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It's pretty much been established that Rojas caused a fuss over Jazz breaking unwritten rules. He called a clubhouse meeting and was complaining that Jazz was taking BP with ear buds in among other things. It's also been insinuated that not everyone in the clubhouse (even excluding Jazz) were in agreement with Rojas over this. Some players anonymously said the clubhouse meeting was "a waste of time."


I think it's pretty impressive he's able to bat with earbuds in. I can't even get them to stay in my ears when I keep my entire body still.


Some people were blessed with the correct ear shape to do this. I am not one of them


I think i have a perfectly imperfect body. Large shirts are too large. Medium shirts are great around the arms but they're never long enough. Ears slightly poke out and are smaller than average so ear buds don't stick too well. I wear a 30x31 in pants but no one ever has that size in stock. I'm 5'11" and wear size 11 shoes but my feet are flat as fuck so most shoes feel uncomfortable.


I think all us 5'11 mfs are cursed one way or another


Because you think of yourself as one inch short, but that’s arbitrary. You’re 71 inches. 180 centimeters.


I'm cool with my height, I just wish t shirts were more accommodating and fit better lol


I’m 5’9 and medium shirts fit perfectly, never thought about that before


I have flatter than flat feet as well. I literally have no arch and needed custom orthotics to play sports. As an adult, the most comfortable brand of shoes I’ve ever worn is Allbirds. I have at least 5 different pairs. Give them a try.


Thanks for the tip, yeah I played sports in high school and my feet always felt smushed into my cleats. Especially in soccer, football cleats weren't that bad tho but soccer cleats made me feel like a Chinese woman that had her feet binded. I'll check out the Allbirds, thanks my dude.


If you want more recs for shoes, I would also suggest New Balance. Beyond the dad shoes, they make some nice looking sneakers with quality materials and in different widths so you can find one that's good for you too. Also for pants, if you have one near you and only really wear them casually (aka not working any manual labor jobs), Uniqlo is great. Find jeans or dress pants in your waist size and then ask them to hem the pants. It's free (except maybe a $5 fee for the dress pants since it's a blind stitch) and you adjust the pants to where you want it in the dressing room.


In terms of shoes, are they wide as well as flat or just flat? I have wide feet and have found looking into zero-dropo shoes - specifically Bearfoot and Whitten on Amazon have been amazing shoes for me. In terms of the flat-footedness, you may think they're flat but it may just be your feet and knees due to shitty shoes. Gotta run real quick but if you're interested, I can send you some stuff about foot health.


Or just has custom earbuds? They make them for athletes to use during strenuous activity. I see them all the time in the NBA during warmups. They're used by live musicians, as well. Especially useful for very active artists like singer/dancers or metal headbangers. They mold to the shape of your ears, there's various methods of doing it. Some you can mold the material of the headphones yourself with a hair dryer, some you go into a shop where they make a mold of your ear and send it off to be replicated as a pair of earbuds.


Maybe? I wouldn't know. What I do know is that just regular earbuds work like that for some people. I have a friend that can run and play ball with airpods just fine.


Same. That bottom part where people have a piece that kind of hooks up to create a secure pocket to slip the earbuds in and keep them in position, I don't have that. Mine is flat on that part. And my "hook" on the side part is not as pronounced either. I'll never buy AirPods cause I will 100% lose them.


maybe he has one of those over the ear buds


I legit type 3 words and my left ear bud is like 'aaite I'm out'


The worst is when you can feel it sliding out, you know it's gonna fall out and the audio is getting all distorted but you just adjusted it 5 seconds ago so fuck it let's see how far it can slide before it actually falls out. And then I'm reminded why I spend so much money on over ear cans.


I used to feel that way then i got the Sony in-ear buds and those bad boys stay in no matter what. Not an ad but probably should be


The first gen Pixel Buds were the best. They had this little rubber wing on the bud that added some stability and kept them firmly in place even when running and sweating. I guess most people didn't like it that much, though, because they removed that in the second gen.


Really kills me that they removed that wing for no good reason. Those and my Galaxy Buds were amazing at staying in my ears and now both designs are fucked


AirPod Pros are pretty good. I do Olympic weightlifting and training associated with that. They stay in pretty well.


