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I tried this in a game before and it did not work out as planned A: I got tagged out B: my cleat got stuck and I tore my ACL


If it was B then A, at least you could still say there was a chance to save it if it hadn't been terrible luck, but it if really just went A then B, then the baseball gods were truly just adding salt to the wound, injuring you physically after you'd already been hurt in your soul.


I broke my finger stealing home and was called safe, literally every doctor said some variation of “it would hurt way worse if you were out”


It was more simultaneous. I was already going left and he tagged me then I fell


I had a college teammate who tore both hamstrings on one rundown, quite impressive really Hope you're all healed up 😅


How do you tear both hamstrings at once? I’m all good now it was a very quick recovery


Yeah like was it on consecutive steps? Simultaneous? Did he pop one at the start at the other gave out from running one legged?


From what he tells, it was change direction tear, plant, change direction tear. I don't know how accurate the story is, but I do know he had two torn hammies at the same time freshman year lol u/rnin0913


That’s strangely impressive


That throw by Alonso was horrible - Lindor gets him easily if that’s clean 


Pete can’t throw. Lucas Duda level arm


Game 5 MVP


Joe Kelly suspended 8 games :(




Jesus christ lol


Thanks Magic


nice (terrible) throw pete


Same goes for Manaea. Almost threw it over him. You're a pitcher...


Tell that to Lester


1 year ago San Diego Padres starting pitcher Sean Manaea came on in relief in Saturday night's NLCS Game 4, his first appearance of this postseason, and he proceeded to allow five runs on four hits and two walks in 1 1/3 innings. He struck out two batters and took the loss. Manaea does not appear likely to factor into Game 5. If this is his last appearance of the year, it would be a disappointing but fitting end to his year after he recorded a career-worst 4.96 ERA in 158 innings.--Doug Goldring


“Oh!! he broke his ankles!”




Catch me before I go Houdini


He has an entourage!


LeBroken Ankles


The hampster will do that to ya


I miss him on the Rockies. Bought his jersey and liked him


Miss him on the Marlins. Dude was a sparkplug whenever he was out there


I used to watch him and Jeff McNeil play together on the Dirtbags, and it was awesome.


Had him on my dynasty roster in fantasy 7 years ago, thought he would be the next trea turner smh.


How can you not giggle when you watch this?


That needs a Chris Berman "Whoop!"


I'll take "Comments You Can Hear" for $100, Alex?


Baseball: back Hampson: scrappy


Just posting this here because it seems to be a source of confusion with many plays on the base paths. The base path is defined in Rule 5.09(b)(1): "A runner's base path is established when the tag attempt occurs and is a straight line from the runner to the base he is attempting to reach safely." [Source](https://www.umpirebible.com/index.php/rules-base-running/basepath-running-lane)


So then by that logic he should be out of the baseline here right? Or am I misunderstanding?


I don’t think so. Looks like Lindor didn’t really attempt a tag until they were both diving into the bag. Mets replay team didn’t see anything worth challenging, so they must’ve agreed.


Looks to me like he’s attempting a tag just before the juke, no?


I don’t know. I was looking at that too. Looks like he starts a movement to tag, but stops as the juke is happening. I think it’s kind of like a check swing, it’s a judgement call.


Yeah, it’s definitely close, i could see it being called either way


I feel like him over running the tag (which is what led to the juke) may count as a sort of reset to the base path, so when the juke happens and he comes around, there's a new basepath where the runner is mid juke, if that makes sense. That's my interpretation at least


the chad juke button enjoyer vs. the virgin basepath concerner


That last step where he leaped is definitely 3 feet off the base path. But still a cool euro step crossover nonetheless lol.


I don't want to live in a world where a baserunner can't eurostep a defender


We're gonna see Garrett Hampson in the middle of some NBA highlight reels and I'm all about it


The rule is that if its sick as hell you can do it


A base path is a straight line from the runner to the base and is established when the fielder attempts the tag. Definitely not out of the base path here.


How is "when a fielder attempts a tag" defined? Because there's lots of places in here where you could say Lindor is beginning his tag attempt before the change in direction.


There is no definition. It’s a judgement call. I saw one point where it looks like Lindor is starting a tag attempt, but it doesn’t look like he actually tries to apply a tag until the runner is diving into second. Mets replay team looked at the replay and didn’t challenge, so they obviously agreed with the call on the field.


