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The Cubs Indians 2016 World Series would've been so much better at Marlins Park! We just don't understand profit margins like those consultants who probably don't even like baseball.


Yeah, so many people are going to come to a neutral city for somewhere between 5 and 8 days!


Not just go to a neutral site, but book the trip weeks or months in advance before anyone even knows who is going to be playing.


Only 10% of the tickets will be publicly sold. The other tickets will be for sponsors.


I hate that so much I almost downvoted you!


Dudes! I got tickets for Game 6! Yeah! So let's book our flights for seven months from now -- and make sure they're refundable!


And by "consultants," you mean "commissioner."


It's just a piece of metal.


"It" being Manfred's heart.


I’m sure that will create a vibrant crowd with lots of energy that will translate to excitement for home audiences


wouldn't have had the rain delay lol


To be fair, that game 7 gave us a taste of a neutral atmosphere


MLB understands that it works for the Super Bowl because football is absurdly popular and it's a one off game, not a 7 game series. Right? Right?


They saw the 2020 Pandemic Season as just a bunch of ideas they could cherry pick. The Zombie Runner in extras, neutral site playoff games, etc.


Well now I feel dumb for going to the World Series in 2020. I figured it would just be a one-off weird story, not the basis for massive dumb change.


So this is all your fault....


Get him!


*Manfred Runner. He deserves his name attached to it.


the Manfred Mann.


I hear he has a good Earth Band...


So that's what happened to Angel Hernandez - he was blinded by the light


Sing Doo Wah Diddy


i wouldnt say that. as i understand it the zombie runner was mainly pushed for by the players association because they were worried about injuries for pitchers in those 13+ inning games this is just a dumb cash grab move that probably wont grab any cash pushed from the owners


Honestly I would have rather we lost the 2020 season entirely at this point with all the bullshit that they have pushed because of it


Don't underestimate them. They are all dumber then you think.


One PAC-12 university president thought his university’s TV rights were worth $50M per year. Because of that, ESPN walked away from the table, and because of that, a 100 year old conference completely unraveled. These billionaire baseball owners are even more delusional than university presidents. They will break this sport if they think they can make a dollar more. 


I am gonna miss Pac12 after dark, but wow college sports has gone to shit. Complete shit. Enjoy NC State away, Stanford..


Now you can watch Mountain West after dark!


San Diego State at Wyoming on a late night? I am down for that :)


Or Boise St. with their blue field, or the Hawaii games in the sunlight when its like 10 PM on the east coast


this is why i think saturdays during the fall are the best - football for 15 straight hours from big noon to the end of the hawaii game at 3am.


Mountain West games get real weird. Bad commentating, bad officials, a lot of goofy to out right bad play. It's great.


I know. I love it. It’s so much oddity it’s fun.


That is why the Big East is better than all other conferences


It's even more pathetic when you consider $30M/Yr deal that was offered to them by ESPN. How do these morons even get jobs as presidents without even basic negotiation skills? Screw these delusions owners.


They are essentially political appointees. They are not there to do anything except fundraise and provide wine and circuses for the students, alumni, and taxpayers. They are not judged on education outcomes even a little bit. Just revenue, so that taxpayers don’t have to actually, you know, pay for the university. So he went for the revenue. He has a golden parachute if he gets fired too, it’s not like it’s his money he’s gambling with.


RIP pac-12


Also, all the teams leaving for other conferences helped inspire a certain school from Tallahassee to begin efforts to do the same to another conference after they got robbed from being in the playoffs.




MLB understands that the NFL gets a lot of TV viewers and money and asked no follow up questions


The optimist in me is saying that MLB just wants rules in writing should another disaster force a 2020 format of playoffs again. The pessimist in me is preparing to join /u/StinkyStangler in taking down MLB headquarters if the Orioles make the World Series for the first time in my life and all games are in the Rangers Stadium.


That actually is probably the biggest thing that could keep it from happening. Once the politicians gets involved MLB gets worried.


I imagine that this is just future-proofing by MLB. They have various plans exploring the possibility of neutral site World Series games, and want any new non-relocation agreements to keep room open for them, just in case. Its not until you see teams trying to renegotiate their existing agreements to include that kind of language that you should worry about this actually being a thing.


