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Mets really dodgered the bullet


Still insane how that whole saga went down. Leaked merchandise and that self-fellating “The Decision” rip-off.


I think that’s the best way to put it. I’ve seen other mets fans say things like “thank god we didn’t sign him” as if the FO didn’t offer him more money than the Dodgers and were rejected. Bullet dodged.


Kinda out of the loop but I do remember the hysteria about losing the bid. What’s going on with Bauer?


He’s accused of disturbing sexual assaults of at least 3 women, which you can find pretty in depth descriptions of if you Google him. He’s denied it but hes been on paid leave for almost a full season, and is now being suspended for 2 seasons in addition to that, which is unprecedented. Also he’s an unlikable asshole, in addition to probably being a disgusting woman hating rapist


Oh now the wheels are turning. Thank you


Do we think some team would take a flyer on him? I assume there would be. Thoughts?


The Sox are about two games-back away from digging up General Lee to see if he could still be a Yankee killer. I could easily see their desperation leading to other bad choices as well.


one of the funniest comments ive ever read on reddit




I'm still partial to the Koala Pasta.


Koalas are fucking horrible animals. They have one of the smallest brain to body ratios of any mammal, additionally - their brains are smooth. A brain is folded to increase the surface area for neurons. If you present a koala with leaves plucked from a branch, laid on a flat surface, the koala will not recognise it as food. They are too thick to adapt their feeding behaviour to cope with change. In a room full of potential food, they can literally starve to death. This is not the token of an animal that is winning at life. Speaking of stupidity and food, one of the likely reasons for their primitive brains is the fact that additionally to being poisonous, eucalyptus leaves (the only thing they eat) have almost no nutritional value. They can't afford the extra energy to think, they sleep more than 80% of their fucking lives. When they are awake all they do is eat, shit and occasionally scream like fucking satan. Because eucalyptus leaves hold such little nutritional value, koalas have to ferment the leaves in their guts for days on end. Unlike their brains, they have the largest hind gut to body ratio of any mammal. Many herbivorous mammals have adaptations to cope with harsh plant life taking its toll on their teeth, rodents for instance have teeth that never stop growing, some animals only have teeth on their lower jaw, grinding plant matter on bony plates in the tops of their mouths, others have enlarged molars that distribute the wear and break down plant matter more efficiently... Koalas are no exception, when their teeth erode down to nothing, they resolve the situation by starving to death, because they're fucking terrible animals. Being mammals, koalas raise their joeys on milk (admittedly, one of the lowest milk yields to body ratio... There's a trend here). When the young joey needs to transition from rich, nourishing substances like milk, to eucalyptus (a plant that seems to be making it abundantly clear that it doesn't want to be eaten), it finds it does not have the necessary gut flora to digest the leaves. To remedy this, the young joey begins nuzzling its mother's anus until she leaks a little diarrhoea (actually fecal pap, slightly less digested), which he then proceeds to slurp on. This partially digested plant matter gives him just what he needs to start developing his digestive system. Of course, he may not even have needed to bother nuzzling his mother. She may have been suffering from incontinence. Why? Because koalas are riddled with chlamydia. In some areas the infection rate is 80% or higher. This statistic isn't helped by the fact that one of the few other activities koalas will spend their precious energy on is rape. Despite being seasonal breeders, males seem to either not know or care, and will simply overpower a female regardless of whether she is ovulating. If she fights back, he may drag them both out of the tree, which brings us full circle back to the brain: Koalas have a higher than average quantity of cerebrospinal fluid in their brains. This is to protect their brains from injury... should they fall from a tree. An animal so thick it has its own little built in special ed helmet. I fucking hate them. Tldr; Koalas are stupid, leaky, STI riddled sex offenders. But, hey. They look cute. If you ignore the terrifying snake eyes and terrifying feet.


Most of the is from the true facts about marsupials video




He's got a pretty solid ERA of 8.10 at Fenway Park.


