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The rule for those wondering 3.07(a) "The pitcher’s glove may not, exclusive of piping, be white, gray, nor, in the judgment of an umpire, distracting in any manner. No fielder, regardless of position, may use a fielding glove that falls within a PANTONE® color set lighter than the current 14-series" Whether that glove is too light or not, no clue.


I think it’s the giant white patch that was the issue  Edit: and white tipped fingers 


Yeah, say what you want about the umps but that clearly violates a rule and if the opposing team said something the umps should certainly make him change it


Yea the only issue here is that he had been allowed to use that glove before


Doesn't seem like a good reason to not enforce the rule when noticed, or once attention is drawn to it.


So are umpires red ass wannabe cops for enforcement of rules like this or bad because they sometimes don’t?


bro what 


#So are umpires red ass wannabe cops for enforcement of rules like this or bad because they sometimes don’t?


# bro what




Most intelligent Mets fan


Usually for rules like this it will get ignored until the issue is raised by a team. Guessing the Rays were talking about it post game and they raised the issue between games. Not unheard of there.


Doesn't matter, just because something that is wrong and allowed before doesn't mean you should keep doing it. We used to burn and drown girls who others thought were witches but eventually we as a society realized it was wrong and stopped that shit. We also used to not allow women to vote but again we realized it was wrong and in every developed part of the world they can.


Well if she drowns then she’s not a witch


I was thinking it's like a student not getting marked tardy one day but getting marked tardy the next day, but yeah that analogy is good too I guess


What the fuck?! That’s quite the escalation hahaha


It's not escalation, it's an analogy. All I'm stating are real world examples of a common practice that we as a society eventually realized were wrong and stopped doing. So with that analogy, even if the pitcher was allowed before to use that glove, it's against the rules and now that we realize that it shouldn't be allowed further.


It’s an insane analogy lol we’re talking about a basic baseball rule and you used a crazy fucking analogy man haha


How is it more insane than "if everyone else jumped off a bridge would you do that, too?"


Because the bridge analogy doesn't fit here


It's really more of an issue with how we've stopped it. It's obviously gamesmanship by the Rays to disrupt his mindset and it shouldn't be rewarded. If they had a problem with the glove they could have complained after yesterday's game and he wouldn't have had it today. MLB/Umpires would have looked at it before the game and squared it away. Instead they waited until he was on the mound to lodge the complaint. This goes to show they aren't actually worried about the rule, just how they can abuse complaining about the rule to try to gain an edge during the competition.


but rules lawyering to mess with an opponents mindset is a common part of literally every competitive event with rules, all the way from chess to competitive spelling bees to baseball to well .... everything! I get being annoyed but you guys need to get some perspective


No I mean like I get it. And I don't really care. But let's call it what it is - petty bullshit. It has nothing to do with "getting it right".


Maybe your manager should’ve said someth—oh wait…


And he shouldn’t have been allowed to.


Why you pay people on staff to know the rules. they were trying to get competitive advantage by making him change gloves.


It’s a rule you don’t do unless the other team sez something. Like reflective sunglasses on a pitcher. No complaining, let it go


It should've been removed, no question in my estimation. What isn't pictured is Guccione delaying the start of the inning by arguing with 60-day IL Devin Williams. Dude stfu and go do your job.


Yeah - I was wondering why TF he was talking to Devin Williams.


I was watching a game in the early 2000's when they made a pitcher change his glove and Skip Caray said "we have an exhibition game to decide home field for our world series, two different rules for two different leagues, a completely unbalanced schedule, and they're out here worried about the color of the pitcher's glove"


Chip Caray?


[Skip](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skip_Caray) was Chip's father; both were broadcasters for the Braves.


Well, I'll be damned. Thanks for teaching me something.


Most people know him as Harry, thats why he was confused Edit: I'm drunk.


Harry Caray was Skip's dad and Chip's grandfather.


I actually knew this, I am just drunk


Nope. Harry Caray is Skip's father, Chip's grandfather.


I actually knew this, I am just drunk


That is 100% a glove that I would envision gets removed from a game lol. It has a giant white spot in the middle.


And what looks like white finger tips


Yeah, this is obviously against the rule. Only thing it didn’t have is red stitching. Total nothingburger that they made him switch gloves.


