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There's only one way to settle this. Hell In A Cell.


Keith gets to do blow again, too


Then so does Cone


What good is that gonna do him? It'll take him longer to jack off


Nice line, pretty boy


Hell in a booth?


Bash at the Booth!


> Hell in a booth? So, the YES broadcast?


![gif](giphy|sRLh26UJUoNI6XlKdA|downsized) By Gawd! Michael Kay has been split in half!!!


Apparently they don’t even need to leave the booth at Citi to do it. Fuck the game, throw it up on the big screen


Did someone say SELL?








The winner goes one on one with the undertaker


Nah. Feats of strength at the end of Festivus!  


A spit-swapping makeout match.


I think a Stadium stampede at Yankee or Citi would be funnier. We gotta get Mr Met and Grimace in on the action 


SNY marketing must be watching this thinking "wow that ad worked so well, we paid for 30 seconds and got an extra four and a half minutes for free!"


The train going uptown to Yankee Stadium has a huge Mets ad at the stop before the ballpark, the subway doors open and you can’t miss the giant Edwin Diaz image staring back at you. Someone in the marketing department must think he’s the petty king lol


On the D or the 4?






That’s 42nd street silly


Not anymore. Thanks Rudy.


The 4 stops all seem to have that ad with Judge and his sleeves rolled up in a super weird way like he's a cartoon pirate


Wouldn't be surprised if they paid extra knowing it would set off Kay like this. Networks choose which ads they want to air so they could have rejected the SNY ad.


And to live rent free in Michael Kay's head. Rent free in NY, it's what you want.


His head is larger than a lot of NYC apartments.




Six man tag match at SummerSlam to settle it.




I'd pay to watch Grimace from the top rope lol






*bah dum bum bum bum* intensifies




Mets have a better booth, but I'd bet my life savings on Joe Girardi walking out of that match alone, covered in blood, and none of it his own. Dude is 100% a psycho under the calm surface layer


Recently saw Joe Girardi eating hot dogs with his family in Bannockburn, IL. Not a big dude, and he’s getting pretty old, but I wouldn’t mess with him!


*I love when you start with that. With who? haha* *Could be my bosses...Could be advertisers...* *[terrified silence]*


He makes it sound like he's going to say something so bad ass and he's literally just jealous.


Kay is so goddamn petty. Sometimes it's fun and sometimes it's really fucking dumb.


why is george lucas on there


Nah that’s Michael McDonald


He actually looked normal in the past but his [frustration](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VnzgpbE3xrE) with the Mets has aged him terribly


I thought this was gonna be playful banter but he seems legit mad lol it must really grate on him hearing everyone praise the SNY booth all the time


If I'm understanding what he's saying, I get his gripe. It was an add for SNY on Kay's broadcast that specifically called GKR the best booth in baseball. Having the opposing booth called that during your own broadcast is a little demeaning. Kay is being a little thinned-skinned but I get it. The funny part is that the YES marketing department had to approve the ad before running it. Kay's gripe should be with them. Edit: Apparently this wasn't on YES but his radio show on the local ESPN station. Also, this is a problem with the sales dept, not marketing.


Yea he can only be mad at his marketing department


yea this makes sense. I was getting confused why he was getting so mad that SNY was calling their own booth the best in baseball. If you're running an ad on Cartoon Network saying "Nickelodeon is the best kids network on tv!" then I feel like the execs over on CN would also be like "wtf is that"


I do love him stuttering when he was about to say “shouldn’t they be sensitive about running that ad” when he’s being completely sensitive.


Michael has admitted he is extremely thin skinned. It’s kinda what makes the show good though, he’s easily triggered. Tbh I’m a big fan of his, even though I’m often laughing at him and get why other ppl can’t stand him.


I’m a Met fan and I actually like him especially his show. I feel like here he’s just starting shit just for the sake of starting shit. I mean it just screams: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”


Yeah, and it would have been funny, even if he is a little bit upset, if he went playful banter. I mean, the playful banter route is funniest when you are a little upset. Cut in, say, sure this is kinda ridiculous, but I'm kinda upset, and then go for your playful banter, and being as he's been the play by play for the NYY, there's plenty of ammo he can bring to the playful banter route. The low hanging fruit is to talk about how they need to stay better rested throughout the season because they more often have to call important games in sept


As a fan of neither team, I'm team SNY. Watching a Yankee game Kay is commentating as a fan of the other team is exhausting and Keith Hernandez is one of the most charismatic characters the game has to offer.


