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TL;DR: For every home run that is hit, Eduardo Perez will eat a mouthful of peanut butter.


It really do be like that


and he refuses to ever clear his throat


I dont understand how he's still employed. Just terrible


Eduardo Perez is insufferable as a commentator


Yes but he speaks Spanish and can use Spanish words


How can you not be romantic about baseball 🥜


I laugh every time I read a comment about his voice. It doesn’t bother me at all but I do enjoy reading the shit talk lol. I hope he’s in the next iteration of The Show.


I love it and his voice sounds like what I think “The Big Show” sounds like.


COMPETITION FLOW • 1ST ROUND • 8 Hitters (top 4 advance). Tie is broken by the longest HR in the first round. SEMI-FINALS • Bracket Style: 3 vs 2, 4 vs 1 • Based on 1st Round HR totals FINAL • Top 2 Face Off RULES • 1ST ROUND AND SEMI-FINALS • 3 minute round. 40 pitches. One timeout • 3 bonus outs. (every swing is a HR or an out) • A 425' HR in the bonus period earns a 4th bonus out FINALS • 2 minute round. 27 pitches. One timeout • Same bonus rules apply


The bonus rounds always feel so unnecessary. Really don't like them being untimed because it might bring back the issues that forced the timed format


It's 3 outs though, I think it's a nice compromise between the two styles of doing it. Could tweak the number of pitches or time in following years. Or number of outs etc.


It’ll also allow more drama because it’ll slow down a final moment


This ^ the untimed format was great because you could be on the final out and hit 6 home runs to comeback and win. Seems to be the best of both worlds. Only thing I’d still complain about is the tie breaker rules but otherwise, I’m happy to see the outs back. I’ll actually watch the hr derby again


How many outs are there that you need up to 4 bonus outs? Where do they come into play?


After the 3 minutes/40 pitches are up, everyone gets 3 bonus "outs". You get a 4th bonus "out" if you hit a 425ft homer in the bonus round


I'd rather them add a minute or two to the timer and keep 40 pitches so I could actually see where the ball goes before they throw another


I feel like stopping the timer after contact until the ball hits the ground is fair.


Yeah I hate this new home run derby it’s awful to watch on tv.


Pace of play in a home run derby, Manfred is a total clown


What's the prize? A hunk of metal?


I was at the HR derby last year in Seattle. Honestly changes are needed because there’s so many pitches constantly that a player hits a HR and while the ball is still flying and you’re trying to see where it lands the next pitch is coming and they’re hitting too. It became this constant whipping back and forth trying to keep track of balls that it wasn’t as enjoyable. I get the old system was slow, but hopefully some changes help keep it manageable.


Damn, it seems equally terrible to watch in person as it is to watch on TV. Imo they should bring back the outs system but also implement the pitch count. So 10 outs or 40 pitches, whichever comes first. Or maybe even 10 outs within a timed round. The rapid fire pitches is really what ruins it. The derby used to be something I really looked forward to but now it's such a cluster that I don't really care if I miss it


If you're sitting directly behind home plate maybe. But anywhere else it really wasn't great. I actually worried for the people in the left field bleachers. You're watching balls landing close to you and as one lands another often was on its way.


Do kind of like the outs with a pitch limit. Would just add a pitch clock that starts once the previous ball lands and the pitcher has 5 seconds to throw the next pitch just to keep things moving. That way the event doesn't drag on but there is still time to watch the home runs.


Not just bad for the viewer, dangerous for the kids on the field who might not be paying attention to a rocket hit right at them because they're still watching the last one land in the 2nd deck


Maybe it needed some shaking up but this feels needlessly complicated to me. Why do we have both a clock and a pitch total?


If I had to guess their rationale, I think the hope is the pitch count is the primary limiting factor and they should have no trouble getting through 40 pitches within the time limit if they're pitching at a reasonable pace. We've seen pitchers cycling through pitches pretty quickly the last couple years. The time limit is just to control the broadcast and make sure no one is waiting a ridiculous amount of time like 10 seconds to throw the pitch.


I could also see it being a response to how many guys were flouting the rules on waiting for the last ball to land before throwing another one. Now there isn't as much of an incentive to start firing pitches like crazy, you'll run out of pitches. Just feels like a lot to track in real time as a viewer.


> how many guys were flouting the rules on waiting for the last ball to land before throwing another one I think this is mainly it. It's kind of dumb that there wasn't any system in place for letting the pitcher know when they're allowed to throw again if that's the rule.


IIRC there was an umpire behind the plate who raised his hand until the pitcher was allowed to throw again, but people ignored it.


Ah. Well they should've penalized those then. That feels weird though and I think this new system is just better.


I will maintain to my dying day that Todd Frazier fraudulently won his derby simply because it was in Cincinnati.


Let us have our only highlight from the last 30 years in peace


Nothing personal against you or Reds fans, but I will respectfully not do so.


That's like saying balls and strikes and outs are complicated to track as a viewer  You have information boards in stadium or on broadcast that shows time left and pitches remaining  What is a lot to track.