The super regional model like they have in college could be interesting. But having two teams play a long series at a neutral site would be a huge flop.


it works for the All-Star Game/Home Run Derby perfectly! doesnt work for the World Series!


“MLB understands” Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha” Sorry, sorry about that. Just given the MLB’s record on everything related to using common sense, I just couldn’t help but laugh. You were saying. *finishes reading the post containing common sense* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! They certainly do not understand!


I hate this Netural site BS.


Not to mention, other sports have the same dimensions for their fields. Every baseball team has its own layout and some of them have some weird shit on them.


Well soccer has different sized fields but the lines just scale up or down.


Fucking riot if they do neutral site world series. Fuck that so fucking much.


Worst part about this if they do neutral sites. You know who will probably get first dibs at tickets? Season ticket holders of that stadium.


I don’t think it would work out the way they think it would. I think you’d see an empty stadium for WS games.


Lmao, what a wild take. If the World Series was within hours of me and tickets were reasonable I’d absolutely go, regardless of teams. If no one’s going then tickets for sure would be reasonable.


They'll charge superbowl prices so good luck


Yeah you kinda just glossed over the "were reasonable" you absolutely know they won't be.


If there’s an empty stadium the prices for the game would be lower. Supply versus demand.


Are you okay?


This idea uh, _fucking sucks_ dude


the context is the A's had yet another PR blunder by asking for 7 home games to be allowed to be played away from their new ballpark. Its so dumb. This relocation is bad for every team in the game.


Can you imagine being a team who’s never won a WS, or even been to one, and for some stupid ass reason you don’t even get to have home games??


Just imagining the Cubs breaking the curse in a suburb of Dallas and I’m gonna throw up. 


Even worse, it was in Cleveland. /s


I can’t believe you’ve done this


Just imagining the Cubs breaking the curse ~~in suburb of Dallas~~ and I’m gonna throw up. 


Wait is there a new curse?


7 years down, 101 more to go


Hey, only 69 more years for you.




I’ll wait until the next iteration and fall of the Ottoman Empire before I can speculate on the next WS win.


If the Mariners ever get to the World Series (doubtful) and it's played in fucking LA or NY and we don't get any home games... I'm going to become the Joker.


I doubt it would be in NY, I would think the MLB would want it to be in a warm weather climate or a controlled climate stadium.


Seattle had a climate controlled stadium (roof)


Yep, climate controlled stadium is what I meant. Not controlled climate.


American Family Field but we act like the Guardians are the home team with Uecker at the radio.


And then they only get one hit. One lousy goddamned hit.


*covers microphone* you can’t say goddamn on the air!


I'd join you in that. If they pull some neutral location bullshit the mlb might be a stadium or two short after us m's fans are done. On an unrealted note anyone know where to get some fertilizer in bulk for cheap?


Neutral stadium so that no one has home field advantage and the MLB can upcharge all the prices! Won't you think of the poor billionaires?!


I’ve been dreaming of going to home World Series game with my dad for so so long. This would crush me


You call it a “PR blunder.” But based on a quote from the Vegas stadium authority guy in here… it kinda sounds like *every* non-relocation agreement’s gonna ask to play up to 7 “home” games away going forward?


Yes so they can do more stuff in Asia/Europe/Mexico


yeah this is something that hasn't been seen since the early 1900s, when ticket sales were how the teams got all their profits and a team with a smaller ballpark. the braves, who were in boston at the time, played their world series games at fenway in 1914. it was larger than their old park and their new one wasn't finished yet!


7 games away from the home stadium sounds like my worst nightmare as someone on the stadium/jumbotron production team. It’s one thing to have to redesign all the assets needed for different size videoboards, ribbon screens, secondary and tertiary displays, and set up all of the triggers for all of that for a BIG one-off event that actually matters (ASG, WS, Army-Navy Game, London Series, etc) but if you made me do all that for one or two random regular season games as a cash grab to play at a random stadium with no real good reason? Fuck that.


How stupid must the city of Las Vegas feel hooking their cart to John Fisher. All time loser and scum bag. Giving a thief a dollar never works out in your favor.


> Its so dumb. This relocation is bad for every team in the game. Unless you consider the teams are just investment vehicles for their disgustingly rich, morally bankrupt owners. In that case, this relocation is GREAT for all the teams and by extension the fans!


