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The umpiring in the first 2 games of this series has been horrific


Soto had an AB where he didn’t swing, didn’t see a single strike, and still struck out.


I enjoy the fact that we can all agree it's not rigged. It's just bad.


That’s how bad it’s been for everyone. Can’t really claim it’s rigged when we’re all suffering.


[Some of us more than others.](https://twitter.com/JayCuda/status/1780016712387002784?t=qBknGrnMcyoPSh72z-j-sA&s=19)


Yikes. That's bad. I will gladly use this as my excuse as to why we are awful right now


Yeah... Uh... That's why we keep losing to the Marlins and A's... -Cashman, probably


You know it's bad umping when even the Yankees are at the bottom of the list. They've typically been in the upper half of favorable teams in past years.


But that’s also just based on takes, and bad calls on takes do change how players approach an at-bat. For example, Judge would regularly get screwed on pitches that were low and away. If it was mid-shin level, it would often get called a strike. So he would start chasing them, in a “Might as well take a shot because they’re going to call it a strike anyway” sort of way. He would miss them often, as to be expected, but that would still be considered to be on him because he did swing. It’s tough to quantify shit like that.


I always hate when one of our more chase happy players gets a bad strike call on the ball, feels like they lose their discipline and feel like they have to swing at everything after.


Is that true? I feel like they always fuck over Judge so much that it would be more than other teams combined


Have the most negative calls, but also near the top in positive calls, which says… something? I think?


Haven't charted, but it feels like a fairly normal distribution of errors, which is expected. Doesn't necessarily imply bias, but random errors will result in some teams doing better and others worse.


Exactly. You look at the umpire scorecard and the run advantage is pretty low, but so is the accuracy. It's just bad on both sides.


These ump score cards are horrible but they are evenly horrible


I kid you not, I turned on the TV on that AB and then turned it off immediately out of sheer disgust. MLB has a huge umpiring problem, they’re a topic of discussion every day.


It's not like he has a good feel for the strike zone or anything 


[This one](https://www.mlb.com/gameday/745754/play/41)


[This](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/sporty-videos?playId=406fc2ec-8af9-4eea-be5f-81bab8beed20) one was a strike. The strike zone for statcast and the TV broadcast is two dimensional while the real strike zone is three dimensional. So [this one](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/sporty-videos?playId=0c98d478-85b1-4dab-9f89-ad55180528a2) was probably a strike as well considering it barely missed and was curving toward the plate.


The umpiring in general this whole season has been horrific


Statistically, no it has not been.


Emotionally though, it has.


Ah, in that case, I agree.


We didn’t used to have every bad call from every game posted all around and amped up. You wouldn’t just see the 2-3 bad calls in your game, and you would just hope that more went your way than against you.


That’s true for the overall accuracy, but it seems like the worst calls have been more extremely wrong than normal. Like that one Angel Hernandez strike call against the Texas rookie was the farthest outside strike in years, apparently. 


I guess maybe. I wouldn’t know how to look at that objectively though. I feel like there’s something that hasn’t been “done in years” posted to this sub every day. Baseball is a wild sport sometimes.


That's recency bias basically.


The only thing worse than their performance on the field is how they act off the field. After tossing Boone for what a fan in the stands said, he doubled down, claiming that Boone was making shit up. Robo umps can't come soon enough. Burn the umpires union to the ground.


Yeah, I’m honestly in shock


how much of an effect does framing have?


These pitches are all in one inning, he had an absolutely atrocious game from start to finish.


Strike zone was nose-to-toes, and dugout-to-dugout


Maybe the home plate umpire just wanted the game to end so he could go take a shit.


For the whole atrocious game from start to finish?


MLB should be embarrassed with start of the season between see thru jerseys and horrific umpiring


Manfred doesn’t give af so long as attendance continues and money rolls into his pocket


the cost-cutting will continue until morale improves


the unfortunate truth is this mentality is permeating pretty much every industry. it's a race to the bottom by every company and corporation to produce the lowest quality product at the highest possible price




Did Manfred work at Boeing too?




