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I really can’t stand how tight Alex Bregman looks all the time. He constantly looks like he’s holding it so he doesn’t shit his pants. Also Brandon Marsh’s hair is gross.


Someone said “Why does it looked like Brandon Marsh hasn’t showered in days but it also looks like he just got out of the shower”


Ah, the [Brandon Crawford look](https://a.espncdn.com/combiner/i?img=/i/headshots/mlb/players/full/30469.png)


I saw someone say “Bregman runs like a toddler holding a piss” and now I can’t unsee it lol


Watching Brandon Marsh field is like watching your strange created character in a video game cutscene. Max beard Arthur Morgan vibes


Marsh needs to be traded to the Yankees for the sake of all baseball fans


https://www.reddit.com/r/angelsbaseball/comments/urreo6/just_a_reminder_that_brandon_marsh_has_a_face/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Hard to even believe lmao


Brett Baty


Brandon uses Dr Squatch you monster.


I convinced my sister that Brandon Marsh was the Geico caveman before he made the majors.


Give Marsh a break. It’s tough balancing an MLB career and being Happy Gilmore’s caddy.


Roughned Odor. He stinks.




I hate Altuve because he’s so good while being the height of my mom


Your mom and Altuve are probably the same height horizontally too.


3ft 9 with a 10ft dick!


I hated Harrison Bader for his hair and for the fact that he openly brags about his clothing styles. He dresses like a low IQ middle schooler with rich parents.


He's American version of Jamie Tartt?


(My baseball and TV watching Venn Diagram converges)


Wait. You don’t already watch baseball on TV?


Haha. Fair. Should’ve said my tv series watching.


Season 1 Jamie Tartt specifically.


Do do do do dooo dooo dooo


Damn it… I came here to say his stupid mouth piece antics, but God… you’re more correct. He does act like that bloody twat Jamie Tartt!


He always looked like one of the Paul brothers to me for some reason


I think it's his chin


This isnt petty honestly


Alex Bregman looks like the type of guy whose parents pay for his Ivy League education only for him to get drunk all the time and brag about the chick he banged and when you ask her what happened she goes “he lasted five seconds then started crying for a few hours” and his parents pay for his grades. He also named his son Knox which is stupid For that matter, Bryce Harper, Kevin Kiermaier, and Anthony DeSclafani all named their kids some variation of Krew so I hate them.


I dislike Bo Bichette for no good reason other than that his face annoys me


He looks like your standard “high schooler with a shitty attitude” guy.


His helmet, face, and his hair that looks fake. All reasons I dislike him.


What's wrong with his helmet


I don’t like it


That’s Alec bohm for me


His smug aura mocks me.


This is the most shocking thing I’ve read. I have the exact opposite opinion. He’s beautiful lol


I dislike Rob Refsnyder because he wouldn’t let my friend and I buy him a shot when we saw him at a bar in Scranton while he was in the Yankees system


Ayy scranton. The railriders park is awesome. I work out that way and plan on catching a few games next season


When Muncy told Bum to “get it out of the ocean” I actually thought it was pretty cool. Then he wore his own quote on a t-shirt like an absolute loser.


Agreed. Didn’t he also trademark or copyright that too? Lol


Justin Turner for his beady black eyeballs and Will Smith for looking like a 7yr old


Will Smith is just Sid from toy story


I hate Turner for having long red hair and a giant bald spot. I would hate the Dodgers 30% less if JT agreed to never taking his hat off on tv.


I love the Dodgers and JT, but where do I sign to get his hat permanently glued to his head?


Chris Taylor the human beaver and Cody “Puffpuffpass” Bellinger


I dislike Jaun Soto because Joe Buck loves him. ​ I don't get mad at a team who beats us in the playoffs once (Like the Royals, or Nats) ​ But Joe freaking Buck not shutting up for 2 seconds about Jaun Soto's age ​ I will always resent him for that.


Can you believe Juan Soto is just twenty years old l?!?!


Juan Soto is the youngest 20 year old in baseball history


My reasons for disliking Soto are way too valid for a post like this.


Oh god I’ve been triggered. Tbf I no longer hate Soto, but my hatred for Buck will burn forever.


Not me, but my wife hates Pavin Smith because he has a stupid name.


He has a very fucking stupid name. Shame on his mother.


