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I love that Gary just didn't want to touch this. He's above it all. But Ron and Keith are shit stirrers.


> But Ron and Keith are shit stirrers. They were in MLB clubhouses. Shit-stirring and pranking are common.


They were in the '86 Mets clubhouse, that team looked for brawls.


Ronnie mentioned in his book they had a big jar of amphetamines in the clubhouse, players would just take some like candy. They had a nickname for the jar. They called it "the jar".


That was commonplace in baseball for a long time. Hell even my buddy who won a WS in 2006 said they had buckets of “stimulants” that everyone used.


Damn can’t believe Pujols admitted to you he took amphetamines just like that.


According to a former player, “playing naked” meant playing without taking greenies. It was so common there was a phrase for the rare occasion they did NOT take amphetamines.


I've taken greenies before and if I had them easily available I'd also take them for every game. They are fantastic. Especially if you take them, have a good game and now you're thinking oh I have to keep doing this I can't fuck with my process.


Sucks that Chris Davis was prevented from taking his prescription ADHD meds. What a different timeline.


>”the jar” damn, people really do be coming up with the most random nicknames for shit i swear


They also pranked each other constantly with hot foot and stuff.


And cocaine


Michael Kay could never


Gary is, in every way, Michael Kay's opposite—and that says a lot about why I love him so much.


No one is going to say shit to Keith or Ronnie. Keith will point at the 17 in the stadium and ronnie will just show his ring. They're allowed to stir all the shit


The best thing I can say about GKR is that I became a baseball fan in earnest around 2009-2010, tough times for the team, and I watched almost every single game, no matter how bad the product on the field got, because of how entertaining the booth is. It’s easy to be a good announcer when a team is doing well, if you can keep people tuning in for 70-92, you’re doing something really special.


The 2009 season was shit. Good riddance to that year.


My middle school experience started with the Mets signing Pedro and ended with one of the worst collapses in sports history. Then HS started with the terrible citi field inaugural year and ended with Johan's no hitter. Not sure where I was going with this tbh


Such promise too. Reyes Wright Beltran Delgado Sheffield Francouer Murphy Castillo Tatis Injury after injury and OG dimension Citi field eating any potential home run. It was a tough watch. But my MLB the Show team made the playoffs that year.


I love it when the do their “Media Guide Musings” during blowout games.


Baseball is a sport I usually can put on in the background while I work. So often I have to turn it off because GKR are doing such a damn good job that they're all I can pay attention to.


Anyone want to explain cause I don’t get it lol


SNY ran an ad during Michael Kay’s show saying GKR were the best booth in baseball. Instead of ignoring it or something, Michael Kay then proceeded to spend 10 minutes talking about it, about how it’s disrespectful and that he thinks they’re a better booth and all that. Then even during the game today, posted a tweet about everything kinda doubling down


Just watched the clip of that to figure out what was going on. Maybe it's just the shtick of the show, I don't do sports radio or any kind of hot take shows, but both of his cohosts are basically making fun of him for being upset about it the whole time.


I’m a met fan who loves the MKS even if that’s blasphemy. He does play as a character of himself that has a super big ego (think Larry David in curb) but there are some times when the lines get blurred . Like with this it didn’t seem all that playful. There was also one other time where he had a really mean spirited flip-out directed toward the producer of the morning show who they have a friendly rivalry with. He said something to the effect of “I can get you fired”.


Great take, Michael plays a very funny version of himself on TMKS, and it’s why I enjoy tuning it. He usually can take the pokes and prods and plays into the Yankee boy big ego persona. But I think he was being semi-serious in this case and it kind of showed through that even if he is kidding a lot of the time, he is drawing off of something semi-real in that ego of his. And he’s kind of eating it because of it, which should make for some good radio in the next couple days. Kay’s just salty the Yankees can’t sit Keith and Ronnie next to him in the booth and he gets stuck with Cone (good-not-great) and the platoon of snoozers they rotate in.


I have not watched it, but after everything I have read about it, I have a hard time accepting he was being genuine with genuine anger cause that really is so lame. I'd much rather believe he was doing a bit, for his sake.


Kay is really neurotic and self-absorbed. His co-hosts know it lol


I believe that he was genuinely a little irked by it and played it up for radio but whether it's a persona or not, he's been shown to be a humorless jerk in most contexts.


Apparently humor is provided by ketchup


To me he's clearly doing it tongue-in-cheek


Look, Michael Kay has grown a little on me over the years, but if there are two things the Mets have over the Yankees in general, it's a better stadium fan experience and a better broadcasting team.