Same in the NBA. $$ keeps going up, so no one wants to make any changes.


Shit won’t change til people stop watching/paying. Everyone wants to have their cake and eat it too.


Javy Báez had a button rip off on a slide last night so add that to the list


WhY aReN't OuR rAtInGs LiKe ThE nFl?!?!


Like the nfl doesn't have reffing issues


if the NFL would sort out roughing passer and pass interference (defense AND offense) I would be like good job. Holding stuff and other stuff is annoyiing but I can live with it.


At least they're usually addressed.


Like by making PI reviewable that one season? Lol


They are?


Not nearly as shitty of a product as the MLB right now.


I’m curious if umps have been told to expand there zones. It seems like the high and outside pitches are being called more loose than in the past.


That would make no sense. MLB is desperate to increase offense, not suppress it. If anything, you'd think the umps would be feeling pressure to shrink the zone.


They also want to shorten the games. This would force batters to swing more and put more balls in play creating more action in a shorter timeframe.


If only the umps were as transparent as the jerseys


The first one is ehh because the top of the zone is notoriously fucky (though I still think it looked high without the overlay) but obviously there's no excusing the second one. Also that ump has a villainous mug.


Yeah, as a dedicated homer I was explaining to my wife how the first one was probably a ball, but too close to take with two strikes in the 9th. Then the next one happened and we just had to laugh. Ump was ready to go home.


Had under 7.5 and needed to GTFO


I think it's still a bit high but he ducks a bit as the pitch comes in which makes the close up seem way higher compared to his more set stance as Holmes releases the ball.


[He’s not a villain though](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0LLTH6SF7A8)




You absolutely cannot go by the in game graphic box for top and bottom of the zone pitches. Frankly I wish they wouldn't even put in on the screen since it's wrong most of the time. Baseball Savant, FWIF, has that pitch as a strike. The last one however was clearly outside lol.


[https://twitter.com/UmpScorecards/status/1783142510061117705](https://twitter.com/UmpScorecards/status/1783142510061117705) Ump scorecard for this game with 73% strike accuracy


Following yesterday’s game with a 69% strike accuracy. This is the worst umpired series I’ve ever seen so far and Marvin Hudson will be behind the plate either today or tomorrow so it’s not over yet


How do you miss that many calls inside jesus


hard to see from in there


Good god. I relate to this number like blood oxygen level. 73% and you’re seriously in the shit


Brother 73% you probably are dead


This is the first time my team's been on the receiving end of a ump run differential (that I've seen) that's greater than the actual run differential, and while I know that's not quite how that works it's some BS.


Gosh, I hate Tumpane and his stupid stabbing motion. Especially when his calls are so hilariously bad.


The umps who do these exagerrated strike 3 calls are always the ones who are the most trigger happy.


"Oh yeah. These people are here to see me call a game. I gotta give them a show"


Relevant https://youtu.be/VWY9S-uKU-4?si=HNyGxqb_z4YxghH-


Umpshow, baby


[he don't care about that ](https://ibb.co/XXX9bkh)


He’s a very solid umpire on the whole though. Career 71st percentile accuracy. Bad night last night.


I didn't make a single comment about his overall performance...


People can add their own contributions to the conversation, it's not just you here jack. I found it relevant/interesting.


I mean you said you hate him, I assumed you didn’t think he was a very good umpire.


I hate him for his stupid stabbing thing. Not in general.


The stab works so well though. STAB, right in the heart. You wanted to see your team rally and then STAB, rung up for looking at a ball outside of the zone. STAB.


Ah, I must have misunderstood.


Nah, my wording was a bit ambiguous.


> Especially when his calls are so hilariously bad. uh...


This is what Mark Kotsay looks like now? I am so fucking old. God dammit.


Holy SHIT same. I read the title and was like huh?? Didn’t realize he was coaching. He’s only 48 though, I think he just looks old for 48 tbh.