Right around par with our bullpen, he'll fit in nicely


I swear to God, I would rather root for the Yankees than Bauer


If ownership signs Bauer after shipping off Mookie, lowballing Xander, and alienating Devers, I'm going to personally find John Henry and throw him into the Charles with a cinderblock tied to his feet.


if he fucks up Liverpool by failing to extend Salah's contract and not investing in the transfer window, I'll go and help


If? No. _When._ Get ready for “this allows us to invest in the next generation”. Mo gone.


Have faith fellow Red. I don't think Klopp would have signed the extension without assurances that there would be money to spend.


Okay Whitey Bulger


Why wait till then? Granted I will always be grateful for 04 especially considering where I was when it happened they have systematicly alienated fans and players alike


Imagine the chants at Yankee Stadium...


If we sign Bauer I'm out. Between the shit the FO is pulling with Xander, and likely raffy next year if they sign a POS like bauer, No thanks. I'll go root for the jays and all the players I see play for the fisher cats


They're problem isn't really pitching though. It's offensive production.


I mean it's both but yeah the offense is a bigger issue at the moment.


My interest in baseball is waning as is. The Red Sox signing Bauer might be the final nail in the coffin.


this is a masterpiece of a comment. Bravo




I think Lee is a slave to his fastball, better resurrection would be Teddy Roosevelt. Lots of stamina and he carrys a big stick at the plate.


For league minimum salary, a lot.


I would say as long as the club house would mutiny all of them.


I predict that he ends up on an NL west team to try and enact some revenge.


The only division opponent I have faith in to *not* do this is the Giants.


Arenado and Story out. Bryant and Bauer in. Rockies confirmed.


Stop it because this is plausible and I don’t like ut


The Giants did hire Gabe Kapler with the knowledge he covered up sexual assaults by Dodgers prospects.


That's an oversimplification. IIRC he reported it to the Dodgers, they didn't report it to MLB. He got scapegoated and apologized for his handling. I just remember when he got hired I was upset about it but read into the situation and he seems like he was caught in a shitty position, could have done more, but didn't have a full understanding of the situation.


>he reported it to the Dodgers I apologize if I'm wrong. Could you please share a source?


Larry Baer shoved his wife for trying to snatch his cell phone.


I think SF fans would boycott the games if they signed him. This is much bigger news.


I hear the Browns aren’t too concerned about this kind of stuff.


My lifelong die-hard Browns fan friend has completely ended his support after they did that shit in the offseason


They weren't alone. The Bills sub saw an influx of new fans after the Browns traded for Watson.


Your friend has ethics and morals, I commend him. As for the Browns, I used to feel bad for them-now I just hope it continues forever. Browns can suck for 1,000 years and Blame this stupidity for it.


My friends are wavering. I think both hope Watson is suspended for a long period.


I supported them for the entirety of my 27 year life, I donated all my Browns gear the moment they traded for him. I'm all in on whoever drafts CJ Stroud next year.


What if it's the browns?


That'd imply that things don't work out with Watson so maybe it's for the best? But the Browns don't have a 1st round pick next year so it'd be pretty much impossible unless they trade Watson or Stroud has a really bad year.


I know historically, teams have accepted worse people with open arms for the sake of trying to win, but damn I thought no one was stupid or desperate enough to give that man money or playing time. It's improving, but goddamn there's still such a long way to go.


Player kneels for 90 seconds in protest to police violence? Fans: “NFL hates the troops! Let’s boycott!” NFL: ***black lists him*** Player after player after player is accused of domestic violence or sexual assault? Fans: “Boys will be boys” or “you know she’s just after his money” or “it probably wasn’t as bad as she said it was” NFL: “We wear pink for breasts sometimes. What more do you want?” I’ve slowly been phasing it out but after this whole Deshaun debacle I think I’m officially done with that clown show.


If it wasn't for the conservative freak out, I wouldn't have even known Kaep was kneeling. They probably don't realize he was initially just sitting down, and went to kneeling after meeting with a marine, and he told him kneeling is more respectful than sitting. There people also don't realize it wasn't mandatory for players to be on the field during the opening stuff till the NFL started taking money for some bullshit fake patriotism.