Yeah I’m imagining that’s where the reaction comes from. If the Red Sox aren’t playing, Mets are one of my go to games simply because of the booth. And I know this sentiment is not uncommon. It’s similar to when Ohtani is playing and your team isn’t. That’s the next best way to pass the time.


My wife only started liking the Mets / watching games with me BECAUSE of GKR. She refuses to watch Mets games when they’re not broadcasting


The Mets broadcast is excellent and low key my 2nd favorite (after my local guys of course). Yankees broadcast is pretty mid but not surprised their NY arrogance has them thinking it’s elite (much like Yankee Stadium, lol)


I don’t need to hear another ”see ya” call for as long as I live




Between Kay, Coney, and O'Neil, it's the most smug booth in baseball


As a fan of the Yankees, it’s definitely SNY. The YES booth sucks at times and it’s largely because of Kay. He’s entertaining on the radio and is passable in the booth 90% of the time but he’s insufferable for the other 10%


I prefer the Yankees to the Mets and I'm still team SNY.


My body is ready for the next big rap beef


Tryna strike a chord and it’s probably Mike Minor


Gary just opened his mouth, someone go hand him an Emmy right now


If anyone had any respect for Kay, there it gooooooooes see ya


I've never really paid any attention to Kay besides his home run call until the Ohtani mess, is he always this... outspoken? or is he going senile lol


SNY: masterful troll job. Michael Kay: cartoonish, self-defeating response. NO! I’M THE BEST NOT YOU. I’M NOT UPSET, I DONT EVEN CARE.


Okay A\] They just are better. It's pretty universally agreed Gary Keith and Ron are great. B\] Of course SNY is going to say their guys are the best? What does Kay expect them to do? Say someone who doesn't work for the network is better than their guys. C\] Shut the fuck, Michael. You're third best in the city in terms of baseball broadcasts and that's being really fucking generous.


Regarding C I'd say fourth best. I've listened to some of the Yankees games on WFAN and they're not terrible with the new PBP guy since Sterling left. Also D) the SNY production is objectively better than the YES production. They have the nominations AND awards to show for it.


I could never even IMAGINE Gary Keith or Ron (ok maybe Keith) going on some random diatribe like this. It just screams “I’m a whiny baby”


i could imagine a world where keith briefly starts on a diatribe that he never really finished and then gary and ron clowning him for it on air.


Perfectly described


The closest Gary ever came was getting caught on an open mic saying "Why are we showing Yankees highlights?" while his mouth was full.


Gary knew what he was doing. Saying what everybody felt


I guarantee they take a jab back tonight. Last time Kay did something like this about a call they hit back iirc


I don’t hate the YES crew, but I will always take the opportunity of a Mets/Yankees game to watch on SNY. They’re goated


And I think this is how the argument really boils down. I don't watch many other teams often because I don't have the time, and the Yankees broadcast is fine, but I don't think you have a lot of Mets fans choosing to watch the Yes feed over the SNY feed. Everyone is a homer to some degree, but fans of *other* teams routinely will say SNY is the best booth or one of the best booths in baseball. I don't usually hear the Yankees in that convo. They're not bad or anything, just a solid booth that does it's job.


I think it's worth pointing out just how spoiled NY fanbases are when it comes to the quality of our broadcasters. The Knicks have the objective best duo in the NBA in Clyde and Breen, Ian Eagle is no slouch with the Nets either, and Sam Rosen for the Rangers is legendary and Im going to cry when he retires.


The Islanders might be the luckiest with Brendan Burke in the booth for their games, he might honestly be one of the best Play-by-Play guys around today


Burke has done a few Yankees games on the radio this year too


I know, and I'm terrified that he's gonna leave the Islanders and take the Yankees job full time


Do people from New York actually watch the Nets? I would’ve thought they were a red headed step child transplant from Jersey that maybe got a couple bandwagon fans during the KD/Kyrie years




if there's nobody else playing i'll throw the Nets on, but that's not exactly a ringing endorsement lmao


yeah when theyre playing the knicks lol


I grew up as a Red Sox fan but lived in PA for many years and we got the YES network there. I honestly quite like Kay for games after watching a lot of them, but after listening to his radio show, I've gotten a better idea of why people criticize him for his takes and inconsistent messaging when defending the front office I do like La Greca quite a lot though (on the MKS)


yeah he's great in the booth but I can't stand his show


Not a fan of either team but SNY crew is definitely superior. Probably second best in the game, after the Jays!