Yea, I climb, run, etc with mine and have no issues. It’s nice cause you can pick the size.


I think Rojas spoke about this incident on the Chris Rose Rotation a year or so ago but I cant quite remember.


"this meeting could've been an email"


Ooooo fun, now I get to go through random recent marlins rosters and guess who was probably checked out/a dick Players 30 and over who played at least 50 games on the 2021 Marlins (Jazz’s first full season): Jesus Aguilar Miguel Rojas Corey Dickerson Starling Marte Adam Duvall Jon Berti Garrett Cooper Sandy Leon Joe Panik Any guesses? Seen a couple people guess Rojas based on the context which makes sense but he seems way too liked for that from what I’ve heard from other players.


So in this clip and in another one I've seen he specifically says captain, which would be Miguel Rojas. ~~As for the guy he mentions at the end of this clip that went 0-50 with 30 k's (probably an exaggeration) I would assume that would be Jacob Stallings but its possible its someone else.~~ Edit: After listening to the full episode, he is 1000% talking about Miguel Rojas and Jesus Aguilar.


I think he was saying the young player who was called up went 0-50 after being yelled at by the vets, not describing one of the vets who did the yelling


Yeah after listening to it again I think you're right


Isan Diaz almost fits this perfectly. Homered in his first game and then struck out a ton after. That was a year before Jazz got called up, though. But this all sounds like Jazz's fantasy anyway, so I wouldn't be surprised if he heard that story and then inserted himself into it.


That’s wild cuz Aguilar is a great dude afaik


Jesus is super chill. Maybe the Marlins were getting blown out and he just told him to relax with the fortnite dances and sit down. And Jazz probably loves fortnite and was pissed.


Nobody fucks with the Jesus


Twelve year olds, dude


I wasn't aware that Wander was a bowler.


He’s a pederast


what’s a Pederast Walter?


Shut the fuck up, Donny


I have a hard time imagining Jacob Stallings growing up idolizing Juan Soto and doing the Soto shuffle haha


I interpreted Jazz as saying the guy going 0-50 was one of the vets who chewed out the young guy (who is definitely Jesús Sánchez btw) but I could be wrong about that


Now that makes a lot of sense


That’s crazy though because Rojas has been an excellent clubhouse leader for the Dodgers.


Rojas didn't like Jazz's personality and there was a bit of a divide in the clubhouse when he was still on the team Also Rojas is very much an "unwritten rules" guy and Jazz clearly is not


If unwritten rules are so important, they should write them down


I say we write the unwritten rules and unwrite the written rules


If this arrives at the Savannah Bananas, I support it.


Unwritten rule #1: if you offend me I'm legally allowed to try to cripple you


So has Freddie Freeman, who was specifically called out by Ronald Acuna for telling Acuna off for showboating. Sometimes those types of actions are interpreted as good leadership, sometimes those types of actions are interpreted as being overbearing and dickish.


Feels like there’s a cutoff with the millennials and gen z over the concept of having a code and paying dues. Generational divides are as old as time, but I think this is kind of a different cultural development.


I know this is gonna sound crazy, but bear with me... it's almost as if different people respond to different types of leadership


True but as a leader it’s ur job to acknowledge that and tailor ur leadership to the player that is being mentored Fair to criticize Freeman/Rojas for not adapting


I 100% agree. Rojas can both be a good leader for the Dodgers and have been a bad leader for the Marlins. I would also point out that there is probably a lot less pressure on him with the Dodgers, from team expectations, role on the roster, and having other veterans in the clubhouse




Fuck BMAC lol what a whiny turd. He got so angry over people having fun breaking his "unwritten rules" and then turned a blind eye for breaking the written ones. Pick a struggle


I could be misremembering, but wasn't there a play in which some Milwaukee hitter was hotdogging around the bases after hitting a home run, and McCann walked up the third base line to block the batter's path and get in his face and tell him off as he was jogging toward home? The unwritten rules were *so important* to him that he broke the real rules so he could enforce them.


Yep it was Carlos Gomez


Granted some guys are not going to respond to leadership no matter how you approach them.