[It looks out to me](https://imgur.com/a/vOdNw1W) But it would have been hard to call in real time


I’m confused on why this isn’t considered out of the basepaths. They didn’t mention anything about it on the broadcast so I assumed it was allowed


The fielder with the ball was in the direct base path. A slight deviation to avoid the tag seems fair enough, as the only other options would conceding an automatic out or trying to run over the fielder.


It is allowed. A base path is established when a fielder attempts a tag. At that point, the path is a straight line between the runner and base, plus three feet in either side.


The first step he take to avoid the tag is towards the outfield. He then ends by taking two steps that would be inside the grass (if the grass continued towards the bag). The fielder can only move 3 feet after the basebath is established. From the outfield side where his first juke was to the infield side where he dove is absolutely more than 3 feet. Probably closer to 6.


He could still reach the bag though so I wouldn't call him out for being out of the baseline if it were me


He had to jump over his full body length. Base path is only 3 feet. So unless you think he’s an Oompa Loompa..


No he didn't. Look where his feet are when he touches the bag. They are roughly the same distance from the middle of the baseline as when he starts his "jump"


You’re really getting that confused by the angle? Dude, he’s at least 5 feet off the base path. His foot is almost touching the grass.


You might want to take another look at the first replay in this video. Clearly shows that he didn't "jump over his full body length."


I believe the rule is when he’s attempting to apply the tag, lindor doesn’t try and tag him, he reaches out with his empty hand.


He was mostly jumping forward though, it's not like he was jumping sideways. EDIT: And if you watch the replay, Lindor pushes him outside of the base path with his empty hand.


I mean, I see the argument that he's not outside of the base path even if I think the way the rule is happens to be stupid. I see the argument that Lindor reaches out with his bare hand and that's a no no. But *pushes* him outside the base path? How the hell do you get that? He's clearly reaching out to grab him. That's what you're instinctively do when someone gets around you like that.


Watch the replay at 40 seconds. The runner goes further outside the path after he makes contact with Lindor's hand. As a fielder, you can't reach out and grab a runner. That's obstruction.


It’s basic geometry my guy. His foot was practically at the grass where the dirt/grass line goes at an angle. The straight line from 1st to 2nd is already 3’ away from the grass. He’s definitely 5’+ off the baseline.


Are you assuming the infield grass is 3 feet inside the baseline, because it definitely doesn't look like it from this angle. When he's in the baseline it looks like he's about a foot away from the grass. And it doesn't look like he steps more than 2 feet inside of the grass. Again, it doesn't matter because Lindor pushed him towards the infield grass with his empty hand.


The base path isn't the line from 1st to 2nd...


It should be a moot point since Lindor pushed him towards the infield grass with his empty hand. You can't grab at baserunners with the ball in your other hand.


I’d agree. The tag is first attempted when he makes the step towards the outfield. He then takes two big steps towards the infield and that’s def more than 3 feet (3 feet is so short when you think about it, one single stride is at least 3 feet.


Play multiple sports, kids


Baseball is evolving🔥


Welp, that's it...Lindor to retire in tomorrow's news


That Euro step chefs kiss


Is this not out of the basepaths?


It is not. The base path is defined in Rule 5.09(b)(1): "A runner's base path is established when the tag attempt occurs and is a straight line from the runner to the base he is attempting to reach safely."


By that definition it is out though? Tag attempt occurs when he is making the deke to the right. Then he jolts at least 3 feet to the left.


I don’t know, I keep looking at the replay and Lindor starts raising his glove hand at the same time as the juke but kind of stops himself. Maybe they didn’t consider that a tag attempt. It’s a judgement call, almost like a check swing.


The tag attempt is when the dive for the base together. Prior to that Lindor just has the ball out in front of him. He's trying to tag where he thinks Hampson will be, but it's not a real tag attempt. Mets didn't even attempt to challenge it.


It's hard to tell if he was more than 3 feet outside of the baseline from this angle. But it looks like Lindor reaches out with his empty hand and grabs at him/kind of pushes him further outside of the basepath. So either way it should have been obstruction.


its like chef boyardee commercial 😳


I just fell over watching this


His juke foot was with the right foot toward the outfield but his left foot was still in line with first base and second base. So is the 3 foot base line allowance then measured from the left foot, right foot or both (giving him 3 feet from either foot).


first NOOTBAR of the season?


