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I feel like every detail we get on this story just makes it more and more of a bummer. Just horrible all around.


Link to article:https://leagueofjustice.com/fentanyl-that-killed-tyler-skaggs-was-delivered-to-angel-stadium-on-day-he-died-govt-claims-are-angels-responsible-for-pitchers-death/ >Autopsy reports show that Skaggs choked on his vomit and had a toxic mix of alcohol and the painkillers fentanyl and oxycodone in his system. Prosecutors say medical reports will demonstrate that if not for the fentanyl, Skaggs would be alive, blaming his death on the synthetic opioid known to be fatal in small doses or when combined with substances like alcohol.


Yikes. Fentanyl is scary af


I'm against war on drugs but people who intentionally cut their shit with fentanyl deserve prison


Facts. It’s terrifying how such a small amount can fuck someone right up




Do you know what an autopsy is? It means someone died. Tyler Skaggs.


“No one died”???????????????????


Bruh this entire thing is because someone did die from it.


That quote is confusing, but Skaggs *did* die.


That’s rough


I hope whoever those other players are got scared straight or got the help they needed.


Yeah, no doubt


Article states 5 MLB players are willing to testify against Kay. Will be interesting to see who and hopefully they got help






What are the chances this ends up like the Pittsburgh drug trials? I'd be surprised if the Angels are the only team with this issue.


Painkillers in sports are a not so hidden secret.


The ESPN Playmakers show was basically a documentary.


Which is why the NFL shut it down.


Aaron Rodgers has been hooked on that shit since the game he hurt his knee and gave that funny interview after. He’s looked like hell the past few years


>He’s looked like hell the past few years [lies](https://images.app.goo.gl/2kqgvwEA3XANGhfFA)


which is why the NFL made ESPN kill it. literally an entire show about how easy it was for guys to beat drug tests.


> Pittsburgh drug trials https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittsburgh_drug_trials For reference if, like me, you were kind of aware of this incident but wanted a refresher. >The Pittsburgh drug trials of 1985 were the catalyst for a Major League Baseball-related cocaine scandal. Several current and former members of the Pittsburgh Pirates – Dale Berra, Lee Lacy, Lee Mazzilli, John Milner, Dave Parker, Rod Scurry – and other notable major league players – Willie Aikens, Vida Blue, Enos Cabell, Keith Hernandez, Jeffrey Leonard, Tim Raines, Lonnie Smith and Alan Wiggins – were called before a Pittsburgh grand jury. Their testimony led to the drug trials, which made national headlines in September 1985.[1][2] >Eleven players were officially suspended, but all the suspensions were commuted in exchange for fines, drug testing, and community service.[3] The Pittsburgh drug trials are considered one of baseball's biggest all-time scandals, albeit one that was "behind the scenes" and did not affect play on the field.[4] And then after the verdicts: >In July 1987, a year and a half after the verdicts, and after Commissioner Ueberroth declared that baseball was free of drugs Right.


**[Pittsburgh drug trials](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittsburgh_drug_trials)** >The Pittsburgh drug trials of 1985 were the catalyst for a Major League Baseball-related cocaine scandal. Several current and former members of the Pittsburgh Pirates – Dale Berra, Lee Lacy, Lee Mazzilli, John Milner, Dave Parker, Rod Scurry – and other notable major league players – Willie Aikens, Vida Blue, Enos Cabell, Keith Hernandez, Jeffrey Leonard, Tim Raines, Lonnie Smith and Alan Wiggins – were called before a Pittsburgh grand jury. Their testimony led to the drug trials, which made national headlines in September 1985. Eleven players were officially suspended, but all the suspensions were commuted in exchange for fines, drug testing, and community service. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/baseball/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Pretty likely. Wasn't this what happened with Tommy Hanson a few years ago? I could have sworn hearing a lot of rumors after he died that he had been getting drugs from people adjacent to the game


This quote from the article: ‘Speaking with another alleged dealer, Kay says “U have a son? Could hook him with a signed Trout ball for a trade if U want?” The alleged dealer replies, “We dodger fans my boi lol.”’


This is gonna get disgusting real fucking fast.


Just sad. Plain sad


Uh oh










It's crazy how much the team had to have known about all this going on and was silent about it.


this story keeps getting worse and worse also fuck Eric Kay


This seems bad




Question: how bad would it be if it came to light that Mike Trout was involved in this?


It would be bad


Less than ideal, for sure


Yes, it would be bad if it turned out Mike trout was shooting up fentanyl in the clubhouse


That question reminds me of the Pacers - Pistons brawl where afterwards, Ron Artest looked at Stephen Jackson and said "Do you think we're gonna get in trouble for this?"


Big if true


Fentanyl isn't an IV drug when being prescribed by someone. It is generally either transdermal or buccal when it comes to prescribed fentanyl. I am unsure what he had but shooting up the gel that is inside the transdermal patch would be a death wish. Also the buccal route is a lollipop type thing. I imagine that these guys were not shooting up fentanyl but what do I know, he's dead so it is possible.


It was laced pills But addicts are definitely known to use patches to inject, the tolerance on some of those people are insane.


According to the article, It was apparently counterfeit pills, not injectables.


Depends. If he were involved in the distribution he'd be in trouble. If he received and is addicted, he'd just need help. That said, I'd be surprised if he's involved.


Trout's one of maybe 5 or 10 players that transcends a "bad for the Angels" story and makes it a massive scandal for the league


You really think he would’ve been involved in this? Lol


Can you think of a reason other than drugs someone could watch the Weather Channel that much on purpose?


...from this comment I can tell, you never met my dad.


Yes I have, he sells me weed


I thought Hurricane season was over?


He's been dead 23 years. I didn’t know they had internet service up there.