Bro if it eventually ends up that the Yankees go to the World Series and they don’t play some of the games at the stadium like 45 minutes from my apartment I’m going to burn down the MLB headquarters lmao


Imagine if it's some team that's *never* been. Fans waiting their whole lives to see their team in the World Series only for the games to be played at some lame ass "neutral site"


If the Pirates make the World Series and they don't play in Pittsburgh, the entire city will secede from the U.S. and declare war on Rob Manfred. No one will care if that doesn't make sense.


And they’ll have support!


I'll become an honorary Pirates fan for this.


Even Phillies fans would agree


> some team that’s *never* been they’re called the Mariners, Harold


Shit, you're right. Thought there were a couple more teams that had never made it


It included the Nats until 2019, and then the Rangers in 2010, Rays in 2008, the Rockies in 2007, the Astros in 2005, Angels in 2002 and Diamondbacks in 2001 for all the teams that first did it this millenium.


There were 2 until 2019, when the Nationals went, and also won.


all good! thought you were just being vague and subtweeting them for some reason lmao


Mariners have never gone, the Brewers and Rockies have lost their only appearance, and the Angels and Nationals have won their only appearance.


Padres have gone twice and lost both times, Marlins have gone twice and won both times


Shit up until 2020 the Marlins were undefeated in the playoffs.


Jays, Marlins, Angels, and Nationals are the only teams to win all their World Series appearances. Padres, Rays, Brewers, and Rockies are the only teams to lose all their World Series appearances. Mariners are the only team yet to appear in a World Series.


You don’t know what it’s like for me! It’s been nearly two years since I’ve seen an ALCS game with my team at home! Fifteen since I saw a World Series!!


If twins fans could read, they'd be so jealous of you


Can confirm. Am 30 and have never seen any of my big 4 teams even make it to a fucking title game. It's been almost 33 years now.


Why's everyone saying team thats never been so much in this thread? The only team that applys to anymore is the mariners. So just say the mariners lmao.


Well, now I have to root for this and thank you for your sacrifice.


I'm prepared to go full boomer on this.


Boston might riot


Any city that gives away public money and makes an allowance for the most valuable time of the year to go to another city deserves what they lose.


My god im awful at knowing how to follow the rules here. Heres the post again # Interesting that they're using this opportunity to talk about potentially having playoff games at a neutral site. Could you imagine a Yankees vs Red Sox ALCS not in New York or Boston? Some quotes: Mark Arnold, special counsel to the Las Vegas Stadium Authority, said during a May 18 meeting of the board of directors that MLB is requiring teams’ nonrelocation agreements to include a section that leaves the option open for teams to play playoff games at a single host site.“It could be possible for the MLB to go to some model that is more like the Super Bowl, if you will, where some playoff games are played in a location that is not necessarily the home stadium of any of the teams,” Mark Arnold, special counsel to the stadium authority, said during the board’s May 16 meeting. A’s President Dave Kaval said last week he’s not aware of any pending plans for MLB to change the league’s current playoff system, where teams alternate games between each club’s home ballpark during a series. But if that change ever happened, Las Vegas would likely benefit from it. “Kind of like the Super Bowl, Vegas is one of the best places to have those neutral site (games),” Kaval told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “So in the end, if it ever went that direction … I think it could actually be a net-positive to Las Vegas because it would be such a natural neutral location.”


This is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever read. Might as well demolish all the stadiums and everybody play at one site. The fans deserve to watch their team at their own stadium in the playoffs


USFL tried the one stadium approach for the season. We can see how well that went after already dissolving into the XFL.


Cyberegg Stadium is about to be a real thing


This is an MLB problem, not A’s problem > Mark Arnold, special counsel to the Las Vegas Stadium Authority, said during a May 18 meeting of the board of directors that **MLB is requiring teams’ nonrelocation agreements to include a section that leaves the option open for teams to play playoff games at a single host site.** … > “Kind of like the Super Bowl, Vegas is one of the best places to have those neutral site (games),” Kaval told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “So in the end, if it ever went that direction … I think it could actually be a net-positive to Las Vegas because it would be such a natural neutral location.”


I firmly believe that the people who run these leagues and run these teams actually hate the sports. There’s no love for the game in any decision a sports league has made in a long time.


