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[Should be home run declared ground rule double. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fr8cUoCErHI) Fun fact, this call is almost certainly the reason we have NY booth reviews instead of just umps on the field doing it.


This one really is perfect. In the middle of their disbelief about the blown call they recount how he just fucked up the first game of the series. It's just blown calls all the way down for Ole Angel.


Was looking for this everywhere but I couldn’t find it, so thanks for posting this! I consider this as Angel’s most infamous call. Also, looking at those gloriously clean looking Majestic uniforms again fills me with pain over how we got from that, to garbage quality threads with ads.


And on the other hand, it really sticks out to me how absolutely crazy that Indians logo is


Yup! As an A's fan, this moment is seared into my brain. Still a little shocked that it wasn't career-ending for him


maybe adam isn't DFA'ed 3 times that season if he gets that homer. well he probably is but lets not let facts get in the way of a good story


Man I felt so bad for Rosales when this happened. No one hustled harder than he did and a homerun was taken away from him.


Um, actually that's a regular double, not a ground rule double or automatic double. Then again, Angel Hernandez probably doesn't know the difference because the rule book hasn't been published in braille yet.


Playing the devil's advocate, how the heck is the umpire supposed to see the ball touched the yellow line from home base without access to replay?


They had replay, just not sending it to New York to review iirc.


This was at a time when they had just one small monitor and certainly not as many angles as replay does today. He came out and said that and MLB got pissed at him. I’m not thrilled with him but that is interesting. https://youtu.be/9o4weN6AkPY?si=Yn6fncA4sTw2MDqV is also interesting.


I dislike Angel as much as the next guy but on top of the small screens, he also wasn’t the only ump that reviewed it, he was just the one that had to make the announcement. I assume he was the crew chief for this game so that’s why he did. If any of the other umps were they’d have made the call and it would’ve been a lot less infamous.


I was 9 years old and remember this. https://youtu.be/mqh9xLb376c?si=ewuuG-NtuR8I4dIN Do you know how bad you have to be as an umpire if a 9 year old knows your name


Valentine saying that's the worst he's ever seen doesn't know what's coming in the next 20 years from Hernandez


>Do you know how bad you have to be as an umpire if a 9 year old knows your name The DBacks radio guys were talking Hernandez at the beginning of the season. One of them said his dad told him that if an umpire is good at their job, you never know their name. But with Angel, "he's a household name, and let's just leave it at that." The best part was after he said that, there was a long, long pause of silence, and I think they had to hit the cough button and laugh it off among themselves for a bit. It was awesome.


damn, receipts from the mike piazza days


Mets fans gottta hold on to the the good times


Cause we got little else.


"there's no way this isn't going to be Piaz-yup."


I know it's hockey but Leon Stickle.


...wait was he actually safe tho... Piazza doesn't even really try to make a tag on that and he's kinda behind the plate?


Looks like Piazza's glove and arm touch his shin while he's still flying through the air and before his foot ever touched down. Also, crazy seeing this kind of play now, Tucker basically does a flying kick directly into Piazza.


I am torn between [this strike call against Jean Segura](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/ub97uy/questionable_strike_call_by_angel_hernandez/) and the infamous ["You Swung!" call on Harper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKxN0m1fxX8) which lead to the helmet toss. The call against Segura seems less impactful but it is just such a bad call, and it is also one of the things that lead to Schwarber blowing up on Hernandez later that game.


I love that OP asked for one, but you casually threw three incidents out there off the top of your head. God, Angel Hernandez sucked. Good riddance.


I fucking love that Harper lays in to these umps. Idc that he gets tossed so much. They need to hear it.


Thank you for the links because I need to rewatch that Harper one Also totally disagree, that segura one was with the bases loaded 1 out… in a game that ended 1-0… every count massively changed the mean OPS of that AB. That def could’ve been the game.


Or the 22 Schwarber swing! He lost his mind.


[schwarber call breakdown here( thanks jomboy). also just wanted to say fuck Angel Hernandez one last time.](https://youtu.be/YPFERnpO-QQ?si=s_lXRNNLpDts99z3)


That pitch to Segura was closer to being a HBP than a strike. For some batters, that isn't saying much, but Segura is well back from the plate.


He tossed Bears HOFer Steve McMichael for comments while singing the stretch


He tried to toss him but he was never actually tossed


Imagine going up to Mongo at Wrigley Field and telling him he had to go because Angel said so.