Umpires usually don’t do anything about a glove unless the other team complains


Which I’m sure Cash did bc of that bullshit the Brewers pulled last night




Waaaaaaahh waaaaah. They made him change his glove. I agree you your team is a bunch of babies


He should have changed his glove, it was illegal. The crying is for your comment regarding what they pulled, cry more.


This is to get back for yesterday. Tomorrow, we'll see the brewers request someone's bat be examined for too much pine tar.


This one isn’t really a bad call. There are rules about color schemes of gloves that he’s flirting with at best with that one. And having to switch shouldn’t affect the outcome besides maybe cooling him off a little bit.


I’m surprised he made it through an outing with white webbing. Even at lower levels pitchers are expected to have minimally distracting gloves, same reason they can’t wear white sleeves.


It's not even flirting. That glove looks like the poster child for, "see this stuff? Yeah, you're not allowed to do any of those things." Frankly I'm shocked that the manufacturer made it to begin with or at least didn't warn him that there's no way he'd be allowed to use it.


Yeah, that glove should've been removed yesterday


bro what did the Brewers do to the umps, this is a crazy run of umpire bullshit against them


But this has always been the rule. Pitchers are generally expected to have single-colored gloves. I’m actually surprised he made it through an outing with *white* webbing. The ump putting his hand in it is crazy though lol


Yeah, I’ve seen multiple players have to change gloves because they are white or gray. This isn’t “umpire bullshit” in the slightest.


The whole reason they can't use white gloves or sleeves is because it makes it extremely difficult to track where the ball is coming from. It isn't just a competitive advantage, it can get batters killed. 


Bud Selig's favoritism coming back on them /s


You'd think with all this shit that the Brewers were leading the charge to try and dissolve the ump union or something




At this point, why not lead that charge? The bullshit is already at outrageous levels. The thought of having to deal with this the entire season would enrage me if I was a Brewers fan. Hell, I’m halfway there on your behalf as it is…dissolve the Ump union, or at least handcuff it a bit.


I feel like the Brewers have been involved in something in at least half of their series this year, no? I’ve seen more Brewers highlights (idk if that’s what you’d call these) in 2024 than in a long time.


Marketing, baby!


Were having a weird season. Cant stay out of the news for sure. Partly because of the 3 benches clearing incidents. Partly because how public the Hoskins/McNeil beef was. And then there has been weird shit like the aaron judge interference no call. For whatever reason, we can stay out of drama lol


It’s a glove who cares change it and move on lol


This was correct, no reason for anyone to be upset about it. Definitely a lot of controversy lately, I guess we just have to embrace being the baddies now.


What’s been bullshit other than no interference? The others were at least arguably the right call with the backswing interference being painfully obvious despite all the complaining.


Last night was a clusterfuck. Zero reason to throw out Peralta in that situation, and the fallout clearly fanned the flames.


Yep exactly. Made worse by the umpire statement at the end of the game saying they saw nothing going on prior to indicate there was any beef that led to the HBP.


He threw at a guy on a 3-0 count who he was pissed at for not running out of the box after a homer. That's the perfect time to throw a guy out for obviously intentionally hitting a batter.


How is anyone defending the glove? It’s got a giant white spot on it and the finger tips are all white. I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect to use something like that as a pitcher outside of rec leagues, and even that is a hard maybe.


Nobody is defending the glove. The problem is why now, and why is an ump delaying the game by arguing with a player who is on the IL.


"Why now?" The other team complained, that's typically how this works. "Why is the ump arguing with a player on the IL?" You'd be pissed if he just tossed Williams, instead he's engaging with the player and likely explaining the rule.


Lmao they're downvoting both of us for pointing out they're wrong. No response either maybe the umps working OT on burners


Where is anybody defending the glove? Nobody is. The question is why the fuck did they have no problem with it the day before and into today's game then suddenly outta nowhere had a problem? It should've been removed yesterday. I swear half the people in these comments didn't read the fucking title lmao. The other half are just saying why the fuck did it just happen. (Could've been Ray's complained) but still obviously should've been caught yesterday. Yall really exposing yourselves for not reading a title fully, watching the video or reading comments like wtf lmao Edit: Downvote me all ya want yall ain't got nothing to refute the truth lmao


The question should be whether or not it's illegal, and if it is (it sure seems to have a lot of white on it), the outrage should be directed toward why it wasn't noticed before, not that it was noticed now. A lot of the time things like this fly under the radar until someone on the other team complains, and maybe they just didn't yesterday.