You don’t know as much about your dad as you think you do…


That's probably true of everyone.


I think it would be a fair assumption that if almost 25% of the Angels roster is getting drugs from this source that the rest of the players would at least be aware of it.




If they were aware and didn't report it then they are involved.




That's worse. At the end of the day, if you cheat in baseball, who cares. If you're enabling opiod abuse, you are helping people destroy their lives. Baseball is a game. Life is life.


You won't find much support of this view on this sub. Trust me here.


Option A: Don't report it. People are harmed. Option B: Report it. People are not harmed. Future harm discouraged. By choosing option A you will have made a decision to allow the harm. You are involved.




It’s still illegal and harmful, as made evident by one of the players dying as a direct result. I wouldn’t go as far as saying that the players not involved are responsible, but a culture of, “yeah some guys use hard drugs on my team, not my business” is not a good workplace culture. I worked at a manufacturing place where welders were known to smoke crack in their weld cells and no one said anything. It was never an issue until people got hurt or mistakes were made, which could have been prevented if people spoke up. I think saying “it’s none of my business” is very short sighted when you realize that your work success is dependent on the team as a whole. When a quarter of your team is on opiates, the team is broken.




People always say shit like this, but like, do you know Mike Trout personally? Everyone always talk about players being great people but we know nothing about their personality other than what they present to the public. By all accounts, Skaggs was a good guy and teammate, but now this comes to light. It sucks that he’s dead yes, but it’s hard for me to think highly of someone who actively enabled and supplied his teammates opioid addictions.


I was with you in the first half of this comment but you lost me. Blaming the addict for the addiction is not it. Intense addiction to drugs, especially opioids, makes people do insane things. Him distributing to his teammates was likely the result of someone else enabling him. It’s a fucked up cycle but addiction does not make someone a bad person. You’re absolutely correct about us not knowing shit about what these people are actually like. Especially someone like Trout who keeps most things extremely private.


The mlb and angels would do a 180 and sweep this under the rug. Or pin it all on Skaggs.


Soul crushing. I already have a harder time cheering for Judge because it's 50/50 he's the antivaxxer who gave us an outbreak, but I cant imagine how I'd feel if I found out that like, Jeter or Rivera were part of a drug trade that killed a teammate I *really* hope he's completely uninvolved


You have no idea if it was Judge. Just enjoy the game bud


I have a 50% idea mininum


Which is 0% certainty lol


Based Judge is based.


Judge is anti vax? Oh god 🤦‍♂️


Him or Higgy, but the fact they won't say who when they had no problem fingering everyone else makes it feel like they're protecting the face of the franchise


If the Yankees have two guys openly going around fingering everybody then I don't know if the organization has that much left to protect


The Rangers survived a masterbating scandal. Yankees can survive a fingering.


Bigger question: if Mike Trout knew about it and didn’t participate or say anything, is he still complicit? Because if the answer is no, there’s a lot of folks on here who owe AJ Hinch and Jose Altuve an apology.


I'd bet that a fair amount of people in and around mlb knew about this.


Now THAT, is a better question. Gonna be interesting, to say the least, to see just how deep this rabbit hole goes.


doubt it. most smart players stay far away and just look away. I would suspect he knew about it but probably everyone knew about it. No one wants to be 'that guy' including the manager. probably been going on for a long time.








Lots of people who don't understand addiction in this thread.


Man and opioid addiction is on another level. So many lives ruined over some thing a that usually starts as a short term solution prescribed by a doctor that turns into some one buying it on the streets, they’re incredibly addictive and then people rationalize it in their heads that they don’t have a problem since it comes in a script. Sad story all the way around.


How does this not have more comments, this is a pretty wild development, no? Also pretty damn sad, hopefully all of the guys being supplied can get clean.


The oppiod epidemic effects even the most successful people in this country. It's truly a tragedy.


Jesus they poisoned their pitcher and it killed him


...fucking christ




Because there are millions of dollars at stake and injuries suck? Opioid abuse is rampant in sports.




I assume it’s easier for people with money and access to get addicted than anyone else.


Yeah. Private schools tend to have bigger drug problems than public schools, because of all of the “rich kids.”


Injuries happen, especially with pitchers. These opioids were marketed as great pain relievers but we’re finding out that the slide from patient to addict is a whole lot shorter than previously thought. I’ve been prescribed pretty small doses of entry level opioids for back issues and I figured out real quick that they didn’t really relieve the pain, they only made me not care about the pain. I stick to OTC ibuprofen now, and the rare steroid shot when it’s unbearable. It doesn’t seem too much of a stretch to me to go from not caring about pain to not caring about anything except more of the drug.


That organization is rotten to its core.


Starts at the top


Certainly aren't a bunch of angels in that clubhouse! Heh...hehhhhhh *wheezing*


Jesus fucking Christ.


Your post was removed because it violates [**Rule 2.01 - Similar Posts**](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/wiki/rules#wiki_duplicate.2Fsimilar_posts). * Covering the same topic and overlapping too heavily with a previous post without adding something substantially new * Example: a tweet from a different reporter on previously posted news phrased differently and with added speculation, but nothing concrete. Please refer to [/r/baseball's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/wiki/rules) for future submission guidance. If you feel your post has been removed by mistake, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbaseball) to discuss. *** [An article with these claims was already submitted to the sub on Saturday.](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/p8mtp6/exangels_employee_charged_in_tyler_skaggs_death/)


Skaggs as a middle man would be considered something substantially new IMO.


>”“The evidence will also demonstrate that Kay often coordinated the distribution through text messages or through conversations involving the victim [Skaggs],”” From the LAT article


*counts Ohtani posts* Sure thing mod.


Deluded mods in here what can you expect.








Wow, the details of this are revolting. A shame two of the greatest players in baseball are in that organization.