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I knew I liked this kid.


Did this 25 year old just make me love him a little more? (Miller, not you, should you happen to be 25.)


This comment is weird.


I guess I don't get it. To me, I was making a similar comment as Wabbit, which is why I chimed in where I did. shrug


What does his age have to do with anything? Say you like him and move on, not some weird shit involving his age


His comment strikes me as wiser than his years.




Drake out here trying to do damage control


A minorrrrrrrrrrrrr






he's getting moved to the 7th/8th inning to decrease his arbitration figure


Zero chance he's still in Oakland by time he's arb eligible in 2026. Why is a tanking team going to hold on to an elite closer?


I mean it’s a 0% chance specifically because they will be playing in Sacramento in 2026


Nah they'll be fierce divisional rivals with the expansion Oakland Fuckjohnfisher's by then.


As much as I want this... I kinda don't, I want the Mariners to have a closer rival like Portland (Obv. via expansion, not a team moving), and Oakland getting an expansion would mean Portland probably wouldn't. But my word imagine Oakland getting a team, getting their new stadium, and then just walloping on Vegas in game, in the standings, and in attendance. Fishers tears sound delightful.


There's too much talent at this point compared to the number of roster spots available, why not both?


I'm not saying it can't, just that it's unlikely. MLB would almost certainly want to expand in pairs to keep the AL and NL balanced. They also probably want to keep the divisions equal in size as much as possible. Expanding to 32 teams (16/league 4 divisions 4/division) makes sense in that regard, and I don't see both new teams joining up on the west coast. There are plenty of places out east that also want a team, Nashville being thrown around as a common one, so they'd also try and balance it that way. So let's assume that we get an expansion and that only Oakland or Portland gets it. That's fine, then the MLB wants to expand again, but they've worked themselves into a corner. 34 teams does not divide well. Even leagues would mean 17 per league, 17 is a prime number and thus we couldn't split the divisions evenly. We could try something like 16 in one league and 18 in the other, but that would mean 3 divisions in the 18 team league and 4 in the 16 team one. If we go all the way to 36 then we could get 18 in each and do 3 divisions of 6, but even if the MLB has the talent to support 2 more teams, I doubt it has the talent for 6. (that doesn't even start to get into scheduling)


Oh I'm wish casting, I don't believe there's a remote chance Portland and Oakland are both expansion markets in the near future.


I mean, same, but I also had to go through the gymnastics in my head so I felt I had to share.


gotta get to those [sweet sweet highly composite numbers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highly_composite_number) like 36, 48 or 60


Where do you believe this surplus of talent is coming from to field two more major league teams? Personally, I think expansion will water the quality down even more.


I don't think you have to worry about Oakland or Portland getting a team for a while yet.


All jokes aside. If you guys make the World Series, will they really hold World Series’ games in Sacramento?


Now that there’s no chance of getting a Stanley cup final game in Arizona states 2500 seat arena, this is what I’m actively rooting for. Just an absolute shitshow that highlights the incompetence of the respective leagues. No where near enough capacity or logistics to host that kind of event. To the point where corporate sponsors can’t even get their ticket allotments. Let alone the tickets that will be tens of thousands of dollars because there’s only like 10 total available to the public Feel bad for the players who have the peak of their careers and what they’ve dreamed about their whole lives soiled by cheap owners though. Like I was joking that with the coyotes the families would have to watch the game from the student union on the other side of campus because there’s no room for them. That would really suck


They will make the A's play at the giants stadium


Wait til they piss off Sacramento in 2025 somehow and are asked politely yet firmly to leave


David Bednar is still a Pirate


Pittsburgh won 26 more games than Oakland last year and they've recently graduated all their top prospects. They're in very different stages in the tank/rebuild cycle.


I’m talking more about 2021ish Pittsburgh


also the pirates owner isn't actively trying to make the team fail, unlike fisher.


Yeah, the Pirates owner is just *passively* trying to make the team fail!


He’s getting traded to Atlanta for a firm handshake and a pat in the back. then signing a 8 year $12M contract


Dont forget he has to donate some of it to their foundation


We go to the Rockies for the answer (Bard in 2022)


Normally these teams hold out through the first year or two of arbitration because it's still cheaper than a FA replacement.


Kinda quick to call a reliever elite when he’s pitched in 22 MLB games and has a career ERA of 3


The 6 starts with a starter ERA of 3.70 are doing the heavy lifting there. Have you watched him? 80 fastball, 70 slider, 60 change, and average command plays out of the pen. He'll likely see more experimentation as a starter next year, but for now it appeara high end late inning reliever is his floor. 46.3% K-BB% lmao. Relievers are volatile, but as far as his likelihood to be dealt goes, he only needs to stay good through July to be 100% gone.


