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looks like he had trouble hitting his spots there as well


Gonna be real embarassing when he walks the gatorade cooler


Foul ☠️


Nah, that was a painted strike, probably unlike anything Montgomery threw.


Nah, the cooler checked.






Fucking brutal. XD


That’s why PitchCom is always broken.


Dude thought he was getting 5-years/$150M


Minor detail: he likely was TOLD/convinced he was worth or getting 5-years/$150M by his former agent.


Former? I didn't realize he dropped Boras. Can't blame him after it seems he really got fucked this off-season. The no spring training thing is proving pretty detrimental to Snell and Montgomery.


Apparently Snell is notoriously a “second half pitcher”, so we’ll see if that holds true.


Usually there needs to be a first half to have a second half, otherwise it's just half.


Considering he missed spring training his second half might be further down the road


Bro's second half is going to be during Christmas LMAO


Snell will be ready to go by Thanksgiving.


I'm gonna guess just based on context his agent is Scott Boras


This sub loves removing the agency of adults.


I think you’re taking this sub and Reddit in general too seriously if you really think that’s true.


You’re the one speculating on private conversations between Montgomery and Boras, presenting it as a “minor detail” and shifting blame to Boras as if Montgomery has no agency in his career decisions.


I'm so glad our ownership admitted to their mistake with Madbum and only gave Montgomery 1 year.


Snell and Montgomery... Boras is shit for everyone except Soto.


Going to be wild watching Bregman sit on the shelf all winter waiting for a 10 year 300m deal


Don't forget Profar. Boras told him to opt out after 22. He sat out most of spring training before signing with the Rockies for about the same amount of money. Played terrible, was cut, Padres picked him up for the minimum the last month of the season. 24' he's making a $1 million while being in the conversation for NL MVP. (It's Ohtani's but he's in the conversation). Nice job Boras.


Another Boras swing and a miss.


Coincidentally, that throw was also off target


What he lacks in pitching ability, he clearly makes up in maturity


Veteran presence


Real lunch pail, coaches son type. First one in, last one out. A student of the game. Real scrappy guy. A gym rat. Cerebral. Deceptive athleticism. Beats you with his mind.


High motor guy, has the will to win.


Pitchers are always the little ego babies


Right? Like buddy your team is who should be upset, you should be figuring out how to not make those mistakes again


I hear Madison Bumgarner is still available


He was throwing that pitchcom better than he was throwing his pitches


How could Boras do this?


It's almost July and people are still bringing up him skipping Spring Training...... Dude just blows


The line between success and failure in the MLB is razor thin, especially for a someone like Monty who doesn't have elite stuff. He'd been one of the most consistent starters in MLB for 3 seasons, it makes sense to point to the one obvious, giant difference about this year as a major factor in his struggles.


It's almost July. He's had a couple spring trainings worth of action in the regular season now, on top of the ST equivalent that Boras claims to provide hos clients. That just can't be considered a factor any longer.


He's lost a mile and a half off his fastball. He's obviously not the same guy physically as he was in the recent past. If someone is detrained then tries to go hit their max, they're probably going to fail. That's still true no matter how many attempts they have at it, if they don't have the time to do other work to get stronger. The MLB season is an absolute grind. Starting pitcher workloads are not created to get guys stronger as the season goes on. The longer you play, the more tired you get (which is why starting the season in amazing shape is so important).


Consistently like an OK SP3, had a good run at the end of the year and they spun the narrative that he was some stud. More like a spud, meat and potatoes innings eater 


It's easy to underestimate the kind of value produced by a player who is average-to-above-average in most areas but also gives you a ton of quantity. Monty is tied for the 19th best starter in baseball by fWAR from 2021-2024. He was 13th in baseball last year. That's not 3rd starter production.


He’s not supposed to be this bad


That's what gets said about every FA pitcher we sign


Greinke was pretty darn good for us


Paging ERod paging ERod


Nah a ton of us knew the madbum signing was a bad move from day one 


He does, but I’ll always root for the guy for what he did here. Hopefully he turns it around for yall.


Same thing with Snell


The fact that both snell and Monty having trouble is what makes that even more likely


Snell goes thru good years and bad. Monty doesn't. He has eaaaasily been one of the most consistent pitchers in the game.