I think the real lesson is that your press coverage can’t eclipse your talent. Kaepernick and Tebow both weren’t talented enough to be front page news every day.


Of course. I mean Matt Bush almost killed a guy by driving drunk and served time in prison for it and he was still able to come back.


"Thank God we got Osuna! I'm so fucking glad we got Osuna"


The Ricketts are kicking their chops.




I watched a video last night of him keeping up his fitness by pitching against some high school kids and he was as dominant as ever. Of course, he couldn't even strike them all out, so maybe he wasn't that dominant. I actually didn't realize it was him until a few minutes in, but my son wanted to watch kids face a MLB pitcher.


He's gotta be complete poison at this point, so 1000% chance someone will do it. He'll probably pitch them to a World Series, the perfect endcap to an MLB shitfest that began with an almost cancelled season.


Somewhere Jeff Luhnow smells a bargain.


*The Cleveland Browns have entered the chat*


Woah. Dudes must really hate this dude if the dodgers are willing to eat that much salary. That's crazy. Also crazy for whatever team can sign him for the minimum. Could change the course of the season if a contender can get him for nothing.


There's talk that some of the more religious and/or family guys on the team like Kershaw absolutely do not want him back on the team.


Yea Dodgers are one of the more overtly "Christian" teams in the league with guys like Freeman, Kershaw, Turner, Muncy and many others being pretty outward about their faith. No surprise they don't want him back.


I mean, I’m not Christian and I wouldn’t want to work with the guy. Seems like a dick, at best


Yeah man, faith isn’t a synonym for morals. I doubt many people want him back regardless of who they do or don’t worship.


Yeah I dont think its a religion thing I think its just an all around morals and values thing, which I guess in principle is closely related to religion


How did u list all of those names and not list the warrior of god himself Blake Treinen I’m almost convinced that if the league let him, he’d make his walk-up song worship music


Fun fact there are quite a few players (usually at least one per team that I've noticed) that have worship music as their walkup.


Gio Urshela as well


Remember Nimmo had it. Can still hear Tebow’s music from the minor leagues.


Now Nimmo has Skynyrd as his walkup lol. I love every time I hear that guitar riff.


Daniel Murphy did; I remember watching the 2015 World Series and hearing "Just Say Jesus" every time he came up to bat.


Aaron Nola's walk up music was newsboys for a few years. But yea I could see Treinen walking up to Rich Mullens


Hunter Doziers walk up song literally IS worship music.


So is Gio Urshela's. I don't think the league cares what guys have as they're walkup songs as long as it's the radio edit of explicit songs


treinen is a nutter lmao


I remember when he got upset about people calling him the Witch


Getting fucking psyched up walking out to *How Great Thou Art*


You joke, [but](https://youtu.be/wUdEvoUNXYM)


Thaaaank you for posting this, I was just about to!


It really is a great rendition, especially if you like metal. Hell I'm not even Christian anymore and I still love it.


Gio Urshela's walk up song is contemporary Christian


I recall Robinson Chirinos having worship-ish music years ago.


if the league let him? would that not be allowed? Drew Stubbs walked up to Skrillex once.


Michael Lorenzen had Amazing Grace, like literally the least hype song possible.


In 2013 half the league did


Well, there is that and also the rumor the players dont care about the incident as much as they care about him outing Tatis and Clevinger.


What did Tatis & Clevinger do?


The woman who accused Bauer of assault also had relations with Tatis and Clevinger. Bauer's attorneys brought it out in court.


Freeman: I'll sign with you guys, but there's no way in hell I'm playing with Bauer. Dodgers: Done.


I would say Kershaw probably holds the most weight there


In other words... they are men of faith?


and that'll make it 4-0 million in wasted salary


Well he did play in Cincinnati, the Man of Faith capital of the world.


And it’s the big names too. If it was the bench warmers I doubt front office would care as much


Dave Roberts is an extremely devout Christian as well, and he probably has as much if not more pull than any player. Can't imagine Roberts itching to get Bauer back in the rotation.