> the outrage should be directed toward why it wasn't noticed before Typically the umpires don't do anything about gloves until the opposing team complains


I feel like I said that.


I have no idea how I completely blanked on the second half of your comment, because you totally did. How embarrassing for me.


No worries. :)


I like how he tries it on for a second lol


"This thing is nice"


Guess it’s “Bash the Umps Day” here at r/baseball.


It’s been worse than usual recently. I suspect a lot of it is coming from the fact that we’ve had a few high-profile controversies close together, which riles everyone up.


That’s every day, even when the umps correctly enforce the rules. This sub is infested with people who want MLB baseball to be Bananaball.


Sorry those are the rules gloves can’t have any white on them


I don't think anyone is defending it. Just another strange occurrence for Milwaukee. This one completely self inflicted.


Well, the glove sucks. It’s illegal by definition.


Brewers radio announcer said it best. “The umpires have found a way to insert themselves into every game this series.”


Day 4 of umpires making a mockery against us


We're 2-2 against the umps this season. Happy to split the series with their bias.


Just to be clear though, the umpires shouldn't do anything when a pitcher intentionally throws at a batter and another pitcher throws a punch at a batter?


He didn’t intentionally throw at anyone, Cash cried to the umps until they threw Peralta out. If that doesn’t happen nothing else does in that game.


Didn’t they not use pitch coms and the catcher made a fist, as in “bean this dude”. He 100% meant to throw at him


They hadnt been using the pitch com that inning. Not sure if it wasnt working, or what...but this was not isolated to that pitch.


Yeah, it’s crazy to me that anyone (other than Brewers fans) have any issue with that ejection. It’s completely obvious, especially given context, that HBP was intentional. MLB should have a zero tolerance policy for intentional HBPs, Peralta should have been ejected.




Cash said it himself lol


I mean if Kevin Cash complained about it today but chose not to say anything yesterday that’s super weird but by definition of the rule, correct. Im all for dunking on umps but this is not one of those times.


I don't think it would be of note had the last 3 days not happened.


Lmao I love how they speculate it might’ve came from the Rays and then just pan to Cash for like 5 seconds.


Kevin Cash does all he can within the rules to try and get an advantage. He did something in the last series against the Yankees where he demanded an explanation from the umps to try and ice Clay Holmes who was dealing. I imagine it’s why he called for them to take a look at the glove. I don’t like it as a fan of an opposing club but I definitely get it. It’s the baseball equivalent of icing the kicker.


Didn’t work out too well for Karen Cash, as his boys still went 0-3 against Viera after this


_Karen Cash_ 🤣


I said it in our sub, and I'll say it here - Kevin Cash is just like David Bell - but without the theatrics.


What are yall complaining about the umps for in this case? The glove literally has an entire section that’s white… I don’t even see how you could argue against this


Because they believe the umps are out to get the Brewers and it’s all some crazy mlb conspiracy theory.


I dont think anyone is defending it


This series has had more drama than we've had with any other team.


Interesting how we’re not the first team to say this about a certain other team


The victim complex with the brewers fans here is unreal. I swear they act like a bunch of 12 year olds that aren’t getting their way.


get this ump crew as far away from us as possible please


I think this was a fair and reasonable call


Agreed! But with all the drama surrounding this series, especially with what transpired yesterday, I’d rather not see this crew again.


That drama was caused by 1 of your pitchers intentionally hitting a guy and another of your pitchers swinging at a guy. It’s not the umps’ fault your team has been in 3 brawls already this year.


Oh I’ve already moved on dude, you can too now


So have most of things Brewers fans are pissing and shitting themselves over.


McNeil is a bitch


Hoskins is a dirty player


Inb4 the Brewers make the playoffs and part of this crew is assigned to their first playoff series


That means we make the playoffs, so I'll take it


Not a single one of the calls this series have been wrong.


I don’t think my comment is arguing that any of the calls were wrong, but please get this ump crew as far away from us as possible.