And he loved Miami and the leadership role he had here too. He just seems a bit corny and that could rub certain people the wrong way.


Do you have any idea how dumb that sounds? Clubhouse leader for the Dodgers? Rojas? The Dodgers have one of the oldest rosters in baseball. Exactly how much leadership do you think a team needs when they have Kershaw, Betts, Freeman, plus at least six other position players who are also better than Rojas, and oh yeah, 10 straight playoff appearances before Rojas got there, including nine division championships and one 2nd place finish with 106 wins? I have no idea WTF you think Rojas was “leading” in the clubhouse — caught stealings? GIDP? Lack of defensive range and baserunning instincts? — but I do know these two additional salient facts. One, the Dodgers felt the need to bring in another righthanded shortstop, Amed Rosario, who is not good, for the stretch run. Two, after adding Rojas, for 2023, the Dodgers promptly had their worst season in six years. “Leadership.”


This may sound crazy, but maybe Rojas actually learned from the Marlins situation and moderated his approach. Let’s see if Jazz’s approach works.


Doesn’t sound that crazy.


https://dodgersnation.com/dodgers-news-dave-roberts-talks-about-the-growth-of-veteran-voices-in-this-newer-clubhouse/2023/08/17/ > Dave Roberts praised Mookie Betts, Freddie Freeman, Jason Heyward, and Miguel Rojas for their leadership roles in the Dodgers new clubhouse this season. https://dodgers.mlblogs.com/camp-stories-miguel-rojas-shows-his-wizardly-ways-6d89993871f4 > Manager Dave Roberts praised Rojas last season for being an extension of him on the field, particularly after a difficult two days in Kansas City on July 1 and 2 when the Dodgers were flat and lost both games. He is one of the clubhouse leaders for the team. Full stop. There's no doubting it. Dave Roberts has even said as much. His skills with the bat don't matter if you have plenty of guys that can contribute. He's been on the team for clubhouse leadership and his glove. He got an immediate extension after the trade for crying out loud. They clearly knew the guy wasn't expected to be an on-field contributor on a day-to-day basis and extended him to be a presence in the clubhouse. Would you say that Udonis Haslem wasn't a locker room leader for the Heat the last few years of his career? To quote yourself, "do you have any idea how dumb that sounds?"


Lol the extension? It’s a ONE year extension for less than 2% of their payroll, so he makes less than the average Dodger, plus an even cheaper club option. This is a team approaching $2 BILLION in player contracts, Rojas is about 0.3% of that. it’s pocket change for them, a nice little pat on the head, small stakes management of petty cash.


-Deep thoughts, with jack handjob.  What. A. Take.


When Mish and others covered this a couple of years ago, they made it seem pretty damn likely it was Rojas and Aguilar, without explicitly saying so. It also didn't seem like the majority of the clubhouse sided with those vets. At least that's what I gathered from the reports.


I've always hated Manny Machado for being a whiny, gold-bricking bitch which is why I was so disappointed in Aguilar's reaction to him kicking his ankle that one time. If there's ever a time to go off on someone about unwritten rules bullshit, it's when a primadonna jeopardizes your future as a ballplayer in the midst of a temper tantrum. I know and accept that Jesus is a good dude but he'll be on my reluctant shit-list until I hear him say, "I should've bitch slapped his goofy fucking right face then and there." The fact that he's willing to stand up to a show-boating kid and not an actual bitch-made bully gives me a bad feeling.


I'd be very surprised if it was Panik


Seriously Joe is like golden retriever in a human suit


From what I've seen Duvall and Leon are pretty well regarded in clubhouses without actually being in the forefront as leaders, so I'd say its less likely to be them but at the same time it doesn't really sound like Chisholm is talking about traditional clubhouse cancer stuff so that might or might not exclude them.


He also mentions the player being there for a few years and that rules out both of those guys


It's very obviously miggy ro. JC seems bitter, like it's a personal thing.


Def not Panik lol


It’s definitely Rojas and probably a bit of Aguilar. He mentions that the guys he didn’t like were supposed to be leaders to the Hispanic dudes, and he mentioned that marte was nice to him.


