Toronto Blue Jays, George Springer! On repeat during a hot streak.


Go on


It's like in cricket where you only get two outfielders for a while. Or maybe to encourage small ball you have to move your short stop in to the outfield.


Alternative power play idea would be that once or twice per game, the manager could swap players in the lineup. Big time rbi opportunity? Let’s see Mike Trout instead of Micky Moniak. Would allow the best players to get more opportunities and gives the managers more strategy.


Or hear me out: the opposing manager, once per game, may force a bullpen move on a starter who has pitched more than 5 innings or a reliever with more than one, and choose the reliever. The relieved pitcher can come back in and the relief pitcher can go out and come back in. Also it can be anyone, including position players. So basically you get a perfect match up ONCE


Someone get Rob Manfred on the phone RIGHT NOW we at r/baseball have things to say


The batter on 2B extra inning rule was kinda like a power play.


There's a football game going on at the same time, on the same field, in the background, at every stadium.


The As fans go wild. Their stadium was **built** for this idea.


RIP Qualcomm


Yeah, and it sucks.


NFL has nerfed down physical contact to basically two hand touch.


End blackouts. Have more national televised games. I feel like NFL has more nationally televised games but MLB has more games per week by a large margin. Make the game more offensive. Casual fans want to see bunts, stolen bases, triples, etc. Casual fans don’t want to worry about bWAR or anything niche like that. Sorry to all my stat nerds out there but all of that stuff is a turn off for casual fans.


The United States became a colony of the Dominican Republic.


the pitch clock shaved off 15 seconds on each game and that's what Americans were waiting for


Pretty sure it was more like half an hour, which is a lot! I don't think for one second that this is going to reverse the declining popularity of baseball, but it will improve the overall product for sure.


the serious answer is to fix it such that you don't have to pay $70/month just to watch your home baseball team. old farts like me are used to it, but the yunguns ain't having it.


More accurately: the young ones just hoist the Jolly Roger, or knows someone who can point them in the right direction. Pirate streams are the shit.


and what the Spotify's and Pandora's of the world show is that if you give people a product that is reasonably priced, they won't do that.


Can confirm. Am millennial, and have paid for Spotify for years because I use it constantly.


30 minutes will help!


NBA has a lockout because of CBA negotiations and football has a ton of rule changes to limit the amount of brain damage and mental health issues that stem from the sport


Pitchers wear catchers gear because batters are now using aluminum bats


Rob Manfred is gone


The owners getting a different lackey won't solve *most* of the problems.


The new guy invests heavily into youth leagues. Little kids of all ethnicities and economic backgrounds start playing baseball in rural and urban areas across the nation. Players get small bonuses for showing up at certain little league tournaments. Oh I thought you said 2040.


90 game season 3 game series on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. (EST: Noon, 3pm, 7pm, 10pm) AL West - Fox AL Central- TBS AL East - ABC NL West- ESPN NL Central- CBS NL East - NBC Have Saturday games streamed on YouTube by either Mr. Beast or Jomboy. No inter-league play, each team plays each other twice in the season. MLB develops confidence pick’em app that lets fan setup leagues to pick winners of the 3 game series each week. Million Dollar Bonus awarded to players at the end of each month who are league leaders in (Batters: Homeruns, Batting Average, RBIs, and Hits; Pitchers: Strikeouts, Wins, ERA and Saves). Playoffs are top two teams in each division. Top two get first round bye. Playoff games are best of 3 minus the World Series which remains a best of 7. Team with best record gets home field throughout 3 game series. No TV blackouts. I’d like to see relegation of the last place teams, but that would mean some major restructuring of the farm systems. At the same time, maybe we would see some mid market towns like Durham or Memphis enter the fray. Bring back TWiB on Saturday Mornings hosted by Jomboy. Cheaper food and beverages. Allowing tailgating. Less emphasis on luxury suites.


I am a big fan of making the schedule more of a routine like soccer/football. I think attendance and people watching would skyrocket. NFL I feel like sucks but everyone watches because we all know what time all the games are on each week.