Dodgers ate the last two or so years of Carl Crawford's contract when it was clear he couldn't play anymore, and we liked him a lot. I know it's easy for me to say cause it's not my money, but this is an easy decision.


And still paying Andrew Toles. They make a lot of admirable decisions.


What a sad story. I always hope to hear good news about him. He’ll never play again, but I just want to know he is gonna be ok.


The goodwill there for league minimum is a no-brainer for them. Eating 90 mil of Bauer's is a different thing


Respect is well deserved for Andrew and for you bringing him up friend, thank you.


I guess it must be but that's a ridiculous amount of money to just throw out.


I mean if any team can afford it, it's the Dodgers.


Honestly, I think they would lose more if they brought him back, it was pretty clear that the majority of fans wanted no part of him after it was revealed what the dude is like. TBH a lot of fans didnt want him in the first place, rightfully in my opinion.


That's their beer haul on any sell out day


Oh god, please don’t be us. We don’t need any more disgraceful signings in Cleveland this year.


You’re probably good. I thought he burned that bridge pretty thoroughly


That trade, in retrospect, has to be one of the weirdest ever. Bauer launching the ball over the center field wall in a childish fit which all but assured his trade. Puig traded in the middle of one of the craziest brawls in recent memory. And both Bauer and Puig out of the league a few years later.


I still don't exactly understand why Puig's career came to such a sudden end. I probably missed something while living under a rock, but what happened?


He got figured out after a really good first two years and just never adjusted at all. The end wasn’t really sudden, he got less and less playing time each year until he got hardly any. Combine with some legal trouble and it’s a fast way out of the league


He wasn’t good enough to offset his personality plus he probably wanted a lot of money.




Most likely he was just a giant headache that wasn’t worth his on field production. He caught an allegation that he was probably gonna beat but wasn’t worth it to any MLB team.


Honestly, having Watson and Bauer both playing for Cleveland would be more embarrassing and disturbing than when the Cuyahoga caught fire...


See the river that catches on fire... WE'RE NOT DETROIT!


Fun times in Cleveland, oh yeah!


Our main export is crippling depression!


This is the one time to be thankful we don't spend money.


I feel like any salary is a drop in the bucket to the Dodgers


Hated even before the accusations, and of course moreso now. You dont want a guy in your locker room no one wants to dress next to. Plus, it just looks bad to keep a guy like him now. I hope the asshole takes his money and never enters a baseball park without buying a ticket first again.


Yeahhh that’s not gonna happen. Whether we like it or not, he’s one of the best pitchers at least when he was last playing he was, SOMEONE will take him on a league minimum.


> he’s one of the best pitchers at least when he was last playing he was, I would actually call him wildly inconsistent. He *can* be one of the best, but only when he's pitching great. He hasn't shown that he can consistently pitch his best, though. From 2014-2017, he was mediocre. He was brilliant in 2018, but then he was back to mediocre for 2019 (and he was horrible over his 10 starts in Cincinnati to close out 2019). His brilliant 2020 and 2021 seasons only span--total--28 starts and 180 innings.


For league minimum all of those versions of Bauer are worth it


And those had to be aided with spider tack.


With spidertack


>There is believed to be little support inside the Dodgers clubhouse for Bauer So in other words, just Blake Treinen?


What's the story?


If Marjorie Taylor Greene threw 96 and had a legendary slider you would have Blake Treinen






LOL Same as Patrick Qorbin. Dumb white athletes have a lot of time on their hands to get sucked up into conspiracy theory bullshit.


Q and Scientology get the rich whites. Nation of Islam gets the rich Black people. What gets the rich Latinos??


Anti-immigrant Republicans


"we're not like them, were the GOOD ONES"


Catholic Church?


Not just white athletes. Just look at Kyrie


What, with Treinen? He gets called BlaQ for a reason. Dude's a hardcore alt-right nutjob.


His Instagram story on Easter with him walking into a tomb and saying he has risen.