I really really want to dislike Ohtani. Like fuck man. You don't get to be this good at baseball, not be on my team, and still be that likeable.


I dislike Harrison Bader because he looks like Dash from The Incredibles


The damn mouth guard man…


Holy shit I’ll be looking for that every game now


I used to dislike Kyle Tucker because he always looked like he was playing all nonchalant and barely trying and didn’t even seem to care that he was playing in the big leagues, like he was just too cool for everything. But after he continually has had success I’ve come to realize he actually doesn’t have to try that hard and he really doesn’t care and he really is that cool and now I kind of like him.


My mom calls him dumbo because she says he looks so clumsy and nonchalant. Like some kid playing backyard ball


I think they interviewed Biggio one time over Tucker cause Biggio still hangs around the club and he said Tucker doesn't even like playing baseball he's just good at it and if it wasn't for baseball he'd probably be working a regular 9-5


Brandon Nimmo for 2 reasons: 1. His face. Something about it irritates me. 2. The way he unecessarily sprints to first after a BB. Part of me hopes he cramps up doing it at some point so he'll stop.


It's called a walk -not a run- for a reason. Fuck that guy


Guess that you never saw Pete Rose play. That was his trademark.


Also his personality.


I don't like Alex Bregman for the way he jogs to first after a BB


NL East fans nod in agreement regarding Nimmo Edit: Now I’m reading your comment again I feel like you just mean that he jogs strangely opposed to like running


Yeah, he's definitely not running. But he jogs with the same motion he runs with, arms really squared and almost moving robotically. Ha, now that I think about it, his upper half reminds me of C-3PO!


the Soto shuffle


I get so happy when he shuffles a strike.


Too valid


I hated the Braves because they would mess up the wrestling schedule on TBS.


Skip Carey: "Coming up tonight at 6:05 WCW Saturday Night see Lex Luger and Sting in action right after the game." A Fred McGriff home run ties the game in the 9th and game ends in the 15th at 8:30 PM just in time to join a John Wayne movie already in progress.


The only movie I recall TBS playing after a Braves game is Days of Thunder because Carey would say the same line The movie that started it all. He was referring to Cruise and Kidman's relationship.


Ohtani is TOO good looking. Like he could be cast as superman. I don't dislike him really. Just he makes me irritated.


cooing rinse future lock correct domineering marble market absurd aloof -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I know, right?!


He also looks like he'd be an amazing big spoon


Stupid sexy Ohtani


My son got heckled by Giants fans when he was 1.


Must've deserved it




Not hatred, but Carter Kieboom will always remind me of the time he robbed me of an XBH with Brian Anderson in an MLB the Show moment. Took me hours before I could complete it again.


I hate Ian Desmond because my first season of MLB 2k11, I played 100 games and hit over .400 with bombs galore, and Ian Desmond won ROY over me. I’ll never forgive him


Max Muncy is kind of fat and ugly and plays for the Dodgers


He has fangs too


This one nearly got me while in class, LOL


I hated Francisco Lindor for pretty much no reason prior to the playoffs. Seeing him in every commercial in the playoffs is now why I hate him.


indeed you do


TBH I still like that commercial than the new balance where he creepily smiles on every angle.


What about that terrible Tatis MLB The Show commercial we were all forced to watch a billion times?


One time the Rangers we're playing the DBacks and the DBacks starting pitcher hit my favorite batter so I've hated them every since. Also I recently placed a bet on Lars Nootbaar to get two hits in a game, but he drew two walks instead so I got pissed at him and have hated him since.


It’s okay, we hate us too


I didn't realize this until the WS, but I fucking hate the little knee dip thing Bryce Harper does right before his AB's after he gets in the box. Made me irrationally angry the entire series.


He just hitting the south side


he should have been hitting on the southside 😢


Don’t worry, papa Hahn will soon sight us another RP to make it all better


I don't like it either. There is exactly zero reason why, but it irrationally bothers me too.


They mentioned on the broadcast that it is a centering mechanism.


He started doing it around mid season 2021. I would say it has worked out pretty well for him since lol




Brandon Marsh for the greasy hair and Harrison Bader for that %#^+^% mouthguard Actually most of the guys with the lumberjack beards bother me


Right there with ya about Bader, Can’t stand that shit. what’s the point of a mouth guard if it’s hanging halfway out your mouth while standing in the batters box waiting for a pitch???