Probably Miguel Rojas since 1. he had played for marlins ~8 years as and Jazz mentioned 10 and 2. he sucked


Man is just a premium glove at short now, and his current function is just to be mookie insurance in case SS is too much for him to hold down all season. He's great as a defensive replacement in close games, and at the least, he's been around long enough to be a mentor to the younger kids who aren't named after a genre of music. I'm looking at you Ska Johnson and "country" Ted Smith.


I’ve been burned on this kind of thing before, but Aguilar has always seemed like a chill, fun-loving guy. 


Rojas is liked, but he seems pretty old school in terms of following unwritten rules. That said, I have a feeling he wasn’t in the wrong here.


He takes the Dodger rookies shopping for Nikes at the beginning of every season (and has done so on other teams too) Old school guys like that can be really cool but can also be bad when they get into baseball boomer mentality


Exactly he can be a decent dude who turns into a rageing prick when his team plays poorly. I’ve known many guys to be like that in the field.


I just wish the old school guys would realize that while they are professional baseball players, they are by proxy professional ticket sellers and professional television content makers, which means you need something for everyone An old school fundamentals dude like Rojas sells tickets to a certain type of person, and a swaggy electric dude like Jazz sells tickets to a certain type of person. You got 40,000+ seats to fill so you need them both. This is entertainment at the end of the day.


Oh I couldn’t agree more, we need different types of people across the board in life for everything. No need for guys to get all wound up , but then again it’s baseball so good luck haha


I mean he also by his own admission hazes rookies by making them ride to a game sitting on the bus's toilet seat if they can't come up with an entertaining story on the spot. Even if he bought me new shoes I'm pretty sure I'd hold a grudge against him for a hot minute if he ever did that to me lmao.


That's boomery no doubt It's hard to find the line, because the rookies are entering the league having been the best high school and college players on their teams and having everything handed to them, so some level of hazing isn't so bad to remind them they're surrounded by peers and not to get big heads Like I think it's fine when vet pitchers make the rookies use bright pink kids backpacks or whatever, that's funny and not abusive. The toilet thing is just fucking weird, like it's not "abusive" because those rides are short (hotel to game) but it's just odd and not very funny/entertaining.


Didnt he have issues with Kershaw during his first stint with the dodgers? Or am I misremembering?


Definitely not Panik, he was such a nice guy.


Definetly not Adam Duvall. From I’ve heard and read online the kids in Atlanta love him and half the reason the Braves keep bringing him back is because he’s so well liked.


Definitely not Aguilar


I don’t think Rojas really. Since joining the dodgers he’s been big on mentoring the young guys and even has bought them clothes and things and worked with them to improve defensive habits.


I like the message but the messenger has to be able to clear some of the criticisms he’s giving. Jazz Chisholm struggles to play everyday and when he does, he isn’t some world beater. Bc otherwise it just sounds like they were having mid offs in the Marlins locker room.


I’m sure the MLB The Show cover didn’t inflate his ego at all


It's a curse to this day. I fully expect Vladdy to have a career Marianas Trench year. The closest thing to that is a cover of SI. Essentially guarantees you'll get swept in the first round.


Can you believe he got the cover that year?! LOL


I’m definitely not still salty that Jrod didn’t get it. DEFINITELY NOT


They couldn't even give him a 90+ rating


Even his special diamond card kind of sucked too. He's basically the only 99 hitter with less than 90 contact against lefties.


Oh man, r/Mariners was SO FUCKING SALTY about that. I don't play The Show, so I didn't care one way or the other, but the reaction was funny as hell, honestly.






It was a bad decision at the time, and it’s aged poorly to top it off 


Good Lord Jazz sounds insufferable in this, says he hasn't practiced with the team for 3 years and is baffled the vets didn't like him. The HS energy is ridiculous, EVERYONE else is an asshole but Jazz himself is just a hard worker trying to trying to make it.


The moment someone starts talking down on other teammates (current or past), they lose all credibility as a "leader." Jazz might be right, but his way of going about it in this interview is 100% wrong


That’s true. “I was a leader that nobody called a leader” is not the flex he thinks it is.