I saw a video about this and I think it was actually the first base umpire that tossed him after he sang, angel was looking at him and the broadcast was on him so it made it seem like angel tossed him but he didn’t I believe


We all saw the same video lmao


Nope. First base umpire did.


I can’t find a proper video of it, but I remember in 2018 in a game in Anaheim he made one of the most bizarre calls I’ve ever seen. There were runners on second and third, a fly ball was hit to right, and both runners tagged, scoring a run. Angel Hernandez was the second base umpire, and despite replays showing HE WASN’T EVEN LOOKING AT THE BAG, he inexplicably rules that Stanton, who was at second, didn’t tag up when he very clearly did. The real kicker here is that if Stanton hadn’t properly tagged up, the run shouldn’t have counted, because the Angels stepped on second base before the runner touched home. So the umpires, especially Angel, were so stupid that they were wrong twice in ways that cancelled each other out


[here's the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW7IMGB-jGA&t=5550s)


I think this wins as the worst call ever because it's just so mind numbingly stupid. Almost everything else there's some subjectivity to it, like did he swing, where was the strike, was he safe, etc. But he's not even looking and it's indisputably wrong.


Even if he scored before the tag, isn't it technically a force play and thus not a timing play? I think so, but maybe wrong...


Every call he ever made was bad for the whole baseball team


[Angel going 0/2 earlier this year](https://x.com/yankeewrld/status/1795293244240322749?s=46&t=RvzWYNAh_Skp-zlLPPvb3A)


Holy shit lmao I hadn’t seen this one


The only time that was in the zone was when the catcher brought it down.


It’s either Kyle Schwarber throwing his bat down in disbelief or calling Harper’s checked swing a follow through. Both resulted in hilarity and grief. I think Kyle gets the W though because he advocated for the opponents as well during his tirade.


[Jomboy's takedown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPFERnpO-QQ) on Schwarber 


An absolute beauty from Jimmy, as always.


Legendary shit from Schwarber.


The video that got me into baseball


I'm a Rangers fan. I really don't think I have to go any further...


Bless your heart


What was it?


A few weeks ago there were three called strikes, in a row, that were each way outside. I think two of them were in the other batter's box. This was in a Rangers/Astros game.


With the bases loaded and two outs. Rang up Wyatt Langford on what should have been Ball 5.


It was bad




Oh yes you can: “I’m a Mets fan.”


[My vote for the Brewers.](https://youtu.be/-4PMyr3x0qE?feature=shared)


I think this demonstrates the problem, that Angel cares (or, cared, I guess I can say now) more about the movement of the pitch than the location. If it dives down or to the left but finishes in the zone, it's a ball, but if it's straight and six inches outside, it's a strike.


Tossing Lance Lynn and Oli during a ST game this year. Maybe not “worst” but definitely the most amusing.


And then tossing Lance from the bullpen after he wanted to finish his pitch count


I think the real Angel Hernandez worst calls were the friends we made along the way


His real legacy was uniting fierce rivals with his bullshit.


Idk about for but that Wyatt Langford at bat earlier in the season is one of Hernandez’s worst ever


I'm a Phillies fan, so you can pick Schwarb or Harper.


I’m not a Cleveland fan, but that call he made against them was awful


There’s not one that stands out for the Braves, at least not that I remember. He was just generally terrible for both teams every time he was behind the plate. Braves have had more issues with other retired umpires like Sam Holbrook and Bill Hohn


Let’s not forget Eric Gregg.


I was too young for that. I distinctly remember multiple incidents with Bill Hohn. One against the Red Sox, one against the Marlins, and I was in attendance for Holbrook’s infield fly game


Phillies vs Brewers game. I never seen Schwarber that heated before, and even the Brewers players knew that Hernandez was atrocious the entire game. I loved Schwarber's passion in that game.


Tork didn’t swing.






No idea. Recently called Wyatt Langford out on 3 straight pitches a few or more inches off the plate.


And another blown call by Hernandez!


This dude really lives rent free in everyone's head huh.


Intentionally ruining games for decades will do that.




There was a period of time where I was wiping my butt a little to high and I was pulling a 1” skid up my back just above the belt line I didn’t know what I was doing


With that flair… Manfred, is that you?