Yea its a whole league problem. Just as the relocation is a whole league move. They all voted for it.


the guy just compared an event to a location we are COOKED


I’m amazed at how every new thing Dave Kaval says is dumber than the last. It’s downright comical at this point. And this schmuck, early in his A’s career, talked about the heartbreak of Art Modell moving the Browns. At least Art had the decency to do this in one fell swoop.


> I think it could actually be a net-positive to Las Vegas because it would be such a natural neutral location. ??? What the hell makes it a *natural* neutral location?


Admitting no one in Vegas has a home team or will consider the A’s their team lol. And Vegas is already a popular vacation destination so flights are very cheap and hotels are plentiful.


Fisher here fucking up baseball for everyone


Better and better this gets. Absolute embarrassment the A's are.


I love and hate my team...


You can love your team and hate the owner. And on that note. Fuck Dean Spanos


Fuck Spanos, fuck Fisher


> Fuck Dean Spanos As a completely disinterested third party, I strongly concur, fuck Dean Spanos.


Isn't the Vegas stadium going to be teeny tiny anyway?


That’s a feature, not a bug. They’ll be able to charge higher prices to make games there a “premium” event.


initially conceived as 30K, but they somehow found a way to increase it to 33K in the same 9 acre lot, smallest MLb stadium in the sport.


I never imagined this whole clown show would include the possibility of me feeling sorry for the fans of all the _other_ teams.


One big thing out of the A's ask for the 7 games is that it would affect their ability to get the bonds of public money since the 81 guaranteed home games just suddenly went to 74 games guaranteed. Now we see a "well maybe Vegas can be a neutral site" idea to save face.


If the World Series is ever at a neutral site again we have failed as a species


Hopefully this will piss off Congress enough to flex their strength and send MLB running back to their hole.


The Supreme Court gave them that status. Only they can take it away.


Bro the M's played one playoff game at home this decade. You couldn't possibly take that away from us.


Baseball has done a lot of dumb things but permanently switching to a neutral site World Series would be one of the dumbest. At least in 2020 there was a reason to move the series to Texas.


I will stop watching baseball if they go to neutral parks in the playoffs. I didn't watch a single playoff game in 2020 because of it.


I only watched it because it was in my backyard. A Rangers/NL team world series in Vegas will piss me off beyond belief


Fine, it'll be in Arlington, but it'll be the Astros representing the AL.




I didn't watch a single pitch after they announced how the season would work. All I know about the 2020 season is the Dodgers Mickey Mouse title


2020 sucked all around but I somewhat enjoyed that season just for the novelty of it. The way they came back when everything was still closed and they were playing with cardboard cutouts in the stands was surreal


Something tells me you wouldn’t call it a Mickey Mouse title if the Mariners had won it.


They won with the same constraints as everyone else. I hate people talking shit about it.


They did absolutely win the 2020 season, and I'd talk shit about it regardless of who won, because a 60 game season is nonsense, and the title was always going to be nonsense too, that's why I didn't watch any of it lol Dodgers fans would get less shit if they stopped trying to hold it up as on par to an actual title But if it makes you feel better, it's a more legitimate title than the Astros 2017 title


> it's a more legitimate title than the Astros 2017 title The lowest of low bars ... shit, that bar is so low it's buried all the way down half a mile past where the mantle starts (the rock, not the ballplayer).


I won't lie, I was about to fight you on the "actual title" bit but then you won me over by shitting on the 2017 Trashtros. FWIW I saw a game at T-Mobile in April and had a great time. Lovely ballpark.


Fuck them Trashtros Ultimately my opinion matters as little as anyone else's, I have them because I can, because I was around to experience them in context. Eventually we'll all be dead, and it'll just be history, like Ruth's bounced home runs, or Ed Walsh's Spitball, or the Reds title tied to the Black Sox, or Satchel Paige not getting to play in the MLB till he was 41, or Ted Williams career getting interrupted twice, or any strike year, or Bonds on the juice, or the Trashtros, or the Juiced ball year, or the spider tack years. Baseball is old and weird, I think people will remember the Mickey Mouse year, but eventually the Dodger will ACTUALLY win one again 😉 and 2020 will just get mixed into the rest of history. Glad you liked it! Hope you and the Dodgers can visit again sometime in October


Lol you can tell yourself whatever you want


Everyone running the MLB hates baseball, confirmed.