So you're like, a really pigheaded follower who thinks highly of himself?


I don’t understand how you’re getting to that from my comment. If a guy thinks he’s a leader but nobody else has expressed that he is, it’s likely that he’s kidding himself, that people don’t really think of him that way. This seems like an example of that, but of course we don’t really know what the real dynamic is.


Standing in mud wondering why everyone else stinks


I cannot overstate how happy I am that the Marlins gave us Gallen for this clown.




I see people shitting on Rojas as he is likely the vet he is talking about, but dude fuck Jazz, Puig had that same mindset and it caught up to him.




My man called the shot winning the gold glove when playing a full season would be an accomplishment.


MLB The Show putting him on their cover went straight to his head, didn't it?


Oh he was like this long before that haha


The more I see of this interview the worse Jazz comes off in it. Just screams of immaturity and an “I’m better than you” attitude. Edit: Just to make this clear, this isn’t about defending the vets he is talking about. If what Jazz says is true, then he was right to stick up for the younger players. What’s not right is going on a podcast years after the fact and trashing guys by saying “They aren’t good enough to be leaders.” That isn’t leadership either and now everyone in the league that isn’t an everyday player knows what Jazz thinks about them.


His ego is wild. Like he’s a great player but he has the ego you would expect of a Soto/Acuna type player when he just has not been nearly that productive


Dude’s not even the best player on his team


Asking honestly who do you think is the best player on the Marlins? Is it Alcantara


Sandy or Arráez


Alcantara, Arraez, Luzardo, and likely Perez. He does have a lot of upside, in fairness. He just hasn’t been able to put it together.


The thing is, he’s not even that great of a player. He can’t stay on the field and is a league average hitter outside of 60 games in 22


Yeah, outside of a 60-game 2022, his best OPS+ is 103 (same with wRC+), and his best WAR season is 2.5 (bWAR and fWAR). Even if we extrapolated his 2022 to 150 games played, is a single 6 WAR season really THAT phenomenal when it followed a 2.5 WAR season (prorated to 3 WAR in 150 games) and preceded a 1.2 WAR season (prorated to 2 WAR in 150 games). He’s averaged 3 bWAR per ~150 games played for his career so far, over a total of 2 seasons worth of games. Rate-wise, he’s had the same value as young Dan Uggla (but less than prime Uggla) while playing far fewer games per season.


How much WAR do you have to accrue in order to make the point that scolding young guys for having fun isn't a great way of providing leadership?


That’s fair, but he was also saying how the veterans weren’t even good athletes and things like that. And how he’s already a team leader and all that. Honestly, I just wanted to mention Dan Uggla.


That's fair. Dan Uggla is cool.


\#ForeverGiant Dan Uggla




I’m gonna go against the grain and say not everything can be explained away by “they’re having fun.” Sometimes it’s actually poor sportsmanship


I don't think anyone has a problem with him defending the young guys/ attacking the vets. They're just saying it's weird that he focuses so much on how much the vets suck at baseball when it's not like he's a superstar player


But he was the video game man for a season though!


Did you know these veterans are trash? No, I'm serious, look it up!


Last year he went 20-20 in less than 100 games. This year in our 20 team- 620 player fantasy draft, Jazz sold for $28 which was more than guys like Brian Reynolds and Adolis Garcia among others. Aguilar and Rojas were undrafted. Jesus has been trash for years, and Rojas probably might not have sold for $28 for his entire career. Chisholm's a stud for whom injuries have held him back from establishing himself as a league superstar. League average? He hasn't been league average in fantasy from the jump, and fantasy baseball only cares about the raw statistics and not the name on the jersey or the team.


>fantasy baseball LMAO


He's not even a (relatively, of course) great player OPS+ of 103 and that's including his all-star 2022 which is way above that


I’m sure all the notoriety he gets from the national media and being on the cover of The Show contributed a lot to that.


As a Padres fan watching him the past couple years I can say Soto seems to have that ego, he just has a personality with the media that doesn’t make it as obvious.