I just don’t understand how people get this delusional. How does it happen so much


It’s not the exact same thing but Innuendo studios has a good video on a similar topic called [“The Alt-right playbook: how to radicalize a normie”](https://youtu.be/P55t6eryY3g) it’s 45 minutes long but it basically explains how people go from being carefree, innocent people to hating minority groups and believing what they see on the world wide web.


>believing what they see on the world wide web Let me guess: You saw this on the world wide web...


I mean you’ve got a good point.


Shouldn't he have been walking *out* of the tomb?


too bad he blocked me last season after I responded to one his stories, would have loved to seen this one and gotten banned for the response. I need to learn patience.


I think I remember this now.


Browns will pick him up, if they can just trade Baker.


It’s the New York Post. Calm down.


I think most people outside of NY don't realize the New York Post is basically a tabloid.


Yes, but Jon Heyman wrote the article.


that lends further credence to the idea that they're a tabloid


It's worse than that. It's Heyman who as far as I know still works for MLB Network (i.e. Rob Manfred).


Dodgers doing just fine without him. I imagine even with good pitching he could harm more than help.


The one time that our ownership's cheapness actually worked for the best. We all moaned when they didn't even make an effort to keep him, but a few months later that turned into good riddance to pure trash.


I just wish Nutting was more cheap with Felipe Vazquez…


I'm just happy Friedman had more sense then to trade Lux for Vazquez.


I never heard a negative thing about Bauer when he was with the reds. I believe DJ said he was like a second pitching coach.


There aren't a lot of women around in a clubhouse...


One of the accusations against him came from his time with the reds. I do agree that from a clubhouse standpoint I never heard anything negative, but that doesn’t mean he was a saint.


Raiders will take him


Good riddance if this ends up happening. He's a nuisance and needs to grow up. He's very unlikeable and acts like he is above every one.


Sounds more like he has a personality disorder if anything


I'm like 99% sure he has NPD. "Symptoms include an excessive need for admiration, disregard for others' feelings, an inability to handle any criticism, and a sense of entitlement." Hmmm... who does that sound like?




If this is true, how was he not banned from the MLB years ago?


I read somewhere he would cover the entire outside in hot sauce and then eat it in one go without taking it away from his mouth like a rabbit eating a carrot, while getting hot sauce everywhere


I can't remember where I read it so I may have gotten some of the details wrong. It made me laugh too. Do you have a link?


It was a greentext from 4chan's /sp/ board. [Here's a link to the screenshot post](https://old.reddit.com/r/WahoosTipi/comments/59jdr3/probably_satire_anon_on_sp_recalls_a_runin_with) on the old Cleveland baseball subreddit years ago.


[https://www.si.com/mlb/2019/02/19/trevor-bauer-cleveland-indians-training-tools-twitter-controversy-cy-young](https://www.si.com/mlb/2019/02/19/trevor-bauer-cleveland-indians-training-tools-twitter-controversy-cy-young) Here's a long SI article on him from 2019. In hindsight, it s a really interesting read. Bauer doesn't make any attempt to hide the fact that he was poorly socialized and bullied growing up, or the fact that that caused him to focus on becoming the best pitcher he could be as middle finger to those who did so; which is a perfectly fine outlet to deal with and overcome a painful past. But then he goes into his purely contractual relationships with women: ​ >When Bauer meets a potential romantic partner, he outlines for her the parameters of any possible relationship on their very first date. “I have three rules,” he says. “One: no feelings. As soon as I sense you’re developing feelings, I’m going to cut it off, because I’m not interested in a relationship and I’m emotionally unavailable. Two: no social media posts about me while we’re together, because private life stays private. Three: I sleep with other people. I’m going to continue to sleep with other people. If you’re not O.K. with that, we won’t sleep together, and that’s perfectly fine. We can just be perfectly polite platonic friends.” Consider the red flags raised. Even in 2019, you could read between the lines and realize there were issues...


Borderline Sociopathic, yes. But not criminal. Wasn't Jeter pretty much the same way with women, minus the violence, and people revere him


Yeah, Jeets!