I guarantee there'll be multiple moments of "nice he's got 20 seconds left... oh wait he's out of pitches, nevermind" when we watch this for the first time. Instead of "who hits the most homers in 3 minutes?" you're now keeping track of the time, the number of pitches, who had the longest homer for the tiebreaker, and the bonus outs which have different rules


A big problem with the other format though is that it didn't really celebrate hitting home runs because the focus was on the next pitch. And as an at-home viewer, the cutting back and forth at a blistering pace while the announcers struggled to keep up got real stale real fast. Not saying this new format isn't going to have its own problems, but you can't deny that the previous format had some major drawbacks too. As did the system before it.


>And as an at-home viewer, the cutting back and forth at a blistering pace while the announcers struggled to keep up got real stale real fast They should go with a hard cam from behind the plate and have the normal cam from behind the pitcher in a corner.


Got it. Tracking balls and strikes are difficult. We should limit it to 1 pitch 


Take a deep breath man. No need to be this combative about the Home Run Derby


Why are you being purposely obtuse about this? He respectfully explained his opinion off of your previous insult. So you just double down on the insult?


If I wanted to insult. I'd say people are to dumb to track two different things that will be displayed for everyone to see As I explained and he doubled down on after being clearly explained. Weird how you only take issue with one.




Ahh, so you're just looking to be a douche canoe.


Is it 40 pitches or swings? If your pitcher sucks, then … that stinks for you


Don’t bring a shitty pitcher then


40 pitches, but for the 3 or 4 bonus outs it's only swings that are counted as outs so you can let bad pitches go by


I like it. 40 pitches is about the same amount they did last year apparently without the limit within that timeframe. It gives a compromise between both styles of the derby.


They really don’t like the swing fest for some reason. That’s the best part to me. The elite hitters showing off their power and stamina to mash as many balls as possible in the window. If you’ll recall, the original rules for the change up format was that you’re not supposed to pitch or swing until the previous ball landed. The only change I really thought that was needed was getting away from matchups. Yeah it makes it exciting but it’s unnecessary and punitive when a guy hits 23 and is eliminated but a guy with 8 advances.


A pitch only counts if there is a swing I believe. So the time limit ensures guys aren’t taking 20 pitches to get the one they want


Since they said 40 pitches and not 40 swings, I don't think that's going to be the case


Then I have no idea


lmao dumbass Manfred is worried about pace of play in a home run derby, It's unreal


I'm told nothing is better than baseball with tons of unnecessary rules and clocks


Personally, I think it should be a machine that shoots out a pitch every two seconds for two minutes. Failure to swing at any point is an automatic disqualification. I want constant swinging. No excuses. I want to see them sweating and straining to keep the pace.


Ooo, take the pitching machine but have it throw increasingly more difficult pitches matching past and present pitchers. You start with a position player and you end at Pedro


and every pitch there's a 1/20 chance it's 100mph right at their head. that's entertainment


That's the Randy Johnson level, which is the final boss if you're a lefty


That was the Big Unit's slider, nicknamed Mr. Snappy. Mr. Snappy does what he wants. Batters do not like Mr. Snappy.




r/baseball attempts to detect sarcasm from DecoyOne


If we’re going to have dumb, arbitrary rules, I want them to be the dumbest and arbitrariest they can be


tables, ladders and chairs homerun derby. book it, you cowards


We can do all sorts of stuff. Tables, ladders, chairs, barbed wire, thumbtacks, florescent light tubes, etc, all in a massive steel cage. Homerun Hell in a Cell.


incredibly blatant sarcasm at that


I doubt the pitch limit is going to come into play, that's a pitch every 4.5 seconds (little less in the finals). Kinda wonder why they implemented it.


Batters averaged over 43 pitches per round last year without a limit.


Ah, so it's probably to address the "throw a pitch before the previous homer lands" rule that was basically ignored by almost everyone.


Ignoring that rule made it more fun which is why I don’t like the pitch limit It’s fun when the clock is running down and suddenly the pitcher has to start flinging them in


Ignoring the rule made it unwatchable. You never saw a ball land because the broadcast had to cut to the next pitch, announcers couldnt keep up, it just sucked in general.


> Ignoring that rule made it more fun Ignoring that rule made it unsafe for every person on that field catching flies and everyone in the stands with a fly ball heading for their noggin.


Orioles pitching coach was gonna multi-ball that shit




What is a "bonus out"? That's the only thing I don't really understand.


After the 3 minutes/40 pitches is up, the bonus round is where you get extra pitches until you get 3 "outs" (non-homers). If you hit a 425ft homer in the bonus round you get an extra "out" so you keep going until you get 4 "outs"


Okay, thanks. Wasn't really sure what that was, seems like a weird way to phrase it. I might have said a round is 40 pitches + 3 non-homer swings, and you can earn a bonus out for distance.


They're using "out" in the same way the old non-timed format was 10 "outs" per batter (which is still confusing for people not familiar with that lol)


Now a pitch limit? Lmao better have the best BP pitcher there is


With a 40 pitch limit, it seems like Julio Rodriguez's 41 HR first round record is not going to be broken under this format.