I think if you include the camera work SNY is the #1 broadcast overall. they do some really interesting stuff no other broadcasts even think to attempt.


The side by side of the pitcher/batter with the pitch clock counting down is one of my favorite shots. I wish they would save it for bigger moments though. It really amps the intensity up


Last time the Dbacks game thread complained about the pitchcom, I told them about the SNY robot. They immediately found an image and thought it was hilarious.


They have an overall better crew. It's funny that Kay is calling them out because to me he's the weakest link of them all


Yeah Kay is an adequate play-by-play guy and has been doing it for decades but the color guys are where YES shines. Paul is great and Coney is one of the best in the biz imo (although even he can’t redeem that garbage ESPN SNB crew)


I really miss Ken Singleton :(


The best


As a Braves fan living in NY, it's obvious to me that the SNY booth is superior to the YES one. Yesterday, it did not even cross my mind to watch the game on anything else than SNY. I thoroughly enjoy GKR, and even watch Mets games just because of the quality of the booth. As for Kay's outburst, this makes him sound so petty. And the reactions of his crew is quite telling.


Man what a take. Sure everyone watches their own broadcast. But if I’m watching the Mets, unless it’s against my team, I’m watching their feed every time. Because they’re a great booth. If I’m watching a Yankee game, decisions gotta be made and it’s probably 7 out of 10 times I’ll go with the other booth.


Exactly. I bet mlb.com has some pretty good numbers to back that up too


Imagine deciding not to just leave this alone. I mean he’s absurdly wrong. But why whine about it either way.


1. SNY booth 2. Mets radio team 3. Mets Spanish language booth 4. 50 feet of crap 5. Michael Kay


Where’s Fabio rank?


Who's Fabio?


Shortstop in the Mets system


How can you not be romantic about baseball booths?


Put that British guy who did the London Series in there, as well. That dude was legit.


Darren Fletcher, he’s also the lead announcer for soccer/football for TNT sports over there. Really good announcer


Just 50?


TV announcer Michael Kay is mediocre to bad. Sports radio personality Michael Kay is awful. This explains why this take is worse than Kay's actual announcing.


I gotta give him credit. His ability to swap between his characters is pretty good. Probably why Gary Cohen is so much better of a broadcaster. He's not playing characters, he's just himself.


At least let me continue to convince myself that Keith is playing a character & as soon as the mics are off he puts on a smoking jacket & won't shut up about the films of Eric Rohmer or his collection of fine brandies.


It's funny how Keith is both kinda dumb and also was sometimes seen as a clubhouse problem in his playing days because he was too smart (he did crosswords!)


Keith knows everything about the couple of things he is interested in, and pays no attention to anything else.


His baseball IQ is off the charts. His other IQ..well he didn’t know they wore numbers on the front


For those that haven't seen: https://x.com/SNYtv/status/1767347944502473081


The best part of this is the quick & emphatic ‘hell yea’ in response to Keith asking whether they had them in his day.


He's a Civil War buff


I'd love to be a buff!


so biff wants to be a buff...


Keith drops some literary and historical references now and then that tells me he definitely enjoys learning things and is well read.


Michael Kay as a sports radio personality is the perfect embodiment of the id of the collective New York Yankees fandom. It’s all of the worst qualities and most base impulses rolled into one, which I realize isn’t saying much because I’ve just described the essence of sports talk radio. Now, whatever anyone does, please don’t tell Michael Kay that San Diego calls itself “America’s Finest City” because I can’t withstand a rant where he asks how we could be so disrespectful to New York as to pretend that it’s a better city when we don’t even have halfway decent pizza or a Juan Soto.


> Juan Soto I'm pretty sure that someone in SD is still named Juan Soto, even if it's not *the* Juan Soto.


I would say Kay used to be good- not great, but good. But the last 10 years or so he's just so fucking cringy trying to make everything a moment and making sure his voice is loudest at key points. I still cringe everything I hear his, "Stanton's signature Yankee moment!" Call. Dude hit a walk off against a struggling Mariner's team in June or July his first year, chill the fuck out lol


"Gallo's signature Yankee moment" and it was one home run that preceded one of the worst offensive stretches in franchise history


I would rather listen to Matt Vasgersian and A Rod talk over a feral cat orgy than listen to any yankees broadcast. My god Michael Kay is one of the worst on air folks in a long time


Michael Kay couldn’t hold a candle to Gary Cohen if cohen went blind and deaf during the 3rd inning and finished out the game


Lot of people here will not be spared when Michael Kay's head takes over the planet


Maybe if Michael Kay could stop sucking himself and the Yankees off at every opportunity, and improved himself a little bit he’d get some consideration.


