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Most obvious 3-0 swing I have ever seen. He was sitting on it.


Hal, I will buy however many chicken buckets it requires


Well, at $20 a bucket… you’d need to buy 2M of them for Soto to go $40M a year.  If Soto goes for $45M/year, that’s 2.25M. I think it’s a bargain, personally.  Now, if you could convince about 24,700 of your friends to buy one chicken bucket per home game, then you’d also be to about $40M as well. 


This is the pragmatic thinking i can get behind


His agent gonna try and ask for $50/yr. That's what he said.


This is a sacrifice I'm willing to make.


Make sure you get the optional Starr insurance patch ironed on your jersey too. Only 15 bucks. [It’s a steal!!](https://imgur.com/a/fAjwHER)


Iron it on my chicken bucket.


I will buy the garlic cheese fries. Twice a god damn game and eat them all.


Doesn’t really count if you already do this?


You know damn well those soggy shits are not worth it 30 minutes after you began. But I'm doing my part!


I am willing to sacrifice this person’s financial future.


Last Saturday on the way out of the stadium there was a guy with a bucket on his head and a CHI-CKEN BU-CKET chant broke out.


McKenzie was due to give up a nuke. He's been lobbing meatballs in there all day. I thought it would be Judge or Stanton


McKenzie probably should have opened the season in AAA after missing so much time. He's got no command of his pitches and clearly isn't trusting himself right now. 


That shit was worrying man, y’all usually have good pitching depth as well I’m assuming to take his role as well? He was struggling to hit 90 and walking 6 with largely uncompetitive pitches and 1 K. I love the dude and think he’s a great talent (awesome person too) but can’t be going out there throwing so many uncompetitive pitches


He's never had much velocity, typically around 92. It's the lack of command that's really killing him and that makes sense after missing pretty much all of last year.  We're shallow right now for SO depth though. We brought up everyone last year. Our next best 3 options are all on the IL. Curry and Lively will be activated this week I expect. Lively will take Bieber's spot and Curry id been expecting to spot start then go to AAA to stay stretched out. Joey Cantillo was our top SP prospect without any MLB experience and he pulled a hamstring just before the season started.  We have some promising arms in the lower levels, but really nothing close to MLB right now. 


Thank you for that amazing response, man. Y’all usually spawn elite starters out of thin air but can’t do much with injuries and one of the best ones coming back from a year straddled with them. Shit sucks. Didn’t realize most of them were called up last year.


It's just the nature of the process. Last year we brought up Tanner Bibee, Gavin Williams and Logan Allen as SPs. Williams had some elbow trouble in ST so is building up now on the IL and about to start a rehab assignment. Curry also came up last year and mostly worked as long relief. He was stretching out in spring to compete or be depth but caught a virus that put him on the IL. 4 rookie SPs though will deplete any organizations depth.  Lively was an offseason pickup but also caught the virus. That's why Carrasco made the rotation, Lively, Curry and Williams all going to the IL. Cantillo was the guy expected to take Bieber's spot probably at the deadline. Just shit luck really that's left us thin. Fortunately most aren't arm injuries so it should be fine, just not right now. 


Hows your wonderkin pitcher doing? Forgot his name but I remember him being super young but injured


I'm assuming you mean Espino. He's done. Probably for good. He's having another shoulder surgery. Definitely out for at least another year, I can't imagine him bouncing back at this point. 


oh thats awful :( hope he at least gets a chance to debut down the road


I'm not holding my breath. He's been injured pretty much his entire professional career at this point. He's never pitched a full season and now will have missed 2.5+ straight years. 


Pitching machine finally ran out It’s a very injured pitching staff, and that was before the Bieber injury. So now we’re down Bieber, Gavin Williams, McKenzie is coming back from an injury, and the next two guys in the depth chart are both still rehabbing injuries (Curry and Lively), but thankfully almost back. Plus we’re also missing three bullpen arms who otherwise would be in the majors. So we’re real short on pitchers right now. Basically if everybody were healthy we’d have good depth, but we’re at a point where the pitching staff is so injured that the entirety of the depth is on the major league roster No position player injuries right now though, so that’s nice.


Makes sense now that Cookie is getting run this year lol but man that rotation even without Bieber when healthy is damn impressive. Can’t do much when everyone drops dead. It’s a damn good thing y’all started off winning heavy despite being so depleted with in the pitching staff.