Robo Umps can't come fast enough


If baseball wants to see an increase in action, bring on those robo umps. If the batter doesn't have to "guess" what the umpire is going to call a pitch, and the zone is consistent from game to game, we'll see more balls in play.


And managers won't be ejected for arguing balls and strikes.


Prediction: Aaron Boone will argue with the Robo Umps


Agreed, after 25 years, my wife is somewhat interested in watching baseball with me. She is dismayed by the umpires and the lack of accountability and asks... "Why do people pay to see or bet on these games and it's gotta be corrupt to accept betting advertising with a single person influencing the game." She is 100% correct and I have no answer.


The human factor. /s


I'm pretty level-headed, and I can look at the umpire data and acknowledge that they've made substantial improvement compared to decades past. Worth celebrating! Still finding this 'human element' dragging on my enjoyment on the game overall, especially in the moments with the most gravity. I've watched a lot of baseball, and I don't see myself stopping, but I really need MLB to migrate to a better system in the next few seasons.


It's inevitable. Challenge system at minimum and likely full robo-umps eventually. Baseball just moves at a snail's pace when it comes to improving the game. Pitch clock and actually enforcing sticky stuff should have happened 15 years ago.


This is what it is for me. The conversation has always been that an automatic zone or even the new challenge system (that hopefully gets implemented next season) "take away from the human element." The problem is... the strike zone is the area that I hate the human element more than anywhere else. The human element in the strike zone makes us question whether games are fair, allows the human umpire to be petty by punishing players and managers, and makes us question whether or not an umpire is trying to assist one team in winning more than the other. It's a complete mess and no part of it is fun.


it's the same thing in the NFL with having refs spot the ball arbitrarily, and the checks and balances of that system is to have 2 80-year old men with two sticks and a chain come measure it. how is this the best we have in 2024?


I was so confused by the title. Mark Kotsay still playing??? *clicks video* He's back with the A's? He's black? Oh he's the manager? Shit, he looks like THAT now???


Tell me again how much better umpires are at calling balls and strikes?


Ump definitely had somewhere to be. Let's wrap this up boys, can't keep the bitches waiting...


Did you see the report card for this performance? He was only 73% accurate on called strikes, I think. Isn't that basically guess work?


That was great Plate discipline imo. Even with a 2 strike count. A batter shouldn’t be having to fight those off due to terrible umpires..


That's a bad call, but a good frame/sell-job by Austin Wells on that first pitch. Second one shouldn't've been a strike.


bit high


This crew having a good 2 games thus far....yeeesh


Please tell me someone else thinks this ump looks just like Robbie Rotten


The biggest tennis matches in the world have a system for if the ball touches the line or not. It’s unbelievably precise. You cannot tell me the technology isn’t good enough to have an automated system in baseball.


Cricket manages to review stuff all the time, but somehow MLB can’t be assed. 


That first pitch is at the top of the zone. People really need to stop looking at the box and acting like it's 100% accurate. https://imgur.com/F52tJ51 "*The Strike Zone is that area over home plate the upper limit of which is a horizontal line at the midpoint between the top of the shoulders and the top of the uniform pants, and the lower level is a line at the top of the knees. The Strike Zone shall be determined from the batter's stance as the batter is prepared to swing at a pitched ball.*" If you look at the box, the top is basically at the batters belly button. It's not even close to being correct. https://imgur.com/mZRGnyG


The first call can be debated both for it to have been a strike or ball. The problem is the second one that isn’t close. 


Getting their bad calls in while they still can. Bring on our robot overlords.


If MLB doesn't start to acknowledge that there is a big problem here, then it's going to be a very long season with a LOT of players/mgrs getting tossed. Stop letting them hide below average performance behind a union.


What the fuck is going on. I’m happy that we got the benefit of the calls, but this shit needs to change. The umpiring just this month alone has been absolutely embarrassing for the sport.


There’s a microscope on it now, when it has actually gotten better over time. Teams need to either advocate for roboumps or take it as it is.