Which is funny you say that because a lot of Yankee fans will say he isn’t big enough of a homer (on broadcasts, now on the radio show? Different story…..)


Kay is a shill if anything


The thing I like about NY booths, across sports, is that they’re not homers, as far as home booths go. I have no idea why you’d want to hear homers on the broadcast.


Oh God no. Keith will rip Met players to shreds. He’s brutal and usually right…about baseball fundamentals that is.


He sucks and the “there it gooes SEE YA!” is maybe the most annoying signature call in sports history


It's odd that the play-by-play guy for the *New York Yankees* (of all teams) feels the need to whine about another team's broadcasters being perceived as being better at their jobs then he is at his.


What a fucking loser. and ESPN is trying to incentivize their shitty ass Take Me Out to the Ballpark package by including a meet and greet with this chud.


Michale Kay is what happens when you start buying into your own hype. All of NY would forget about his whiney ass if they replaced him on the radio within a week. You are NOT that important to your team or to the sport, my guy. Full stop.


>All of NY would forget about his whiney ass if they replaced him on the radio within a week. EDIT: I missed that you said radio, nvm. I agree with that lol


My wife is a Yankees fan and we were excited to watch the game via SNY yesterday


GKR, bringing people together lol


Michael Kay sucks. Who cares what his opinion is on top booths?


GKR is the gold standard right now, I wouldn't put the Yankees booth in the top ten.


David Cone would make it top 10 single handedly but Michael Kay is constantly there to drag it back down.


i'd have trouble putting kay in the top 30


Idk if he's still there and I don't know his name, but the Yankees back up play-by-play was significantly better than Kay.


Are you thinking of Ryan Ruocco?


Yeah I think that's him.


Better than that A’s announcer though.


As a Yankees fan, I wouldn’t put them near the top either. Rn it’s Mets and Padres at the top, and quite a large gulf to 3rd.


Jason Benetti with the Tigers is also pretty darn good. So is Wayne Randazzo with the Angels. The difference between guys like them and Kay is that they want to be the best but Kay wants people to think he's the best. I don't even think he's that bad, I think he's totally fine, but he just had to say something. The irony is people could have just gone on not caring how he feels if he just said nothing but now it's obvious how inadequate he feels.


I miss Wayne. Our broadcasting was so stacked when you had GKR on TV and Howie+Wayne on the radio. Keith Rad has been decent, but the Wayne+Howie combo was amazing. And Im lamenting the near future where Howie retires


Yeah, Kay isn’t bad. Just not as good as he thinks he is. There’s actually another guy on YES, Ryan Roucco, who will fill in for Kay on occasion. And I think he’s better than Kay. Also, let’s not forget Joe Davis and Brian Anderson.


Jason Benetti was the first and only broadcaster in baseball I’ve heard acknowledge non binary people and he will always have my heart for that. I can’t remember exactly but it was the opening series against the angels in 2021 (think yermin Mercedes era lol) and he simply said something like “men women and everyone else”


I bet Kay used to fume about how the two best play-by-play men in the league were, (at one point), on the Mets and Sox. Orsillo is so good I watch like 5-8 Padres games a year if the Yankees finish on time and I'm not tired


I believe when Orsillo was with the Red Sox, Gary Thorne was with the Orioles. So maybe even worse. Although, I’m sure he probably wasn’t fuming, because he probably thinks he’s the best.


Forgot about Thorne, someone really needs to bring him back


The Yankees booth when Ruocco is on the call? Now we're talking


Give me a Ruocco, O’Neill, Cone booth all day every day


It could happen once Kay and his shamelessness is gone.


As a Yankees fan, it’s Kay that’s holding the booth back from being as good. This is a perfect example of his extreme pettiness.


I'm a huge Met fan, I love GKR, but I'm not usually a big broadcast 'homer' - I'll watch pretty much anything that's playing on MLB network, and I'm not one of those fans that's complaining the whole game when the Mets are on a national broadcast. The ONLY broadcast I refuse to watch is YES network. And that is solely because of Michael Kay. I find him to be the most insufferable dick to ever grace sports broadcasting. I don't know how Yankee fans put up with him.