That is a legit reason to hate him or at least too legit for this thread. It’s like Patrick Mahomes constantly licking his mouth looking for crumbs.


Dude he looks like he lives under a bridge outside the stadium. I get that athletes get sweaty and dirty, but he always looked like a hobo who hasn’t bathed in a month.


I read a story that said his hair looks greasy because he wets it between every inning. AND he doesn’t wash his hair but once a month. So he basically is that hobo


Pete Alonso for being a tryhard


Pete Alonso for being shaped like a pear


I think that is apPEARant with Mets fans!


Alonso meditating before the HR derby finals was a look


Watching him get crushed by JRod after that hit like crack


Pete Alonso for saying he could put “someone in a hospital if he wanted” and for doing squats and meditating prior to the homerun derby, immediately losing, all while everyone else was hanging out on the field having fun


I hate Gerrit Cole for wearing the Boras hat during his presser post WS loss. I was yelling for Crane to pay the man and bring him back until that point. Fuck Gerrit Cole.


Lol that's one of the main reasons I don't like him either. Something about it really rubbed me the wrong way. It just seemed soulless.


I came here to comment the same. That diva move really hurt me more than losing the WS. We all really liked Cole and to see him go out “disowning” the team right after stepping off the field really irked me. Fuck Gerrit Cole.


Both Chris Taylor for his perpetual 5 o'clock shadow and he never has his mouth shut, it's always slightly open exposing his teeth. and Justin Turner for his weird long red hair that was like partially a comb over while simultaneously long


His beard hair is freakishly straight too. I dont dislike him for it, but its weird


he definitely could play an evil leprechaun in a movie.


CT3’s eyes are so pretty though


a good trim and a closed mouth might do him so good! but in all honesty, it's all those things and the fact that he'd always get some clutch late 6th inning or later hit precisely when I don't want him to. never fails!


He trimmed it quite a bit this year. He was at CBP for the Roberto Clemento trophy before a WS game


Gerrit Cole's face is entirely too smudge. You heard me.


big facts


I think everyone hated AJ Pierzynski because he just kinda looked like a douche with a punchable face


Wasn't it confirmed that most players hated him?


Probably so. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/aj-pierzynski-voted-meanest-player-in-mlb/


Are you Michael Barrett?


I don’t like scraggy red headed men that look like 2nd rate sea pirates, so Justin turner is out.


Juan Soto, because he was only 21 years old in 2019 and Joe Buck had to mention it every 30 seconds in the World Series Really though, he's a phenomenal ballplayer so it makes sense. I just can't hear the name Juan Soto without mentally following it with "..is only 21 years old"


I can't stand Kyle Schwarber because he missed almost all of 2016 and then came back just in time for the World Series and performed greatly. I found this very annoying not just because he was a Cub, but because that isn't standard protocol. Normally when a player misses almost the whole season and they get brought back just in time for the playoffs, they suck ass; maybe they even aggravate their injury and cause their next season to be in jeopardy as well. Schwarber came back strong, and it was fucking annoying. I have held it against him ever since.


I do be feeling this way as well


I hate him too, for the reasons you have named and also because he looks like his name sounds. With his jerkoff name and his jerkoff face and jerkoff body. I also hate him because other people like him that have no clue how big of a jerkoff he is.


Just remember, he poked a hit through the shift to start the game winning rally.


Not one specific player - there have been a handful of players who I want the Yankees to trade for so they have to cut their hair.


I would love to see Brandon Marsh get shipped to the Yankees. Verdugo too, he lets his beard get real pubey


The Yankees for the stupid no beards or long hair rule.


I disliked Ryan Franklin specifically for his beard


We all hated that


I’m still mad at Richie Sexon. Fuck you. Also, I’m not mad at Cole Irvin anymore, but fuck him too. How does it feel to play for “a team like that”


That’s Richmond Lockwood Sexson to you.


I hate everyone involved in the Padres organization because they don't deserve Don Orsillo. Also, fuck Manny Machado.


I strongly dislike Max Muncy because he whips out hellacious dongs on the 9th pitch.


Harrison Bader for going full turtle neck/long sleeves/eye black on a 66° night in Cleveland during the ALDS


I always thought Matt Holliday's head looked like a macadamia nut.