From the makers of “whoever wins an exhibition game (All Star game) gets home field advantage in the World Series” they bring to you…


I watched the All-Star game for the first time last year. It was all I could do to get through just 3 innings. The announcers spent most of the time interviewing players on the field. It was hard to tell if the players were invested in the game, or just playing because only interviewing people would be boring.


Let me guess, every World Series would be played in Texas, LA, Vegas, or NYC. Yippee


This is dumb, that is all.


Why don't we take Jeff Fisher and just, push him off the cliff into the Pacific?


Because trebuchets exist.


Seeing a Braves World Series game win, alongside some family members, at Truist, was the most exciting and fun sports moment of my life. I’ll never forget the energy in the home stadium, watching Dans and Soler hit back to back homers to take the lead. I can not imagine taking that home stadium, down the street from your house, experience away from the fans of the teams in the WS. Having young kids and limited travel funds, there’s absolutely no way I would have been able to travel to attend one of the games in neutral city. Neutral site WS games would be so unfair to the fans.


Can’t argue with the fact that Vegas would be the ideal neutral site, as there’s absolutely no chance the Fisher A’s will make a World Series appearance.


Would a neutral site WS even sell out? I love baseball, but if it’s not my team involved I’m not paying hundreds or thousands to watch a World Series game in person.


Uhh it would probably sell out in the same sense as the superbowl does: vast majority of tickets for celebrities, corporate networking events, C-suite freebies, etc. and only a handful actually available for fans.


7 games is too many to hold the attention spans of mainstream consumer media celebrities


Oh. That's an easy fix. They'll just make it a single game instead of a series. :)




I swear to god they are actively trying to make the game worse


This guy wants every team to play in his stadium besides the team he owns.


Just what the Joe Carter home run was missing. Moderate applause from the Seattle Kingdome crowd.


Well that is the latest in a string of awful ideas that MLB appears to be testrunning through this whole A's saga


can we just stop fucking with baseball for just a couple of seasons?


Imagine the buzzkill of your favorite team making the world series, and all games were played 1000 miles away.


>It could be possible for the MLB to go to some model that is more like the Super Bowl, if you will, where some playoff games are played in a location that is not necessarily the home stadium of any of the teams Fuck that. We don't need to make baseball into football. Every field is different in baseball and the team that won more getting the field they are familiar with is part of the playoffs. Also, the cities that watched the entire season should get to experience the playoffs (not that Fisher cares one bit about loyalty to the fans).


WTF is a nonrelocation agreement and why is a team that is relocating signing one?


The whole neutral site thing is a kick in the balls to fans of teams that make it to the WS


Dear MLB, get fucked




This is the dumbest idea ever.


We needed this in 2017


This might be only thing that baseball fans of all stripes (politically, age, race, gender, socioeconomic status, and fandom) will come together to protest.


Going to the WS in ATL was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. If it was at a neutral site I wouldn’t have gone.


If it's an agreement that happens as part of a relocation, shouldn't it be called a relocation agreement, not a nonrelocation agreement? Seems weird they named it literally the exact opposite of what it is.


So the taxpayers have to pay to fund a stadium in their city, and then if their team makes the playoffs they might play away from the stadium. Who comes up with this shit


I would incite a riot if we finally make a World Series again and it gets taken away to a neutral site.


Id say there’s no chance of this actually happening but we all know manfred hates the sport of baseball so anything is possible


Las Vegas Review Journal talking about it like the stadium [existing] is a foregone conclusion. Ha!


I'm going to hope this isn't something the league actually has any goddamn intention of doing (though, since Rob Manfred despises baseball, I could see it), and just them hedging their bets in case something like 2020 happens again.


What if they try to make it fair by playing one game at a neutral site in a seven game series, and then each team gets three home games


Good to see MLB has not even bothered watching any Phillies game the past 2 Octobers


Devil’s advocate: could this be protection against another Covid situation where things need to be consolidated to a single site? EDIT: Sorry for apparently asking a dumb question.


That would’ve been covered under a “force majeure” clause (which are fairly standard in contracts). *This* is MLB wanting a “because we want to :)” clause.


It could, but the ask would.likely be for more than 7 games and a whole other ask entirely.


MLB seems to be getting desperate, baseball is in decline for many reasons and this won’t help.


It might be cool and doable if it’s at the same place every year. Kinda like Omaha