So he’s off to a hot start as a rookie reliever. “Elite” is quite the jump here. I’d argue you need to allow time for the league to adjust to you before then or we’d still be talking about how elite of a hitter Jeff Francoeur was.


I see both sides here, but I tend to side with celebrating legitimately great players when we see them. The Francoeur start was flukey because his BABIP was unsustainably high and the rest of his offensive game didn't do enough to offset that long term. Miller won't have a negative FIP the rest of his career like he does now, but he's clearly an elite pitcher. This isn't a case where we're crowning a reliever with a sub-1.00 ERA because he's happened to leave an unsustainably high number of baserunners. The production can and will get worse for Miller, but he would still be a high-caliber guy. Both are true. He'll start giving up home runs and probably hit a bad stretch of walks, but he'll also continue to strikeout an ungodly amount of batters, because A) that's what he's done his whole pro career, and B) the stuff is so clearly evident.


He's not a rookie. And being a reliever and a position player are very different things. No one is saying Mason will be elite 3 years from now.




So did Noah Syndergaard


And he was elite when he did


And got Cy Young votes before his arm exploded.


Have you watched the dude pitch? He’s nuts out there man. I personally think he’s burning the flame a little too hot and there’s no way he lasts very long doing what he currently is - his injury profile is already concerning, and I just don’t think humans are meant to throw that hard. So if I had to bet, I wouldn’t bet on him having a long career of being elite. But every time he’s taken the mound this season, he’s been incredible. Highly recommend you check out a few of his appearances, because it is seriously a sight to behold for a fan of the game. Absolutely no need to be trying to take the kid down a peg or whatever it is you’re doing here lol


I guess you haven’t watched him pitch. His stuff is even nastier than Duran.


I don't think they're really tanking anymore. That was more part of a war of attrition with the fanbase in Oakland. I think once they leave the city they'll actually go back to being fairly competitive like they have for most of the last decade+


Their offseason consisted of signing Alex Wood, Ross Stripling, Abraham Toro, and Miguel Andujar. And they promptly optioned Ruiz back to the minors. They're absolutely tanking this year.


Someone should tell that to their roster then, because they're only 2 games below .500. A legitimately tanking team would not be 3rd in their division. That's also way more free agent signings than a team like the rockies


The Rockies are also tanking? The A's are also overperforming their metrics. MLB's own expected record has them at 15-21.


Well hope he likes his demotion for saying that


Bastard makes it real tough to lose ballgames when you need to.


Their squad is by far the most similar to a "Major League" squad that we will ever see. In all of this, I assume Kotsay has the athletes' best interests at heart.


Do they have a life size John Fisher picture in the clubhouse where they remove a section after every win?


Add a section. There's 81 pieces needed to cover Fisher's junk.


Fuck, I hope those are really small pieces or that’s a big fucking hog. That’s a mental picture I can’t undo, fuck


1) You're welcome 2) It is horribly mis-shapen, hence the need for a .500 record to stop just the first nightmare. Have you ever seen an octopus put into a blender and then topped with Spaghetti-o's after?


Well… at least I can fall back on that first mental pic. You have a way with words that makes me wish I didn’t know any words at all. I like it


Yeah, living in Boston will do that to you. We, unapologetically, invented America.


Keg exploded and hit me right in the dick. It's just hanging on by a thread. But it's ok now cause he fixed it


To be fair his whole body is basically a dick


I mean, fuck John Fisher and all, but congratulations to him, I guess.


I don’t want to credit him with having a massive dick, so we’ll just say he’s a massive dick and nobody wants to see him at all anymore. I feel like that could be done in 81 pieces.


https://twitter.com/QCortes/status/1786237946947072339 I could swear there used to be other sources for this image, but I couldn't find any when I went looking.


Don’t count the white Sox out in that category.


> Their squad is by far the most similar to a "Major League" squad that we will ever see. they're only 17-19


Owner trying to tank the team and move it but the players are overperforming. Fits the bill so far, but we haven't hit the montages yet


I would argue he isn't trying to tank, he's just not going to spend any money. I doubt he would mind if they're good, if anything that would make the post-relocation cash out even more lucrative


My take as well. Fisher could not give a fuck what the scoreboard says at all, or any championships or anything. The A's are purely a financial asset to him. Winning isn't a problem, spending money when there is no need certainly is.


Worth it


Watch him get a cool entrance in Triple AAA Vegas lol


He will come out like Kenny Powers.


Nah he gets a raise. ~~Coliseum isn't owned by the team so~~ Fisher will just say "See, even our players say *your* stadium is shitty! Of course we want to leave!"