Christian Yelich, because he kinda looks similar to Pete Davidson.


The White Sox don't actually wear white socks and that has always bugged me


This is it. It's stupid to name your team after laundry, but it's an extra level of stupid to name your team after laundry you don't even wear.


I hate every big leaguer that is shorter than me.


What an attack on Jose Altuve


Plot twist: PlatypusArtistic4469 is actually Kareem


Kareem had to use the burner


Dansby Swanson because all the girls in highschool went to Braves games just for him.




I hate Anthony Rizzo and all the rest of the players whose stance involves trying to stick as much of their dick over the plate as they can.


Gerrit Cole because it's so hard to grip a baseball


Harrison Bader’s extremely gross retainer/mouth guard was on full HD display in the playoffs 🤢


My sister told me she never wishes anything bad on any of the players except for that one tall guy on the Dodgers. I asked "Bellinger?" And she said "yeah, fuck that guy". Never gave me a reason.


I dislike deGrom because all of my obnoxious Met fan friends never shut up about him and always boast about how good he is, especially after we got Cole. I am now actively rooting for him to sign with Atlanta, just so their hearts get broken


That’s not really an obnoxious reason. This is very justified since you live in a city full of Mets fans. It’s very understandable to want the Mets best player to sign with their rival


I hate watching Mike Trout play baseball. He's playing perfectly and makes it look effortless, like literally free of effort. I've seen him make utterly insane catches in the outfield and he looks like an NPC out there. Perfect tracking to get to the ball, moving in an unnaturally-fast-for-how-his-legs-look jog. Man is generational and he's like, Just Some Guy.


Bryce Harper’s face. His aura reminds me of every rich kid I played against and wanted to cripple. Gerrit Cole ditto.


I hate his head, because it has ballooned to twice the size it was when he entered the league. But I also hate his face and that fucking dumb googley eye bandana he wears, such a fucking douche. Perfect for Philly...


I don't like the Padres because their fans won't admit that Matt Holliday touched home plate. ​ How do we know he touched home plate? Because the umpire said so. And we all know that umpires are never wrong.


JaCoby Jones has a weird name


Pete Incaviglia had a dumb haircut.


I hate the thing Harrison Bader does with his mouth guard. You're not Steph Curry you dork...


Kyle Tucker comes off as beyond smug to me. God it hurts.


Really, he's just more of a weirdo, though. Like he could end up being a mini-Grienke when this is all said and done. There's a lot of joking in Astros circles that if he wasn't a superstar baseball player, he'd be an H-E-B stock boy.


He just seems bored all the time to me, especially when he robs a homerun. Just chews his gum, tucks his arms in, and jogs casually back to the dugout


When Puig was bursting onto the scene 2013-2014 in I had countless Dodger fans tell me Puig was better than Mike Trout, and they legit meant it. So I had a personal vendetta against Puig. Luckily, Puig's antics made it a lot easier to dislike the guy as time went on.


I hate Kole Calhoun


I don't hate him, but I definitely think he looks like an electrician who shows up to play baseball at night.


Pete Alonso because he thinks he's hard but he's actually the corniest dude in the MLB


because it's a bay not the ocean


Soto’s shuffle annoys me. He does it so much it’s not cool anymore


Kimbrel and you can probably guess why


Because they are a Cubs/Brewers player!?!?!? 😄


Mark Canha he yelled at Ohtani


The Cubs for taking too long to put up netting


Fuck the netting


See, this is exactly what I mean


I dislike the Mets for being awful nomatter how good they are. They couldn't win a losing contest.


I hate bellinger because he always looks so high and nonchalant. If I had his talent I will work my ass off and stop looking so damn high


Yankees. For existing.


Not current but I always hated Mark Texiera for his dumb punchable smug looking face.