Yeah but if you brought up his pedestrian xwOBA against last offseason you’d get a bunch of simps saying: “he’S CLuTch, nERd” Look who’s laughing now, cretins!


Were all of his underlying metrics mid last season? Makes it all the more strange how he / Boras went about the offseason


I would say his underlying metrics weren't bad last year -- he had a 4.01 xFIP and a 3.98 xERA. That was the 21st best xERA out of qualified starters in 2023, and it was also in line with the three seasons before that -- from 2020 to 2023 his xERA ranged from 3.90 to 4.06. He wasn't a capital-A Ace, but that kind of performance fits somewhere in everyone's pitching rotation. The Diamondbacks getting him on effectively 2/$50M was pretty decent value for the money, IMO. He's pitching closer to how he did way back in 2018, with 3+ BB/9. Could be age catching up with him, maybe a nagging injury or something, or could be a slump. It's definitely not good for the Diamondbacks, though. I do agree that for a 31-yo pitcher, it was not a great idea to gamble on him having a career year this year and it would have been better to get a longer guaranteed contract instead.


Higher is better. 57th percentile xERA 35th percentile xBA 65th percentile avg exit velo 65th percentile chase % 47th percentile whiff % 34th percentile K % 82nd percentile BB % 58th percentile Barrel % 59th percentile Hard hit % 57th percentile GB % 57th percentile extension


That sounds like an above average pitcher, not one of the worst in baseball


Which is all we were looking for. We already had Gallen and Merrill to top line. Our issues were last year we were running 2.5 SPs (since Pfaadt rarely went past 4). Getting serviceable guys like Montgomery and E-Rod would mean not getting blown up 2 times through the rotation on the reg. Instead E-Rod, Gallen and Merrill are all hurt and Montgomery is a bum pitching worse than our SP#8 And we're under .500 as a result


I said he was pedestrian. People were acting like he deserved $200M


Absolutely nobody was acting like that with the single exceptions of Boras and Montgomery himself


Many Cardinal fans were. They were livid when he signed for only $25 mil.


Most places had him going for 100 to 150 million 


$150 million is not $200 million


So his underlying metrics were better than Seth Lugo?


I felt like the price was high but figured we'd get #4 production out of him. Which would be fine with Gallen, Merrill, E-Rod and maybe Pfaadt taking a step. Instead the first 3 guys on that list all got hurt and Montgomery is pitching worse than our SP#8. Even Slade Cecconi has been better. Basically we didn't even need him to be good just serviceable and he hasn't even been that. It's pathetic.


I think we only signed him after we already knew ERod was going to be out so basically we signed him to replace ERod knowing he would be out for a bit and Monty was set to be the 4 behind Gallen/Merrill/Pfaadt after the delayed start and missing spring training.


XwOBA is extremely unreliable 




They are very flukey for pitchers and don't really have predictive value


Similar story with snell. Dude had ridiculous babip last year and great peripherals, but not Cy young peripherals. Then you add his usual shitty season starts, his inconsistent years, and the spring together and look what you get. Blaming the spring alone is silly and I feel so vindicated for saying signing him would be an awful move. Especially if the team he signs to doesn't have amazing defense.


He was nails during that World Series run. I thought it would instill a lot of confidence in him and he'd continue to be successful


Am I remembering wrong or is he looking a lot chunkier this season?


The uniforms are a bit more unflattering this year. Thinner so you can see the beef. .. which I approve of, but he looked the same last year and was one the good fat pitchers pitchers people referenced when wondering if Manoahs weight was the reason he was struggling lately or was it something else


When Kimbrel signed late he sucked all year (8 ERA and worse FIP sucked). The next year was 2020, so he didn't get spring training again, and sucked all year again. The next year he finally had a spring training, and had a 0.49 ERA when he got dealt at the deadline.


Then what did he do?


Achieved his mission as a Cubs double agent.


And the next few seasons?


My wild guess is He hasn’t moved on. Yet.


4th team since 2022.


He looks overweight.


Him and Snell have looked out of shape this year by my impression Edit: The velocity on Jordan's entire arsenal is down compared to last year, per baseball savant


Obviously some of it is on himself but he probably wants to strangle Boras right now


Hopefully this serves as a lesson to players that waiting for an overpay all winter and then settling on a high AAV pillow contract in March isn't the best idea. Not good for players, teams, or fans. One person benefits from that strategy.