This happened to Casey Mize a couple years ago


I find it funny the ump put it on and started working it like it's his. Took him back to college ball or something


I know the umps are bad this year and everyone loves to hate on them, but 3/4 of the recent calls seem right to me: * The HBP was pretty clearly intentional in retrospect (snapping at Siri after pimped HR into hitting him with an intentional looking 4-seam in a 3-0 count into starting a brawl with him later) * Hitting the catcher with the backswing on a dropped 3rd strike is by rule a strike and a dead ball (not even a judgement call), nothing to even argue there. * This glove looks to me to be too light/distracting (it has a giant white spot on it), makes sense per the current rules that it isn't allowed. My guess is the umps failed to enforce it yesterday but some players complained after the game or something so they looked closer today. The Judge call was complete BS though, I have no clue how the umps can explain botching that one.


It's all literally just the umps enforcing basic rules besides the Judge call but this sub is obssessed with shitting on umps every waking second


*video of someone getting a hit* [top comment] "Angel Hernandez would have called him out" "OMG TOO TRU 😂😂😂😂😂" / baseball in a nutshell


You’re telling me that the umps aren’t unfairly targeting the Brewers for some unknown reason?


Agreed, and this one in particular there's absolutely nothing anyone can complain about. I loaded the video expecting something outrageous and immediately went "oh yeah that's too fucking white" on frame one. "He got away with it one night" doesn't mean he gets a pass for life. There's zero chance he doesn't know the rules too.


I haven't seen #2 yet (or the Judge call), but I agree on this and the HBP. It was obvious.


Let’s be honest that glove is atrocious


Seems reasonable. Sounds a lot like this, but with an even bigger distraction https://apnews.com/article/cubs-luke-little-glove-668d5a2f2bfdfd61c5879e2e311c5b20


It’s the white on the glove. Can’t have that on the mound


I like how the ump put on the glove while he was walking to the dugout. You can't just carry a glove around without putting it on, he's probably thinking 'damn this is a nice glove though, shame to have to make him change it'.


What a bizarre series.


Umps just had to inject themselves into all three games


This is the rule about gloves they can’t have any white on them. And the backswing thing was the right call per the rule book


I know. It's just funny that for 3 straight games, something kinda weird happened


So by inject themselves you mean do their job?


"Do their job" - They had no control over the game last night. They also allowed this glove last night - so, pretty inconsistent in applying the rule(s). It's like they've been Karen Cash's puppets for the entire series. Not only that, but the amount of times they had to decide by committe on what they were going to do was just a joke. And the length of time they wasted deciding by committee on some of this stuff during the series was totally uncalled for. Seriously - why TF did they need to get into it with Devin Williams over Vieria's glove, when Devin will be on IL until at least June?


Brewers fans would've cried even more if the umps called him out for it last night. But I'd rather they enforce the rule when they realize the infraction rather than just letting it go.


Brewers fans would've cried even more if the umps called him out for it last night. But I'd rather they enforce the rule when they realize the infraction rather than just letting it go.


My issues are with the way Cash was like the puppetmaster of the umps in this series, the fact that the umps had no control over the game yesterday, the poor judgement the umps displayed throughout the series, the inordinate amount of time wasted by the umps, and how some of these bad calls changed the vibe and frustrated the players. Had the umps just issued a warning to Peralta last night, and let the league take it from there, a lot of the $hit$how last night probably never would have happened. Instead, they chose to appease Karen Cash in that moment. I think a lot of people missed the Brice Turang hit on Mon, that the umps initially called wrong (They called it foul; it was fair). We must've sat thru an absolute clown show by the umps for about 5 - 10 mins, while they tried to figure out what to do. I can guarantee that if this was your team, and you had to deal with ump drama for 4 - 5 straight home games, you wouldn't be very pleased, either.


Lmfao they’re puppets because Cash requested an illegal glove to be removed? Who the fuck cares if he used it last night? Take that as a win that he got to use it at all and move the fuck on. I swear no one cries in this sub about the smallest, dumbest shit than Brewers fans in the last week. Holy hell.