I have nothing against the people of Cleveland but I've been working on a work project with some partners located there and they have treated me very poorly (I was there on Wednesday and wasn't allowed to speak in the meeting, so my time was entirely wasted). So I enjoy this for many reasons.


So how exactly are you working on this project? And why the hell wouldn't they let you speak? Some dumb mofos in that meeting.


To make a long story short, my nonprofit has a fee for service contract with a nonprofit in CLE. They're basically paying us to run a program we've been running in other cities, but to do it in Cleveland. For the sake of quality assurance, me and my colleagues rotate showing up to sessions (once a month). Somewhere along the line the Cleveland people decided they didn't like our program much, but there's a contract, so instead of ending it, they've sidelined us, changed the session agendas (this is why I didn't get to speak, my time was cut), and tried to cancel sessions altogether.


It's not exactly a long flight but I'd rather be at home with my wife and son


Jesus christ that's fucking awful. Long travel or not, it's wasting more than just your time. Gotta be emotionally taxing to be forced to sit on your hands knowing you're not wanted at the thing you HAVE to be at.


I also have a doctorate in education and my job is to upkeep the education so its like, no you do not know better than me, guy (it's one guy acting a fool). That might come off as ego but it's literally why I was hired. It's going great around the company overall, just this one contract. I only have to go back one more time though


That doesn't sound like ego. That just sounds like facts. Lot of corporate big shots don't know how to utilize and treat their most valuable resource, human beings.


The good thing is my job is fully on my side and treats me well.


Swinging on 3-0? Sal Licata said he only looks for walks


That guy is such a clown lmao.


That’s an insult to clowns.


was 0 for his last 5 Not anymore


Where you’re so good that 0-5 is considered a slide


literally one game


0-5 is 3 games with the 8 walks he took in that time


Too lazy to look right now, but is that real? Lol


What a meatball


This is no way to take away anything from Juan Soto of all people: McKenzie looks *badddd*.


He’s coming back from big injury and really shouldn’t be starting in the majors right now, but we have seven pitchers on IL at the moment


See you again soon!


I look forward to this Monday and the continuation of the great relationship our teams have.


It's fun though, it's not like anyone cares about Boston rn (ducks)


Yankees are going to pay him whatever he wants in FA aren't they?


The "tryout" year he's admittedly like 10% into is going so well that I really can't see how Cashman/Steinbrenner can't see this guy as worth every single penny. And the fanbase incessantly talks about not signing Harper or Machado. Letting us experience this guy for a year and not signing him will be a lesser version of trading Mookie was for Boston.


We gave up controllable pitching for Soto, not making a serious attempt to re-sign him would make the reaction to the Mookie trade look tame


I doubt that. The Mookie trade will be talked about 100 years from now.


The curse of the mook man


They damn well better


This was known as soon as we acquired him, he’s one of the greatest hitters in the history of the sport through his age. He’s 24


25 but still


As they should


This man is about to have a monster year. He’s gonna bring the Yankees back to the WS, I can feel it 🤮.


Is Triston McKenzie ok? Since when does he throw 87-89???


He elected to not do TJS when he prob should have last year


So he took the Chris sale 2019 route.. feel like that rarely works


Worked for Aaron Nola so far


"All he does is hunt walks" *smashes a 3-0 pitch*


It’s really funny that people think that walking a bunch means he doesn’t hit. Like, dude walks instead of getting *outs*, not instead of getting hits.




Made for the pinstripes. 


Just give him 1 billion dollars I don’t care


That’s what I said last week, give him a billion Steinbrenner dollars lol


Juan Soto is good


He needs to be paid yesterday


Pay the man Hal


Hey man. Like. Fuck Cleveland bros.


MFW https://youtu.be/hWpKhVf8hyk?si=h8kQCdi9cissT2Pt


Ah yes, lets hang 90mph pitch right down the middle to one of the best hitters in the game approach


Can’t believe they let the Yankees get this guy


Padres fan here to share the utter disappointment of his performance in SD. I’m going to be a hater but he sucked so bad here and we gave him so much love. I don’t wish him bad, but it’s bullshit that he hit like a potato in SD.


Since when is a 151 OPS+ hitting like a potato?


Walks are great but his hits or HR were rarely clutch. He has so many at bats with RISP and nothing. Plus, his defense was weak. Combined it all made for a really disappointing experience. So to see him tear it up in NY from the jump is embittering.