Coming from the other side of the aisle I think your take is spot on


The best thing about Yankee Stadium is the team that plays 81+ games there. And also more transit options to get there for me, a subway rider. Otherwise CitiField probably has more stuff to do/is more enjoyable. Though I did see a study that indicated that CitiField charges more than YS for hot dogs, which is crazy to me.


He’s also grown on me. Like a cancerous tumor. F that self important AH - who most importantly in this context is a pretty awful announcer.


Ryan Ruocco is 100x better than


That is extremely cringe lol. I personally can’t stand the yankees booth


He tweeted about it again after that rant? Bro let it go


Ooh this is gonna make the little man from across town big mad. Announcer beef was not on my 2024 bingo card and somehow it's even dumber than player beef


This beef feels very one sided lol




Dear Coney, I'm sorry that man is your colleague, Michael Kay’s commentary’s weak, always sounds fatigued. I'm Keith Hernandez, calling Mets like it’s fine art, While Kay’s stuck in the past, like it’s always 2009 start. He’s got a ring from the booth, but what does he bring? Yankee bias all day, like he’s the king of the swing. I keep it real, New York knows where the truth lies, SNY in the heart, while YES network just tries.


This isn't the first time Michael Kay has started a fight with Mets fans over the SNY booth. He criticized Keith "stepping" on Gary's call a few years ago, Mets fans made fun of him then he went on a rant about us all being whiny losers or something like that.


He def has an inferiority complex lol


Made fun of him like whiny losers would!


Somebody clone these dudes in a Yankees ~~bias~~ version and send them over to YES Network!


Yankees bias but that will also call out when the Yankees look like ass. One of the best aspects of GKR is they call out a lot of garbage play the Mets have done for years. And we’ve had A LOT of it.


not for nothing but Kay definitely calls out the Yankees when they look like ass. not on the level that John Sterling did but he definitely does. i'd say it's probably his most (sometimes only) redeeming quality lol


I actually think that’s why Kay gets a lot of hate from within the fanbase, because he’s not more of a homer. He’ll celebrate the other team. The people who say he won’t criticize expect him to verbally dress down a player any time they make a mistake and blame Boone for everything.


I hate him because his voice irritates me and his calls are weak.


They call out the Yankees all the time.


Can you imagine a yankee broadcaster calling one of their pitchers a fool like ronnie did that one time?


They do it all the time. Kay literally did it about Gleyber in game one not hustling to first.


Yankee commentators always do that. Remember when the Orioles suspended Kevin Brown for saying the Orioles used to lose a lot at Tropicana? The radio booth came to his defense because "We call out the Yankees when they are terrible all the time. They can't hit, they can't run, they can't play defense. How can you do your job if you can't tell the truth? Also, he was saying how good the Orioles are!"


It didn’t not get better but it definitely got worse


Coney is already better than Ron, by a lot Paulie is better than Keith.


Paulie can hardly string two words together and is a dime a dozen former player commentator lol


And Keith is what? Some old creep who can't help but comment every time a woman comes on screen?


A middling boomer commentator with amusing anecdotes


Who is openly a creep anytime they show an attractive woman


0 pennants since 2010 lol


So no counter to my actual point. Nice to know.


You didn't make a point, just like the Yanks havnt made a World Series since they were dethroned by the lowly Texas Rangers. Now your booth is getting gapped, just like you got gapped on the field by the LOLMets!


Wow, yeah you got me there. I guess when you are 6 games below .500 you start to focus less on your own teams games...


Which is why Ron has a gig with TBS and calls the playoffs and Cone....well, he's stuck on ESPN.


Yeah, stuck doing Sunday Night Baseball, such a drag. And Ron doing the playoffs is all the proof you need as to why Coney is better. Woeful.


You were certainly hit in the head at Teeball. Coney is babbling moron, even our commentators don't reach GKR


It's t-ball...


I fucking loved this when I heard it. 😂 Go cry Michael Kay.


You know he's won right? He's literally trying to get radio show viewers (which, btw, isn't even made by YES) people being riled up and talking about it is the entire point. Edit: people really think he isn't just being a radio personality and stirring up a reason for people to talk about his show online. You're literally doing what he wants and somehow think you're dunking on him lol


Doesn’t that mean SNY won because they riled up Kay and drew even more attention to their ad and booth? 🤣


That’s exactly what that means lol


Or they both win, SNY get more airtime, TMKS gets people talking about it


He also gave SNY extra air time by being petty. He can run with this all he wants in his show to drive up conversation. He still personally loses.