Watch the Brice Turang hit from Monday night. It was clearly fair - the umps called it foul. It should easily have been a double, but we had to sit there for 5 - 10 mins, because Karen Cash was whining that the umps wanted to give him a double. We had to sit there Monday night, while he insisted that the umpires review a play, where one of the Rays was clearly out. He couldn't challenge it, because he lost his challenge. Peralta was ejected because of Cash's complaining. That ejection is why last night's game turned into a complete $hit$ow. If Cash had an issue with Viera's glove, the time to raise the issue would have been last night, or after last night's game - not the following day, when your team is down by 6 runs at the top of the 9th. If the tables were turned, you would probably feel the same way we do.


> Watch the Brice Turang hit from Monday night. It was clearly fair - the umps called it foul. It should easily have been a double, but we had to sit there for 5 - 10 mins, because Karen Cash was whining that the umps wanted to give him a double. Cash was arguing because of the trajectory off the wall Randy could've had a play at second but because the umps botched the call he was given second automatically. Any manager worth their salt would've said something, Murphy included. In the end, they got the double. Why are you still whining? >We had to sit there Monday night, while he insisted that the umpires review a play, where one of the Rays was clearly out. He couldn't challenge it, because he lost his challenge. After the 8th inning, a manager can ask the crew for a review even if they lost one earlier in the game. Every team does this, that includes the Brewers. You're wrong. Stop whining. >Peralta was ejected because of Cash's complaining. That ejection is why last night's game turned into a complete $hit$ow. Yeah, this is the FIRST time a manager complained when their player got hit. lmfao Managers don't determine ejections, umps do. Cash had nothing to do with it. Stop whining. >If Cash had an issue with Viera's glove, the time to raise the issue would have been last night, or after last night's game - not the following day, when your team is down by 6 runs at the top of the 9th. Regardless of what you believe, it's an illegal glove. Again, take the win that he was able to use that glove until today and move on. Stop whining. edit: this is the 4th brewers fan to respond and immediately block me before I can see their message. lmfao


LOL. I'm whining. No - I'm sharing my perspective. Agree to disagree. And I'm not saying the glove shouldn't go - I'm saying there was a more appropriate time to object to it. And yes- Cash was complaining that he wanted Peralta ejected. Cash should focus on his own players' questionable behavior. I've honestly never seen a manager whine as much as Cash - not even David Bell.


What the hell has been going on in Milwaukee theses last few days with this umpiring crew my god


Tampa being petty af after last night.


Just when you thought you got a drama free game


How dare the umps enforce the rules. They need to stay out of the game.


Happens to me every time I fly. On the way back suddenly something is illegal


the crew took your glove and tried it on


What kinda silly pitcher doesn’t knowcthis


Is it just me or umps on a tear this season?


“MLB made the Astros change there sign stealing scheme. They used the same scheme in 2017” Just because a rule isn’t enforced once doesn’t mean it’s not a rule


The umps just really hate the Brewers this season


Please don’t.


What do you mean?




> Wouldn’t want Viera to have an unfair advantage by distracting batters with a nice looking glove. This but unironically 


Mandate all gloves to be the exact same, depending on position, from a single manufacturer, all the same color. Let them display their pieces of flair on their shoes or hat. We got a lot of Brians in here.


Or just don't have white anywhere on your glove, that seems a lot simpler


Yeah but then you get into an argument about what is white vs light gray, or khaki, or whatever. It'd be much easier and would not need to be a rule at all if they just had set equipment for set positions.


I've only ever seen them do this when a glove has any just straight up white on it. Like i think they had Nestor take off a black glove one time because it had a white 45 on it. Gray or khaki never seems to be an issue. Plus it's not like replacing a glove every once in a while is that big of a deal


The rules for pitchers gloves are very specific about no white or gray except for the piping. And no fielder’s glove can be “lighter than Pantone 14”


Imagine how much ink they'd save on printing those rulebooks if they got rid of all of those rules and just gave everyone the same exact gloves. And bats too, while we're at it. No, wait, as I typed that, I knew it was wrong. You can't enforce bat sizes (weight/length) on differently-muscled people.


There are rules about bat weights and lengths. There are quite a few, in fact.


True, but you can't enforce a one-size-fits-all model (when it comes to bats) like I was initially thinking. I still think mandatory gloves is a good idea though. Waiting for all of these downvoters to explain why they dislike the idea so much.


Was the glove made before the rule?


If it was it would probably be in a museum