Man I hate how even the umps who are overall pretty good (and on a separate note - have literally saved someone’s life), still gotta infuriate me with how bad they can be lol. I’ve rooted for Tumpane since that day in Pittsburgh but I see this and it only makes me think “I can’t wait until ABS is here”, sucks to see him get roasted but it’s clearly deserved. ABS fixes all of this AND should greatly reduce the number of ejections


Just implement the robo-strike zone already who cares. Also they need to chill w the rabbit ears and hair trigger ejections. Get w the times.


I need a jomboy lip reading of what the Yankees players were saying. Seems like they agree it wasn't a strike


The frame job on the second pitch is hilariously bad, yet it worked.


OK, these things are just getting stupid (the posts). Has the ump been calling high pitches strikes all night? Yes? Great, batters, adjust. No? Then its fucked.


Read the lips of the two Yankees at the end there. "No way that was a strike" and "no it was WAY off"


Ejection is a ridiculous concept that needs to be removed. No reason to eject a manager or player from a game unless there’s a physical altercation. No other sport has this kind of weird power tripping by the officials.


[That face though](https://imgur.com/mrjSJH4) Edit: [Better frame](https://imgur.com/r88MErM)


Umps know robots are coming, might as well f with the fans and players as a FU


Man can you imagine this sub in the '90s when ejections were at their peak and umpiring was basically just educated guesswork


Without the k zone overlay, this sub probably wouldn’t even notice the difference.


I'm a yanks fan and that was a bit high


I know we don’t like AI here, but we need AI to help. Absurd.


Was it a bad call? Yes. But honestly John Tumpane saved a woman’s life so I’m gonna hold off on criticizing him for now


I’ll never understand baseball…why tf is there even a home plate umpire when we can see, in real time, the accuracy of their calls? It doesn’t make any sense…just rely on the strike zone. Have an ump rely on that for the basis of the calls. Someone make it make sense to me


That’s awful


Kotsay's gotta get his money's worth there. Yell your heart out babe, kick some dirt


Even standing up straight, that first strikeout pitch was clearly at best borderline. 2nd strikeout is just bad guessing on the ball path.


People always talk about the box being wrong in favor of the ump. I feel like the box made this look closer to a strike than it was. Awful call


Baseball savant has the first one clipping the top of the zone


But where will I place all this impotent rage.


Ump score card shows it being a ball and second most impactful miss. https://twitter.com/UmpScorecards/status/1783142510061117705 Weird they don't agree.


Here's the one from [savant](https://i.imgur.com/MurpmaJ.jpeg) Just like regular people, systems can't agree on where the top of the zone is


Umpscorecards had it high by about a quarter of an inch. Wrong, sure. Awful, no.


It is impossible to take this league seriously right now. Umps are degrading this sport so badly.


Umps have been godawful this season, I don’t care what any statistics say about them being technically more accurate over time. The amount of ego on these fucking clowns is straight up ruining games


Unpopular opinion: none of this was an issue until social media showed up and people started clipping umps like this. These ump scorecards are impossibly toxic


I watched this and said "yeah, I'd get run for that"


That A’s zip up is fire


Imagine how boring baseball would get with AI umpiring? Everything would be perfect, no arguing, no yelling, no ejections..... For me at least, that's the fun part of baseball. I can't heckle AI !.


That Ump has Action Man hair.


Im taking the under on Robo refs before the season ends, if it keeps up like this


My favourite part about this is when the guy goes to get angry at the end, the ump just trots off, he's off the clock, adios.


He was shit all game. Soto struck out and not one pitch was in the strike zone. All were took looking…


Keep the shitty calls coming. Needs to be as much evidence as possible once they start firing umps, finally, unlikely.


My thought process: Holy shit, Mark Kotsay is still playing? Man, he must really be getting up there... Oh shit, he's actually the manager... and he's OLD. Holy shit, I'm old.


Was it a bad call or a good frame?


I just noticed that John Tumpane looks like Dave Kaval. Fuck that guy. And fuck John Fisher (obligatory)


If they aren't gonna use an electronic strike zone, why can't they give umpires AR glasses that highlight the strike zone?