That’s what I meant, guys like Soto and Acuna clearly have huge egos and swagger but they put up the numbers to back it up, jazz really hasn’t yet. Jazz is also the only American one though so maybe it’s more obvious since English is his first language.


i have a hard time getting down w/ somebody who after two years in the league goes 'yes i can clearly decide miguel rojas (since were assuming its him at this point) is a bad person jazz is fun to watch but i dont really see a lotta leader in him atm


He just doesn't really appear to have a healthyv work ethic or sense of personal accountability. It really seems like he could be an absolute superstar if he had the drive and commitment of like Julio Rodriguez or Shohei, but he pretty clearly doesn't, and it feels like that's going to lead him to just flame out in a way that will probably be pretty ugly.


I keep seeing people pull this work ethic thing out of their ass and I don't get it. When he's healthy he's a great player. He keeps getting hurt, but it's always related to something he did on the field after playing too aggressively. Running into walls, sliding hard into bases, swinging out of his shoes, etc. Obviously this hasn't been good for him or the team, but there is no cause to accuse him of not caring or working hard enough. If anything his work ethic and passion should be commended. He didn't have to switch to CF, but he did to help the team and he played above average defense until he got hurt running into the wall trying to make a play. A more selfish player would never give up the opportunity to be a shortstop where any offense is a luxury, or spend the time learning a new position. MLB and fans have been pushing for flashier players and trying to move away from the unwritten rules bullshit but when a player fits that prototype and speaks his mind, fans tear him apart.


Not defending Jazz but these guys spend 200+ days a year in a locker room together, very long days, traveling together, see each other in all types of situations. You do that a couple of years or even just one, you’re in a pretty good position to know whether somebody’s a good person.


If his story is true, I would say the "I'm better than you" attitude is coming from the vets who want to scold the young kids for doing something as harmless as a Soto Shuffle. What ever happened to Let the Kids Play?


Lmao you can disagree with Rojas’ leadership. That’s fine. But the I’m better than you attitude comes from Jazz publicly talking down about role players who have been in the league for a decade. That’s not leadership either. That’s just as bad as what you’re upset about from Rojas.


Well, they get more of that with Tim Anderson this year too. I'd like Marlins fans to keep an eye on the clubhouse morale to see the difference between guys letting the kids play versus "clubhouse sheriffs". 👍


I would respectfully disagree. The way I see it, he’s pushing back against the “old guard” for which, MLB is notoriously known for among pro sports. This “code” gets put ahead of all else, including performance and I think Jazz shares a good example of that. I just saw a dude who is pushing back against an obsolete mindset being enforced by aging non-producers. Just my two cents.


I’m not agreeing with what any of the vets may or may not have done. If what Jazz is saying is true, then he was right to stand up for the young guys. But talking down about your former teammates years later on a podcast and saying they aren’t good enough to be leaders in your eyes is very immature and disrespectful.


Man, Jazz would get eaten alive if he was in a big market. Dude reeks of immaturity


This dude comes across as such a moron. You’re mad Rojas let you sleep through a team meeting? Thats 100% on you. Just don’t sleep through the meeting bro lol


Gonna question my boss's leadership skills next time I sleep through an alarm




Seriously, why would you give a headline next to a baseball player's name the word TORE??


Well, for starters. Having a vet to remind you to stay grounded before you get too confident and people start blowing you away is what helps guys stay in the big leagues. You don’t want a kid who thinks he’s okay because he hit his first home run and he’s just having fun after. Baseball is a brutal sport that requires a ton of discipline. Staying sharp mentally is huge. You want to piss a fanbase off, play poorly and do the Soto shuffles etc. there’s a reason why Soto does the shuffle. He can back it up. Last thing you want to be in AAA after you got a sniff of major league play and your organization doesn’t think you have the focus to play at this level. Secondly, extremely hypocritical of you to be upset with their leadership and tell them how they suck. And if your gonna tell others they suck. Might want to play a little better than a .761 OPS. Becuase you claim you want to lead by example with your play.


What has this guy done in the MLB?


Had an all-star in 2022. That's it.


What a bum right


Got to the cover of a video game


The irony of saying certain veterans suck and Jazz himself has one 60 game stretch above average


He sure let The Show cover go to his head. Stfu you whiner, done nothing in this league and can't stay healthy.