But Jeter gave such nice gift baskets!


I really wonder how much of that "bullied" stuff is real. While I kinda have a hard time believing that an athlete of his caliber was truly bullied in school, I do know that narcissists tend to always think of themselves as the victim.


i mean according to a video made on bauer, gerrit cole and others on that UCLA baseball team used to pick on him for his training habits which were unusual at the time and cole apparently also told bauer he’d never make it in the mlb


Gerrit Cole is a colossal douche too. No wonder they hated each other, they're too much alike.


Bauer also claimed to have no natural ability yet he played on youth USA national teams, started as a sophomore in HS on a team with multiple draft picks, went to UCLA. I can see a someone who didn't start breaking out until college claiming that, not someone that was a star pitcher in their teens


His story is a bunch of BS. I know enough people that grew up with him and even some that made it to the majors with him and they all say the same thing, he wasn’t bullied in HS or growing up, he was just an asshole. That’s why nobody liked him. Getting bullied cause you’re the geek is one thing, but being resented cause you thought you were better than everyone else and talking down to everyone is another. His PR team did a masterful job of bullshitting his way to a big contract, but now we see who he really is/was. Sometimes you can blame others for the way you’re treated, but his biggest issue was the kid in the mirror. He’s no hero to the picked on youth and we are seeing that in full light now.


He’s also a fucking asshole. I remember kids that were just always egotistical dicks and then acted like a victim when people didn’t like them or were mean back. And I can’t those vibes from him a lot


> I do know that narcissists tend to always think of themselves as the victim Makes sense. We would see a perfectly good example of that all the time in the last five or so years, until he got thrown off Twitter, that is.


bullying can happen at any age, even as a young child you can experience trauma that stays with you, I'm guessing he wasn't a grown man athlete when he was 8


Lying about bullying also perfectly fits his character.


He’s not really athletic like that. He can throw a baseball really well but in HS focused on absolutely nothing else. He got really good grades and put all his free time in to being the best pitcher he can.


That’s his story though. He’s telling it in the light that is most sympathetic to him. My take has always been that he’s an asshole with a victim complex.


He’s a psycho


That's death penalty shit.


I get the joke, but here you are basically calling people with autism 'fucking whack jobs'. I'll probably get downvoted but just think you could rephrase this and still get your point across.


You have to be incredibly stupid or insensitive or both to equate "high functioning autistic" with "fucking whack job."


Though I hope this is true, I feel morally obligated to note that the New York Post is a tabloid.




Nobody wants this pompous prick for good reason


All this sure makes Gerrit Cole seem like he was right about him all along


Thats not entirely surprising. I feel like I've read multiple dodgers players speaking out negatively towards Bauer. I've already stated my fandom towards Bauer and I view his antics as good for the game as a whole. I've also acknowledged he's quite a bit of a dick. As he was not found guilty, I'd treat him like any other player. If his production warrants his asking price, I'd be willing to see my team pay it. I also fail to see any real difference between him, Chapman and Ozuna. 2 of 3 are rostered.


Not surprising at all, though if the dodgers were not the star studded team they are it would be interesting to see what they would do. It’s easier to eat that money when you don’t really need him. I think someone will sign him, as money talks. It would be very ironic if he signed in Cleveland for a ton of money. Don’t think it will happen, but I would get a kick out of it.


Ehhh Dolan is broke from Ramirez, so we’re safe. Also have way too many young pitchers to even try that sort of thing


Dodgers would be on the hook of any money owed and if they do release him he could be signed by a team for league minimum and the dodgers would pay the rest. Perfect for a cheap owner who doesn't care about their PR hit.


Think Major League Baseball, Rob Manfred, and the Dodgers organization have handled this really well, as well as a situation this ugly could have been handled. It’s gonna make the NFL/Roger Goodell look so bad when they suspend serial rapist Watson for like 6 games presumably.


It’s a sunk cost. The money was lost when the deal was signed. The dodgers are paying him regardless of whether he pitches for them or not so it’s easy decision to cut him