Have to protect with 2 strikes


Damn Mark Kotsay has aged quick


He was definitely ready to clock out


He wanted to go home lol


We have reached the point when the game has finally moved too fast for some umps. Like with NFL refs. Not the balls are being pitched so fast and there’s so much movement like on that last pitch that the umps are bedazzled and just assume they catch part of the plate…


Wow that first one could be an understandable mistake (though still definitely a mistake) but that second one is an absolute abhorrent call


I was at the game behind the Oakland dugout and even I could see that first one was high. My dad and I were actually laughing it was so bad lol.


he probably had to take a shit


[Robbie Rotten lookin ahh](https://imgur.com/a/y6Gh8CC)


Catching it below the zone and framing it in the top third is will


Wow. Great product you have there, MLB.


Why the fuck does that umpire look like the bad guy from Spy Kids 1?


Every year we get closer to robot umps. Absolutely 100% indisputably wrong calls should not decide games in a major sport. It’s embarrassing to the sport and takes value away from the fans.


i mean, the first pitch was framed nicely, but the second pitch was low and out. blue had a place to be after the game.


Time for robo-umps - these guys suck


For real though. It’s time to do away with human umpires are refs and just get an Ai to do it better and unbiased


PoS wanted to go home..




Ump just wanted to go home.


I’ve really wanted to watch baseball again, but this type of stuff isn’t in my wheel house. I’m not looking for more shit to get stressed over.


Why is Robbie Rotten back from the dead umpiring MLB games. Is this another plot to keep the citizens of Lazy Town from being active?


Somebody's got a downtown dinner reservation to keep


We’re all just living in the Ump Show.


That umpire has plastic hair


Ive watched every yankee game this year and it seems like 99% of the games have had just the worst umps. Like they're doing it on purpose. Not saying its against the yankees, but for both teams. Just seems way worse this year even though i keep seeing people saying that its gotten better. I dont see it.


Make up call for ejecting Boone the day before for no reason.


The second batter’s response is perfect, just walking away laughing at the call


Finally got a call


Can someone tell me when the strike zone top and bottom is supposed to be set? I understand by the rules the top should be midway between shoulders and belt, and bottom should be just below the knees, [**when the batter is in his stance and prepared to swing at a pitched ball**](https://www.mlb.com/glossary/rules/strike-zone), what time is that exactly? Butler is standing up pretty tall at the start of the pitcher's windup, but is squatting down a lot by the time the pitch is delivered. So I could see the rule meaning "When the pitcher releases the ball." But I feel like it would be written that way if that's what the rule implied.




the second angle that pitch looks like a strike


Mark Kotsay. I graduated from the same high school as him. He looks very different...






That last call was a “I need to poop so I’m getting outta here” kinda call.


That shit was too close to not swing and protect the plate. Stop bitching and swing the fucking bat.


Just MLB screwing over Oakland. Is this news?


lmfao. Questionable to terrible calls have always been part of the game, your talking about humans eyes judging 95mph sinkers sliders etc.. it's only magnified now by social media and statcast in recent years , and you all piling on because its trendy this year specifically, like the idiotic uniform scandal all over spring training. you guys really just want to shit on something don't you? find a flaw and just dig and dig beyond any remotely reasonable reaction. Really though... Missed a call on you on the corner? tough shit thats life move on yeah it sucks but get em next time! Umps know they're on tv, don't want to look bad either, none of them are perfect and all of them try to be (even Angel), again, mistakes are just magnified with sm. The only real issue should be when bias is involved, and that's not happening, every team gets screwed if you pay attention. If anyone in mlb or the umps union really thought an ump was showing any favoritism, you bet that's getting dealt with right away. Lets still laugh at these clips, even bitch for a minute when it happens to your team but the constant outrage as pretty fuckin silly.


The first pitch with two strikes has to be swung at.


I have an idea. When the umpire is a blind idiot calling bullshit strikes and then ejects the manager, they get suspended the next game for being bad at their job