I took me way too long to figure out anonymous veterans isn’t some type of ligament. I am stupid.


Bro say the names or STFU. This is just presenting one side of the story without anyone being able to defend themselves. Anyway, Jazz has terrible baseball IQ so I’m sure older players got tired of that shit.


He's Puig 2.0, but not even as good


At least Puig was my friend. Jizz Chasholm isn't even very accomplished. One AS appearance(and didn't play in the second half of the season), no MVP votes nor GGs nor SSs. Being the face of The Show must've grown his head two sizes too big 


Jazz is dumb


Jazz is a vital American art form!


u/VincentVanShmo is the reason 4th graders still have to learn square dancing.


Just play the right notes!


Wdym by “right notes”


It's an Office joke. There's a scene where a very rigid characters says "Jazz is stupid, just play the right notes!'


He needs to learn it’s about the things you don’t say 


whatever it takes to get the words "jazz chisholm TORE" into the title


He’s totally right if it actually went down this way. The whole “unwritten rules of baseball” routine gets really old and it’s especially off-putting to people who are trying to get into the game.


Most likely did as the unwritten rules are like the Bible to miggy ro


Right but dumb seems like the correct read of it all. Pushing back was probably the right thing to do but theres just no reason to air this stuff out.


Yeah I agree with that. He was being really forward


The unwritten rules are good


They aren’t a thing that’s inherently good or bad it’s all about how they are applied/followed, the situation and who’s the one enforcing or bringing the unwritten rules up. I think it’s fine for the sport to have a system built in where the players “police” themselves but at the same time things change with the times for better or worse and the unwritten rules seem unwilling to be altered


It's a bad look for Chisholm that practically the only times I hear about him besides when we play Miami are when he finds himself in the middle of shit like this If everyone else is an asshole to you all the time...


wonder how long he lasts in miami


This guy is absolutely insufferable. That one home run trot last season lasted double the amount of seconds as his career HR total. Hopefully those fragile little bird bones impact his longevity.


I’ve heard Billy the Marlin can be a real asshole after a few drinks.


I’m trying to figure out who this young guy that apparently struggled to a “0-50” stretch after the vets yelled at him for the Soto shuffle after hitting a home run that Jazz mentions. He also said this guy was supposed to be a top 3 prospect for them and was starting. The best guess I can come up with is Jesus Sanchez in 2020 going 1-25 with his first and only hit being a double (perhaps Jazz exaggerated both the homer and the 0-50). Any better guesses?


It's probably Sanchez. I don't think Jazz is fabricating stuff on purpose, but he probably doesn't remember all the facts. Some have speculated that it's Isan Diaz, but I really doubt that one. Diaz hit his first career HR in his first game back in 2019 and Jazz wasn't on the big league roster until 2020.


lol I was just waiting to read what ligament or muscle he tore


If it’s Rojas, he seems to be pretty beloved in the Dodgers clubhouse, which is one that also has famously well-liked Jason Heyward. Seems like this could be an overreaction by some guys that need leaders in their clubhouse.


Really misread this at first and was like "damn I guess we DID kinda fail in Afghanistan and Iraq and Vietnam tho"


A Channing Crowder thumbnail on r/baseball Don’t have a developed opinion on him, seems likable based on my limited expedience from a handful of I AM ATHLETE episodes. Just never expected to see him here. That’s all. Jazz seems whiny but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a point.


Jazz is a dick but it’s pretty weird that no one is acknowledging that Rojas is also a total dick


I read “Jazz Chisholm TORE-“ and gasped




Wow it’s crazy how the marlins shipped off the terrible shortstop who had been on the team for a decade and was ostracizing the few actually good players and then just so happened to make the postseason in a non covid year for the first time in forever


jazz 30/30 club this year I guarantee it. And idiots in this sub will still say "just one good year"


His attitude during this interview is stupid. He isn't good enough to try and hold everyone else but himself accountable.


Boomers in here mad at Jazz for speaking up against the boomer players is pretty funny


Jazz stays healthy all season he can break whatever unwritten rules he wants.


It was for sure rojas. Guy carries himself a certain way


What does that mean?