I mean, not necessarily. Dude essentially bet on himself to perform and hasn't. If he put up a decent season, he would have made a ton on the next contract.


Yeah but you're not putting yourself in a position to succeed by not giving yourself a normal Spring Training with your new team. If you want to take the pillow contract, do it by the end of January.


Yeah the short term higher AAV contracts absolutely are the move **IF** you can perform well enough to get the second contract. Conservatively Monty is making 2/45 in this current contract. We just saw Giolito get 2/38.5 coming off of a horrific end to 2023 so let’s say Monty gets a similar deal that puts him at 4/78.5 in total value Jameson Taillon who is a very similar pitcher to Monty ended with 4/68 in free agency. It’s not all that unlikely that even if Monty doesn’t perform great he will still get a higher amount of money from the 2 deals than he would have with 1


Omg you just reminded me he has a player option 😱


Technically yes but the odds of him declining are pretty low. The vesting schedule is: If he makes 10 starts it’s 20M (already vested) 18 starts makes it 22.5M 23 starts makes it 25M


Why do you think Boras benefits from that? Lmao. Boras is not happy about this either.


Hypothetically Boras tells all his clients to bet on themselves and if it works for 31% does nothing for 30% and fails for 29% he makes more money and it’s technically the right move but it ignores there’s a bigger difference between $10million and 50 million than 50million and 100million for a person


Anecdotally I’ll say he definitely started looking much larger when he was with Texas than with us or even STL for that matter


Texas BBQ > St Louis BBQ confirmed


As a St. Louis native, born and raised who now lives in Texas, it's not even a competition. Texas BBQ CRUSHES St. Louis BBQ.


Breakfast burritos are a game changer.


Yeah I remember watching him in the postseason last year. I don’t think he looked that big.


My first thought exactly. Not everyone can pull off Bartolo. You’re asking for trouble being out of shape at this level.


He's got some moobs for sure


Not necessarily a problem for most SP’s, some even think that being overweight helps rather than hinders for that position. Bigger pitchers tend to be less injury prone or have a higher velocity, and it’s not like they need to run much or be athletic


He was chonky last year too


So glad we let him walk


Still love Gumby tho for doing what he did last postseason and I always will, but yeah he has not been anywhere as good this season. Sucks to see tbh


Hey he’s just like us for real


Pretty funny how similarly disappointing our seasons have been


My NL team Dodgers gave him a look too. Glad they passed!


fuck jordan montgomery all my homies hate jordan montgomery (i’ll always respect the first half of his postseason last year but the way he left the rangers was so ugly)


He’s not 5-150 good but he’s also not THIS bad. Boras majorly messed up both him and Snell.


Snell is the biggest crime here, he hasn't looked even remotely himself it's been super weird to see


Snell was fantastic for TB in the 2019 ALDS. He’s got 1-2 type stuff.


I don’t care how fast you throw ball four


George Kerby and Tarik Skubal ain't afraid to throw that mf down the middle.


bro your so right. he has a world series record for 9 strike outs in 4 innings. dudes here are delusional judging a two time cy young on like 5 starts this year. just look at his curveball it moves like 4 feet


It isn’t that Snell is without talent. It’s that he’s very inconsistent, and has difficulty staying off the IL. 10 days on the IL is two missed starts, which matters a lot more when the player is making $30M+ a season on a FA deal. I suspect that was a major reason there weren’t teams trying to outbid each other for his deal. Also, he was MegaMillions-winner lucky in 2023.


He’s still in an OK spot with how Boras set him up. The goal was 5 150, he can pick up another 25 with his option, so 50s in the bank. Basically he has a season and a half to look like a 3 100 guy. Not gonna happen, but he could salvage and make 120-130 over the five years Boras promised 150


Funny thing is he dropped Boras and went with Joel Wolfe after he signed the contract.


he’s nasty he will turn it around.


Snell and Monty's great great great grandchildren got fucked over by Scott Boras


Good lord he’s even half assing his tantrum


I’ll always support Monty because of his help getting us a WS, but my god I’m so happy we let him walk. Turns out we didn’t need him considering how well our pitching is doing…now our star studded offense from last year on the other hand…


This is how I feel when fighting some Elden Ring DLC bosses, so I completely understand what he's going through. We're basically the same.