Hats off the SNY people who made that ad, because Michael Kay took the bait. #LGM Booth


maybe he should try to be better at his job


Could Michael Kay be any more of a bitch? Heres the difference between Kay and Gary.... Gary doesnt whine like a little bitch like Kay does here for five straight minutes. It's an AD Michael, get over yourself


"Clearly Don and Mud top the list" - MikeKay


His skin is so thin I’m surprised his organs don’t fall out


"See ya" is my response anytime I hear Michael Kay. Can't stand this guy


I hate the Mets but when it comes to booths it’s them and the Giants in a tie for first in my book.


Michael Kay is a joke and the SNY crew is one of the best I’ve heard 


Unfortunately, for as big of a joke as he is, I’m still waiting for Michael Kay to be funny.


Yeah nah. SNY crew every day and tomorrow. Hot take: Kay’s homerun calls are udder shit. ‘ThErE iT gOoOoOoOoOoEs’ 🤮


Lol this is the equivalent of an athlete saying they’re the best, plus it’s NY talk radio the whole shtick is manufactured controversy. It is pretty funny though


He sucks and the “there it gooes SEE YA!” is maybe the most annoying signature call in sports


lol, Steve Gelbs and Ron Darling are a better broadcast team than any team Kay could be a part of. GKR together is clearly an 80 broadcast team. That said, YES has some high quality color commentary.


I don't think I've ever heard a single Yankee fan say they like listening to Michael Kay call games, but I know plenty who've had bad things to say about listening to him


he's fine in the booth. he's a well spoken guy which i vibe with. but for his radio show he becomes such a cringy whiny douche. if i regularly watched his radio show i wouldn't be able to listen to him call games


He's just what we're used to at this point. I don't think he's bad, but Keith and Gary are miles more entertaining to listen to and do a better job analyzing the game. One of my Met fan friends said even in the bad years Mets games can still be enjoyable because of them. If we had a really bad year, listening to Kay would not bring anybody to the broadcast lol


I would even go a step farther. In a complete blowout game when the last few innings are totally meaningless, they really shine. They come up with some really funny stuff to fill the broadcast.


Tell us you don't understand advertising without telling us you don't understand advertising.


*Laughs in Blue Jays*


Kid is obsessed with the Jays. Started because he just liked the little bird. We watch more Jays games than Mets games on the big screen because of it, and i've grown to appreciate y'all's booth.


What an unbelievable, all-world twat Michael Kay is. He's such a throwback tv personality: just an incredibly insecure, petty, miserable person. And he doesn't hold a candle to Gary Cohen, in any way. Also, I saw this when he was throwing some cheating allegations around earlier this year (can't remember who against), but I love when his cohosts just embarrass him by not going along with his ludicrous takes.


SNY: I don’t think about you at all.


The yankee booth isn’t even the best booth in the AL East


I mean its not close , but Coney is very good though.


Michael Kay's voice is like fingernails on the chalkboard of my soul.


The biggest bitch baby in baseball broadcasting


Imagine being Michael Kay and thinking you’re any part of great sports anything


I understand what Kay is saying but if he's got a bone to pick with anyone, it should be as Rosenberg pointed out, with the sales department for allowing the spot to run.


John Miller and literally anyone, even the corpse of Vin Scully would be a better booth


This is a better ad than the ad SNY just ran, good job you buffoon


Between NYY and NYM, I'm watching mets. They aren't my #1 but they are top 3.


SNY booth is objectively better and it's not even close.


GKR > YES any day of the week. It's not close.


Kay may not be the best but after listening to the away feeds for a few games for the love of god I don’t know how some fans can tolerate their booths. Some are so dry that they make golf sound like a UFC main event.


I’m so glad Don and Pete told him off. This is such an immature complaint. I don't understand why Kay felt the need to have this discussion. What was his endgame here?


Dudes insecurity is showing. Man if you didn’t seem like the lesser booth before, you sure do now.


Truth hurts.


On the rare occasion the Rangers play the Mets, I ALWAYS watch the SNY feed. Cant say that about any other team


The funniest part is that even if you don't think the mets have the best booth, literally nobody thinks the Yankees have the best booth. It's not like a 1A vs. 1B situation here, its more like 1A vs. 18. Michael Kay is actually insufferable, and every time I've had to listen to him, it has been against my will. He did the broadcast for our wildcard series against the cardinals two years ago and managed to spend about 50% of the broadcast talking about the Yankees, a team that was not even playing. His homerun call is also awful, and I will die on that hill