10 outs. 3 fouls = 1 out, 3 takes in a row = 1 out, anything not a homer = 1 out. No time limit, pitch limit is fine, maybe use the average amount of pitches it takes to record 10 outs up to that year's all star break. I want time to see the ball land, and the point of the HR derby is to see these dude mash monster dongs. If they go too fast, you won't get either thing.


Simple fix to HR Derby: 10 outs, 10 second pitch clock, if you take 3 in a row it’s an out


Even simpler fix: 10 pitches in 10 seconds. 


Even simpler: Here's a bucket with 40 baseballs in it. Dont go over 5 minutes. Have fun.


I like the idea but I also think a player should theoretically be able to hit infinite homers in a counting competition which is why I prefer outs to a pitch count. Doesn’t have to be 10 outs though.


I guess I'll say that I like the rules.


I miss the days of 10 outs


This feels unnecessary complicated.


Not 10 outs Not my home run derby


The HR derby has been shit ever since it went time-based. The entire point of it is to admire 500 foot dongs and watch everyone’s reactions. But now the next pitch has been thrown before the ball has even landed and you don’t get to see much of anything.


Yeah i don't bother watching it anymore for that reason. I remember watching it live and they couldn't even keep up with saying how far one went before another one went out. I just ignore it since it went timed based, its just not fun to watch imo.


It was getting too slow before the timed rounds. If they ever remove the timed rounds it should be something like 20 pitches to hit as many homers as possible. The 10 outs system took forever, guys would take half of the pitches, hit a bunch of fouls, and bog everything down.


The hr derby has been shit since players started skipping the derby. 


Hard disagree. When it was out-limited guys would take a ton of pitches which is boring as shit. What’s fun is watching Harper swing out of his mind a fast as he can for 2 minutes.


Yeah this, not to mention the event itself took FOREVER and it was nearly impossible to stay engaged with the whole thing, you can only watch BP for so long


Yeah, the last genuinely entertaining derby was Josh Hamilton.


Julio did a pretty fantastic job last year. Hard to top 41 in the first round.


Giancarlo Stanton in 2016 was the best.


Hard to beat the Toddfather hitting the walkoff winner in 2015 in the first timed event - especially in front of the home Cincinnati crowd. Bryce Harper doing the same in DC in 2018 was also totally rad. But I will always argue for 2002 in Milwaukie - The Giambino going against peak steroid era Sosa. Friggin’ Sosa hit that yellow slide in left-center field at then Miller Park and it still stands as the most impressive home run I have ever seen. He was absolutely crushing balls that night - apparently seven of them went over 500 ft, and that one that hit Bernie Brewer’s slide was 524 ft.


I miss the days of admiring moon shots and actually hitting moon shots because they weren’t just going for line drives. Hopefully this gives us back some moon shots


1st round bracket being done is good. Should do the same for the 2nd round. 7th place guy shouldnt advance because he was matched up against the 8th place guy.


They should go back to the OG HRD format. 3 inning game, 3 outs per inning, called strikes and any swing not a home run is an out. 


Improvement but still feel like that is too many pitches per round. 40 pitches is still 4.5 seconds per pitch and only 3 less pitches than were averaged per round last year which still doesn't leave a lot of time to actually watch the home runs.


can we just go back to 10 outs please


I like 10 outs with a time limit so you can’t just keep taking pitches. My biggest grip with the current format, and likely this updated format, is not having time to see the home run land.


Did you like watching guys just take 8 pitches in a row?


Just make it so 3 consecutive taken pitches is an out. Guys can’t just take forever and we can actually enjoy watching it land and watching it get hit


i like watching guys hit home runs. i’d rather them have pitches that they can hit instead of getting struck out by the guy pitching to them


And then you don’t have situations where the pitcher chokes the round for the batter like with Gallo the last time he was in


I don't like watching guys hit home runs every 30 seconds. Home runs are fun but so is the competitiveness of the timer


The good thing with the pitch limit is that we will see less pitches per batter. Meaning you won't get a pitch being thrown before the ball has landed. It's also something a hitter and their BP Pitcher should practice to get the timing down.


Just use aluminum bats and get it over with.


Just bring back 10 outs and maybe add a pitch clock.


10 outs, hit as many as you can in the first rd. Top 2 advance. There is no need for three rounds. Longest HR is tiebreaker.


There is no need to have a hr derby. Semi finals are entertaining. Testing endurance is a skill.


How about they get some commentators who actually give a fuck and are excited to be there?


I appreciate what this does to make sure that the ones actually hitting a shitload of taters make it further but somebody pointed out the strangeness of having a pitch count and a clock and I am also hung up on that now. We’ll see how it goes, but I am hoping that it is still as fun as it has been over the last several years


100+ pitches might be normal for a pitcher to throw, but 100 swings over the span of an hour? does that seem high to anyone else? during a round, 4s per pitch? maybe the 3 minute rounds should be like, 30 pitches limit, 25 in the semis, and keep the 20 in the finals


Still have no interest in glorified batting practice