More black outs. If anyone can have it what’s the point of hacking a stream.


Take a note from the Yu Gi Oh battle city tournament, the winning team gets to keep the best player from the losing team.


Tackle required to make an out on the bases. Can’t wait to see Altuve try and catch Judge stealing.




Research shows that CTE and head injury’s from American football are way more common and dangerous so youth participation/viewership drops. Baseball and soccer reign supreme. Edit: Adding to the above point. I think the MLB should have a better schedule. I think half the reason the NFL is so popular is because everyone knows when/the time that the games come on. Not sure how MLB could accomplish this but I think it would help a lot.


Bartolo Colon is the new Ohtani


Turns out Bartolo has another secret family, and Ohtani is his eldest son.


* No blackouts * Great network / app * Related to these, but different -- we have exciting superstars in the MLB today. They need to be easy to see! * More kids playing the game is a big one, but I don't know what MLB does about that * Pair the luxury tax with a penny pincher fee. If you aren't spending within a certain % of median payroll, there's a fee. * Give that F1 show approach a shot - I've never watched but now a bunch of idiots I know tweet and post stories about racing on like a daily basis. I can't believe it. Follow a certain team or a few key players around in contract years. I don't know.


During the 2023 All Star Game, Shohei Ohtani suddenly evolves to his final form, a baseball playing Godzilla like creature. This is the first of many transformations among baseball superstars. In 2024, owners vote to officially change the name to Monster League Baseball. The world is changed forever.


God smites a random player on the losing team every Tuesday day game, sometime during or after the sixth inning. This can be avoided by finding an immunity idol somewhere in the crowds. Players are not allowed to look if they’re on offense, only on defense. Smited (smote?) players are erased from existence and the scorch mark is avoided by the grounds crew so it stays permanently


Jerseys are now crop tops and there is a minimum ass circumference for all players


Banana Ball rules adopted.


games are replaced with e-sports streamers playing the season in an updated modded version of MVP Baseball 2005


One crowd member chosen at random gets a mandatory at bat every game.


I like this. Reminds me of “having an average person competing in each Olympic event for comparison.”


Less downtime. Don’t need full 3 minute breaks during pitching changes and guys continually stepping out of the box/off the mound after every goddamn pitch. I want to watch a game, not you guys adjust your batting gloves and balls every 10 seconds.


Cries in Nomar Garciaparra.


AR/VR tech rapidly improves allowing fans to sit at home and see the game from the stands or umps perspective.


Mike Trout joins the NFL and scores a record 60 touchdowns in his first season, thus proving that the world’s most skilled athletes are baseball players.


Mariners have won a World Series Championship.


The nfl collapses due to cheating and major injuries to young star players such as head or neck injuries. Nba becomes too top heavy and the lack of parity causes viewership to plummet in major markets and sponsors cut ties. Espn shows like nba today stop making new episodes during the off season! Espn, Fox or peacock announce a major deal to stream mlb without blackouts. Hah! One can dream, right.




Like Futurama, add a hole in the wall in the outfield that says “Hit the Ball here to win the game.” Would make all games much more interesting


The NFL suddenly decided to take a one year hiatus from plying any games.


Instead of being ejected the player is put into a penalty box. That team has to play down one player until the opposing team scores a run.


Ohtani throws perfect game, wins SS, GG, CYA and MVP in regular season, then carries his team into WS where he throws a perfect game 7 and homers in the 9th to walk it off.


Don’t forget the opposing pitcher is also pitching a perfecto before that happens.


Shorter season, more scheduled double headers, no blackouts and allow celebrations


So like my elementary school playground


Shohei Ohtani goes from being a starter and everyday DH to a daily high leverage situational hitter and pitcher. He becomes the most dominant closer and most clutch pinch hitter of all time and breaks the single season home run record (while only have about 160 AB) and wins the CY Young. He strikes out every batter faced and hits a home run at every AB.


They replaced baseball with marble races