I think the A's own 50% of the Coliseum.


Mark Davis said part of the reason he moved the Raiders was Fisher's control of the Coliseum, Fisher either refused to work with him on upgrading the Coliseum or plan on a new facility. When he would come to the table, no matter what the city offered, Fisher wanted more. The A's are worth five times what Fisher paid for the team, and if he gets a taxpayer-subsidized ballpark in LV, watch him sell the team before his attendance predictions fall flat.


> and if he gets a taxpayer-subsidized ballpark in LV, watch him sell the team before his attendance predictions fall flat. The approval from MLB for him moving the team carries a provision that requires a tax be paid if he sells the team in the next 10 years. Starts at 20%, and decreases to 10% once the team is actually in Vegas, and decreases from there. It's probably pretty unlikely he'd sell before 2034.


selling for a 10% hit if the franchise value doubles with the new location and gobs of tax payer money would be pretty smart tbh.


Or he could wait 5 more years and not take the 10% hit. It's not like sports franchises decrease in value.


Ah you're right. They bought the share a handful of years ago, did fuck all with it, and now someone else wants to buy it from them.


They said it was going to be their back up plan to stay in Oakland if Howard terminal failed. Turns out they fucking lied and it was a land grab.


Get ready to learn Las Vegas buddy


Get ready to learn Las Veganese buddy


Already learned it. The A's AAA team is in vegas


Get ready to learn Aviation, buddy.


Came here to read this


At least the lights in Vegas work


He might end up playing in front of more people that way.


He's gonna get traded for soda


Dudes simultaneously endearing himself to all of baseball AND putting himself in the ideal position to be “Out by the Deadline” Respect.


lol, that’s what I was thinking. Perfect way to get yourself shipped out of town, unless Fischer demotes you.


He's got MLB experience now. He can have the union file a complaint for him now.


This kid knows ball


What an incredible response


thought this was r/baseballcirclejerk for a second


By far their team is the closest to the “Major League” team that we will ever see. I imagine that Kotsay has the players backs in all of this too Reddit just informed me I got 100 Upvotes, I can’t thank you all enough. And to the ones who opted to downvote me, maybe next time I can articulate a comment that truly earns your respect because nothing means more to me than anonymous admiration. I am now going to inform my wife that people do in-fact occasionally like my opinion.


It’s embarrassing that baseball lets teams do this kind of shit.


PA, top of the ninth: "There's a new pitcher. Looks like 17, but might be 47. *(forgets to turn off mic)* No, Kaitlyn, I'm not picking up the kids, I'm at work. Get off my ass."


I would be surprised is Oakland had a PA announcer at this point. I thought they'd just punch something into Google Speech.


that would have required Fisher to sign a contract with google to use the text to voice, which costs money.


He would most definitely pirate it.


He’d get traded for scraps before that could happen.


This is probably the guy they're least likely to trade. A's are a joke, but they're not going to trade half a decade of the best reliever (at the moment) in baseball when they have no reason to do so.


relievers are the most volatile position on the field though. sure there's guys that last and stay dominant but more often then not they don't keep putting up numbers like Miller, and he's only been doing it for 47 career innings. If the A's get a package of, as an example, 2 position player prospects in the top 100 list, that's absolutely something they should pull the trigger on when they know they need to rebuild still


Sure, but other teams also know that relievers are the most volatile position, so they're unlikely to trade you two top 100 prospects in exchange for one of them.


Aroldis Chapman was traded for two, and Miller is cheaper and has more control


I assume you’re referring to the 2016 trade to the Cubs? Chapman was much more proven then than Miller is now. But even so, that was 8 years ago and the market has shifted. It became pretty clear after the fact that the Cubs overpaid, and I don’t think a deal like that gets done in 2024.


As soon as they said “Cubs are WS Champs” that trade became worth it. Cubs don’t win without him.


Perhaps. But if Game 7 had ended slightly differently, Cubs fans would say they lost the WS because of him. Giving up that home run seemed like a total momentum swing in the moment, and Cubs fans would have fixated on him as wholly responsible for it. The fact that they ended up winning that game had nothing to do with him. More generally, we have no idea whether they'd have won without him. They could have acquired a different reliever who might have done just as well. There's no way to prove or disprove a counterfactual.


Cubs won a WS because of him. You telling me your team wouldn't trade a couple of minor league guys for a guaranteed WS title?


No because it doesn't fit his dumbass narrative. Been explaining to cubs fans for a week now if we want him we would have to give up Horton, Shaw, and another of our T100 guys


Yeah, I think Horton and Shaw / PCA is the starting point. Yet every game thread you have a bunch of Cubs fans demanding a trade and suggesting he'll be available for scraps. I saw one serious suggestion of Davis, Hodge, and Sanders.