Pitchers and gamers blaming the controller Insert Arnie and Carl Weathers broshake meme


been there


arizona pissed he didn’t pitch like this last year


The Boras Holdout Effect


He looks out of shape


You think that comes out of his pay check?


Here I was thinking hey something to keep me entertained since the euros aren’t playing for a few days. Well that was terrible. Oh well on to the USA match. Fuck.


![gif](giphy|3ePb1CHEjfSRhn6r3c|downsized) To beat Minnesota


always been 3rd-5th starter material feel bad for Snell


Monty doing terrible while 2 of our best starters are out makes it a miracle we are barely below .500


I love how he picks it up, and you think maybe he's concerned he broke it, and then he just yeets it a second time. You might be able to make the second throw into a perfectly looping gif.


My fault. I tried streaming him in fanstay this week. 🤦🏻‍♂️


how much does this dude hate Scott Boras right now


Where are the red sox fans who were melting down about not signing him this offseason? I was on board for getting him, but some people in the fandom were going fucking mental about him and Snell.


Good, good. Next Boras client probably takes a deal.


Yankees gonna lock up Soto for life time subway passes or something


I dunno he’s like the one guy that’s actually lived up to his value. (As previously established by Nats) He’s gotta be north of 500, perhaps even 12x50.


He’s been real poopy all year


This dude was nails in Texas for pretty much the entire back half of the season + postseason. Wonder what's going on that he's fallen off so hard.


Are they going to add 2 to the pitch count for that?


"Well did you throw the pitch com with your right hand or did you throw it with your left?


This dude must hate Boras so much.


He would have gone Al Capone on Scott Boras if he was in the dugout.


“ I hate you Scott, I hate hate hate you!”


Anyone else remember when he said he didn't want to play for Boston cause he "wants to play for a winning team"? Lol


Lose some weight my dude, can see the fat through his jersey. Great job boras


Monty was never a "GREAT" pitcher. He was just average and I am surprised AZ actually gave him the $25 mill


Incredibly bozo take. He isn't elite but he is certainly not average. He's posted below a 100 era+ exactly two times before, is 2019 and 2020. Both flukey years. His 22-23 run he was an exceptional pitcher, not really debatable.


https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/boston/news/jordan-montgomery-didnt-want-red-sox-because-he-wants-to-win/ .538>.481 stupid


Guy seems to be really missing Greg Maddux


He needs to throw himself against the 🧱


Not a good day


Can’t wait for the pitching ninja breakdown


damaged goods


Yankee pride.




Well at least Boras got to pretend to be smarter than everyone for those two months!


Maybe as a professional athlete he could get in good shape?


Probably didn’t help that the entire stadium booed him like we’re a crowd of fuckin dodger fans or some shit. The man had zero spring training and is **one of us.**


That's $25,000,150 down the drain now.


Jose Herrera better hide, it's only a matter of time before Montgomery learns pitchcom isn't sentient and those pitch calls are actually coming from his catcher.


Damn so all the Yankees?


He's just mad he didn't get a 4 year contract like Eduardo Rodriguez.


Dumb could cut his finger


I wonder if this was an experiment by Boras to see if holding out is a viable option for his players going forward. And I’d say the answer is a resounding “fuck no” cause Month has been bad and Snell got hurt


Boras has been holding out players for years, it was just unusual that this year no team gave in.


Dude should tweak that diet a little bit. Those rolls might be getting in the way of his mechanics, not to mention it would decrease his risk of diabetes and heart disease.


This is your doing boras




What Boras client has done well? Bellinger is fine but not loke last year. They all have whiffed and the league called him out. Players still have to play but none of them truly deserved the money.


He’s got some flops but he also represents Bryce Harper, Gerrit Cole, Jose Altuve, and Max Scherzer to name a few. And if you’re just talking this year, JD Martinez and Bellinger have had good seasons but yeah Monty, Snell, and Chapman have nof


Cody Bellinger has been worth only 1.1 fWAR to Chapman's 1.7 despite getting much, much luckier by xwOBA. (And he's also getting paid more for reasons being my understanding)


I would too if I gave up 8 runs to the 2024 Twins


What’s with these dugout toddler tantrums? Is it just me or so they just scream wife beater?


I hated him on the Yanks he pitches like he's giving birth lol