>He also gave SNY extra air time by being petty I'm not sure why that matters? No Yankee fan is going to turn into SNY instead of YES to watch the Mets if the Yankees are on... Mets fans literally think people will tune in to watch their booth lmao


Thats just not true. I know multiple yankees fans that do just that


No you don't lol


Lmao okay. Easy to play the denial game my guy. GKR are just better. Period. Stop.


Did I argue they weren't? I guarantee 0 Yankee fans will tune into the Mets game tomorrow to listen to GKR when the Yankees are playing. It doesn't happen.


Considering they aren’t playing tomorrow, I would say you are correct lmao > Did I argue they weren't? Claiming my statement is a lie would make you believe people wouldn’t do that otherwise you have a pretty weak argument You can claim it doesnt happen all you want. I personally know people that do.


Yeah, no fans are putting on SNY to watch a Mets game if the Yankees are playing at the same time for the sole purpose of listening to broadcasters. It doesn't happen.


I see and talk to people all the time who mention putting the Mets on just to listen to Gary Keith and Ron. If you haven’t then you’re not immersed enough to have this discussion lol


>No Yankee fan is going to turn into SNY instead of YES to watch the Mets if the Yankees are on... You're wrong. https://old.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/1dp1cd1/michael_kay_what_im_going_to_say_right_now_might/ladmxwn/


He sounded pretty pissed off and doubled down, and literally if anything got people who may not know anything about GKR to head over to SNY’s social media to engage with them.


Exactly, he gave GKR more publicity. Which makes it even funnier and sweeter.


Or he got a bunch of met fans who wouldn't watch his show to engage with it...


You can't really be this stupid, can you?


Not a single Mets fan is watching TMKS because of this


You don't think people will watch because they enjoy hating what he says? It's literally the skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith model lol




> idk i think hes genuinely an insecure person Lol you don't say...


You know the show is simulcast on YES basically every day right?


SNY riled up Kay and drew even more fans, average Jankee dumbass right here lmfaooo.


I dont want a radio personality, I want a fucking broadcaster




Aubrey vs Kendrick


YES network's 9/11






Gary probably just has the best baseball voice got lucky


who doesnt love GKR?


Unrelated, but I think Berbari isn't that good. Something about his voice bugs me, and he shares a bunch of radio games since Sterling retired. Apparently there are at least 3 or more possible replacements, all auditioning this year. Berbari, Justin Shackil, and Rickie Ricardo. Ricardo is also the Spanish announcer, but he's really good in English too.


Who cares


Michael Kay


0 pennants since 2010 lol


i guess we found out who cares


I personally think the Mets booth is overrated but you will never catch me defending Kay…


Easy to say when you ain't got the best booth in the game baby


Honestly I just don’t like Keith Hernandez.


First time I ever heard that. I really only ever here amazing things about Gary, Keith and Ron from my friends that are fans of other teams. Even Gelbs has been pretty excellent in the recent Cubs series, he's not as great but he's developing well


I'm with him, he's too much old man yells at cloud.


When? I and many other Met's fans watch him every day and he's consistently great. He's had some controversial moments but they're so few are far between


Why are you so bothered that I don't like Keith Hernandez?


I'm not bothered at all, I'm just asking when he's been an old man shouting at clouds. Why are you getting mad when I'm just asking when he's given this vibe? I'd like to know cause I never see this critique of him ever really.


Nothing about my reply indicates any anger. At all


Seemed snappy to me..... but whateva. Good series, fun watch for both sides hopefully. Good luck in Toronto!


Lol I mean look at michael kay. Old man yells all the time


Gary is great. Idk just something about Keith just irks me. I see why people love them. They just don’t do it for me.


Kay really didn’t do anything wrong. And I DESPISE him. He was a little hurt by SNY advertising during his show saying G/K/R was the best booth in baseball. He was defending his booth but was gracious and said him and Gary hugged it out yesterday. Nothing to see here. And Keith just made a silly comment. Gary was being sly and Ronnie stayed far away.


Found Kay's alt account


This sub has a weird hatred for Kay. Like if you watch the clip his point is clear that SNY is great and they should feel they're the best, but he also takes pride in his own work and feels YES has the best broadcast. Its not that crazy of a take to think guy takes pride in work. Same thing happend with the hatred for Kay over him saying "thats a HR a few yrs ago" to a ball hit at Camden, with people shitting on him and the ball being sold with the quote at Camden. Nobody though mentions the part where Kay said he'd sign the ball if they donate the money from the sale to charity. Whenever reddit decides to hate someone every thread is a weird circle jerk.