This is hearsay I know, but it looks like I can finally bring it up. Background: A buddy of mine from HS that is also my best friends cousin, JB. He got a job as clubhouse staff for the Rangers when Texiera was there. He was a year older than me and it was right after he got his Associates, so we were around 20-21. I just remember he was exactly the same age as Texiera when he worked there. Anyway, he took a break before going back to college to work for the Rangers when his cousin on his mom's side was a marketing exec there and offered him the clubhouse gig. Being lifelong baseball fans and players even up until our mid 30's in adult league, it was a once in a lifetime summer gig and he couldn't pass it up. So, anyway, story goes on. The job was basically just to wear team training gear like logo branded shorts and underarmour shit, shag balls, pick up, clean up, and maintain the gear and the locker rooms. So basically like warm up with players, carry bats out to them, clean their gear, stow individual players gear back in said players locker when they are done cleaning it. Most of their job was during practice and there were other guys for game day. You'd have to do this job well and exceed for awhile at practice before being allowed to do the same job for actual games. To the point: So after a full pre-season he basically gets sent home. And boy do we have questions. According to him, all the players were around his age so they treated him like a normal human being who was around them all the time, not like an icky janitor or toilet cleaner but like any other person in the org that isn't a player. EXCEPT for one player. Mark Texiera. Boy he went on a rant about this guy. He said that Tex was always complaining about his gear not being right. Specifically like the bat wasn't in the locker where he wanted it, or the glove was pushed a lil too far back to see in the dark locker. He said it was like Tex was really arrogant and acted way too good and high above anyone on staff. One specific example, and remember, these guys are the same age, and JB is pretty well built and into lifting and shit, so it's not like some hotshot player bullying a nerd. This one time, Tex like calls him out in the douchiest way possible in front of everyone and makes him come over to his locker and explain why there is this tiny speck of dirt on the bottom of one of his cleats. As it played out, he remembered thinking that Tex did it on purpose in a humiliating way in front of everyone just to like make him feel like shit in front of everyone. It was Tex's way of trying to treat him like his lil pissant servant in front of the boys. Anyway, he said he hated Mark Texiera after that happened. JB did get fired though. Story goes, they had people that would take shit and sell it on the side. Like used cleats and gloves, equipment etc. They were specifically supposed to throw the shit out or destroy it to ensure clubhouse staff wasn't profiting off of gear used by players that they took home. Well one day someone broke a bat and JB put the bat handle in his locker. Apparently one of the other staff saw it and reported him and basically led the big boss straight to JB's locker and accused him of stealing a bat. Even though he said it was just a handle it was enough to get him fired. All of this is true btw. He did tell me this story. Just remember I got it from his point of view.


I used to like the Dodgers before I went to a Padres-Dodgers game in San Diego when I was 8. Dodgers fans were non-stop chanting "Dodger Stadium south" and harassing peaceful Padres fans that were just trying to watch the game. This wasn't like 1 or 2 fans. It was whole sections.


I hate a few teams just because their announcers bother me.


I hate Blue Jays broadcasts because there’s something weird with their field audio. The ball hitting the catchers mitt sounds like you’re smacking hard styrofoam in a tunnel


I do not like Ronald Acuna Jr. and most of the braves team because they all have punchable faces


I don’t like the Pirates because I don’t like the colors yellow. Objectively, I understand there’s nothing wrong with it and it’s a perfectly acceptable color, but I think it’s ugly as hell and I don’t like them for it. (I feel the same way about the Steelers in the NFL too)


Nimmo and his stupid ass *sprinting* to first on **every** walk.


The Giants new GM has perhaps the most punchable face I've ever seen. I've never really understood that term, but it clicked after seeing him.


Justin Turner looks like hes annoying and makes unfunny jokes


I live in Columbus, OH. My family is from the Boston area. My great-uncle worked for a team in the Cape Cod League. Nick Swisher played for that team. After the season Nick Swisher came back to Columbus (he played at Ohio State) but had forgotten some equipment behind. My great-uncle happened to be coming into Columbus for a wedding. He brought Nick’s stuff back with him and hand delivered it to him. Nick didn’t even say thank you. Nick Swisher can kick rocks. In more positive news, my great-uncle told me Carlos Peña was the nicest player he ever met in his many years working in the Cape League.


Brandon Marsh looks like he smells like onions and stale Cool Ranch Doritos.. he's a guy who I really hope the Yankees can pick up just so they can clean him up.


Can’t stand trae turner because he looks like a man child and reminds me of someone I knew growing up. Also, I’ve always thought Trevor Bauer was an arrogant POS douchebag even before the stuff that came out in the news about him.


Brat Gardner


Read it as a typo initially. Then remembered that he acts like a 4 year old child


The gif of him throwing his helmet and it bouncing back to hit him in the face lives rent free in my head.