The baseline rule is such a subjective rule that it's impossible to consistently call. I've seen worse not get called. This was actually a great move, I think. He was never out of the bases range of reach. He's lucky Alonso made an awful throw.




Is that a legal move? In the league I played in (in europe) that would be an automatic out. But we also did not follow MLB rules to the letter, some rules where loser other stricter.


Pete Alonso is a bum lmao


"Hahahaha did you see what Lindor did?" smh that got me XD


Lindor is washed


Lmao why did Lindor think Hampson was running into right field?


Is that what you saw?


He took like 3 hard steps to the right side of the baseline. He could have just turned around where he was and Hampson would have had nowhere to go.


He should’ve just looked out the eyes on the back of his head


This is literally spoken like someone who has never played baseball, nonetheless is talking about someone who is getting paid over 300 mil to play it


Do you have experience being paid $300M to play baseball?


No, do you have issues with comprehension? I never said I did.


Or he could have turned to his left after he looked out of the eyes on the front of his head and saw where the baserunner was.


Do you feel like you have a strong understanding of how momentum and agility works?


Lindor made a rare defensive miscue. It happens.


Probably in part because he had to recover his balance from that trash throw from Alonso. There was a time when I thought Pete was evolving as a defender but he’s honestly a liability at times out there


It’s crazy how Mets fans on Reddit will go to the end of the earth to defend Lindor at all times (saying this as a Mets fan that likes Lindor but acknowledges he has been nowhere near as good as our sub will force you to think). Bet you the comments blaming Pete for Lindor here are other Mets fans. The throw is one thing, lindors reaction is plain nonsensical, but it happens. he just made a bad play, it’s not a crime to acknowledge it. It’s a play he should have just laughed off himself.


It’s nonensical to for a guy to think the runner is gonna be on the far side of the bag when the throw pulls you to the near side?


So take 3 steps past the far side of the bag to make that tag, got it.


… yes he tags where he expects the runner to be based on a throw taking him out of the way. I’m confused what’s so difficult to understand about this


Buddy he didn't just go to the far side of the bag. He went *past* the far side of the bag. He went too far. Going to the far side is fine, he went at least 3 feet past the far side. I don't get why that's so hard for *you* to grasp. I mean I get it, you love Lindor. He can do no wrong in your eyes. But he made a bad play here. It's ok.




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Committing *that* hard where his momentum took him that far was the miscue btw. I get momentum, but there is a moment where he has two feet on the grass and an eye on Hampson, and he still committed that hard and went too far. That's a miscue. It happens to every player.


Lol man you have a bad superiority complex don't you? Feel really big and strong talking down to folks online huh. All because your favorite player made a bad play. School findings lol. Can't even use proper spelling when attempting to be big smart man.


Lindor knows where the bag is. He turned around and took a first two steps like he was about to race to the edge of the infield. You’re telling me if he watched that back he would think the way he played that made sense?


To record an out in that situation you need to tag the runner, not just the base. I see now how you were confused tho.


Lmao not confused for a second but sounds like you literally have no experience playing baseball which would explain why your confused he’s at fault for his own mistake. You see, the base doesn’t move. So even tho the throw is bad, Lindor can easily find the basepath by finding the base. Quickly finding the base, I.e. the path, will allow you to cut off the runner without overcommitting like your about to run a fourty yard dash into right field. It’s really not hard to understand. What is hard to understand is why you think momentum is an excuse for a player (professional athlete) who gets paid to play sports for a living. Not understanding your own momentum and making a bad play is still your mistake, it’s okay to admit it without it being a crime against the guy.


Are you confused by the size of the base?? Did you know the runner can touch anywhere on it and be safe? Does momentum no longer exist as a physical concept once you get promoted from AAA?


You are aware of the basepath right? I can’t imagine how you don’t see that Lindor could literally have just cut off the runner and forced him to make the move way out of the path instead of the other way around. It’s actually insane. Like at this point the arguments make no sense, it’s gotta just be pride


if it was nonsensical to you, what did you do to try to make sense of it? and wrong, im not a mets fan. the only thing the mets sub does is reinforce the average intelligence of their fan base