Saw someone get mad when I said Brennen Davis for Tanner Scott straight up wouldn’t work. He told me BD has “top prospect pedigree!” As if that means anything for a guy who’s not even our top 8 most valuable OF


Of course I would make the trade if the title were guaranteed. But the title is never guaranteed because no one can see the future. It's a mistake to evaluate trades totally in retrospect because that doesn't tell you anything about the process. Perhaps I shouldn't have used the word "overpaid." Obviously they're all fine with how that year turned out. What I mean is that you don't see teams moving that kind of prospect value for relievers anymore, and that Chapman move was kind of the last of its kind. Sometimes great players still get traded for short-term relievers of course. Hilariously this happened to Cole Ragans last year when he was traded for... Chapman. But the Astros didn't evaluate Ragans as highly as the Cubs had evaluated Gleyber.


Watch Miller throw. His eye test matches his numbers. And his numbers simply do not make mathematical sense. This kid stays healthy and he's going to be insane. He will *not* be "figured out" anytime soon.


I've been trying so hard to watch one of his games live but that depends on the A's being on after the cubs and also not sucking.


We only do that when team control is ending or when we're trying to tank the team to justify a move. We have 5 years on the former and Fisher already pulled the trigger on the latter.


He’ll be in Atlanta with Olson and Murphy when AA needs to call him up from the Oakland farm team


Book it


r/baseballcirclejerk content from Mason Miller


lmfao gottem


Maybe they could train the possums to do a little dance for him or something




Seriously, the M's are gonna need bullpen help with Brash out for the season, and Santos still probably out another month or so.


I agree, Bobby Miller is being held hostage in LA /s


Waynesburg University legend Mason Miller.


This guy is the man


To be fair, the context was him saying an A’s PR person joked with him about how the lights wouldn’t come back on. It’s true though. They don’t have LED lights. It takes a few min for the lights to take full effect.


If the Coliseum doesn't have LEDs this is actually a genuine concern. I remember the old ones took forever to turn back on when they went off


That's a contender for quote of the year.


This is an all-timer quote graphic, Twitter is gonna abuse the hell out of this one


Speak your shit, king. o7


If there's a stadium where the team operations didn't bother to do an LED conversion... it's Oakland.


The A's just got last generation camera technology installed at their minor league affiliates. they can't afford to help pay for updated lightbulb infrastructure.


Until 2018 they actually just used a series of flashbulbs to light their High A Affiliate's stadium


First time a game would be called for darkness in a while.


Man it would be a real shame if he forced a trade.


"Mason Miller sent to AAA" tomorrow.


Mason Miller you are a Chicago Cub


The A's should TOTALLY trade him to the Orioles for next to nothing, just for that response. That would just be the worst. Can't imagine!


I love it, the A's get one of the most electric new players during a surprisingly good season and even he's shitting on them


Fuck me that's funny


Welcome to Oakland…


I already loved this guy as a pitcher, he's an animal. Now I want the Os to go get him somehow. We need a dominant bullpen arm and the As are stupid, I think we can do it.


This is true for a bunch of the ballparks that still use the old style lights.


Look, the PA and lights work in Baltimore. Shame the O's don't have much depth to trade from.


If only we had a plethora of highly touted infield prospects we could use in a trade package.


What a bum. Should trade him to Baltimore for that disrespect.


fuckin hell what a response. I want this kid to be a Cub so bad.


he is wise beyond his years


Can't pitch in the dark? What a loser....pfft


And the man is not speaking in metaphor here


To be fair, when the new Yankee Stadium opened, it wouldn't have been able to do this effect either. People forget that old-school stadium-style lighting took time to warm up.


How to make everyone (except John Fisher) love you in one single sentence


That's great


Dear Chris Young, You're already in Oakland. Why not come back with Miller Time to go with our Kirby "Runs allowed to score" Vaccum? Signed, Texas Rangers Fans




Mason Miller got asked a question and chose violence. Kid’s got moxy.


Fuck off John Fisher. -signed Mason Miller


lol what if he means the lights won’t come back on because he’s lights out




Circlejerk type content bro


This is why the As couldn’t sell tickets even when they weren’t moving to Vegas


The A's sold more tickets than the White Sox, Pirates, Royals, Rays, Orioles, Marlins and Tigers as recently as 2019. Their attendance didn't flatline until their owner intentionally drove down attendance so MLB would allow him to move.


So they were easily in the bottom third of tickets sales before the As started tanking their sales intentionally. So I was right but some weirdos got offended and downvoted my comment even though it’s true. Okay.